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University of Baltimore Journal of International Law

Publisher: University of Baltimore School of Law
Publication Website: http://law.ubalt.edu/academics/publications/internationallaw.cfm
Coverage: Vols. 1-6 (2012-2018) All Published

Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The University of Baltimore Journal of International Law is a scholarly legal journal providing in depth analysis of international and comparative law and policy issues.

Topics include law of nations, comparative law, treaty law, law of armed conflict, U.S. foreign policy, law of international organizations, international trade law, international arbitration, human rights, as well as many others. The journal is published under the direction of a student editorial board and is committed to academic excellence and the dissemination of knowledge to the international and foreign relations community

Source: http://law.ubalt.edu/academics/publications/internationallaw.cfm

6 (2018)
5 (2016-2017)
4 (2015-2016)
3 (2014-2015)
2 (2013-2014)
1 (2012-2013)