Southwestern Journal of International Law
Publisher: Southwestern University School of Law
Publication Website:
Coverage: Vols. 1-30#1 (1994-2024) Title Varies: Vols. 1-15#1 (1994-2008) as Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas
ISSN: 2154-2244
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas, the only student-edited journal of its kind in the country, complements Southwestern's extensive course offerings and faculty expertise in international and comparative law.
Focusing on issues of law and trade in North, Central and South America, the Journal publishes scholarly notes and articles contributed by students and members of the legal community and sponsors related symposia. The Journal explores areas such as international insolvency, environmental law, international trade issues, NAFTA, international arbitration, privatization in Central and South American countries, immigration, human rights, international crime, and a host of other comparative issues. Recent Journal-sponsored symposia, with proceedings later published in the Journal, have explored "Mass Media and Censorship in the Americas," "The Privatization of Public Enterprises in Argentina," "International Commercial Insolvency," and "Controlling Transboundary Crime in the Americas."
30 #1 (2024)29 (2023)
28 (2022-2023)
27 (2021)
26 (2020)
25 (2019)
24 (2018)
23 (2017)
22 (2016)
21 (2014-2015)
20 (2013-2014)
19 (2012-2013)
18 (2011-2012)
17 (2011)
16 (2009-2010)
15 (2008-2009)
14 (2007-2008)
13 (2006-2007)
12 (2005-2006)
11 (2005)
10 (2003-2004)
9 (2002-2003)
8 (2001-2002)
7 (2000)
6 (1999)
5 (1998)
4 (1997)
3 (1996)
2 (1995)
1 (1994)