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Black Bard of North Carolina: George Moses Horton and His Poetry

Publisher: Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
Publication Website: https://www.uncpress.org/book/9780807846483/the-black-bard-of-north-carolina/
Coverage: 1v. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1997

Additional Information: For his humanistic religious verse, his poignant and deeply personal antislavery poems, and, above all, his lifelong enthusiasm for liberty, nature, and the art of poetry, George Moses Horton merits a place of distinction among nineteenth-century African American poets. Enslaved from birth until the close of the Civil War, the self-taught Horton was the first American slave to protest his bondage in published verse and the first black man to publish a book in the South. As a man and as a poet, his achievements were extraordinary.

1 (1997)