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Latin American Journal of European Studies

Publisher: Latin American Center for European Studies (LACES)
Publication Website: www.eurolatinstudies.com
Coverage: Vols. 1-4#1 (2021-2024)

ISSN: 2763-8685
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The purpose of the journal is to contribute to the study of European Union Law and Policies from an analytical, critical, and axiological perspective of the European integration process and its international relations, especially with Latin America. We aim to create new knowledge and build bridges for dialogue and the exchange of good practices between regions, always promoting economic and social development, peace, and international security. The journal is intended not only for the academic community but also for legal and political institutions, as well as other actors in civil society. It highlights the successes of the European integration process in various areas, serving as examples of good practices for other regions. The journal is published biannually, in June and December, in digital format. It receives original and unpublished articles. The aim is to disseminate scientific articles, jurisprudential comments, critical reviews, and interviews in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, all evaluated through a double-blind peer review system.

4 #1 (2024)
3 (2023)
2 (2022)
1 (2021)