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Revista Chilena de Derecho

Publisher: Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
Publication Website: https://revistachilenadederecho.uc.cl/
Coverage: Vols. 1-49 (1974-2022)

ISSN: 0716-0747
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: Revista Chilena de Derecho is a publication belonging to Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, specializing in law matters. The contents encompass different specialties, including dogmatic and related sciences such as Philosophy of Law and Legal History, among others. The editorial approach of the publication aims to ensure the results of each research published in their pages will satisfy the needs of the national legal community, with its purpose being to disseminate and divulge foreign and Chilean legal science. The permanent RChD contains four different sections: Articles (Studies), Essays, Jurisprudence Commentaries, and Book Reviews.

Source: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0718-3437&lng=en&nrm=iso

49 (2022)
48 (2021)
47 (2020)
46 (2019)
45 (2018)
44 (2017)
43 (2016)
42 (2015)
41 (2014)
40 (2013)
39 (2012)
38 (2011)
37 (2010)
36 (2009)
35 (2008)
34 (2007)
33 (2006)
32 (2005)
31 (2004)
30 (2002-2003)
29 (2002)
28 (2001)
27 (2000)
26 (1999)
1998 Special Issue (1998 Special Issue)
25 (1998)
24 (1997)
23 (1996)
22 (1995)
21 (1994)
20 (1993)
19 (1992)
18 (1991)
17 (1990)
16 (1989)
15 (1988)
14 (1987)
13 (1986)
12 (1985)
11 (1984)
10 (1983)
9 (1982)
8 (1981)
7 (1980)
6 (1979)
5 (1978)
4 (1977)
3 (1976)
2 (1975)
1 (1974)