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Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis/Legal History Review

Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Publication Website: http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/15718190
Coverage: Vols. 1-87 (1918-2019)

Indexing: Indexed: Vols. 1-91 (1918-2023)
ISSN: 0040-7585
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: The Legal History Review, inspired by E.M. Meijers, was founded in 1918 by a number of Dutch jurists, who set out to stimulate scholarly interest in legal history in their own country and also to provide a centre for international cooperation in the subject. This has gradually through the years been achieved. The Review had already become one of the leading internationally known periodicals in the field before 1940. Since 1950 when it emerged under Belgo-Dutch editorship its position strengthened. Much attention is paid not only to the common foundations of the western legal tradition but also to the special, frequently divergent development of national law in the various countries belonging to, or influenced by it. Modern and contemporary, as well as ancient and medieval history is considered. Roman law and its later development, as well as canon law, have always been particularly important; in addition the history of the English Common Law has been extensively studied.

Source: http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/15718190

91 (2023) Indexing Only
90 (2022) Indexing Only
89 (2021) Indexing Only
88 (2020)
87 (2019)
86 (2018)
85 (2017)
84 (2016)
83 (2015)
82 (2014)
81 (2013)
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21 (1953)
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19 (1951)
18 (1950)
17 (1941)
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11 (1932)
10 (1930)
9 (1929)
8 (1928)
7 (1927)
6 (1925)
5 (1924)
4 (1923)
3 (1922)
2 (1920-1921)
1 (1918-1919)