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North Carolina Journal of International Law

Publisher: University of North Carolina School of Law
Publication Website: https://scholarship.law.unc.edu/ncilj/
Coverage: Vols. 1-49#2 (1976-2024) Title Varies: Vols. 1-40 (1976-2015) as North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation

ISSN: 0743-1759
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: In 1975, a group of students and professors at the School of Law recognized the growing influence of international law on the North Carolina business community and founded the North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation as a means of connecting academia with law firms and businesses operating internationally. The fledgling journal, under the guidance of law student Henry Burwell and faculty advisor Seymour W. Wurfel, began operation on a meager budget and produced its first issue of three articles totaling 107 pages.

During each of the thirty-three years that followed, the journal continued to grow, increasing the number of pages published as well as the number of students participating in the journal's work. By 2008, ILJ has expanded to the point that it now produces three volumes per year totaling over 1,000 pages and holds an annual symposium featuring professionals and experts discussing pertinent and timely topics in the fields of international law and commercial regulation.

Source: http://www.law.unc.edu/journals/ncilj/about/

49 #1-2 (2023-2024)
48 (2022-2023)
47 (2021-2022)
46 (2020-2021)
45 (2019-2020)
44 (2018-2019)
43 (2018)
42 (2016-2017)
41 (2015-2016)
40 (2014-2015)
39 (2013-2014)
38 (2012-2013)
37 (2011-2012)
36 (2010-2011)
35 (2009-2010)
34 (2008-2009)
33 (2007-2008)
32 (2006-2007)
31 (2005-2006)
30 (2004-2005)
29 (2003-2004)
28 (2002-2003)
27 (2001-2002)
26 (2000-2001)
25 (1999-2000)
24 (1998-1999)
23 (1997-1998)
22 (1996-1997)
21 (1995-1996)
20 (1994-1995)
19 (1993-1994)
18 (1992-1993)
17 (1992)
16 (1991)
15 (1990)
14 (1989)
13 (1988)
12 (1987)
11 (1986)
10 (1985)
9 (1983-1984)
8 (1982-1983)
7 (1982)
6 (1980-1981)
5 (1980)
4 (1978-1979)
3 (1978)
2 (1977)
1 (1976)