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United States Statutes at Large

Coverage: Vols. 1-131 (1789-2017)

ISSN: 0083-3401
Frequency: 1
Browse by: Volume | Popular Name | Public Law Number
Indian Treaties | Other Treaties

Click here to access to the most recent Public Laws not yet published in the U.S. Statutes at Large

131 (2017)
130 (2016)
129 (2015)
128 (2014)
127 (2013)
126 (2012)
125 (2011)
124 (2010)
123 (2009)
122 (2008)
121 (2007)
120 (2006)
119 (2005)
118 (2004)
117 (2003)
116 (2001-2002)
115 (2001)
114 (2000)
113 (1999)
112 (1998)
111 (1997)
110 (1996)
109 (1995)
108 (1994)
107 (1993)
106 (1992)
105 (1991)
104 (1990)
103 (1989)
102 (1988)
101 (1987)
100 (1986)
99 (1985)
98 (1984)
97 (1983)
96 (1982)
95 (1981)
94 (1980)
93 (1979)
92 (1978)
91 (1977)
90 (1976)
89 (1975)
88 (1974)
87 (1973)
86 (1972)
85 (1971)
84 (1970-1971)
83 (1969)
82 (1968)
81 (1967-1968)
80 (1966)
79 (1965)
78 (1964)
77 (1963)
76 (1962)
75 (1961)
74 (1960)
73 (1959)
72 (1958)
71 (1957)
70A (1956)
70 (1956)
69 (1955)
68A (1954)
68 (1954)
67 (1953)
66 (1952)
65 (1951)
64 (1950-1951)
63 (1949)
62 (1948)
61 (1947)
60 (1946)
59 (1945)
58 (1944)
57 (1943)
56 (1942)
55 (1941-1942)
54 (1939-1941)
53 (1939)
52 (1938)
51 (1937)
50 (1937)
49 (1935-1936)
48 (1933-1934)
47 (1931-1933)
46 (1929-1931)
45 (1927-1929)
44 (1925-1926)
43 (1923-1925)
42 (1921-1923)
41 (1919-1921)
40 (1917-1919)
39 (1915-1917)
38 (1913-1915)
37 (1911-1913)
36 (1909-1911)
35 (1907-1909)
34 (1905-1907)
33 (1903-1905)
32 (1901-1903)
31 (1899-1901)
30 (1897-1899)
29 (1895-1897)
28 (1893-1895)
27 (1891-1893)
26 (1889-1891)
25 (1887-1889)
24 (1883-1887)
23 (1883-1885)
22 (1881-1883)
21 (1879-1881)
20 (1877-1879)
19 (1875-1877)
18 (1873-1874)
17 (1871-1873)
16 (1869-1871)
15 (1867-1869)
14 (1865-1867)
13 (1863-1865)
12 (1859-1863)
11 (1855-1859)
10 (1851-1855)
9 (1845-1851)
8 (1778-1845 - Foreign Treaties)
7 (1778-1842 - Indian Treaties)
6 (1789-1845 - Private Acts of Congress)
5 (1836-1845)
4 (1824-1835)
3 (1813-1823)
2 (1799-1813)
1 (1789-1799)