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Texas Journal of Women, Gender, and the Law

Publisher: University of Texas School of Law
Publication Website: www.utexas.edu/law/journals/tjwl/
Coverage: Vols. 1-25#1 (1992-2015) All Published; Title Varies: Vols. 1-23 (1992-2014) as Texas Journal of Women and the Law

ISSN: 1058-5427
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: We celebrate the legal, social, and political advances made by women's advocates and enhance the relationship between theoretical and practical perspectives by promoting discourse on gender and the law issues. We seek to enrich the dialogue between the sexes by cultivating interdisciplinary discussions and encouraging the affirmation of differences. Finally, we are committed to the challenge of presenting an integrated perspective: one that will empower all women.

TJWL is staffed entirely by law students and publishes twice a year. Readers enjoy a critical look at cutting-edge legal issues through a feminist lens. Publications may include not only articles, but also student-written notes, book reviews, essays, and symposium pieces. Publications include a mix of practical and theoretical works.

Source: www.utexas.edu/law/journals/tjwl/

25 #1 (2015)
24 (2014-2015)
23 (2013-2014)
22 (2012-2013)
21 (2011-2012)
20 (2010-2011)
19 (2009-2010)
18 (2008-2009)
17 (2007-2008)
16 (2006-2007)
15 (2005-2006)
14 (2004-2005)
13 (2003-2004)
12 (2002-2003)
11 (2001-2002)
10 (2000-2001)
9 (1999-2000)
8 (1998-1999)
7 (1997-1998)
6 (1996-1997)
5 (1995-1996)
4 (1995)
3 (1994)
2 (1993)
1 (1992)