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University of San Francisco Law Review Forum

Publisher: University of San Francisco School of Law
Publication Website: https://usfblogs.usfca.edu/lawreview/
Coverage: Vol. 49-58 Article 2 (2014-2023)

Frequency: 4
Additional Information: The University of San Francisco Law Review is a student-run organization staffed and managed by students of the University of San Francisco School of Law. Its primary purpose is to publish a journal of legal scholarship

58 Articles 1-2 (2023)
57 (2022-2023)
56 (2021-2022)
55 (2021)
54 (2019-2020)
53 (2019)
HeinOnline was unable to locate vol. 52 for digitization. If your library is in possession of this material and is willing to donate and/or lend to use for digitization, please contact us by phone: 1-800-277-6995 or email: holsupport@wshein.com
51 (2016-2017)
50 (2015)
49 (2014-2015)