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Publisher: Hart Publishing
Publication Website: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rtpl20#.Vg2OlPm6fRY
Coverage: Vols. 1-6 (2007-2012) All Published; Precedes Theory and Practice of Legislation

ISSN: 1752-1467
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: Legisprudence aims at contributing to the improvement of legislation by studying the processes of legislation from the perspective of legal theory.

The content of the journal covers legislation in a broad sense. This comprises legislation in both the formal and the material sense (from national and European parliaments, regulation, international law), and alternatives to legislation (covenants, sunset legislation, etc.). It also takes in regulation (pseudo-legislation, codes of behaviour and deontological codes, etc.). The journal is theoretical and reflective.


6 (2012)
5 (2011)
4 (2010)
3 (2009)
2 (2008)
1 (2007)