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Supreme Court Economic Review

Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Publication Website: http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/journals/journal/scer.html
Coverage: Vols. 1-28 (1982-2020) All Published

ISSN: 2156-6208
Frequency: 1
Additional Information: Supreme Court Economic Review is a faculty-edited, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary series that applies world class economic and legal scholarship to the work of the Supreme Court of the United States. Contributions typically provide an economic analysis of the events that generated the Court's cases, its functioning as an organization, the reasoning the Court employs in reaching its decisions, and the societal impact of these verdicts. Beyond academic analysis, SCER contributors stimulate interest in the economic dimension of the Supreme Court and explore solutions for its manifold and complex problems.

The series also publishes special symposium issues that build on SCER's traditional focus on the intersection between law and economics. The contributors include renowned legal scholars, economists, and policy-makers.


28 (2020)
27 (2019)
26 (2019)
25 (2019)
24 (2016)
23 (2015)
22 (2015)
21 (2013)
20 (2012)
19 (2011)
18 (2010)
17 (2009)
16 (2008)
15 (2007)
14 (2006)
13 (2005)
12 (2004)
11 (2003)
10 (2003)
9 (2001)
8 (2000)
7 (1999)
6 (1998)
5 (1996-1997)
4 (1994-1995)
3 (1993)
2 (1983)
1 (1982)