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Provincial Statutes Of Canada

Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's Province of New Brunswick
 191v. Frederiction: George M. Byron, 1786-2023

Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island
 115v. Charlottetown: Queen's Printer, 1860-1973

Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island from the Establishment of the Legislature, in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, A.D. 1773 to the Thirty-First Year of the Reign of Her Present Majesty Queen Victoria
 3v. [Charlottetown]: Printed by John Ings, 1862-1868

Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from the Establishment of the Legislature, in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His Late Majesty King George the Third, A.D. 1773, to the Fourth Year of the Reign of His Present Majesty King William
 1v. Charlotte-town: James D. Haszard, 1834

Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island, from the Establishment of the Legislature, in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, A.D. 1773, to the Seventh Year of the Reign of Her Present Majesty Queen Victoria
 2v. [Charlottetown]: Printed by George Thos. Haszard, 1851-1852

Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada
 1v. Quebec: Printed by Stewart Derbishire and George Desbarats, 1861

Consolidated Statutes of British Columbia, Consisting of the Acts, Ordinances and Proclamations of the Formerly Separate Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia
 1v. Victoria: Printed by R. Wolfenden, Government Printer, James' Bay, 1877

Consolidated Statutes of Manitoba, 1880
 1v. [Winnipeg: s.n.], 1881

Consolidated Statutes of New Brunswick
 1v. Fredericton: G. E. Fenety, 1877

Consolidated Statutes of New Brunswick, 1903
 2v. Fredericton: Printed under the Supervision of the King's Printer, 1904

Consolidated Statutes of Newfoundland
 1v. St. John's: Francis Winton, 1874

Consolidated Statutes of Newfoundland
 4v. St. John's: Robinson & Co., 1919

Consolidated Statutes of Newfoundland (Second Series)
 1v. St. John's: J. W. Withers, 1896

Epitome of the Laws of Nova-Scotia
 4v. Halifax: Printed by J. Howe, 1832-1833

Laws of British Columbia, Consisting of the Acts, Ordinances, & Proclamations of the Formerly Separate Colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, and of the United Colony of British Columbia
 2 v. Victoria, B.C.: Govt. Print. Off, 1871

New Brunswick Regulations

Nova Scotia Law Index, Embracing All the Private and Local Legislation of the Province of Nova Scotia, down to and including the Year 1900
 1v. Halifax, Nova Scotia: McAlpine Publishing Company, 1901

Ontario Practice Reports
 19v. Toronto: Rowsell & Hutchinson, 1850-1901

Practical Statutes; Being a Collection of Statutes of Practical Utility in Force in Ontario, with Notes on the Construction and Operation Thereof
 1v. Toronto: Goodwin & Co., 1900

Private and Local Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island
 2v. Charlottetown: Printed by John Ings, 1862-1868

Re-Enacted Statutes of Manitoba

Reports of Cases Determined in the Election Court, for the Province of Nova Scotia
 1v. Halifax: Printed by Fowler & Patrick, 1874

Revised Acts and Ordinances of Lower-Canada
 1v. Montreal: S. Derbishire & G. Desbarats, 1845

Revised Ordinances of the North-West Territories
 1v. Regina: R. B. Gordon, 1888

Revised Ordinances of the Northwest Territories, 1956
 1v. Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, 1956

Revised Ordinances of the Northwest Territories, 1974
 2v. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1974

Revised Ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1958
 1v. Ottawa: Edmond Cloutier, 1958

Revised Ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1971
 2v. Ottawa: H. J. Taylor, Queen's Printer, 1971

Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1960: A Revision and Consolidation of Regulations Published under the Authority of the Regulations Revision Act, 1959
 3v. Toronto: Frank Fogg, Queen's Printer, 1961

Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1980
 1v. Yellowknife: Territorial Printer, 1980

Revised Regulations of the Northwest Territories, 1990
 5v. Yellowknife: Territorial Printer, 1990

Revised Statutes of Alberta 1970
 7v. Edmonton: Queen's Printer for Alberta, 1970

Revised Statutes of Alberta 1980
 8v. Edmonton: Queen's Printer for Alberta, 1980

Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000
 13v. Edmonton: Queen's Printer for Alberta, 2000

Revised Statutes of Alberta, 1942
 4v. Edmonton: A. Shnitka, 1942

Revised Statutes of Alberta: 1922
 4v. Edmonton: J. W. Jeffery, 1922

Revised Statutes of Alberta: 1955
 5v. Edmonton: A. Shnitka, 1957

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1897: Being a Consolidation and Revision of the Statutes Applicable to British Columbia, and within the Power of the Legislature to Enact
 2v. Victoria, B.C.: Printed by R. Wolfenden, Printer to the Queen, 1897

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1911
 4v. Victoria, B.C.: Printed by R. Wolfenden, Printer to the King, 1911-1913

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1924
 3v. Victoria, B.C.: Printed by C.F. Banfield, Printer to the King, 1924

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1936
 4v. Victoria, B.C.: Printed by C.F. Banfield, Printer to the King, 1936

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1948
 4v. Victoria: McDiarmid, 1948

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1960
 5v. [Victoria?]: D. McDiarmid, printer to the Queen, 1960

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1979
 8v. Victoria: Queen's Printer for British Columbia, 1979-1986

Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1996
 16v. Victoria: Queen's Printer for British Columbia, 1997

Revised Statutes of Manitoba
 2v. Winnipeg: David Philip, 1892

Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1902
 2v. Winnipeg: James Hooper, 1903

Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1913
 3v. Winnipeg: James Hooper, 1914

Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1940
 3v. Winnipeg: Printed by J. L. Cowie, King's Printer, 1940

Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1954: Being a Revision and Consolidation of the Public General Acts of the Legislature of Manitoba
 4v. Winnipeg: R. S. Evans, 1954-1955

Revised Statutes of Manitoba, 1970
 5v. Winnipeg: Printed by R. S. Evans, 1970

Revised Statutes of New Brunswick
 3v. Fredericton: J. Simpson, 1854-1855

Revised Statutes of New Brunswick

Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, 1927
 2v. Fredericton: Printed under the authority of the King's Printer, 1927

Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, 1952
 4v. Fredericton: Queen's Printer for the Province, 1953

Revised Statutes of New Brunswick, 1973
 6v. [Fredericton]: Queen's Printer for New Brunswick, 1974

Revised Statutes of Newfoundland, 1952
 5v. St. John's: D. R. Thistle, Queen's Printer, 1953

Revised Statutes of Northwest Territories, 1988
 8v. Yellowknife: Territorial Printer, 1988

Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1900
 2v. Halifax: The Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, Queen's Printer, 1900

Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1923
 3v. Halifax: Minister of Public Works and Mines, King's Printer, 1923

Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1954
 4v. Halifax: Queen's Printer, 1955-1958

Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1967
 4v. Halifax: Queen's Printer, 1967

Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1989
 12v. Halifax: Queen's Printer, 1989

Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia: Fifth Series
 1v. Halifax: The Commissioner of Public Works and Mines, Queen's Printer, 1884

Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia: Fourth Series
 1v. Halifax: Charles Annand, 1873

Revised Statutes of Nova-Scotia
 1v. Halifax: Richard Nugent, 1851

Revised Statutes of Nova-Scotia: Second Series
 1v. Halifax: J. & W. Compton, 1859

Revised Statutes of Nova-Scotia: Third Series
 1v. Halifax: J. & W. Compton, 1864

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1877
 2v. Toronto: Printed by J. Notman, law printer to the Queen, 1877

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1887
 2v. Toronto: Printed by J. Notman, law printer to the Queen, 1887

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897
 3v. Toronto: L. K. Cameron, 1897-1902

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914
 3v. Toronto: L. K. Cameron, 1914

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1927
 4v. Toronto: Printed by the printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1927

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1937
 4v. Toronto: Printed by T. E. Bowman, printer to the King, 1937

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1950
 5v. Toronto: B. Johnson, Printer to the King, 1950

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960
 5v. Toronto: Printed and published by the Queen's Printer, 1960

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970
 6v. Toronto: Printed and published by the Queen's Printer, 1970

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1980
 11v. Toronto: Printed and published by the Queen's Printer, 1980

Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1990
 13 v. Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1991

Revised Statutes of Prince Edward Island
 3v. Charlottetown: G. W. K. Auld, 1974

Revised Statutes of Prince Edward Island, 1951
 3v. Charlottetown: F. F. Dillon, King's Printer, 1951-1952

Revised Statutes of Quebec, 1977
 Documentation; 1-10v. Quebec: Editeur Officiel, 1977

Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1909
 1v. Regina: Printed by John A. Reid, Government Printer, 1909

Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1920
 4v. Regina: Printed by J. W. Reid, King's Printer, 1920

Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1930
 4v. Regina: R. S. Garrett, 1930

Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1940
 4v. Regina: Printed by Thos. H. McConica, King's Printer, 1940

Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1953
 4v. Regina: Printed by Thos. H. McConica, King's Printer, 1953

Revised Statutes of Saskatchewan, 1965
 6v. Regina: Printed by Lawrence Amon, Queen's Printer, 1965

Revised Statutes of the Province of Quebec
 2v. Quebec: Printed by Charles Francois Langlois, 1888

Revised Statutes of the Province of Quebec, 1909
 4v. Quebec: Printed by Charles Pageau, 1909

Revised Statutes of the Province of Quebec, 1925
 5v. Quebec: Printed by Ls. A. Proulx, 1925

Revised Statutes of the Yukon, 1986: A Revision and Consolidation of the Statutes of the Legislature of the Yukon Territory
 3v. Whitehorse: Sam Cawley, 1986

Revised Statutes of the Yukon, 2002
 7v. Whitehorse: Queen's Printer for the Yukon, 2003

Statutes at Large, Passed in the Several General Assemblies Held in His Majesty's Province of Nova-Scotia
 4v. Halifax: Printed by John Howe and Son, 1758-1835

Statutes of Alberta
 132v. Edmonton: Queen's Printer, 1906-2023, Title Varies: 1906-1980 as Statutes of the Province of Alberta

Statutes of British Columbia up to and including the Year 1888
 2v. Victoria [B.C.]: Printed by Richard Wolfenden, Government Printer, 1888

Statutes of Manitoba
 Winnipeg: Coldwell and Cunningham, 1871-2023

Statutes of Manitoba Consolidated Amendments, 1924
 1v. Winnipeg: Printed by P. Purcell, King's Printer, 1924

Statutes of Newfoundland
 130v. St John's, Newfoundland: David R. Thistle, M.B.E., Queen's Printer, 1845-1973; Title Varies: 1845-1863 as Acts of the Legislature; 1864-1933 as Acts of the General Assembly of Newfoundland; 1934-1948 as Acts of the Honourable Commission of Government of Newfoundland

Statutes of Nova Scotia
 198v. Halifax: Queen's Printer, 1836-2023

Statutes of Ontario
 1867-2022; Title Varies: 1867-1987 as Statutes of the Province of Ontario

Statutes of Quebec
 160v. Quebec: Printed by Augustin Cote and George Thomas Cary, 1867-2023; Title Varies: 1867-1941 as Statutes of the Province of Quebec; 1942-1977 as Statuts de la Province de Quebec

Statutes of the Northwest Territories
 1875-2022; Title Varies: 1875-1984 as Ordinances of the Northwest Territories

Statutes of the Province of British Columbia
 172v. Victoria: Printed by R. Wolfenden, [etc.], 1872-2022

Statutes of the Province of Saskatchewan
 74v. Regina: Printed by John A. Reid, Government Printer, 1906-1973

Statutes of the Province of Upper Canada; together with such British Statutes, Ordinances of Quebec, and Proclamations, as Relate to the Said Province
 1v. Kingston: Printed by F. M. Hill, 1831

Statutes of the Yukon Territory
 1902-2024#1; Title Varies: 1902-1980 as Ordinances of the Yukon Territory; 1981 as Ordinances of the Government of Yukon

Statuts Refondus de la Province de Quebec, 1941
 5v. Quebec: Redempti Paradis, 1941

Statuts Refondus de la Province de Quebec, 1964
 5v. Quebec: R. Lefebvre, 1965