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Loyola University Chicago Journal of Regulatory Compliance (JRC)

Publisher: Loyola University Chicago School of Law
Publication Website: https://www.luc.edu/law/academics/journals-publications/journalofregulatorycompliance/index.cfm
Coverage: Vols. 1-9 (2016-2022)

ISSN: 2831-3062
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: Loyola University Chicago School of Law's Journal of Regulatory Compliance (JRC) seeks to advance academic dialogue regarding the management of regulatory risk in commercial enterprises, the experience of the regulated actor, and analysis of regulations within the context of organized efforts to comply with laws. JRC's intended audience is compliance and academic professionals, as well as students, in the regulatory industry. JRC is student-edited.

10 (2023)
9 (2022)
8 (2022)
7 (2021)
6 (2021)
5 (2020)
4 (2019)
3 (2018)
2 (2017)
1 (2016)