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President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control: Management Office Selected Issues

Publisher: [Washington: The Survey],
Coverage: 11v. Washington, D.C.: The Survey, 1983

11 (Federally Subsidized Programs, 1983 )
10 (Opportunities beyond PPSSCC, 1983)
9 (Federal Health Care Costs, 1983)
8 (The Cost of Congressional Encroachment, 1983)
7 (Information Gap in the Federal Government, 1983)
6 (Federal Retirement Systems, 1983)
5 (Anomalies in the Federal Work Environment, 1983)
4 (Wage Setting Laws: Impact on the Federal Government, 1983)
3 (Report on Financial Management in the Federal Government, 1983)
2 (Report on Travel and Traffic Management, 1983)
1 (Report on Publishing, Printing, Reproduction and Audiovisual Activities, 1983)