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Woman Citizen's Library: A Systematic Course of Reading in Preparation for the Larger Citizenship

Publisher: Chicago: The Civics Society,
Coverage: 12v. Chicago: The Civics Society, 1913-14

12 (The Woman Citizen and the Home, 1914)
11 (Woman and the Larger Citizenship, 1914)
10 (Woman and the Larger Citizenship, 1914)
9 (Woman and the Larger Citizenship, 1913)
8 (Woman and the Law, 1913)
7 (Woman Suffrage, 1914)
6 (Practical Politics, 1913)
5 (Practical Politics, 1913)
4 (Practical Politics, 1913)
3 (Political Science, 1913)
2 (Political Science, 1913)
1 (Political Science, 1913)