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University of Queensland Law Journal

Publisher: University of Queensland Press
Publication Website: http://www.law.uq.edu.au/uqlj/
Coverage: Vols. 1-42 (1948-2023)

ISSN: 0083-4041
Frequency: 3
Additional Information: The University of Queensland Law Journal is published by The University of Queensland Law School. It is one of Australia's premier law periodicals. Established in 1948, it is arguably the oldest university law journal in Australia. The Journal aims to publish significant works of scholarship that make an original contribution to different fields of law. In addition to casenotes, book reviews and legal comments, the Journal also produces symposium editions dedicated to a particular aspect of law. It is published three times a year.

Source: https://law.uq.edu.au/uq-law-journal

42 (2023)
41 (2022)
40 (2021)
39 (2020)
38 (2019)
37 (2018)
36 (2017)
35 (2016)
34 (2015)
33 (2014)
32 (2013)
31 (2012)
30 (2011)
29 (2010)
28 (2009)
27 (2008)
26 (2007)
25 (2006)
24 (2005)
23 (2004)
22 (2002-2003)
21 (2000-2001)
20 (1998-1999)
19 (1996-1997)
18 (1994-1995)
17 (1992-1993)
16 (1990-1991)
15 (1988-1989)
14 (1985-1987)
13 (1983-1984)
12 (1981-1982)
11 (1979-1980)
10 (1977-1978)
9 (1975-1976)
8 (1973-1974)
7 (1970-1972)
6 (1968-1969)
5 (1965-1967)
4 (1961-1964)
3 (1956-1959)
2 (1952-1955)
1 (1948-1951)