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UC Law Journal of Race and Economic Justice

Publisher: University of California Hastings College of Law
Publication Website: https://repository.uclawsf.edu/hastings_race_poverty_law_journal/
Coverage: Vols. 1-21#1 (2003-2024) Title Varies: Vols. 1-20 (2003-2023) as Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal

ISSN: 1546-4652
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: UC Law Journal of Race and Economic Justice (formerly Hastings Race and Poverty Law Journal) formed in 2002 by a small group of committed and enterprising students to address the vacuum in legal scholarship pertaining to issues of race and poverty. Against many obstacles, it has grown into a coalition of law students dedicated to progressive lawyering in the interests of the poor and marginalized that is known as one of the most politically active forces on our law school campus. UC Law Journal of Race and Economic Justice is committed to promoting and inspiring discourse in the legal community regarding issues of race, poverty, social justice, and the law. This journal is committed to addressing disparities in the legal system. We will create an avenue for compelling dialogue on the subject of the growing marginalization of racial minorities and the economically disadvantaged. It is our hope that the legal theories addressed in this journal will prove useful in remedying the structural inequalities facing our communities.

Source: https://repository.uclawsf.edu/hastings_race_poverty_law_journal/

21 #1 (2024)
20 (2023)
19 (2021-2022)
18 (2021)
17 (2020)
16 (2019)
15 (2018)
14 (2017)
13 (2016)
12 (2015)
11 (2014)
10 (2013)
9 (2012)
8 (2011)
7 (2010)
6 (2008-2009)
5 (2008)
4 (2006-2007)
3 (2005-2006)
2 (2004)
1 (2003)