U.S. Code
1919 Supplement to United States Compiled Statutes, Annotated
2 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1920
1923 Supplement to United States Compiled Statutes Annotated
4 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1923
Abridgment of the Acts of Congress Now in Force, excepting Those of Private and Local Application
1v. Philadelphia: Towar & Hogan, 1825
Abridgment of the Laws of the United States, or, a Complete Digest of All Such Acts of Congress as Concern the United States at Large
1 v. Harrisburgh: John Wyeth, 1803.
Acts and Resolutions Passed at the Second Session of the Twenty-Fifth Congress of the United States
1 v. S.l: s.n., 1838
Acts and Resolutions Passed at the Third Session of the Twenty-Fifth Congress of the United States
1 v. 1839
Acts of Congress Providing for Grants-in-Aid to States, etc.
1v. Washington: [s.n.], 1947
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Passed at a Session, Which was Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday, the Sixth Day of December, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-One, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Sixteenth
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street, 1792
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Passed at a Session, Which was Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday, the Twenty-Third Day of August, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-One, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Sixteenth
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street, 1791
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Passed at a Session, Which was Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Monday, the First Day of September, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Four, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Nineteenth
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street, 1794
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Passed at a Session, Which was Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday, the Fourth Day of December, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Seventeenth
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street, 1793
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Passed at a Session, Which was Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday, the Second Day of December, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Four, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Nineteenth
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street, 1795
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Passed at a Session, Which Was begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday, the Seventh Day of December, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Fifteenth
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Passed at a Session, Which was Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday, the Third Day of December, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Three, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Eighteenth
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street, 1794
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Passed at a Session, which was Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday, the Twenty-Seventh Day of August, in the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Three, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Eighteenth
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers, no. 51, Market-Street, 1793
Acts Passed at a Congress of the United States of America, Begun and Held at the City of New-York, on Wednesday the Fourth of March, in the Year M,DCC,LXXXIX, and of the Independence of the United States, the Thirteenth
1 v. Hartford: Re-printed and sold by Hudson and Goodwin, 1791
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Fourteenth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington: s.n, 1816
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Nineteenth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington? D.C.: s.n, 1826
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Second Congress of the United States of America, Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia
1v. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, Printers of the laws of the United States, 1792
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Seventeenth Congress of the United States
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1822
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twentieth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington?: s.n, 1828
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Fifth Congress of the United States
1 v. S.l: s.n., 1837
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington?: s.n, 1837
Acts Passed at the First Session of the Twenty-Third Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington?: Printed by F.P. Blair?, 1834
Acts Passed at the Second Congress of the United States of America
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by F. Childs, 1795
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Congress of the United States of America, Begun and Held at the City of New-York, on Monday the Fourth of January, in the Year M,DCC,XC: and of the Independence of the United States, the Fourteenth
1 v. New York: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, printers to the Congress of the United States
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Nineteenth Congress of the United States
1 v. [Washington?]: Davis & Force, Print, 1827
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Seventeenth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington: Printed by Davis and Force, 1823
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Twentieth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington: Printed by P. Force, 1829
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington: Blair & Rives, 1837
Acts Passed at the Second Session of the Twenty-Third Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington?: s.n, 1835
Acts Passed at the Third Session of the Congress of the United States of America, Begun and Held at the City of Philadelphia on Monday the Sixth of December, in the Year M,DCC,XC: and of the Independence of the United States, the Fourteenth
Acts Passed at the Third Session of the Thirteenth Congress of the United States
1 v. Washington: Printed by Rapine and Elliot, 1815
Amendments of titles 10, 14, and 32, U.S. code, to codify recent military law, and to improve the code. Hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-fifth Congress, second session, on H.R. 8943, amendments of title 10, U.S. code, entitled, Armed Forces; title 14, U.S. code, entitled, Coast Guard; and title 32, U.S. code, entitled, National Guard. May 27, 1958.
Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1958.
Analytical Digest of the Laws of the United States
2 v. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1857-1869
Barnes' Federal Code, Containing All Federal Statutes of General and Public Nature Now in Force
1 v. Charleston, W. Va: Virginia Law Book Co, 1919
Barnes' Federal Code: 1919-1924 Supplement, Cumulated
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1924
Barnes' Federal Code: 1919-1926 Supplement, Cumulated
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1926
Barnes' Federal Code: 1921 Supplement
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1920
Barnes' Federal Code: 1922 Supplement, Cumulated
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1922.
Barnes' Federal Code: 1923 Supplement, Cumulated
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1923
Codification of Laws: June 3, 1924
1v. Washington: [s.n.], 1924
Codification of Revision of the Laws: Hearings before the Committee on Revision of the Laws, House of Representatives, Sixty-Ninth Congress, First Session
1v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1926
Compilation of Customs Laws and Digest of Decisions Thereunder Rendered by the Courts and the Board of United States General Appraisers
1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1908
Compilation of Navy and Other Laws from the Revised Statutes and Statues at Large Passed by the Forty-Third Congress: Ended March 4, 1875
1v. Washington: Navy Dept, 1875
Compilation of Public Timber Laws and Regulations and Decisions Thereunder
1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1897
Compilation of the Communications Act of 1934 and Related Provisions of Law: Including Communications Act of 1934, Communications Satellite Act of 1962, Selected Provisions from the United States Code
1v. Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office, 1989
Compiled Statutes of the United States, 1901
3 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1902
Compiled Statutes of the United States, 1913
5 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1914
Compiled Statutes of the United States: Supplement 1903
1 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1903
Compiled statutes of the United States: Supplement 1905
1 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1905
Compiled Statutes of the United States: Supplement 1907
1 v. St. Paul: West Publishing Co, 1907
Compiled Statutes of the United States: Supplement 1909
1 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1909
Compiled Statutes of the United States: Supplement 1911
1 v. St. Paul: West publishing Co, 1912
Concordance of Federal Legislation
1v. Buffalo: William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 1998
Digest of Federal Decisions and Statutes, from the Earliest Period to the Year 1880
1 v. Jersey City: F.D. Linn, 1880
Digest of Laws and Regulations in Force in the United States Relating to the Possession, Use, Sale, and Manufacture of Poisons and Habit-Forming Drugs
1 v. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1912
Digest of the Decisions of the Federal Courts, from the Organization of the Government to the Present Time (1789-1870)
2 v. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1868-1870
Digest of the Decisions of the Federal Courts, from the Organization of the Government to the Present Time (1789-1873)
2 v. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1868-1873
Digest of the General Laws of the United States, with References to the Acts Repealed, Supplied, or Modified; and Notes of the Decisions and Dicta of the Supreme Court of the Union upon Their Construction
1 v. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1856
Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789, to May 15th, 1820
1 v. Philadelphia: J. Maxwell, 1821
Digest of the Laws of the United States of America. Being a Complete System, (Alphabetically Arranged) of All the Public Acts of Congress Now in Force
1 v. Baltimore: W. Pechin, 1800
Digest of the Laws of the United States, including an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions Relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law
1v. Philadelphia: Printed for the author, 1837
Digest of the Laws of the United States, including an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law. With Notes Explanatory and Historical
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed for the Author, 1827
Digest of the Laws of the United States, including the Treaties with Foreign Powers, and an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed for the author, by I. Ashmead, 1844
Digest of the Laws of the United States, including the Treaties with Foreign Powers, and an Abstract of the Judicial Decisions Relating to the Constitutional and Statutory Law
1v. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co, 1852
Emergency powers statutes: provisions of Federal law now in effect delegating to the Executive extraordinary authority in time of national emergency; report.
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1973
Enactment of a Law: Procedural Steps in the Legislative Process
1v. Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office, 1967
Enactment of a Law: Procedural Steps in the Legislative Process
1v. Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office, 1979
Existing Laws of the United States of a General and Permanent Character, and relating to the Survey and Disposition of the Public Domain, December 1, 1880
1 v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1880
Federal and state statutes relating to farmworkers : a compilation / prepared for the Subcommittee on Agricultural Labor of the Committee on Education and Labor, United States House of Representatives.
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1976
Federal Laws Relating to Veterans of Wars of the United States: (Annotated) August 1, 1932
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off., 1932
Federal Statutes Annotated
10 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1903-1906
Federal Statutes Annotated
12 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1916-1919
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1912
2 v. Northport, NY: Edward Thompson Co, 1912
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1914
1 v. Northport, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1914
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1916
1 v. Northport, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1916
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1918
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1918
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1919
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1920
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1920
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1921
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1921
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1922
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1922
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1923
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1923
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1924
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1924
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1925
Federal Statutes Annotated: Supplement, 1925
1 v. Northport, Long Island, N.Y.: Edward Thompson Co, 1926
Federal Trade Commission: Organization, Procedures, Rules of Practice, and Statutes
1v. Washington, D.C: U.S. G.P.O., 1963
Final Report of the Commission to Revise and Codify the Laws of the United States
2v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1906
From Slip Law to United States Code: A Guide to Federal Statutes for Congressional Offices
June 12, 2023
General Public Acts of Congress, respecting the Sale and Disposition of the Public Lands
2v. Washington: Gales & Seaton, 1838
Important Federal Statutes Annotated
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan and Co, 1891
Index Analysis of the Federal Statutes Together With a Table of Repeals and Amendments
2 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1908-1911
Index to the Federal Statutes, 1874-1931; General and Permanent Law Contained in the Revised Statutes of 1874 and Volumes 18-46 of the Statutes at Large
1 v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1933
Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States. Anno M,DCC,XC, and of the Independence of the United States the Fourteenth
1 v. New York: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, 1790
Journal of the Second Session of the Senate of the United States of America, Begun and Held at the City of New-York, January 4th, 1790; and in the Fourteenth Year of the Independence of the Said States
1 v. Printed by John Fenno, in Maiden-Lane, 1790
Judicial Code of the United States in Force January 1, 1912: Act of March 3, 1911, Chap. 231, 36 Statutes at Large, 1807-1169 (Including All Amendments Made prior to March 4, 1913)
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1913
Laws and Comptroller's Decisions Pertaining to the United States Public Health Service
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1922
Laws and Regulations for the Government of the Post Office Department
1v. Washington: John T. Towers, 1847
Laws of the United States of a Local or Temporary Character, and Exhibiting the Entire Legislation of Congress upon which the Public Land Titles in Each State and Territory Have Depended. December 1, 1880
2 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1880
Laws of the United States of a Local or Temporary Character, and Exhibiting the Entire Legislation of Congress upon Which the Public Land Titles in Each State and Territory Have Depended. December 1, 1880
2 v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1884
Laws of the United States of America
10 v. Philadelphia: John Bioren and W. John Duane; Washington City: R.C. Weightman, 1815-1845
Laws of the United States of America
12 v. Philadelphia: Printed by R. Folwell, 1796-1815
Laws of the United States, Resolutions of Congress under the Confederation, Treaties, Proclamations, and Other Documents, Having Operation and Respect to the Public Lands
1v. City of Washington: Jonathan Elliot, 1817
Laws of the United States, Resolutions of Congress under the Confederation, Treaties, Proclamations, Spanish Regulations, and Other Documents Respecting the Public Lands
1v. Washington, D.C.: Printed by Gales & Seaton, 1828
Laws Relating to Espionage
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1943
Laws relating to Espionage, Sabotage, Etc.
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1971
Laws Relating to Espionage, Sabotage, Etc.
1v. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1958
Laws Relating to Espionage, Sabotage, Etc.
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1955
Laws Relating to the Navy, Annotated
1v. Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office, 1922
Mason's United States Code Annotated, 1926: Embracing the Text and Numbering of the Code of Laws of the United States as Adopted by Congress June 30, 1926
3v. + Supp. St. Paul: Citer-Digest Co., 1927
Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States and the Subsequent Legislation of Congress to July 1, 1889
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1889
Preliminary Compilation of Laws Pertaining to Government Procurement (a Listing including a Reproduction of the Full Text, by United States Code Section)
1v. Washington, D.C.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1970
Public and General Statutes Passed by the Congress of the United States of America
5 v. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1827-1848
Public and General Statutes Passed by the Congress of the United States of America. From 1789 to 1827 Inclusive
3 v. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1828
Public and General Statutes Passed by the Congress of the United States of America. From 1789 to 1836 Inclusive
4 v. Philadelphia, 1837-1840
Public Land Statutes of the United States
1 v. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1916
Revised Statutes of the United States 1st Edition
Vol. 1 (1875)
Revised Statutes of the United States 2nd Edition
Vol. 1 (1878)
Revised Statutes of the United States, Passed at the First Session of the Forty-Third Congress, 1873-'74
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1878
Revised Statutes of the United States, relating to the District of Columbia and Post Roads, Passed at the First Session of the Forty-Third Congress, 1873-'74; Together with the Public Treaties in Force on the First Day of December, 1873
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1875
Revision of Title 18, United States Code: Report from the Committee on Revision of the Laws, House of Representatives, to Accompany H.R. 2200, a Bill to Revise, Codify, and Enact into Law Title 18 of the United States Code, Entitled "Crimes and Criminal Procedure"
2v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1945-1946
Second Supplement to Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States and the Subsequent Legislation of Congress, January 1, 1898 - March 1, 1904
1v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1904
Sex Bias in the United States Code
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1977
Solar Energy Legislation through the 94th Congress
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off., 1977
Statutes of the United States of America Passed at the First Session of the Forty-Fourth Congress, 1875 - '76; and Recent Treaties, Postal Conventions, and Executive Proclamations
1v. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1876
Statutes of the United States Relating to Revenue, Commerce, Navigation, and the Currency: To Which Are Prefixed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
1v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1868
Supplement to Notes on the Revised Statutes of the United States, and the Subsequent Legislation of Congress, July 1, 1889 - January 1, 1898
1v. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1898
Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States
2 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1891
Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States
1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1891
Synoptical Index to the Laws and Treaties of the United States of America, from March 4, 1789 to March 3, 1851
1 v. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1852.
Trust Laws. Act to Regulate Commerce (as amended) and Acts Supplementary Thereto. 1887-1903
1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1903
U.S. Compiled Statutes, 1918
1 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1918
United States Code
United States Compiled Statutes, Annotated, 1916
12 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1916-1917
United States Laws relating to the Navy, Marine Corps, Etc., Compiled from the Revised Statutes and Subsequent Acts to June 17, 1898, with a Digest of the Decisions of the Courts and Opinions of the Attorneys-General
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1898
United States Public Land Laws, an Exhaustive Compilation of the Laws, Rulings, Decisions, and Late Acts of Congress, with Reference to the Agricultural, Mining and Other Lands of the United States, with the Instructions of the Commissioner of the General Land Office regarding the Same
1 v. Sioux City, Ia: D.H. Talbot, 1879
Veterans' Benefits Administered by Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government: Digests of Laws and Basic Statistics
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1956