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Vox Juris

Publisher: University of San Martin de Porres
Publication Website: https://www.aulavirtualusmp.pe/ojs/index.php/VJ/index
Coverage: Vols. 1-42#1 (1989-2024)

ISSN: 1812-6804
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: Vox Juris is a journal of the Faculty of Law of the University of San Martin de Porres, which publishes scientific articles and research related to the academic field of Science and Philosophy of Law, related disciplines, ethical issues and legal social interest for the scientific, academic, university and institutional, national and international community, with the aim of disseminating specialized knowledge on topics of interest and topicality. The magazine is edited by the Editorial Fund of the University of San Martin de Porres.

42 #1 (2024)
41 (2023)
40 (2022)
39 (2021)
38 (2020)
37 (2019)
36 (2018)
35 (2018)
34 (2017)
33 (2017)
32 (2016)
31 (2016)
30 (2015)
29 (2015)
28 (2014)
27 (2014)
26 (2013)
25 (2013)
24 (2012)
23 (2012)
22 (2012)
21 (2011)
20 (2011)
19 (2010)
18 (2009)
17 (2009)
16 (2008)
15 (2007)
14 (2007)
13 (2003-2005)
12 (2004)
11 (1999-2002)
10 (1999)
9 (1998)
8 (1998)
7 (1997)
6 (1996)
5 (1995)
4 (1994)
3 (1993)
2 (1991)
1 (1989)