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Melbourne Journal of International Law

Publisher: University of Melbourne
Publication Website: https://law.unimelb.edu.au/mjil
Coverage: Vols. 1-24#1 (2000-2023)

ISSN: 1444-8602
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The Melbourne Journal of International Law ('MJIL') was established in 2000 by its founding Editors - Suzan Davies, Peter Henley, Kalika Jayasekera, Amanda Rologas and Tracy Whiriskey - and the Law Faculty of the University of Melbourne. The Journal was established in recognition of the shortage of academic and practice-oriented material dealing with the Asia-Pacific region's relationship with both private and public international law. As the pre-eminent generalist international law academic journal in the South East Asia region, MJIL aims to serve as a reputable forum for academics and practitioners to publish modern perspectives on both private and public international law. MJIL has established a global reputation of publishing informed and considered pieces on contemporary international law issues that accompany relevant social issues, and which significantly contribute to academic and judicial thinking. In pursuit of this objective, the Journal strives to shape discussion of the most important and relevant legal issues through a rigorous scholarship selection and editing process and publication of a broad range of styles and topics.

24#1 (2023)
23 (2022)
22 (2021)
21 (2020-2021)
20 (2019)
19 (2018)
18 (2017)
17 (2016)
16 (2015)
15 (2014)
14 (2013)
13 (2012)
12 (2011)
11 (2010)
10 (2009)
9 (2008)
8 (2007)
7 (2006)
6 (2005)
5 (2004)
4 (2003)
3 (2002)
2 (2001)
1 (2000)