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Kultura Polisa

Publisher: University of Business Academy in Novi Sad, Faculty of Law
Publication Website: https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp
Coverage: Vols. 1-20 (2004-2023)

ISSN: 1820-4589
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: Kultura polisa is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal, which publishes original scientific manuscripts on topics from the legal and other social and humanities sciences fields. It includes previously unpublished scientific and professional articles, essays, critiques, and research, which express the opinions of their authors, and not necessarily the opinions of the Editorial Board. In that sense, the journal opens up space for all researchers around the world, without any disqualifying criteria other than originality and quality of content, which are determined by independent reviews. The aim of Kultura polisa is to spread scientific knowledge through original results of scientific research that represent a contribution to the development of science. We are open to manuscripts that: (a) look at social phenomena from different perspectives; (b) use scientific methodology, including quantitative and qualitative experiential analyses, as well as innovative theoretical considerations; (c) deserve scientific publishing due to their relevance, and thus contribute to the visibility of the intellectual capacity of a multidisciplinary scientific community. The journal Kultura polisa is intended for researchers, teachers, students, and academic readers involved in the educational process at various levels, as well as the scientific community in general. All papers published in the journal undergo a rigorous review, which consists of a preliminary editorial insight and, subsequently, a double-blind peer review procedure by two reviewers. Papers approved for publication in the journal are classified into basic categories of scientific and professional articles by the editorial board, with the cooperation of reviewers.

20 (2023)
19 (2022)
18 (2021)
17 (2020)
16 (2019)
15 (2018)
14 (2017)
13 (2016)
12 (2015)
11 (2014)
10 (2013)
9 (2012)
8 (2011)
7 (2010)
6 (2009)
5 (2008)
4 (2007)
3 (2006)
2 (2005)
1 (2004)