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Societas et Scientia: Collection of Papers of the Ohrid School of Natural Law Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Publisher: Collection of papers of the Ohrid School of Natural Law, Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Centre for Strategic Research
Publication Website: http://manu.edu.mk/en
Coverage: 2018-2021

Frequency: 1
Additional Information: Societas et Scientia is a collection of articles following the Ohrid School of Natural Law which is an initiative of the Centre for Strategic Research at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is a platform to transfer knowledge, discuss the current developments, criticize the legal framework and the governmental policies through its collection of papers and lectures from the most prominent legal experts and the best-advanced law students. Every year master and doctoral students from every law faculty in the country and abroad, get together and share their thoughts and experience regarding the Law. Each participant is selected upon an open-application process, with a merit-based approach. Societas et Scientia is empowering future legal professionals and igniting their critical views and standpoints; it motivates them to conduct future research and develop new ideas and methods to advance the country's rule of law, democratic values, as well as sustainable development. Societas et Scientia is a peer-edited by international editorial board.

2020-2021 (2020-2021)
2019 (2019)
2018 (2018)