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Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

Publisher: A. L. Hummel for the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Publication Website: https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ann
Coverage: 692v. Philadelphia: Published by A. L. Hummel for the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1890-2020

Indexing: 707v. Philadelphia: Published by A. L. Hummel for the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1890-2023
ISSN: 0002-7162
Frequency: 1
707 (Media Policy for an Informed Citizenry: Revisiting the Information Needs of Communities for Democracy in Crisis, 2023) Indexing Only
706 (Overlapping Public Investments in Child Well-Being: A Reconsideration of the Social Safety Net, 2023) Indexing Only
705 (Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis, 2023) Indexing Only
704 (Preventing Gun Violence in America: What Works and What Is Possible, 2022) Indexing Only
703 (The Social and Community Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic, 2022) Indexing Only
702 (Single-Parent Families and Public Policy: Evidence from High-Income Countries, 2022) Indexing Only
701 (From Supervision to Opportunity: Reimagining Probation and Parole, 2022) Indexing Only
700 (Threats to Science: Politicization, Misinformation, and Inequalities, 2022) Indexing Only
699 (Democratic Vulnerabilities, 2022) Indexing Only
698 (The COVID-19 Shock to Our Deep Inequities: How to Mitigate the Impact, 2021) Indexing Only
697 (Making Sense of One Another in Crossing Borders: Social Cognition and Migration Politics, 2021) Indexing Only
696 (Investing in Latino Children and Youth, 2021) Indexing Only
695 (What Has Happened to the American Working Class since the Great Recession?, 2021) Indexing Only
694 (Legacies of Racial Violence: Clarifying and Addressing the Presence of the Past, 2021) Indexing Only
693 (The Dynamics of Homelessness: Research and Policy, 2021) Indexing Only
692 (Toward a Better Approach to Preventing, Identifying, and Addressing Child Maltreatment, 2020)
691 (The Rise of the Regulatory Welfare State: The Use and Abuse of Social Regulation, 2020)
690 (Refugee and Immigrant Integration: Unpacking the Research, Translating It into Policy, 2020)
689 (Do Networks Help People to Manage Poverty? Perspectives from the Field, 2020)
688 (Young People in Uncertain Labor Markets: International Evidence, 2020)
687 (Fatal Police Shootings: Patterns, Policy, and Prevention, 2020)
686 (Entitlement Reform, 2019)
685 (New Policies, New Politics? Policy Feedback, Power-Building, and American Governance, 2019)
684 (Behind the Smoke and Mirrors of U.S. Immigration Policy: Research from the Mexican Migration Project, 2019)
683 (What Use Is Educational Assessment?, 2019)
682 (Attitudes about Work: How They Are Formed and Why They Matter, 2019)
681 (Polarizing Polities: A Global Threat to Democracy, 2019)
680 (Longitudinal Research on Social Dynamics: The PSID at 50 Years, 2018)
679 (Regulating Crime: The New Criminology of Crime Control, 2018)
678 (Evidence-Based Social Policy: The Promise and Challenges of a Movement, 2018)
677 (What Census Data Miss about American Diversity, 2018)
676 (Migrant Smuggling as a Collective Strategy and Insurance Policy: Views from the Margins, 2018)
675 (Developing the Basis for Secure and Accessible Data for High Impact Program Management, Policy Development, and Scholarship, 2018)
674 (The State of Unequal Educational Opportunity: The Coleman Report 50 Years Later, 2017)
673 (Inner-City Schools: Inequality and Urban Education, 2017)
672 (The New Rural-Urban Interface, 2017)
671 (Understanding Student Debt: Who Borrows, the Consequences of Borrowing, and the Implications for Federal Policy, 2017)
670 (Regulatory Intermediaries in the Age of Governance, 2017)
669 (The New Big Science: Linking Data to Understand People in Context, 2017)
668 (The Middle East and Regional Transition, Terrorism, and Countering Violent Extremism: What the next President Will Face, 2016)
667 (Elections in America, 2016)
666 (Undocumented Migration in a Global Economy, 2016)
665 (Tough on Crime, Tough on Families? Criminal Justice and Family Life in America, 2016)
664 (The Great Experiment: Realigning Criminal Justice in California and beyond, 2016)
663 (Living in a High-Inequality Regime, 2016)
662 (Intermarriage and Integration Revisited: International Experiences and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches, 2015)
661 (Race, Racial Inequality, and Biological Determinism in the Genetic and Genomic Era, 2015)
660 (Residential Inequality in American Neighborhoods and Communities, 2015)
659 (Toward Computational Social Science: Big Data in Digital Environments, 2015)
658 (The Politics of Science: Political Values and the Production, Communication, and Reception of Scientific Knowledge, 2015)
657 (Monitoring Social Mobility in the Twenty-First Century, 2015)
656 (Aid and Institution-Building in Fragile States: Findings from Comparative Cases, 2014)
655 (The Role of State Policy in Promoting College Access and Success, 2014)
654 (Family Complexity, Poverty, and Public Policy, 2014)
653 (Human Trafficking: Recent Empirical Research, 2014)
652 (Strengthening Governance in South Africa: Building on Mandela's Legacy, 2014)
651 (Detaining Democracy? Criminal Justice and American Civic Life, 2014)
650 (The Effects of the Great Recession, 2013)
649 (Organizational Challenges to Regulatory Enforcement and Compliance: A New Common Sense about Regulation, 2013)
648 (Youth Migration and Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries, 2013)
647 (Reconsidering the Urban Disadvantaged: The Role of Systems, Institutions, and Organizations, 2013)
646 (Transitioning to Adulthood in Asia: School, Work, and Family Life, 2013)
645 (The Nonresponse Challenge to Surveys and Statistics, 2013)
644 (Communication, Consumers, and Citizens: Revisiting the Politics of Consumption, 2012)
643 (Migrant Youths and Children of Migrants in a Globalized World, 2012)
642 (Bringing Fieldwork Back in: Contemporary Urban Ethnographic Research, 2012)
641 (Immigration and the Changing Social Fabric of American Cities, 2012)
640 (Advancing Reasoned Action Theory, 2012)
639 (Gender and Race Inequality in Management: Critical Issues, New Evidence, 2012)
638 (Work, Family, and Workplace Flexibility, 2011)
637 (Race, Religion, and Late Democracy, 2011)
636 (Patrimonial Power in the Modern World, 2011)
635 (Young Disadvantaged Men: Fathers, Families, Poverty, and Policy, 2011)
634 (Race, Racial Attitudes, and Stratification Beliefs: Evolving Directions for Research and Policy, 2011)
633 (The Child as Citizen, 2011)
632 (Perspectives on Africa and the World, 2010)
631 (The Federal Statistical System: Its Vulnerability Matters More than You Think, 2010)
630 (Continental Divides: International Migration in the Americas, 2010)
629 (Reconsidering Culture and Poverty, 2010)
628 (Field Experiments in Comparative Politics and Policy, 2010)
627 (Beyond Admissions: Re-thinking College Opportunities and Outcomes, 2010)
626 (The Shape of the New American City, 2009)
625 (The End of Television? Its Impact on the World (So Far), 2009)
624 (Fathering across Diversity and Adversity: International Perspectives and Policy Interventions, 2009)
623 (Race, Crime, and Justice: Contexts and Complexities, 2009)
622 (The Globalization of Class Actions, 2009)
621 (The Moynihan Report Revisited: Lessons and Reflections after Four Decades, 2009)
620 (Exceptional Outcomes: Achievement in Education and Employment among Children of Immigrants, 2008)
619 (Cultural Sociology and Its Diversity, 2008)
618 (Terrorism: What the next President Will Face, 2008)
617 (The Politics of History in Comparative Perspective, 2008)
616 (Public Diplomacy in a Changing World, 2008)
615 (Overweight and Obesity in America's Children: Causes, Consequences, Solutions, 2008)
614 (The Biology of Political Behavior, 2007)
613 (Advancing Research on Minority Entrepreneurship, 2007)
612 (Religious Pluralism and Civil Society, 2007)
611 (The Politics of Consumption/The Consumption of Politics, 2007)
610 (NAFTA and beyond: Alternative Perspectives in the Study of Global Trade and Development, 2007)
609 (Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality in the U.S. Labor Market: Critical Issues in the New Millennium, 2007)
608 (Politics, Social Networks, and the History of Mass Communications Research: Rereading Personal Influence, 2006)
607 (Confronting the Specter of Nuclear Terrorism, 2006)
606 (Chronicle of a Myth Foretold: The Washington Consensus in Latin America, 2006)
605 (Democracy, Crime, and Justice, 2006)
604 (Shelter from the Storm: Repairing the National Emergency Management System after Katrina, 2006)
603 (Law, Society, and Democracy: Comparative Perspectives, 2006)
602 (Developmental Criminology and Its Discontents: Trajectories of Crime from Childhood to Old Age , 2005)
601 (The Science of Voter Mobilization, 2005)
600 (The Use and Usefulness of the Social Sciences: Achievements, Disappointments, and Promise, 2005)
599 (Place Randomized Trials: Experimental Tests of Public Policy, 2005)
598 (The Rise of Regulatory Capitalism: The Global Diffusion of a New Order , 2005)
597 (Cultural Production in a Digital Age, 2005)
596 (Mommies and Daddies on the Fast Track: Success of Parents in Demanding Professions, 2004)
595 (Being Here and Being There: Fieldwork Encounters and Ethnographic Discoveries, 2004)
594 (Race, Politics, and Community Development in U.S. Cities, 2004)
593 (To Better Serve and Protect: Improving Police Practices, 2004)
592 (Hope, Power and Governance, 2004)
591 (Positive Development: Realizing the Potential of Youth, 2004)
590 (Rethinking Sustainable Development, 2003)
589 (Misleading Evidence and Evidence-Led Policy: Making Social Science More Experimental, 2003)
588 (Islam: Enduring Myths and Changing Realities, 2003)
587 (Assessing Systematic Evidence in Crime and Justice: Methodological Concerns and Empirical Outcomes, 2003)
586 (Community Colleges: New Environments, New Directions, 2003)
585 (Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century, 2003)
584 (Health and the Environment, 2002)
583 (Global Perspectives on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2002)
582 (Cross-National Drug Policy, 2002)
581 (Globalization and Democracy, 2002)
580 (Early Adulthood in Cross-National Perspective, 2002)
579 (Exchange Rate Regimes and Capital Flows, 2002)
578 (What Works in Preventing Crime? Systematic Reviews of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research, 2001)
577 (Reforming Welfare, Redefining Poverty, 2001)
576 (Courthouse Violence: Protecting the Judicial Workplace, 2001)
575 (Children's Rights, 2001)
574 (The Supreme Court's Federalism: Real or Imagined?, 2001)
573 (Culture and Development: International Perspectives, 2001)
572 (Presidential Campaigns: Sins of Omission, 2000)
571 (Feminist Views of the Social Sciences, 2000)
570 (Dimensions of Globalization, 2000)
569 (The African American Male in American Life and Thought, 2000)
568 (The Study of African American Problems: W. E. B. Du Bois's Agenda, Then and Now, 2000)
567 (School Violence, 2000)
566 (The Social Diffusion of Ideas and Things, 1999)
565 (Civil Society and Democratization, 1999)
564 (Will the Juvenile Court System Survive? , 1999)
563 (The Silent Crisis in U.S. Child Care, 1999)
562 (The Evolving World of Work and Family: New Stakeholders, New Voices, 1999)
561 (Emotional Labor in the Service Economy, 1999)
560 (The Future of Fact, 1998)
559 (The Changing Educational Quality of the Workforce, 1998)
558 (Americans and Religions in the Twenty-First Century, 1998)
557 (Children and Television, 1998)
556 (Gambling: Socioeconomic Impacts and Public Policy, 1998)
555 (Israel in Transition, 1998)
554 (The Role of NGOs: Charity and Empowerment, 1997)
553 (Transport at the Millennium, 1997)
552 (Strengthening Transitional Democracies through Conflict Resolution, 1997)
551 (Globalization and the Changing U.S. City, 1997)
550 (NAFTA Revisited: Expectations and Realities, 1997)
549 (The Americans with Disabilities Act: Social Contract or Special Privilege?, 1997)
548 (The Holocaust: Remembering for the Future, 1996)
547 (The Future of Hong Kong, 1996)
546 (The Media and Politics, 1996)
545 (Challenges in Risk Assessment and Risk Management, 1996)
544 (Impacts of Changing Employment: If the Good Jobs Go Away, 1996)
543 (The Federal Role in Criminal Law, 1996)
542 (Flexibility in International Negotiation and Mediation, 1995)
541 (Small Wars, 1995)
540 (Local Governance around the World, 1995)
539 (Reactions to Crime and Violence, 1995)
538 (Being and Becoming Canada, 1995)
537 (Ethics in American Public Service, 1995)
536 (Employee Dismissal: Justice at Work, 1994)
535 (The Arms Trade: Problems and Prospects in the Post-Cold War World, 1994)
534 (Strategies for Immigration Control: An International Comparison, 1994)
533 (Trends in U.S.-Caribbean Relations, 1994)
532 (Foreign Language Policy: An Agenda for Change, 1994)
531 (The European Community: To Maastricht and beyond, 1994)
530 (Interminority Affairs in the U.S.: Pluralism at the Crossroads, 1993)
529 (Rural America: Blueprint for Tomorrow, 1993)
528 (Citizens, Protest, and Democracy, 1993)
527 (Religion in the Nineties, 1993)
526 (Free Trade in the Western Hemisphere, 1993)
525 (White-Collar Crime, 1993)
524 (Political Islam, 1992)
523 (Affirmative Action Revisited, 1992)
522 (The Future: Trends into the Twenty-First Century, 1992)
521 (Drug Abuse: Linking Policy and Research, 1992)
520 (World Literacy in the Year 2000, 1992)
519 (China's Foreign Relations, 1992)
518 (Resolving Regional Conflicts: International Perspectives, 1991)
517 (New Directions in U.S. Defense Policy, 1991)
516 (Foreign Investment in the United States, 1991)
515 (American Feminism: New Issues for a Mature Movement, 1991)
514 (Electronic Links for Learning, 1991)
513 (Japan's External Economic Relations: Japanese Perspectives, 1991)
512 (The Nordic Region: Changing Perspectives in International Relations, 1990)
511 (Foreign Language in the Workplace, 1990)
510 (World Population: Approaching the Year 2000, 1990)
509 (American Federalism: The Third Century, 1990)
508 (English Plus: Issues in Bilingual Education, 1990)
507 (Privatizing and Marketizing Socialism, 1990)
506 (Human Rights around the World, 1989)
505 (The Pacific Region: Challenges to Policy and Theory, 1989)
504 (Peace Studies: Past and Future, 1989)
503 (The Quality of Aging: Strategies for Interventions, 1989)
502 (Universities and the Military, 1989)
501 (The Ghetto Underclass: Social Science Perspectives, 1989)
500 (Whither the American Empire: Expansion or Contraction?, 1988)
499 (Congress and the Presidency: Invitation to Struggle, 1988)
498 (The Private Security Industry: Issues and Trends, 1988)
497 (Anti-Americanism: Origins and Context, 1988)
496 (State Constitutions in a Federal System, 1988)
495 (Telescience: Scientific Communication in the Information Age, 1988)
494 (Policies to Prevent Crime: Neighborhood, Family, and Employment Strategies, 1987)
493 (The Informal Economy, 1987)
492 (Unemployment: A Global Challenge, 1987)
491 (The Fulbright Experience and Academic Exchanges, 1987)
490 (Foreign Language Instruction: A National Agenda, 1987)
489 (International Affairs in Africa, 1987)
488 (Revitalizing the Industrial City, 1986)
487 (Immigration and American Public Policy, 1986)
486 (Regulating Campaign Finance, 1986)
485 (From Foreign Workers to Settlers? Transnational Migration and the Emergence of New Minorities, 1986)
484 (The Law and Mental Health: Research and Policy, 1986)
483 (Religion and the State: The Struggle for Legitimacy and Power, 1986)
482 (Changing Patterns of Power in the Middle East, 1985)
481 (Soviet Foreign Policy in an Uncertain World, 1985)
480 (Religion in America Today, 1985)
479 (The Welfare State in America: Trends and Prospects, 1985)
478 (Our Crowded Prisons, 1985)
477 (The Insanity Defense, 1985)
476 (China in Transition, 1984)
475 (Deindustrialization: Restructuring the Economy, 1984)
474 (Gambling: Views from the Social Sciences, 1984)
473 (The Future of American Unionism, 1984)
472 (Polling and the Democratic Consensus, 1984)
471 (Paying for Culture, 1984)
470 (Robotics: Future Factories, Future Workers, 1983)
469 (Nuclear Armament and Disarmament, 1983)
468 (Health Care Policy in America, 1983)
467 (The Global Refugee Problem: U.S. and World Response, 1983)
466 (Implementing Governmental Change, 1983)
465 (Housing America, 1983)
464 (Middle and Late Life Transitions, 1982)
463 (International Terrorism, 1982)
462 (The American Judiciary: Critical Issues, 1982)
461 (Young Children and Social Policy, 1982)
460 (The Internationalization of the American Economy, 1982)
459 (Government and Economic Performance, 1982)
458 (Technology Transfer: New Issues, New Analysis, 1981)
457 (National Security Policy for the 1980s, 1981)
456 (Social Effects of Inflation, 1981)
455 (Gun Control, 1981)
454 (America as a Multicultural Society, 1981)
453 (America Enters the Eighties: Some Social Indicators, 1981)
452 (The Police and Violence, 1980)
451 (Changing Cities: A Challenge to Planning, 1980)
450 (Reflections on the Holocaust: Historical, Philosophical, and Educational Dimensions, 1980)
449 (New Directions in International Education, 1980)
448 (The Academic Profession, 1980)
447 (The Social Meaning of Death, 1980)
446 (The Uneasy Boundary: Church and State, 1979)
445 (Contemporary Issues in Sport, 1979)
444 (The Environment and the Quality of Life: A World View, 1979)
443 (Risks and Its Treatment: Changing Societal Consequences, 1979)
442 (The Human Dimension of Human Property: An American Perspective, 1979)
441 (Race and Residence in American Cities, 1979)
440 (The European Community after Twenty Years, 1978)
439 (Urban Black Politics, 1978)
438 (Planning for the Elderly, 1978)
437 (Medical Ethics and Social Change, 1978)
436 (American Indians Today, 1978)
435 (America in the Seventies: Some Social Indicators, 1978)
434 (Social Theory and Public Policy, 1977)
433 (Ethnic Conflict in the World Today, 1977)
432 (Africa in Transition, 1977)
431 (Industrial Democracy in International Perspective, 1977)
430 (Nuclear Proliferation: Prospects, Problems, and Proposals, 1977)
429 (The New Rural America, 1977)
428 (The American Revolution Abroad, 1976)
427 (Role of the Mass Media in American Politics, 1976)
426 (Bicentennial Conference on the Constitution: A Report to the Academy, 1976)
425 (Political Finance: Reform and Reality, 1976)
424 (International Exchange of Persons: A Reassessment, 1976)
423 (Crime and Justice in America: 1776-1976, 1976)
422 (The Suburban Seventies, 1975)
421 (Perspectives on Publishing, 1975)
420 (Adjusting to Scarcity, 1975)
419 (General Revenue Sharing and Federalism, 1975)
418 (Planning for Full Employment, 1975)
417 (Drugs and Social Policy, 1975)
416 (Intergovernmental Relations in America Today, 1974)
415 (Political Consequences of Aging, 1974)
414 (USA-USSR: Agenda for Communication, 1974)
413 (Interest Groups in International Perspective, 1974)
412 (The Information Revolution, 1974)
411 (Changing Congress: The Committee System, 1974)
410 (The Energy Crisis: Reality or Myth, 1973)
409 (Income Inequality, 1973)
408 (The Future Society: Aspects of America in the Year 2000, 1973)
407 (Blacks and the Law, 1973)
406 (The Military and American Society, 1973)
405 (Urban Change and the Planning Syndrome, 1973)
404 (American Higher Education: Prospects and Choices, 1972)
403 (The Multinational Corporation, 1972)
402 (China in the World Today, 1972)
401 (America and the Middle East, 1972)
400 (The Government as Regulator, 1972)
399 (The Nation's Health: Some Issues, 1972)
398 (Propaganda in International Affairs, 1971)
397 (Seven Polarizing Issues in America Today, 1971)
396 (America's Most Challenging Objectives, 1971)
395 (Students Protest, 1971)
394 (Social Science and the Federal Government, 1971)
393 (Social Information for Developing Countries, 1971)
392 (How Wars End, 1970)
391 (Collective Violence, 1970)
390 (A New American Posture toward Asia, 1970)
389 (Society and Its Physical Environment, 1970)
388 (Political Intelligence for America's Future, 1970)
387 (The Sixties: Radical Change in American Religion, 1970)
386 (Protagonists, Power, and the Third World: Essays on the Changing International System, 1969)
385 (Evaluating the War on Poverty, 1969)
384 (America's Changing Role as a World Leader, 1969)
383 (Progress in Family Law, 1969)
382 (Protest in the Sixties, 1969)
381 (The Future of Corrections, 1969)
380 (Resources and Needs of American Diplomacy, 1968)
379 (Financing Democracy, 1968)
378 (The Changing American People: Are We Deteriorating or Improving?, 1968)
377 (The Ombudsman or Citizen's Defender: A Modern Institution, 1968)
376 (Sex and the Contemporary American Scene, 1968)
375 (Women around the World, 1968)
374 (Combating Crime, 1967)
373 (Social Goals and Indicators for American Society, 1967)
372 (Realignments in the Communist and Western Worlds, 1967)
371 (Social Goals and Indicators for American Society, 1967)
370 (National Character in the Perspective of the Social Sciences, 1967)
369 (World Population, 1967)
368 (Americans Abroad, 1966)
367 (The New Immigration, 1966)
366 (American Civilization: Its Influence on Our Foreign Policy, 1966)
365 (The Peace Corps, 1966)
364 (Patterns of Violence, 1966)
363 (Ethics in America: Norms and Deviations, 1966)
362 (Nonalignment in Foreign Affairs, 1965)
361 (Political Socialization: Its Role in the Political Process, 1965)
360 (Latin America Tomorrow, 1965)
359 (Intergovernmental Relations in the United States, 1965)
358 (New Nations: The Problem of Political Development, 1965)
357 (The Negro Protest, 1965)
356 (The Non-Western World in Higher Education, 1964)
355 (Programs and Problems in Child Welfare, 1964)
354 (Africa in Motion, 1964)
353 (City Bosses and Political Machines, 1964)
352 (Urban Revival: Goals and Standards, 1964)
351 (The Changing Cold War, 1964)
350 (The Crisis in the American Trade-Union Movement, 1963)
349 (Communist China and the Soviet Bloc, 1963)
348 (The New Europe: Implications for the United States, 1963)
347 (Combating Organized Crime, 1963)
346 (Medicine and Society, 1963)
345 (Transportation Renaissance, 1963)
344 (Conservatism, Liberalism, and National Issues, 1962)
343 (The Ethics of Business Enterprise, 1962)
342 (American Foreign Policy Challenged, 1962)
341 (Unconventional Warfare, 1962)
340 (Automation, 1962)
339 (Crime and the American Penal System, 1962)
338 (Teen-Age Culture, 1961)
337 (Meeting Health Needs by Social Action, 1961)
336 (Is International Communism Winning?, 1961)
335 (The Rising Demand for International Education, 1961)
334 (Latin America's Nationalistic Revolutions, 1961)
333 (Labor Relations Policy in an Expanding Economy, 1961)
332 (Religion in American Society, 1960)
331 (Agricultural Policy, Politics, and the Public Interest, 1960)
330 (Whither American Foreign Policy?, 1960)
329 (International Co-Operation for Social Welfare - A New Reality, 1960)
328 (Lagging Justice, 1960)
327 (Perspectives on Government and Science, 1960)
326 (Inflation, 1959)
325 (American Civilization and Its Leadership Needs, 1959)
324 (Resolving the Russian-American Deadlock, 1959)
323 (Partnership for Progress: International Technical Co-Operation, 1959)
322 (Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency, 1959)
321 (Contemporary China and the Chinese, 1959)
320 (Highway Safety and Traffic Control, 1958)
319 (Unofficial Government: Pressure Groups and Lobbies, 1958)
318 (Asia and Future World Leadership, 1958)
317 (The Satellites in Eastern Europe, 1958)
316 (A Crowding Hemisphere: Population Change in the Americas, 1958)
315 (Understanding Alcoholism, 1958)
314 (Metropolis in Ferment, 1957)
313 (Recreation in the Age of Automation, 1957)
312 (The Future of the Western Alliance, 1957)
311 (American Indians and American Life, 1957)
310 (Current Issues in International Labor Relations, 1957)
309 (Disasters and Disaster Relief, 1957)
308 (Japan since Recovery of Independence, 1956)
307 (The Office of the American Presidency, 1956)
306 (Africa and the Western World, 1956)
305 (Agrarian Societies in Transition, 1956)
304 (Racial Desegregation and Integration, 1956)
303 (Russia since Stalin: Old Trends and New Problems, 1956)
302 (The Public School and Other Community Services, 1955)
301 (Higher Education under Stress, 1955)
300 (Internal Security and Civil Rights, 1955)
299 (Air Power and National Security, 1955)
298 (Contemporary Africa Trends and Issues, 1955)
297 (Ethical Standards and Professional Conduct, 1955)
296 (The Future of the United Nations Issues of Charter Revision, 1954)
295 (America through Foreign Eyes, 1954)
294 (America and a New Asia, 1954)
293 (Prisons in Transformation, 1954)
292 (Bureaucracy and Democratic Government, 1954)
291 (New Goals in Police Management, 1954)
290 (The Impact of Atomic Energy, 1953)
289 (Congress and Foreign Relations, 1953)
288 (NATO and World Peace, 1953)
287 (Judicial Administration and the Common Man, 1953)
286 (Mental Health in the United States, 1953)
285 (Puerto Rico a Study in Democratic Development, 1953)
284 (Murder and the Penalty of Death, 1952)
283 (Meaning of the 1952 Presidential Election, 1952)
282 (The National Interest - Alone or with Others?, 1952)
281 (The Future of Our Natural Resources, 1952)
280 (Ethical Standards in American Public Life, 1952)
279 (Social Contribution by the Aging, 1952)
278 (The Search for National Security, 1951)
277 (Report on China, 1951)
276 (Lessons from Asia, 1951)
275 (Civil Rights in America, 1951)
274 (Labor in the American Economy, 1951)
273 (Medical Care for Americans, 1951)
272 (Toward Family Stability; Supplement: Cumulative Index 1946-1950, 1950)
271 (Moscow's European Satellites, 1950)
270 (Formulating a Point Four Program, 1950)
269 (Gambling, 1950)
268 (Aiding Underdeveloped Areas Abroad, 1950)
267 (Military Government, 1950)
266 (Government Finance in a Stable and Growing Economy, 1949)
265 (Critical Issues and Trends in American Education, 1949)
264 (World Government, 1949)
263 (The Soviet Union since World War II, 1949)
262 (Reappraising Our Immigration Policy, 1949)
261 (Juvenile Delinquency, 1949)
260 (Postwar Reconstruction in Western Germany, 1948)
259 (Parties and Politics: 1948, 1948)
258 (Looking toward One World, 1948)
257 (Peace Settlements of World War II, 1948)
256 (Organized Religion in the United States, 1948)
255 (Foreign Policies and Relations of the United States, 1948)
254 (The Motion Picture Industry, 1947)
253 (Features of Present-Day Canada, 1947)
252 (Progress and Prospects of the United Nations, 1947)
251 (Women's Opportunities and Responsibilities, 1947)
250 (Communication and Social Action, 1947)
249 (Social Implications of Modern Science, 1947)
248 (Labor Relations and the Public, 1946)
247 (Belgium in Transition, 1946)
246 (Making the United Nations Work, 1946)
245 (The Netherlands during German Occupation, 1946)
244 (Controlling Group Prejudice, 1946)
243 (Essential Human Rights, 1946)
242 (Building the Future City; Supplement: Cumulative Index 1941-1945, 1945)
241 (Universal Military Training and National Security, 1945)
240 (Our Muddled World, 1945)
239 (The Disabled Veteran, 1945)
238 (Postwar Jobs for Veterans, 1945)
237 (World Population in Transition, 1945)
236 (Adolescents in Wartime, 1944)
235 (International Frontiers in Education, 1944)
234 (Agenda for Peace, 1944)
233 (India Speaking, 1944)
232 (A Challenge to Peacemakers, 1944)
231 (Higher Education and the War, 1944)
230 (Transportation: War and Postwar, 1943)
229 (The American Family in World War II, 1943)
228 (The United Nations and the Future, 1943)
227 (Our Servicemen and Economic Security, 1943)
226 (Southeastern Asia and the Philippines, 1943)
225 (Nutrition and Food Supply: The War and after, 1943)
224 (Labor Relations and the War, 1942)
223 (Minority Peoples in a Nation at War, 1942)
222 (Winning Both the War and the Peace, 1942)
221 (Administrative Regulation of Private Enterprise, 1942)
220 (Organizing for Total War, 1942)
219 (The Press in the Contemporary Scene, 1942)
218 (Public Policy in a World at War, 1941)
217 (Crime in the United States, 1941)
216 (Defending America's Future, 1941)
215 (America and Japan, 1941)
214 (Billions for Defense, 1941)
213 (New Horizons in Radio, 1941)
212 (Children in a Depression Decade; Supplement: Cumulative Index 1936-1940, 1940)
211 (Our Foreign Commerce in Peace and War, 1940)
210 (When War Ends, 1940)
209 (Marketing in Our American Economy, 1940)
208 (Mexico Today, 1940)
207 (Intergovernmental Relations in the United States, 1940)
206 (Government Expansion in the Economic Sphere, 1939)
205 (Frontiers of Legal Aid Work, 1939)
204 (Democracy and the Americas, 1939)
203 (Refugees, 1939)
202 (Appraising the Social Security Program, 1939)
201 (Ownership and Regulation of Public Utilities, 1939)
200 (Freedom of Inquiry and Expression, 1938)
199 (Better City Government, 1938)
198 (Present International Tensions, 1938)
197 (Social Problems and Policies in Sweden, 1938)
196 (Consumer Credit, 1938)
195 (Our State Legislators, 1938)
194 (The Prospect for Youth, 1937)
193 (Revival of Depressed Industries, 1937)
192 (The United States and World War, 1937)
191 (Consumers' Cooperation, 1937)
190 (Current Developments in Housing, 1937)
189 (Improved Personnel in Government Service, 1937)
188 (The American People: Studies in Population, 1936)
187 (Railroads and Government, 1936)
186 (The Attainment and Maintenance of World Peace, 1936)
185 (The Constitution in the 20th Century, 1936)
184 (Problems of Organized Labor, 1936)
183 (Government Finance in the Modern Economy, 1936)
182 (Education for Social Control; Supplement: Cumulative Index 1931-1935, 1935)
181 (The State Constitution of the Future, 1935)
180 (Socialism, Fascism, and Democracy, 1935)
179 (Pressure Groups and Propaganda, 1935)
178 (Increasing Government Control in Economic Life, 1935)
177 (Radio: The Fifth Estate, 1935)
176 (Social Welfare in the National Recovery Program, 1934)
175 (The Shadow of War, 1934)
174 (The World Trend toward Nationalism, 1934)
173 (The Ultimate Consumer. A Study in Economic Illiteracy, 1934)
172 (Towards National Recovery, 1934)
171 (Banking and Transportation Problems, 1934)
170 (Social Insurance, 1933)
169 (The Crisis of Democracy, 1933)
168 (American Policy in the Pacific, 1933)
167 (The Administration of Justice, 1933)
166 (The International Labor Organization, 1933)
165 (Essentials for Prosperity, 1933)
164 (Palestine. A Decade of Development, 1932)
163 (Prohibition: A National Experiment, 1932)
162 (National and World Planning, 1932)
161 (Modern Insurance Developments, 1932)
160 (The Modern American Family, 1932)
159 (Part 1: Power and the Public; Part 2: Fortieth Anniversary Index (September 1926 - November 1930), 1932)
158 (An Economic Survey of Australia, 1931)
157 (Prisons of Tomorrow, 1931)
156 (Elements of an American Foreign Policy, 1931)
155 (Part 1: Organized Commodity Markets; Part 2: Zoning in the United States, 1931)
154 (The Insecurity of Industry, 1931)
153 (The Coming of Industry to the South, 1931)
152 (China, 1930)
151 (Postwar Progress in Child Welfare, 1930)
150 (Economics of World Peace, 1930)
149 (Part 1: The Second Industrial Revolution and Its Significance; Part 2: Prosperity Reserves of Public Works; Part 3: Some Social Aspects of Mental Hygiene, 1930)
148 (Part 1: Real Estate Problems; Part 2: Supplement: Colorado River Development and Related Problems, 1930)
147 (The Anti-Trust Laws of the United States, 1930)
146 (The Police and the Crime Problem, 1929)
145 (Part 1: Law and Social Welfare; Part 2: India, 1929)
144 (Present Day Causes of International Friction and Their Elimination, 1929)
143 (Women in the Modern World, 1929)
142 (Farm Relief, 1929)
141 (Tariff Problems of the United States, 1929)
140 (The American Negro, 1928)
139 (Stabilization of Commodity Prices, 1928)
138 (Some Aspects of the Present International Situation, 1928)
137 (Standards in Industry, 1928)
136 (Progress in the Law, 1928)
135 (Great Inland Water-Way Projects in the United States, 1928)
134 (Europe in 1927. An Economic Survey, 1927)
133 (Planning for City Traffic, 1927)
132 (Some Outstanding Problems of American Foreign Policy, 1927)
131 (Aviation, 1927)
130 (Modern Insurance Tendencies, 1927)
129 (Federal versus State Jurisdiction in American Life, 1927)
128 (The Motion Picture in Its Economic and Social Aspects, 1926)
127 (Markets of the United States, 1926)
126 (The United States in Relation to the European Situation, 1926)
125 (Modern Crime: Its Prevention and Punishment, 1926)
124 (Legal Aid Work, 1926)
123 (Industrial Safety, 1926)
122 (The Far East, 1925)
121 (New Values in Child Welfare, 1925)
120 (American Policy and International Security, 1925)
119 (Science in Modern Industry, 1925)
118 (Giant Power. Large Scale Electrical Development as a Social Factor, 1925)
117 (The Agricultural Situation in the United States, 1925)
116 (The Automobile: Its Province and Its Problems, 1924)
115 (Scientific Distribution Modern Selling - A Dynamic Wealth Producing Force, 1924)
114 (America and the Post-War European Situation, 1924)
113 (Competency and Economy in Public Expenditures, 1924)
112 (Raw Materials and Foodstuffs in the Commercial Policies of Nations, 1924)
111 (The Price of Coal, Anthracite and Bituminous, 1924)
110 (Psychology in Business, 1923)
109 (Prohibition and Its Enforcement, 1923)
108 (America's Relation to the European Situation, 1923)
107 (Social and Economic Conditions in the Dominion of Canada, 1923)
106 (The Direct Primary, 1923)
105 (Public Welfare in the United States, 1923)
104 (Western Europe and the United States, 1922)
103 (Industrial Relations and the Churches, 1922)
102 (America and the Rehabilitation of Europe, 1922)
101 (The Ethics of the Professions and of Business, 1922)
100 (1922)
99 (The Federal Reserve System - Its Purpose and Work, 1922)
98 (Child Welfare, 1921)
97 (The Revival of American Business, 1921)
96 (The Place of the United States in a World Organization for the Maintenance of Peace, 1921)
95 (Taxation and Public Expenditures, 1921)
94 (The International Trade Situation, 1921)
93 (Present-Day Immigration with Special Reference to the Japanese, 1921)
92 (Social and Industrial Conditions in the Germany of Today, 1920)
91 (Labor, Management and Production, 1920)
90 (Industrial Stability, 1920)
89 (Prices, 1920)
88 (Bonds and the Bond Market, 1920)
87 (The New American Thrift, 1920)
86 (The Railroad Problem: A Discussion of Current Railway Issues, 1919)
85 (Modern Manufacturing: A Partnership of Idealism and Common Sense, 1919)
84 (International Reconstruction, 1919)
83 (International Economics, 1919)
82 (Industries in Readjustment, 1919)
81 (A Reconstruction Labor Policy, 1919)
80 (Rehabilitation of the Wounded, 1918)
79 (War Relief Work, 1918)
78 (Mobilizing America's Resources for the War, 1918)
77 (Social Work with Families: Social Case Treatment, 1918)
76 (War Adjustments in Railroad Regulation, 1918)
75 (Financing the War, 1918)
74 (The World's Food, 1917)
73 (Justice through Simplified Legal Procedure, 1917)
72 (America's Relation to the World Conflict and to the Coming Peace, 1917)
71 (Stabilizing Industrial Employment: Reducing the Labor Turnover, 1917)
70 (Modern Insurance Problems, 1917)
69 (The Present Labor Situation: Compulsory Investigation and Arbitration, 1917)
68 (America's Changing Investment Market, 1916)
67 (New Possibilities in Education, 1916)
66 (Preparedness and America's International Program, 1916)
65 (Personnel and Employment Problems in Industrial Management, 1916)
64 (Public Administration and Partisan Politics, 1916)
63 (National Industries and the Federal Government, 1916)
62 (Public Budgets, 1915)
61 (America's Interests after the European War, 1915)
60 (America's Interest as Affected by the European War, 1915)
59 (The American Industrial Opportunity, 1915)
58 (Readjustments in Taxation, 1915)
57 (Proceedings of the Conference of American Mayors on Public Policies as to Municipal Utilities, 1915)
56 (Women in Public Life, 1914)
55 (Government Regulation of Water Transportation, 1914)
54 (International Relations of the United States, 1914)
53 (State Regulation of Public Utilities, 1914)
52 (Reform in Administration of Justice, 1914)
51 (Housing and Town Planning, 1914)
50 (Reducing the Cost of Food Distribution, 1913)
49 (The Negro's Progress in Fifty Years, 1913)
48 (The Cost of Living, 1913)
47 (County Government, 1913)
46 (Prison Labor, 1913)
45 (Canadian National Problems, 1913)
44 (The Outlook for Industrial Peace, 1912)
43 (The Initiative, Referendum and Recall, 1912)
42 (Industrial Competition and Combination, 1912)
41 (Efficiency in City Government, 1912)
40 (Country Life, 1912)
39 (China: Social and Economic Conditions, 1912)
38 (1911)
37 (1911)
36 (1910)
35 (1910)
34 (1909)
33 (1909)
32 (1908)
31 (1908)
30 (1907)
29 (1907)
28 (1906)
27 (1906)
26 (1905)
25 (1905)
24 (1904)
23 (1904)
22 (1903)
21 (1903)
20 (1902)
19 (1902)
18 (1901)
17 (1901)
16 (1900)
15 (1900)
14 (1899)
13 (1899)
12 (1898)
11 (1898)
10 (1897)
9 (1897)
8 (1896)
7 (1896)
6 (1895)
5 (1894-1895)
4 (1893-1894)
3 (1892-1893)
2 (1891-1892)
1 (1890-1891)