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NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies

Publisher: West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata
Publication Website: https://www.nujs.edu/home/research/research-centres/centre-for-regulatory-studies-governance-and-public-policy-crsgpp/journal-crsgpp/
Coverage: Vols. 1-8 (2016-2023)

ISSN: 2456-4605
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies is primarily concerned with governance and policy formulations, does not seek to restrict the scholars' creative minds, and encourages papers pertaining to law, social science, science, and other relevant issues in which intervention at various levels can be sought. The Journal appreciates analytical doctrinal research as well as empirical field research that is aimed at worthwhile contribution to the field and chosen subject area. The mission of the Journal is "to call for action through policies aiding good governance". The Journal invites contributions focusing on legislative policy, administration of justice, implementation of law and comparative study of policy implications. The interdisciplinary journal is intended to be read by students, scholars, professionals, academics and anyone who is interested in the field of regulatory studies, governance and public policy. The Journal is multidisciplinary peer-reviewed.

8 (2023)
7 (2022)
6 (2021)
5 (2020)
4 (2019)
3 (2018)
2 (2017-2018)
1 (2016-2017)