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Hawaii Constitutional Convention Studies

Publisher: Honolulu: University of Hawaii,
Coverage: 1-15v. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1968

15 (Article XV: Revision and Amendment, 1968)
13, 14 & 16 (Articles XIII, XIV, XVI, 1968)
12 (Article XII: Organization, Collective Bargaining, 1968)
10-11 (Article 10: Conservation and Development Resources - Article XI: Hawaiian Home Lands, 1968)
9 Part II (Article IX: Education (Higher Education), 1968)
9 Part I (Article IX: Education (Public Education), 1968)
8 (Article VIII: Public Health and Welfare, 1968)
7 (Article VII: Local Government, 1968)
6 (Article VI: Taxation and Finance, 1968)
5 (Article V: The Judiciary, 1968)
4 (Article IV: The Executive, 1968)
3 - Part II (Article III: The Legislature - Vol. II, 1968)
3 - Part I (Article III: The Legislature - Vol. I, 1968)
2 (Article II: Suffrage and Elections, 1968)
1 (Article I: Bill of Rights, 1968)