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Victoria University of Wellington Law Review

Publisher: Victoria University of Wellington
Publication Website: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/law/research/publications
Coverage: Vols. 1-54#3 (1953-2023) Title Varies: Vol. 1#1 (1953) as Victoria University College Law Review (Law Faculty); Vols. 1#2-2#2 (1955-1957) as Faculty of Law-Victoria University College of Law Review

ISSN: 1171-042X
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: Founded in 1953 by Professor Robert McGechan, the Victoria University of Wellington Law Review is the oldest university Law Review in New Zealand. It has a proud history of being a major publisher of significant legal articles of relevance not only to New Zealand, or our Pacific region, but also internationally. It is distributed to over 250 law schools in Australasia, the UK and North America.

Source: http://www.victoria.ac.nz/law/research/publications/vuwlr

54 #1-3 (2023)
53 (2022)
52 (2021)
51 (2020)
50 (2019)
49 (2018)
48 (2017)
47 (2016)
46 (2015)
45 (2014)
44 (2013)
43 (2012)
42 (2011)
41 (2010)
40 (2009-2010)
39 (2008-2009)
38 (2007)
37 (2006)
36 (2005)
35 (2004)
34 (2003)
33 (2002)
32 (2001)
31 (2000)
30 (1999)
29 (1999)
28 (1998)
27 (1997)
26 (1996)
25 (1995)
24 (1994)
23 (1993)
22 (1992)
21 (1991)
20 (1990)
19 (1989)
18 (1988)
17 (1987)
16 (1986)
15 (1985)
14 (1984)
13 (1983)
12 (1982)
11 (1981)
10 (1979-1980)
9 (1977-1978)
8 (1975-1978)
7 (1973-1975)
6 (1971-1973)
5 (1968-1970)
4 (1964-1966)
3 (1960-1962)
2 (1956-1958)
1 (1953-1956)