Queen's Law Journal
Publisher: Queen's University Faculty of Law
Publication Website: https://law.queensu.ca/programs/jd/experiential-learning/journal
Coverage: Vols. 1-49 (1971-2024)
ISSN: 0316-778X
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The objectives of the Queen's Law Journal are:
1. To publish French and English scholarly legal research, analysis and critical commentary on issues of concern to the Canadian legal community, but also of interest to the broader Canadian and international communities.
2. To stimulate the production of high-quality legal research and scholarship, primarily by Canadian scholars and legal specialists.
3. To promote diversity of opinion on a wide variety of issues by encouraging research on legal issues that draw on the insights and methodology of other social sciences, and by encouraging writing from persons who have traditionally been under-represented in legal journals.
49 (2023-2024)48 (2022-2023)
47 (2021-2021)
46 (2020-2021)
45 (2019-2020)
44 (2018-2019)
43 (2017-2018)
42 (2016-2017)
41 (2015-2016)
40 (2014-2015)
39 (2013-2014)
38 (2012-2013)
37 (2011-2012)
36 (2010-2011)
35 (2009-2010)
34 (2008-2009)
33 (2007-2008)
32 (2006-2007)
31 (2005-2006)
30 (2004-2005)
29 (2003-2004)
28 (2002-2003)
27 (2001-2002)
26 (2000-2001)
25 (1999-2000)
24 (1998-1999)
23 (1997-1998)
22 (1996-1997)
21 (1995-1996)
20 (1994-1995)
19 (1993-1994)
18 (1993)
17 (1992)
16 (1991)
15 (1990)
14 (1989)
13 (1988)
12 (1987)
11 (1984-1985)
10 (1984-1985)
9 (1983-1984)
8 (1982-1983)
7 (1981-1982)
6 (1980-1981)
5 (1980)
4 (1978)
3 (1976)
2 (1973-1974)
1 (1971-1972)