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University of New Brunswick Law Journal

Publisher: University of New Brunswick Faculty of Law
Publication Website: https://www.unb.ca/fredericton/law/research/journal.html
Coverage: Vols. 1-74 (1947-2023) Title Varies: Vols. 1-4 (1947-1951) as University of New Brunswick Law School Journal

ISSN: 0836-6632
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: First published in 1947, the University of New Brunswick Law Journal/Revue de droit de l'Université du Nouveau-Brunswick is one of the oldest student-run legal publications in Canada and has a circulation of 1,100 copies.

The Journal is an annual refereed publication devoted to the consideration of current legal issues, problems and philosophies through the presentation of articles, research notes, comments and reviews. The Journal has a broad circulation with distribution including students and faculty, members of the Bar and law libraries worldwide.

Source: http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/law/journal/

74 (2023)
73 (2022)
72 (2021)
71 (2020)
70 (2019)
69 (2018)
68 (2017)
67 (2016)
66 (2015)
65 (2014)
64 (2013)
63 (2012)
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5 (1952)
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3 (1950)
2 (1948-1949)
1 (1947-1948)