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European Labour Law Journal

Publisher: SAGE Publications
Publication Website: https://journals.sagepub.com/loi/ella
Coverage: Vols. 1-11 (2010-2020)

Indexing: Indexed: Vols. 1-14 (2010-2023)
ISSN: 2031-9525
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: The European Labour Law Journal is a peer reviewed academic journal in the area of European labour law and social policy. European labour law is viewed in a wide sense. It includes labour law at the European Union level as well as labour law in the Member States. Included is also a focus on developments of labour law at a global level taking into account its relevance for Europe. Attention is also paid to developments at the level of policy, legislation, case law as well as academic doctrine.

Source: https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/european-labour-law-journal/journal202698

14 (2023) Indexing Only
13 (2022) Indexing Only
12 (2021) Indexing Only
11 (2020)
10 (2019)
9 (2018)
8 (2017)
7 (2016)
6 (2015)
5 (2014)
4 (2013)
3 (2012)
2 (2011)
1 (2010)