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Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property

Publisher: Tulane University School of Law
Publication Website: http://www.law.tulane.edu/tlsjournals/jtip/index.aspx?id=3974
Coverage: Vols. 1-25 (1999-2023)

ISSN: 1533-3531
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: Formerly an activity of the Law School's Technology and Intellectual Property Society, the Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property is an independent student-run journal devoted to specific legal challenges presented by advancing technology, in fields such as constitutional law, intellectual property, privacy, contracts, and torts, and to the broader implications of such technology for our society. The Journal presents scholarly and practical articles, student comments and notes, and a current developments section focusing on international intellectual property issues.

Source: http://www.law.tulane.edu/tlsstudentlife/index.aspx?id=634

25 (2023)
24 (2022)
23 (2021)
22 (2020)
21 (2019)
20 (2017)
19 (2016)
18 (2015)
17 (2014)
16 (2013)
15 (2012)
14 (2011)
13 (2010)
12 (2009)
11 (2008)
10 (2007)
9 (2007)
8 (2006)
7 (2005)
6 (2004)
5 (2003)
4 (2002)
3 (2001)
1/2 (1999-2000)