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Mass Claims: An International Journal with a European Focus

Publisher: Den Hollander BV
Publication Website: https://int.denhollander.info/tijdschriften/mass-claims
Coverage: 2021-2023

ISSN: 2667-3088
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: Mass Claims: an International Journal with a European Focus is a unique publication that provides a comprehensive overview of inter-jurisdictional developments in the field of collective redress. It also covers non-legal issues relevant to mass claims, such as funding and economics. The journal brings together academics, practitioners, members of the judiciary and policy makers active in the area of mass claims. The wide network of expert contributors report on key European legislation and case law, but also pay close attention to relevant issues outside of Europe - including Australia, Canada, Israel and the United States. This makes the journal a leading commentary on the most recent developments in collective redress. The publication uses various formats and focuses on collaborative submissions, ensuring that no pertinent angles are left out. As a result, the journal offers a reliable source of information on mass claims for any professional interested in this field.

2023 (2023)
2022 (2022)
2021 (2021)