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Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal

Publisher: University of Virginia School of Law
Publication Website: https://wordpress.its.virginia.edu/VaSE/
Coverage: Vols. 1-22#1 (2001-2023)

ISSN: 1556-9799
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: The Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal is a comprehensive review of current issues arising in both the sports and entertainment law arenas. We publish articles from law professors, practicing attorneys and students exploring the impact of legal issues on the sports and entertainment industries. The publication is intended to be not only a useful tool for the academic, but also informative for either the sports or entertainment practitioner and journalist.

Source: http://www.law.virginia.edu/html/academics/academicjournals.htm#sports

22 #1 (2023)
21 (2022)
20 (2021)
19 (2019-2020)
18 (2018-2019)
17 (2017-2018)
16 (2016-2017)
15 (2015-2016)
14 (2014-2015)
13 (2013-2014)
12 (2012-2013)
11 (2011-2012)
10 (2010-2011)
9 (2009-2010)
8 (2008-2009)
7 (2007-2008)
6 (2006-2007)
5 (2005-2006)
4 (2004-2005)
3 (2003-2004)
2 (2002-2003)
1 (2001-2002)