Tuma Law Review
Publisher: Tumaini University Makumira, Faculty of Law
Publication Website: https://makumira.ac.tz/
Coverage: Vols. 1-7#1 (2012-2021)
ISSN: 1821-8539
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The mission of the Tuma Law Review: To provide legal scholars and practitioners with a platform for making contributions to the advancement of law through innovative interpretation of legal concepts in order to advance justice in the East African sub-region. Intended audience: legal scholars in the English speaking countries in Africa and elsewhere across the globe with interest in law and justice in Africa. It is a peer-reviewed law journal published twice a year by the Faculty of Law of Tumaini University Makumira, Arusha, Tanzania.
7 #1 (2021)6 (2020)
5 (2018)
4 (2016)
3 (2014)
2 (2013)
1 (2012)