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New York Law School Journal of Human Rights

Publisher: New York Law School
Publication Website: www.nyls.edu/_inc/journals/jhr/Index.html
Coverage: Vols. 1-19 (1983-2003) All Published; Title Varies: Vols. 1-4 (1983-1987) as New York Law School Human Rights Annual

ISSN: 1046-4328
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: The New York Law School Journal of Human Rights is a scholarly publication dedicated to the preservation and extension of human rights through the legal system. First published in 1983, the Journal was founded to meet the growing need for a scholarly forum which solely addresses issues in the human rights field. The Journal has continued a unique editorial policy of providing education and legal journalism which provides interdisciplinary information for legal practitioners in new and breaking areas of human rights law. The Journal strives to cover new legal issues and offers viable legal alternatives which develop rather than discuss law.

Source: www.nyls.edu/_inc/journals/jhr/Index.html

19 (2003)
18 (2001-2002)
17 (2000-2001)
16 (1999-2000)
15 (1998-1999)
14 (1997-1998)
13 (1996-1997)
12 (1994-1995)
11 (1993-1994)
10 (1992-1993)
9 (1991-1992)
8 (1990-1991)
7 (1989-1990)
6 (1988-1989)
5 (1987-1988)
4 (1986-1987)
3 (1985-1986)
2 (1984)
1 (1983)