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Century of Law Reform

Coverage: 1 v. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1901

Additional Information: "The lectures are a pleasure to read, excellently set out by paper and type, and delivered by such masters of their subjects as, among others, Messrs. Blake Odgers, K.C., Augustine Birrell, K.C., A. H. Ruegg, K.C., and Sir Harry Poland, K.C. They combine amusement with instruction in an unusual degree and a list of the subjects of lectures will show over how wide a range they extend... --26 Law Mag. & Rev. Quart. Rev. Juris. 5th ser. (1900-1901)505 "In 12 chapters the various authors have treated of their subjects in a manner which entitles this little volume of some 400 odd pages to be regarded as a classic" --9 Am. Law (1901)538

1901 (1901)