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Newcastle Law Review

Publisher: University of Newcastle School of Law
Publication Website: https://www.newcastle.edu.au/school/newcastle-law-school/research/the-newcastle-law-review
Coverage: Vols. 1-15 (1995-2020)

ISSN: 1324-8758
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: The Newcastle Law Review was launched 1995. Since that time an impressive variety of articles and notes has been published, representing traditional categories of legal scholarship and interdisciplinary contributions. The text of the Sir Ninian Stephen Lecture, which was established to welcome first year law students to the Faculty, has been published each year. Special issues of the review on the subject of "Treaties and Constitutions" and Children and the Law have been produced in 2001. The review is published in two issues annually.

Source: https://www.newcastle.edu.au/about-uon/governance-and-leadership/faculties-and-schools/faculty-of-business-and-law/newcastle-law-school/school-research/newcastle-law-review

15 (2020)
14 (2019)
13 (2018)
12 (2017)
11 (2008-2009)
10 (2006-2008)
9 (2005-2006)
8 (2004-2005)
7 (2003-2004)
6 (2002)
5 (2001)
4 (1999-2000)
3 (1998-1999)
2 (1997)
1 (1995-1996)