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British Liberties, or the Free born Subject's Inheritance; Containing the Laws That Form the Basis of Those Liberties, with Observations Thereon; among Others are Magna Charta, and Other Statutes in Confirmation of the Liberties of the Subject, with Comments. Laws Relating to Treason. The Declaration of Right and Liberties, and the Confirmation Thereof. The Law of Appeals of Parliaments. The Privilege and Qualifications of Members, &c. The Petition of Right and Habeas Corpus Act, with Comments. The Laws Relative to Papists and Protestant Dissenters. A Treatise on Juries; Their Power, Duty, Office, &c. Highly Necessary for Every One to be Acquainted with. Also an Introductory Essay on Political Liberty; and a Comprehensive View of the Constitution of Great Britain

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