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Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Tuzli (Proceedings of the Faculty of Law in Tuzla)

Publisher: University of Tuzla, Faculty of Law
Publication Website: http://pf.untz.ba/?page_id=562
Coverage: Vols. 1-10 #1 (2015-2024)

ISSN: 2303-8632 (Print); 2712-1178 (Online)
Frequency: 2
Additional Information: Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta u Tuzli (Proceedings of the Faculty of Law in Tuzla) is a scientific journal designed as a meeting place for domestic and foreign researchers in various scientific fields of law, such as public and international law, civil law, criminal law, administrative law, comparative legal history and other related legal disciplines. Authors are encouraged to submit the results of their research regardless of whether they are related to the national law of a country or treat certain topics in the field of comparative, supranational or international law and regardless of whether they are theoretical or empirical in nature. The journal also publishes papers from other social sciences (sociology, economics, political science, history and others) which are studied as separate courses in law studies.

10 #1 (2024)
9 (2023)
8 (2022)
7 (2021)
6 (2020)
5 (2019)
4 (2018)
3 (2017)
2 (2016)
1 (2015)