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Statutes of Newfoundland

Publication Website: http://www.assembly.nl.ca/default.htm
Coverage: 126v. St John's, Newfoundland: David R. Thistle, M.B.E., Queen's Printer, 1845-1971; Title Varies: 1845-1863 as Acts of the Legislature; 1864-1933 as Acts of the General Assembly of Newfoundland; 1934-1948 as Acts of the Honourable Commission of Government of Newfoundland

Frequency: 1
1971 (1971)
1970 (1970)
1969 (1969)
1968 Volume 2 (1968 Volume 2)
1968 Volume 1 (1968 Volume 1)
1966-1967 Volume 2 (1966-1967 Volume 2)
1966-1967 Volume 1 (1966-1967 Volume 1)
1965 (1965)
1964 (1964)
1963 (1963)
1962 (1962)
1961 (1961)
1960 (1960)
1959 (1959)
1958 (1958)
1957 (1957)
1955-1956 (1955-1956)
1955 (1955)
1954 (1954)
1953 (1953)
1952 (1952)
1951 (1951)
1950 (1950)
1949 (1949)
1948 (1948)
1947 (1947)
1946 (1946)
1945 (1945)
1944 (1944)
1943 (1943)
1942 (1942)
1941 (1941)
1940 (1940)
1939 (1939)
1938 (1938)
1937 (1937)
1936 (1936)
1935 (1935)
1934 (1933-1934)
1933 (1933)
1932 (1932)
1931 (1931)
1930 (1930)
1929 (1929)
1928 (1928)
1927 (1927)
1926 (1926)
1925 (1925)
1924 (1924)
1923 (1923)
1922 (1922)
1921 (1921)
1920 Volume 2 (1920)
1920 Volume 1 (1920)
1919 (1919)
1918 (1918)
1917 (1917)
1916 (1916)
1915 (1915)
1914 Volume 2 (1914)
1914 Volume 1 (1914)
1913 (1913)
1912 (1912)
1911 (1911)
1910 (1910)
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1908 (1908)
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1906 (1906)
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1902 (1902)
1901 (1901)
1900 (1900)
1899 (1899)
1898 (1898)
1897 (1897)
1896 (1896)
1895 (1895)
1894 (1894)
1893 (1893)
1892 (1892)
1891 (1891)
1890 (1890)
1889 (1889)
1888 (1888)
1887 (1887)
1886 (1886)
1885 (1885)
1884 (1884)
1883 (1883)
1882 (1882)
1881 (1881)
1880 (1880)
1879 (1879)
1878 (1878)
1877 (1877)
1876 (1876)
1875 (1875)
1874 (1874)
1873 (1873)
1872 (1872)
1871 (1871)
1870 (1870)
1869 (1869)
1868 (1868)
HeinOnline was unable to locate 1864-1867 for digitization. If your library is in possession of this material and is willing to donate and/or lend to use for digitization, please contact us by phone: 1-800-277-6995 or email: holsupport@wshein.com
1863 (1863)
1862 (1862)
1861 (1861)
1860 (1860)
1859 (1859)
1858 (1858)
1857 (1857)
1856 (1856)
1855 (1855)
1854 (1854)
1853 (1853)
1852 (1852)
1851 (1851)
1850 (1850)
1848-1849 (1848-1849)
HeinOnline was unable to locate 1847 for digitization. If your library is in possession of this material and is willing to donate and/or lend to use for digitization, please contact us by phone: 1-800-277-6995 or email: holsupport@wshein.com
1846 (1846)
1845 (1845)