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Arab Law Quarterly

Publisher: Brill Academic Publishers
Publication Website: https://brill.com/view/journals/alq/alq-overview.xml
Coverage: Vols. 1-34 (1985-2020)

Indexing: Indexed: Vols. 1-37 (1985-2023)
ISSN: 0268-0556
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: Arab Law Quarterly covers all aspects of Arab laws, both Shari´a and secular, and has become accepted as the leading English-language legal publication in its field. Now in its 20th year, it provides an important forum of authoritative articles on the laws and legal developments throughout the twenty countries of the Arab world, and also includes notes on recent legislation and case law, guidelines on future changes and reviews of the latest literature.

Arab Law Quarterly is indispensable for those concerned in trade with and investment in Arab States, and for corporate and international lawyers, and jurists, both academic and practising, who are interested in comparative law. Particular subject areas covered are Arab laws in trans-national affairs, commercial law, Islamic law (the Shari´a), and international comparative law.

Source: http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/15730255

37 (2023) Indexing Only
36 (2021-2022) Indexing Only
35 (2020-2021) Indexing Only
34 (2020)
33 (2019)
32 (2018)
31 (2017)
30 (2016)
29 (2015)
28 (2014)
27 (2013)
26 (2012)
25 (2011)
24 (2010)
23 (2009)
22 (2008)
21 (2007)
20 (2006)
19 (2004)
18 (2003)
17 (2002)
16 (2001)
15 (2000)
14 (1999)
13 (1998)
12 (1997)
11 (1996)
10 (1995)
9 (1994)
8 (1993)
7 (1992-1993)
6 (1991)
5 (1990)
4 (1989)
3 (1988)
2 (1987)
1 (1985-1986)