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Commercial Tariffs and Regulations of the Several States of Europe and America, Together with the Commercial Treaties between England and Foreign Countries

Coverage: 19 v. London: Printed by Charles Whiting, 1841-1850

23 (Appendices to the Commercial Reports, 1849)
22 (India, Ceylon, and Other Oriental Countries, 1848)
21 (Empire of Brazil, 1847)
20 (Hatyi, and Foreign West Indies, 1847)
17-19 (Spanish American Republics, 1847)
16 (States of Mexico, 1846)
15 (United States of America, 1846)
14 (Portugal, 1844)
13 (Spain, 1844)
12 (Sweden and Norway, 1844)
11 (Russian Empire, 1843)
8-10 (Ottoman Empire, Greece, African States, &c., 1843)
7 (Italian States, including Gibraltar, Malta, and Ionian Islands, 1843)
6 (Holland, 1843)
5 (States of the Germanic Union of Customs; also, the Hanse Towns, Holstein, Hanover, Oldenburg, and Mecklenburg, 1842)
4 (France, 1842)
3 (Denmark, 1842)
2 (Belgium, 1842)
1 (Austria, 1841)