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Prudentia Iuris

Publisher: School of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina
Publication Website: https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/PRUDENTIA
Coverage: Vols. 1-95 (1980-2023)

ISSN: 0326-2774
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: Prudentia Iuris is a biannual Journal of the School of Law of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina "Santa Maria de los Buenos Aires", which is aimed at developing a framework of legal thinking consistent with the basic principles of justice and natural order, illuminated by faith. The Journal covers the following fields: philosophy of law (natural law, legal theory, legal principles and concepts); public law (constitutional, administrative, labor and employment, social security), private law (civil and business law); history of law; canon law; comparative law.

95 (2023)
94 (2022)
93 (2022)
92 (2021)
91 (2021)
40th Anniversary Special Edition (2020)
90 (2020)
89 (2020)
88 (2019)
87 (2019)
86 (2018)
85 (2018)
84 (2017)
83 (2017)
82 (2016)
81 (2016)
80 (2015)
79 (2015)
78 (2014)
77 (2014)
76 (2013)
75 (2013)
74 (2012)
73 (2012)
72 (2011)
71 (2011)
70 (2011)
68-69 (2010)
66-67 (2009)
64-65 (2008)
62-63 (2007)
61 (2006)
60 (2005)
59 (2004)
58 (2004)
57 (2003)
56 (2002)
55 (2002)
54 (2001)
53 (2000)
52 (2000)
51 (2000)
50 (1999)
49 (1999)
47-48 (1998)
46 (1998)
45 (1997)
44 (1997)
43 (1997)
42 (1996)
41 (1996)
40 (1995)
39 (1995)
38 (1995)
37 (1995)
36 (1994)
35 (1994)
34 (1994)
32-33 (1993)
31 (1993)
30 (1992)
29 (1992)
27-28 (1991)
26 (1991)
24-25 (1990)
23 (1990)
21-22 (1989)
19-20 (1986-1988)
17-18 (1985-1986)
16 (1985)
15 (1985)
14 (1984)
13 (1984)
12 (1984)
11 (1983)
10 (1983)
9 (1983)
8 (1982)
7 (1982)
6 (1982)
5 (1981)
4 (1981)
3 (1981)
2 (1980)
1 (1980)