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Civil Affairs Handbook: Germany

Coverage: 35 v. [Washington]: Army Service Forces, 1944-1945

17 (Atlas on Churches, Museums, Libraries and Other Cultural Institutions in Germany, 1944)
16 (Public Welfare, 1944)
15 (Education, 1944)
14 (Public Safety, 1943)
13 (Public Health and Sanitation, 1944)
12 (Communications and Control of Public Opinion, 1944)
11A (Transportation Systems: Inland Waterways - A Tabular Summary, 1945)
11 (Transportation Systems, 1944)
10E-F (Public Works and Utilities: Urban Transportation and Public Buildings, Parks and Streets, 1944)
10C-D (Public Works and Utilities: Water Supply and Sewage, 1944)
10B (Public Works and Utilities: Gas, 1944)
10A (Public Works and Utilities: Electric Power, 1944)
9 (Labor, 1944)
8A (Industry and Commerce - An Appendix Indicating Recent Trends in German Foreign Trade, 1944)
8 (Industry and Commerce, 1944)
7 (Agriculture, 1944)
6 (Natural Resources, 1944)
5 (Money and Banking, 1945)
4 (Government Finance, 1944)
3 (Legal Affairs, 1944)
2T (Government and Administration - Economic Controls in Nazi Germany, 1944)
2M (Proclamations, Ordiniances and Laws Issued by Allied Military Government in Germany, 1945)
2L (German Military Government over Europe - The Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia, 1944)
2K (German Military Government over Europe - Propaganda in Occupied Europe, 1944)
2J (German Military Government over Europe - Labor Controls in Occupied Europe, 1944)
2G (German Military Government over Europe - Technical and Economic Troops in Occupied Europe, 1944)
2F (German Military Government over Europe - The Nazi Party in Occupied Europe, 1944)
2E (German Military Government over Europe - Military and Police Tribunals in Occupied Europe, 1944)
2D (German Military Government over Europe - The SS & Police in Occupied Europe, 1944)
2A Supp (Supplement the National Socialist Party, 1944)
2A (Government and Administration, 1943)
2 (Government and Administration, 1944)
1b (Christian Churches, 1944)
1a (Background of the Nazi Regime, 1944)
1 (Geographical and Social Background, 1944)