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Alternative Law Journal

Publisher: SAGE Publications
Publication Website: https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/alternative-law-journal/journal202598
Coverage: Vols. 1-45 (1974-2020) Title Varies: Vols. 1-16 (1974-1991) as Legal Service Bulletin

Indexing: Vols. 1-49#2 (1974-2024)
ISSN: 1037-969X
Frequency: 4
Additional Information: The Alternative Law Journal is an Australian, refereed law journal focusing on:

- social justice, human rights and law reform

- critique of the legal system

- developments in alternative practice

- community legal education

Source: http://www.altlj.org/

49 #1-2 (2024) Indexing Only
48 (2023) Indexing Only
47 (2022) Indexing Only
46 (2021) Indexing Only
45 (2020)
44 (2019)
43 (2018)
42 (2017)
41 (2016)
40 (2015)
39 (2014)
38 (2013)
37 (2012)
36 (2011)
35 (2010)
34 (2009)
33 (2008)
32 (2007)
31 (2006)
30 (2005)
29 (2004)
28 (2003)
27 (2002)
26 (2001)
25 (2000)
24 (1999)
23 (1998)
22 (1997)
21 (1996)
20 (1995)
19 (1994)
18 (1993)
17 (1992)
16 (1991)
15 (1990)
14 (1989)
13 (1988)
12 (1987)
11 (1986)
Index to Vols. 1-10 (1974-1985)
10 (1985)
9 (1984)
8 (1983)
7 (1982)
6 (1981)
5 (1980)
4 (1979)
3 (1978-1979)
2 (1976-1977)
1 (1974-1976)