World Trials Library
"Fenian Conspiracy": Report of the Trials of Thomas F. Burke and Others, for High Treason, and Treason-Felony, &c., at the Special Commission, Dublin
1v. Dublin: Printed by Alexander Thom, 1869
13 Communists Speak to the Court
1v. New York: New Century Publishers, 1953
13th Juror: The Inside Story of My Trial
1 v. New York: Masses & Mainstream, 1955
1913 Oct. Term, No. 217. Anna Hawley, vs. Joseph Walker, Constable, Etc.
1 v. 1913
A. Hartleben's Gerichts-Bibliothek
1v. Wien [etc.]: A. Hartleben's verlag, 1889
Aaron Burr Conspiracy: A History Largely from Original and Hitherto Unused Sources
1 v. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1903
Aaron v. Cooper: Little Rock Case
1 v. [S. l.: s. n., 1958?]
Abby Smith and Her Cows, with a Report of the Law Case Decided Contrary to Law
1v. Hartford: [American Publishing Co.], 1877
Abduction of Juan Francisco Rey, A Narrative of Events from His Own Lips, from the Time He Left Havana, in Company with Villaverde and Fernandez, until His Return to the United States, Embracing a Relation of What Occurred on His First Departure from Havana; the Intrigues and Violence by Which His Abduction was Accomplished in New Orleans; His Voyage Back to Havana on the Mary Ellen; His Imprisonment There, and His Release and Return to the United States, together with a Compilation of the Testimony in the Preliminary Investigation before Judge Bright and Commissioner Cohen, and a Review of the Same
1 v. New Orleans: Printed for the publisher at "The True delta" Office, 1849
Abraham Lincoln, Defendant: Lincoln's Most Interesting Lawsuit
1v. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1923
Abrege des Causes Celebres & Interessantes, Avec les Jugemens Qui les ont Decidees
3 v. Bath: de l'imprimerie de R. Cruttwell, aux de pens de l'auteur, 1793
Absolute Money: A New System of National Finance, under a Co-Operative Government
1 v. St. Louis: Soule, Thomas & Wentworth, 1875.
Abstract of Laws Relating to Railroads of the States and Territories in Which the Railways of the Union Pacific System are Operated
1v. Omaha: Klopp, Bartlett, 1891
Abstract of State Trials, Held, under Special Commission at Jyepoor, for the Trial of the Ex-Minister Sunghee Jotha Ram, His Brother and Son, and Other Persons Implicated in a Plot to Subvert the Local Government, Resulting in an Assault upon the Person of Major N. Alves, Agent to the Governor General, and the Murder of Mr. Martin Blake, Assistant Agent to Ditto: Giving a General View of the Proceedings of the Special Court before Which the Principal Criminals Were Arraigned; with Selected Portions of the Documents Produced, the Written Defences of Sunghees Jotha Ram and Hookum Chund; a Summary of the Evidence, Translation of Several Important Papers, and Extracts from the Calcutta Courier, Having Reference to the Subject
1 v. Calcutta: G.H. Huttmann, 1837
Abstract of the Case of James Earl of Crawford and Balcarres, etc., Claiming the Original Dukedom of Montrose, Created in 1488
1 v. London: William Clowes, 1850
Abuses of Justice: as Illustrated by My Own Case, Disclosing Various Practices of the Officers of Criminal Law; with a Sussinct Account of Several Interesting Trials, Anecdotes of Certain Bankers, and Hairbreadth Escapes of the Innocent and the Guilty: Being a Vindication of the Author from Several Charges of Forgery
1 v. London: W. Burton, 1809.
Account at Large, of the Proceedings at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayly, on the 24 of November 1681. In Relation to the Bill of High Treason, Prefer'd against the Earl of Shaftsbury
1v. London: R. Evens, 1681
Account of Mr. Joyce's Arrest for Treasonable Practices; His Examination before His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council; His Commitment to the Tower, and Subsequent Treatment: Together with Remarks on the Speeches of Mr. Windham, &c.
1 v. London: printed for the author, and sold by J. Ridgway; H.D. Symonds; and D. Holt, Newark, 1795
Account of the Arraignments and Tryals of Col. Richard Kirkby, Capt. John Constable, Capt. Cooper Wade, Capt. Samuel Vincent, and Capt. Christopher Fogg
1v. London: Printed for John Gellibrand; and are to be sold by A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1703
Account of the Asylum, for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason, Near Frankford, Pennsylvania
1 v. Philadelphia: Rakestraw, 1846
Account of the Behaviour of the Fourteen Late Popish Malefactors, Whil'st in Newgate: And Their Discourses with the Ordinary
1v. London: Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, Dorman Newman, Tho. Cockeril and Tho. Simmons, 1679
Account of the Commitment, Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Nicholas Bayard, Esq; for High Treason
1v. New York: Printed by Order of His Excellency, 1703
Account of the Curtis Homicide and Trials of John E. Poindexter
1 v. Richmond: Dispatch Steam Presses, 1879
Account of the Execution of Lieutenant R. Smith for the Murder of Capt. J. Carson. Letter to Ann Smith, alias Ann Carson; Together with a Remarkable Dream; Wich Heppened to Him on Thursday Night, Aug. 1, 1816, and His Confession, Dated the 10th of August, the Day of His Execution
1 v. Philadelphia: [s.n.], 1816
Account of the Illegal Prosecution and Tryal of Coll. Nicholas Bayard, in the Province of New-York, for Supposed High-Treason, in the Year 1701
1v. New York: William Bradford, 1702
Account of the Law-Suit Instituted by Rev. G. A. M. Elder, President of St. Joseph's College, against Rev. N. L. Rice, Presbyterian Minister, for a Pretended Libel on the Character of Rev. David Duparque, a Roman Priest
1v. Louisville: D. Holcomb & Co., 1837
Account of the Murder of the Late Mr. William Weare, of Lyon's Inn, London: Including the Circumstances which First Led to the Discovery of the Murder, and the Detection of the Murderers, the Depositions Taken before the Magistrates, the Coroner's Inquest, the Trials of the Prisoners, and the Execution of John Thurtell, at Hertford, on Friday the 9th of January 1824
1 v. London: Printed by J. Nichols and son for Sherwood, Jones, and Co., 1824.
Account of the Proceedings had in the Superior Court of the Territory of Orleans, against Thierry & Nugent for Libels and Contempt of Court with an Account of Nugent's Trial on an Indictment for a Libel
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed for the Use of the Members of Congress, and of the Orleans Legislature, 1810
Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting at the Presidential Election in Nov., 1872, and on the Trial of Beverly W. Jones, Edwin T. Marsh and William B. Hall, the Inspectors of Elections by Whom Her Vote was Received
1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Daily Democrat and Chronicle Book Print, 1874.
Account of the Treason and Sedition, Committed by the London Corresponding Society, the Society for Constitutional Information, the Other Societies of London, Sheffield, Norwich, Manchester, Bristol, Coventry, Nottingham, Derby Birmingham, Leeds, Newcastle, Hereford, York, Edinburgh, Dublin, &c. &c. Their Correspondence with the Convention and Jacobin Societies at Paris; Sending Deputies to France; Admitting Barrere, Roland, and St. Andre, into the Society for Constitutional Information; also a Dangerous Letter to Mr. Sheridan, Chairman of a Society, Calling Themselves the Friends of the People; and the Whole of the Two Reports, Presented to the Hon. House of Commons, by the Secret Committee
1 v. [London]: Printed for J. Downes, No. 240, Temple-Bar, Strand, 1794
Account of the Trial of Thomas Cooper, of Northumberland; on a Charge of Libel against the President of the United States; Taken in Short Hand. With a Preface, Notes, and Appendix
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by John Bioren, no. 83, Chesnut Street, for the author, 1800
Account of the Trial of Thomas Muir, Esq. Younger, of Huntershill, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, on the 30th and 31st Days of August, 1793, for Sedition
1 v. New York: Printed and sold by Samuel Campbell; no. 37, Hanover-Square., 1794
Account of the Trial of William Brodie and George Smith, Before the High Court of Justiciary: On Wednesday the 27th, and Thursday the 28th Days of August, 1788; for Breaking into and Robbing, the General Excise Office of Scotland, on the 5th Day of March Last. Illustrated with Notes And Anecdotes: to which is Added an Appendix, Containing Several Curious Papers Relative to the Trial
1 v. Edinburgh: Printed for William Creech, 1788.
Account of the Trial of William Penn, for Speaking to an Assembly of 300 Persons, in Gracechurch Street, London
1v. London: Mitcham & Co., 1730
Account of the Tryal of Richard Lyddel, Esq.; at His Majesty's Court of Common-Please before the Right Honourable Lord-Chief-Justice Eyre, for Carrying on a Criminal Conversation with the Late Lady Abergavenny; on Monday the 16th of February, 1729-30
1v. London: Printed for A. Moore, 1730
Accountability for war crimes : progress and prospects : hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, One Hundred Sixth Congress, first session, May 11, 1999.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : 1999 [i.e. 2000]
Accurate Account of the Trial of William Corder, for the Murder of Maria Marten, of Polstead, in Suffolk, which Took Place at Bury Saint Edmunds, on Thursday and Friday, the 7th and 8th Aug. 1828, before Chief Baron Alexander, with a Portrait of the Criminal. To which are Added, an Explanatory Preface, and Fifty-three of the Letters Sent by Various Ladies, in Answer to Corder's Matrimonial Advertisement, Inserted in the Morning Herald and Sunday Times of November Last, Carefully Copied from the Originals, in the Possession of the Publisher
1 v. London: George Foster, 1828.
Accusation, Trial, Defence, Sentence, Execution, and Last Will, of Lewis XVI. Late King of France and Navarre; giving an Account of His Magnanimous Behaviour from the Decree of the National Convention to Bring Him to Trial as a Traitor, to His Last Affectionate Interview with His Unfortunate Family, on the 21st day of January, the Day He was Beheaded
1 v. Endinburgh: T. Brown [etc.], 1793.
Achilli vs. Newman: A Full Report of the Most Extraordinary Trial for Seduction and Adultery Charged against Dr. Achilli, the Apostate Catholic Priest, by the Celebrated Dr. Newman, the Oxford Puseyite, Both of Whom are Seceders from Their Former Creeds
1 v. New York: Dewitt & Davenport, 1852
Act to Incorporate the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, with the Several Supplements thereto, and the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, Adopted by the Managers
1 v. Philadelphia: J.C. Clark & Son, 1861
Act to Incorporate the Western Saving Fund Society
1 v. Philadelphia: W. H. Maurice, Printer, 1856
Action for Libel. Report of the Case of Angeli v. Galbraith, as Tried before the Lord Chief Justice at the Kildare Summer Assizes, 1856; and before the Lord Chief Baron in the Court of Exchequer, at the After-sittings, Michaelmas Term, 1856
1 v. Dublin: Hodges, Smith, and Co., Grafton-street, 1857
Actions for Declaratory Judgments: A Treatise on the Pleading, Practice and Trial of an Action for a Declaratory Judgment, from Its Inception to Its Conclusion, with Forms
1v. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1940
Acts of Congress Relating to and Affecting the Union and Central Pacific Railroads and Their Branches
1v. [Place of publication not identified]: Printed for the companies, 1883
Adam Partenheimer, Respondent, agt. Abram Van Order, Appellant
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca Journal steam press, 1855
Adams Electric Railway Company vs. the Lindell Railway Company, United States Circuit Court, Eastern Division of the Eastern Judicial District of Missouri
2v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1894
Additional Narrative of Mr. Miles Prance of Covent-Garden, Goldsmith, Who Was the Discoverer of the Murther of Sr. Edmondbury Godfrey: I. Containing a Vindication of the Said Mr. Prance from the Scandalous and False Aspersions (Cast Upon Him, on Purpose to Invalidate His Testimony) by the Nameless Author of a Late Scandalous Libel, Entituled, The Compendium, or a Short View of the Late Tryals &c. II. His Further Discovery of the Machinations and Attempts of the Papal and Jesuitical Party, for the Introducing Their Religion into These Kingdoms, and for the Overthrow of His Majestie's Person and Government. III. Many Historical Observations, Discovering the Progress of the Said Design, with Other Material Passages Relating Thereunto. IV. The Names of the Several Colledges Beyond the Seas, Erected for the Use of the English Nation, Whence Priests and Emissaries Are Yearly Sent over into Our Land for the Seduction of the People, and Carrying on Their Other Designs, with an Account of the English Nunneries Also in Forreign Parts
1 v. London: printed for Francis Smith, Thomas Basset, John Wright, Richard Chiswel and Samuel Heyrick, 1679
Address before the Philomathean Society of the University of Pennsylvania, November 30th, 1840
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed for the Philomathean Society, 1840
Address Delivered at the Opening of the New Hall of the Athenaeum of Philadelphia, on Monday, October 18th, 1847
1 v. Philadelphia: J.C. Clark, printer, 1847
Address Delivered Before the Graduating Class of the Law Department of Hamilton College, July 16, 1856
1 v. New York: Baker & Goodwin, 1856
Address Delivered before the Young Men's Democratic Association, of Philadelphia
1 v. Philadelphia: Young Men's Democratic Association, 1882
Address Delivered by the Honorable Isaac N. Mills of the Westchester County Bar on September 26th, 1923, in Summing up for the Defense to the Jury at the Trial of Walter S. Ward upon the Charge of Murder in the First Degree
1v. Mount Vernon, N.Y.: Privately Printed, 1923
Address of Hon. Lyman Tremain to the Jury on the Final Trial of Edward S. Stokes for the Murder of James Fisk, Jr., 27th and 28th October, 1873 (With an Introductory Note)
1 v. New York, N.Y.: George F. Nesbitt & Co., printers, 1873
Address of the Committee of Correspondence of the Jackson Republicans of the State of Delaware to the People of Said State
1 v. S.l: s.n.], 1832
Address of the Democratic State Central Committee
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed at The Age Office, 1863
Address of the Democratic State Central Committee, to the People of Pennsylvania
1 v. Pennsylvania?: The Committee?, 1856
Address of the Hon, Wm. B. Mann, District Attorney, to the Jury in the Court of "Quarter Sessions", Philadelphia, Delivered Monday, April 20th, 1868. Case of the Commonwealth against Tack Brothers, Emil Schalk and John Grierson, Indicted for Conspiracy and Fraud. Bail, $50,000
1 v. Philadelphia: Wm. P. Kildare, 1868
Address to the Jury by Col. John Hallum in Self Defense in the Case of the State of Texas against Him : An Indictment for Shooting a Minister of the Gospel: Together with the Extraordinary Facts and Remarkable Incidents Connected with the Trial and Prosecution
1 v. Cleveland, Ohio: J.H. Phillips, 1897
Address to the Jury by Edwin Countryman: in the Case of the People agt. Thomas C. Platt, at the Albany Circuit, January 12, 1888
1 v. [Albany, N.Y.: s.n., 1888?]
Address to the Jury by Hon. N.C. Moak, in the Case of the People agt. Thoams C. Platt
1 v. [Albany, N.Y.: s.n., 1888?]
Address to the Whig Club: with an Essay on the Judicial Discretion of Judges, on Fiats and on Bail
1 v. Dublin: J. Moore, 1790.
Addresses by George M. Dallas and Hampton L. Carson, Association Hall, November 23d, 1881
1 v. Philadelphia: The Association, 1881
Addresses Delivered in the Hall of the House of Representatives, Harrisburg, Pa. on Tuesday Evening, April 6, 1852
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by W.F.Geddes, 1852
Adelina T. Bergholtz, Plaintiff-Respondent, against Ithaca Street Railway Company, Defendant-Appellant. State of New York Appeal Book
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Press of the Ithaca Daily News [1911]
Adelina T. Bergholtz, Plaintiff-Respondent, against Ithaca Street Railway Company, Defendent-Appellant. Supreme Court Appeal Book
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Atkinson & Mitchell, Printers [1910]
Administration of Equity Jurisprudence. Caveat Filed February, 1874. In the Case of Lawrence vs. Staigg, In the Supreme Court, of Rhode Island, in Equity
1 v. Boston: Mudge, 1874
Adolf Beck (1877-1904)
1 v. Edinburgh, London: W. Hodge, 1924
Adolphus Peries, Adm'r de Bonis Non Cum T. a. of James Yard. Plaintiff in Error, v. Mariano de Aycinena, Executor of Juan Fermin de Aycinena, Defendant in Error: S.C., December Term, 1841, No. 12: Statement of Case
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1841
Adventures and Exploits of the Younger Brothers, Missouri's Most Daring Outlaws and Companions of the James Boys
1 v. New York, N.Y.: Street & Smith, 1891
Advocacy and the King's English
1v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1960
Affaire de la Salette: Mademoiselle de Lamerliere contre MM. Deleon et Cartellier Demande en 20,000 fr. de Dommages-Interets
1v. Paris: C. Borrani, 1857
Affaire de Saint-Cyr
1 v. Lyon: A la Librairie, 1860
Affecting History of Tom Bragwell, an Unhappy Young Man, Who Was Cut off for His Crimes in the Morning of His Days, with Some Account of His Companions in Iniquity; Wherein, Are Strikingly Delineated the Rise, Progress, and Fatal Termination of Juvenile Delinquency: and in Which Frequent Allusion Is Made to Certain Facts, Connected with the History of the Times; Particularly to the Cases of the Three Young Men, Who Were Executed at Edinburgh a Few Years Ago. Humbly Recommended to the Serious Attention of Youth, as Well as to the Consideration of All Parents, Guardians, Teachers, Masters, and Heads of Families, Who Feel Themselves Interested in Checking the First Approaches to Vice in the Rising Generation, from a Principle of Humanity, and Regard to the Axiom, that, It is Better to Prevent Crimes Than to Punish Them
1 v. Haddington: Printed at the East Lothian Press by James Miller, for George Miller, 1821
Affidavit of Andrew Jackson, Taken by the Defendants in the Suit of Robert Mayo vs. Blair & Rives for a Libel, Analysed and Refuted
1 v. Washington City, D.C.: Printed for the plaintiff, 1840
Affray at Brownsville, Tex.
6v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1907-1908
Affray at Brownsville, Tex., August 13 and 14, 1906; Proceedings of a General Court-Martial Convened at Headquarters Department of Texas San Antonio, Tex., April 15, 1907, in the Case of Capt. Edgar A. Macklin
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1908
African Captives. Trial of the Prisoners of the Amistad on the Writ of Habeas Corpus, before the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Connecticut, at Hartford
1 v. New York: 1839
African Captives: Trial of the Prisoners of the Amistad on the Writ of Habeas Corpus, The
Alabama Claims: Argument of the United States Delivered to the Tribunal of Arbitration at Geneva
1v. Paris: Printed by Dubuisson and Co., 1872
Alarming Developments Connected with Our Courts: The Wrong Member of Middlesex Bar Convicted of Perjury, and the Means by Which it Was Accomplished Exposed
1v. Boston: Printed by Bense & Morgan, 1848
Alarum to the House of Lords: Against Their Insolent Usurpation of the Common Liberties, and Rights of This Nation. Manifested by Them, in Their Present Tyrannicall Attempts against That Worthy Commoner, Lieutenant Col. John Lilburne, Defendour of the Faith
1 v. London: s.n.], 1646
Albany: The Crisis in Government: The History of the Suspension, Trial and Expulsion from the New York State Legislature in 1920 of the Five Socialist Assemblymen by Their Political Opponents
1v. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1920
Albert G. F. Goersen, Plaintiff in Error, vs. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Defendant in Error. In Error to the Court of Oyer and Terminer for the County of Philadelphia
1 v. Philadelphia: Gillen & Nagle, 1881
Alfred B. Woodworth, and Others, ag'st Edward C. Seymour. The Same ag'st Charles B. Douglass and William B. Douglass
1 v. Trumansburg, NY: C.L. Adams, 1882
Alleged Malpractice Suit of Walsh vs. Sayre
1 v. New York: Geo. H. Shaw & Co., 1870
Alleged Official Misconduct of H. Snowden Marshall
1v. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1916
Alternatives and Preliminaries to the Trial of a Civil Action
1 v. [Philadelphia: s.n.], 1961
Alton Trials: of Winthrop S. Gilman, Who was Indicted with Enoch Long... [et al.] for the Crime of Riot... Written out from Notes of the Trial, Taken at the Time by a Member of the Bar of the Alton Municipal Court: also, the Trial of John Solomon... [et al.] Indicted... for a Riot Committed in Alton...
1 v. New York: J.F. Trow, 1838.
Alum in Baking Powder: The Complete Text of the Trial Examiner's Report upon the Facts, including a Review of Scientific Testimony concerning Alum in Baking Powder and Its Physiological Effects
1v. New York: Royal Baking Powder Company, 1927
Amanda Lewis and Others, Appellants, against Frank Manning and Another, Respondents
1 v. [New York: s.n., 1879?]
Amanda Lewis and Others, Respondents, against Person D. Ogden et al., Appellants
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Democrat job print, [1879]
Amanda Lewis, and Others, Appellants, vs. Person D. Ogden and Another, Respondents
1 v, [New York: s.n., 1879?]
Amazing Crime and Trial of Leopold and Loeb
1v. Chicago: The Plymouth Court Press, 1924
Amendment, Filed May 11, 1883 - D.F.W. Clerk: The Heirs of Henry C. Dallett and John Dallett, Trading as Dallett Brothers vs. The United States; No. 611; Amended Petition
1 v. New York: s.n, 1883
American and Panamanian General Claims Arbitration under the Conventions between the United States and Panama of July 28, 1926, and December 17, 1932
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. print. off, 1934
American Bastile: A History of the Illegal Arrests and Imprisonment of American Citizens in the Northern and Border States on Account of Their Political Opinions during the Late Civil War
1v. Philadelphia: T.W. Hartley & Co., 1883
American Bell Telephone Company et al. Complainants, v. American Cushman Telephone Company et al.; Brief for Complainants
1v. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Sons, Law Printers, 1888
American Bell Telephone Company, vs. The Overland Telephone Company of New Jersey, et al.; Brief for Complainants on Motion for Preliminary Injunction, with Order of the Court
1 v. Boston: Alfred Mudge, 1884
American Brake Shoe and Foundry Company, Plaintiff, against Interborough Rapid Transit Company, Defendant: Application 98: Report of Special Master
1 v. [New York: 1940?]
American Criminal Trials
2 v. Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown; T.H. Carter, 1841-1844.
American Crisis; or, Trial and Triumph of Democracy
1v. Boston: Bela Marsh, 1862
American Graphophone Company vs. Edward H. Amet, in the United States Circuit Court
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], [1896]
American Graphophone Company vs. Walcutt, Leeds and Others
1v. S.I.; s.n., [1890]
American Juror: Being a Guide for Jurymen throughout the United States
1v. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co, 1868.
American Mexican Claims Commission under the Act of Congress Approved December 18, 1942: Report to the Secretary of State
1v. Washington D.C: Government Printing Office, 1948
American Print Works, vs. Cornelius W. Lawrence. Proceedings at the Trial of above Entitled Cause, at Essex Circuit, October, 1852. Compiled from Notes of Reporter at the Trial, and Revised by the Counsel for the Defendant
1 v. New York: Collins, Bowne & Co., printers, 1852
American State Trials; a Collection of the Important and Interesting Criminal Trials Which Have Taken Place in the United States from the Beginning of Our Government to the Present Day
17 v. St. Louis: Thomas Law Books, 1914-1936.
American System of Trial by Jury: An Address
1v. Boston: Press of Geo. E. Crosby & Co., 1887
American Tobacco Company et al. vs. United States of America
23v. New York, N.Y.?: American Tobacco Co.?, 1941
Amicus Curiae the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty's Motion for Leave to Participate in Oral Argument as Amicus Curiae and for Divided Argument
Amos Lawrence, Abbott Lawrence, Joshua H. Wolcott, and John W. Edmonds, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. The Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New-York, Defendants in Error: Error Book: [Miscellaneous Court Reports]
1 v. New York: Chas. King, Printer to the Board of Aldermen, 1843
Analysis of the Constitutional Standard for Presidential Impeachment
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1974
Analysis of the Constitutional Standard for Presidential Impeachment: Summary
1v. Washington, D.C.: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Office, 1974
Analytical Statement of the Case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan &c. &c. &c. Containing an Explanation of His Official Dignities and Peculiar Territorial Rights and Priveleges in the British Colonies of Nova Scotia and Canada, &c. &c. and Also Shewing the Descent of the Stirling Peerage Honours, Supported by Legal Evidence, and the Law and Usage of Scotland, Appertaining Thereto...
1 v. London: J. Cochrane and Co., 1832.
Anarchy and Anarchists. A History of the Red Terror and the Social Revolution in America and Europe. Communism, Socialism, and Nihilism in Doctrine and in Deed. The Chicago Haymarket Conspiracy, and the Detection and Trial of the Conspirators
1 v. Chicago: F.J. Schulte & Co.; [etc.], 1889
Anarchy at an End. Lives, Trial and Conviction of the Eight Chicago Anarchists. How They Killed and What They Killed With. A History of the Most Deliberate Planned and Murderous Bomb Throwing of Ancient or Modern Times. The Eloquent and Stirring Speeches of the Attorneys for the Defense and Prosecution - with the Able Charge of Judge Gary to the Jury. Seven Dangling Nooses for the Dynamite Fiends
1 v. Chicago, Ill: G.S. Baldwin, 1886
Anastaplo Case: Briefs, Records, Comments
3 v. Chicago: 1965
Andreana: Containing the Trial, Execution and Various Matter Connected with the History of Major John Andre, Adjutant General of the British Army in America, A.D. 1780
1 v. Philadelphia: Horace W. Smith, 1865
Andrew J. Kelley and Others, Plaintiffs in Error, against The People of the State of New York, Defendants in Error. Error Book
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons and co., 1873
Andrew Kean, Plaintiff and Respondent, against the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany, Defendant and Appellant: Case and Exceptions
1 v. Albany: Argus, 1871
Andrew Myers & Israel Shoemaker, Administrators, with the Will of John Myers, Deceased, Annexed, agt. Andrew Myers and Others
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca Journal steam press, 1862
Angier v. Angier
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by Henry B. Ashmead, 1102 & 1104 Samson St, 1870
Anna N. Dwight and Others, as Executors, &c. of Walton Dwight, Deceased, Respondents, against The Germania Life Insurance Company, Appellant
1 v. New York: Bessey, 1886
Anna N. Dwight, Orlow W. Chapman and George F. Lyon, as Executrix and Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Walton Dwight, Deceased, Respondents, against the Germania Life Insurance Company, Appellant
2 v. New York: H. Bessey, 1884
Annals of Fashionable Gallantry: A Collection of Remarkable Trials for Crim. Con., Divorce, Adultery, Seduction, Cruelty, &c.
1v. London: Printed for private circulation, 1885
Annals of Miles Ancestry in Pennsylvania and Story of a Forged Will
1 v. Philadelphia: George H. Buchanan and Co, 1895
Annals of Newgate; or, Malefactors Register
4 v. London: J. Wenman, 1776
Annesley Case
1 v. Edinburgh and London: W. Hodge & company [1912]
Annual Banquet: The Young Men's Democratic Association, Philadelphia, Pa., St. George's Hall, Monday Evening, January Eighth, 1894
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: Young Men's Democratic Association, 1894
Anonymous Letter to Hon. William M. Springer: Report
1 v. [Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1881?]
Answer and Pleas of Samuel Chase, One of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to the Articles of Impeachment, Exhibited against Him in the Senate, by the House of Representatives of the United States, in Support of Their Impeachment against Him, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Supposed to Have Been by Him Committed
1 v. Newburyport [Mass.]: Angier March, 1805
Answer of the State Board of Charities to the Report Dated October 25, 1916 of Commissioner Charles H. Strong
1v. Albany: J.B. Lyon Co., printers, 1916
Answer to Mr. Jefferson
1 v. Philadelphia: Harrison Hall at the Port folio office, 1817
Answer to Mr. Jefferson's Justification of His Conduct in the Case of the New Orleans Batture
1v. Philadelphia: Printed by W. Fry, 1813
Answer to the Reply of Counsel for Mr. Du Pont
1v. [S. I.: s.n.], [1917]
Answer to the Vindicatory Address and Appeal of Lieutenant Weaver to the Public, from the Opinion of Chancellor Sanford, in the Case of Weaver against Whitney, Tibbits and Hoyt
1v. New York: Printed by J. Seymour, 1824
Anthony Jennings, against Solomon Goodrich and Augustus Goodrich. Return on Appeal
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons, & co., 1870
Antipatriotism: Address of Gustave Herve at the Close of His Trial for Anti-Militarist Activity, before the Jury of La Seine, December, 1905
1v. New York: New York Labor News Co., 1906
Apology for the Conduct of the Gordons: Containing the Whole of Their Correspondence, Conversation, etc. with Mrs. Lee : to which Is Annexed an Accurate Account of Their Examination at Bow Street, and Their Trial at Oxford
1 v. London: Printed for J. Ginger and T. Hurst, 1804.
Apology for the Conduct of the Gordons; containing the Whole of Their Correspondence, Conversation, &c. with Mrs. Lee
1 v. London: Printed for J. Ginger and T. Hurst, 1804
Appeal for the Union
1 v. sl: s.n, 1850
Appeal from the Sentence of the Bishop of New York; in Behalf of His Diocese. Founded on the Facts and Improbabilities Appearing on Both Sides in the Late Trial
1 v. New York: J.A. Sparks, 1845
Appeal to Common Sense and the Constitution, in Behalf of the Unlimited Freedom of Public Discussion: Occasioned by the Late Trial of Rev. Abner Kneeland, for Blasphemy
1v. Published in Boston: [s.n.], 1834
Appeal to Professing Christians Respecting the Attitude of the Church in Regard to War
1 v. Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store, 1896
Appeal to the Jockey Club; or, a True Narrative of the Late Affair, between Mr. Fitz-Gerald and Mr. Walker
1 v. London: Printed for - Parker, 1775
Appeal to the People
1 v. London: Printed for J. Morgan, 1756
Appeal to the People of Rhode Island, in Behalf of the Constitution and the Laws
1 v. [Rhode Island : s.n.] 1857
Appeal to the President of the United States for a Re-Examination of the Proceedings of the General Court Martial in His Case
1 v. Morristown, N.J.: [s.n.], 1869
Appeal to the Public, in Behalf of Elizabeth Canning, in which the Material Facts in Her Story are Fairly Stated and Shewn to be True, on the Foundation of Evidence
1 v. London: Printed for W. Meadows, and sold by J. Jolliffe and W. Owen, 1753.
Appeal to the Tribunal of Public Justice; Being a Concise Statement of the Facts Which Led to the Extraordinary Case, of Stockton versus Hopkins
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed for the author, 1808
Appellants'?? Motion for Leave to File a Supplemental Brief and Appellants'?? Supplemental Brief Describing Post-Argument Legislative Developments
Appellate Review of Trial Court Discretion
1v. Washington: Federal Judicial Center, 1977.
Appendices to the Referral to the United States House of Representatives Pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 595(c) Submitted by the Office of the Independent Counsel, September 9, 1998
2v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1998
Appendix to the India Courier Extraordinary. Containing Copies of All the Papers Laid before the Honourable the House of Commons, By Mr. Morton, from the United Company of Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies, Relative to Warren Hastings, Esq. Late Governor General of Bengal, &c.
6 v. [London]: printed in the year, 1786-1787
Arbitration between the United States and Sweden under Special Agreement of December 17, 1930
6v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1932-1934
Arbitration Proceedings to Determine the Domicil of Isabel Anderson for Death Tax Purposes
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], [1949]
Archko Volume; or, the Archaeological Writings of the Sanhedrim and Talmuds of the Jews
1v. Philadelphia: Antiquarian Book Company, 1905
Are the Southern Pivateersmen Pirates: Letter to the Hon. Ira Harris, United States Senator
1 v. Making of America (MOA). New York,: J. B. Kirker, 1862
Argument (Stenographic Report) of A. Leo Weil for the Voters' League, on Charges against John M. Morin, Director Department Public Safety, October 4, 1912, before the City Council of Pittsburgh
1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1912
Argument against Capital Punishments
1v. Doylestown: James Kelly, 1834
Argument against Capital Punishments, Reported by Order of the Judiciary Committee, in Support of a Bill Abolishing Such Punishments as to All Free Persons in the State of Tennessee
1v. Nashville: Allen A. Hall, 1832
Argument against Immediately Repealing the Laws Which Treat the Nuptial Bond as Indissoluble
1v. Oxford; London: James Parker and Co., 1867
Argument at Geneva. A Complete Collection of the Forensic Discussions on the Parts of the United States and of Great Britain Before the Tribunal of Arbitration Under the Treaty of Washington
1v. New York: D. Appleton and Co, 1873
Argument before the Hon. J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior, in Support of the Right of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company
1v. Washington: Gibson Bros, 1869
Argument before the Hon. J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior, Showing That the Act of 1866 Has Not Repealed the Right of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company
1v. Washington: Gibson Bros, 1870
Argument before the Hon. James S. Morsell, Assistant Judge of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia, In the Matter of the Appeal of John North from the Decision of Hon. Philip F. Thomas, Commissioner of Patents, Awarding Priority of Invention to Cyrus Chambers, Jr., for Certain Improvements in Paper-Folding Machinery
1 v. Washington: H. Polkinhorn, printer, 1860
Argument before the Hon. S. F. Phillips, Solicitor-General of the U.S. on the Occasion of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company
1v. Washington, D.C.: Gibson Bros., Printers, 1872
Argument before the Tewksbury Investigation Committee
1 v. [Boston?]: Printed for the information of the people by the Democratic Central Committee, 1883
Argument before the United States Circuit Court
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons, 1859
Argument before the United States Circuit Court, by Isaac W. Hayne, Esq., of the Motion to Discharge the Crew of the Echo
Argument by Benjamin Harris Brewster, on the Subject of the Ordinance of Submission of the Constitutional Convention
1v. S.l: s.n, 1872
Argument by Col. S. C. Stambaugh, Counsel for Plaintiff: Delivered on the Seventh November, 1843, before the Board of Commissioners, under the Cherokee Treaty of 1835-36, in the Case of J. K. Rogers, a Cherokee, against the United States, for Spoliations Committed by the State of Georgia in Dispossessing Him of a Gold-Mine
1 v. Washington: Blair and Rives, printers, 1843
Argument by Elias P. Smithers, Esq. Chairman of the Committee on Law of Common Council, Filed with the Report of Said Committee on the Question of Impeachment. Containing a Discussion of the Power of Municipal Corporations to Remove Their Officers
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.: Dunlap & Clarke, 1886
Argument by N.P. Chipman, Esq. in the Trial of Col. Edmund E. Paulding, Paymaster U.S.A., before a Court-Martial Convened by Order of the War Department, June 1866
1 v. Washington: McGill & Witherow, printers, 1866
Argument for Construing Largely the Right of an Appellee of Murder, to Insist on Trial by Battle; and also for Abolishing Appeals
1 v. London : Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1818 (2nd ed.)
Argument for Construing Largely the Right of an Appellee of Murder, to Insist on Trial by Battle; and Also for Abolishing Appeals: with an Appendix, Containing a Report of a Debate in the House of Commons, on Abolishing Appeal of Murder in the British North American Colonies, &c. &c.
1 v. London: Printed by B.R. Howlett for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy (etc.), 1818. (3rd ed.)
Argument for the Argentine Republic upon the Question with Brazil in Regard to the Territory of Misiones
1 v. Washington: [Gibson Bros., printers], 1894
Argument for the Defendants in the Case of the State of Pennsylvania vs. the Wheeling & Belmont Bridge Co. and Others in the Supreme Court of the United States
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by John C. Clark, 1851
Argument in Behalf of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company before the Hon. J. D. Cox, Secretary of the Interior
1v. [Place of publication not identified]: [publisher not identified], 1870
Argument in Defence of Literary Property
1 v. London: Printed for the author, and sold by W. Otridge, 1774
Argument in Defence of William Kenny, before a Naval General Court Martial Convened at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. June, 1863
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1863
Argument in Defence [sic] of Edward T. Grayson: Before a Navy General Court Martial, Convened at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, March 23d, 1863
1 v. [Philadelphia?]: King & Baird, printers, 1863
Argument in Opposition to Henry A. Du Pont's Claim to the Office of United States Senator for the State of Delaware
1v. New York: R. H. Tyrrel, 1896
Argument in Support of the Right of the United States to Hold the Coin and Bullion Claimed by the Bank of Virginia, the Farmers' Bank, and the Exchange Bank
1 v. Washington: [s.n.], 1866
Argument in the Case of James Sommersett a Negro, Lately Determined by the Court of King's Bench, An
Argument in the Case of James Sommersett a Negro, Lately Determined by the Court of King's Bench: Wherein It is Attempted to Demonstrate the Present Unlawfulness of Domestic Slavery in England
1 v. London: Printed for the author, and sold by W. Otridge, 1772
Argument in the Case of Miller vs. United States
1 v. [s.l.: s.n., 1870?]
Argument in the Court of Appeals, of the State of New York, in the Rose Will Case on Behalf of the Rose Beneficent Association
1 v. New York: W.C. Bryant, 1863.
Argument in the Stokes Will Case, on behalf of Mrs. Dora Stokes Dale, Contestant, before Hon. Daniel G. Rollins, Surrogate, Delivered February 11th, 12th, and 13th, 1884
1v. [New York: s.n., 1884]
Argument in the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of Ogden versus Saunders, involving the Constitutionality of the State Bankrupt Laws, February Term 1824
1v. New-York: Printed by C.S. Van Winkle, 1824
Argument of A. G. Riddle, Esq., of Cleveland, Delivered at the Court House in Jefferson, Ohio, on the 26th and 27th of November, 1858, in the Case of the State of Ohio vs. Hiram Cole, Tried for Poisoning His Wife on the 9th of Sept., 1857
1v. Cleveland: J. H. Williston & Co., 1859
Argument of Benj. Faneuil Hunt, in the Case of the Arrest of the Person Claiming to Be a British Seaman, The
Argument of Charles B. Waite, before the Committee of Elections of the House of Reps., March 25th-27th, 1868, in the Case of William M'Grorty vs. Wm. H. Hooper, Sitting Delegate from the Territory of Utah
1v. [Washington: U.S. G.P.O.], 1868
Argument of Charles G. Loring, Esq. on behalf of the Eastern Rail-Road Company, at a Hearing on the Petitions of David Pingree and Others, and W. J. Valentine and Others, before the Rail-Road Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature
1v. Boston [Mass.]: Dutton and Wentworth, 1845
Argument of Charles Sumner, Esq. against the Constitutionality of Separate Colored Schools
Argument of Clarence Darrow in Case of the Communist Labor Party in the Criminal Court, Chicago
1 v. Chicago: C.H. Kerr, 1920.
Argument of Edward Owen Parry, One of the Counsel for the Heirs of Stephen Girard, in the Case of the City of Philadelphia vs. Augustus Girard, et al. In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, May 22d, 1863
1 v. Pottsville: Printed by Benjamin Bannan, 1863
Argument of F. Carroll Brewster, Esq. Delivered before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in the Case of Schollenberger vs. Brinton, Jan. 30th, 1865
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1865
Argument of F. Carroll Brewster, Esq., on Behalf of William B. N. Cozens, Delivered at Philadelphia, June 12th, 1865, before a Court Martial Composed of Maj. Gen. Abner Doubleday, Lt. Col. J. M. Thompson, Lt. Col. G. W. Thompson, Lt. Col. P. B. Stilson, Lt. Col. Francis S. Keese, Lt. Col. G. Mallery, Capt. J. H. Platt and Col. J. A. Foster, Judge Advocate
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1865
Argument of Franklin B. Gowen, Esq. before the Joint Committee of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, Appointed to Inquire into the Affairs of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, at Atlantic City, New Jersey, July 29th and 30th, 1875, on Behalf of Said Company
1 v. Philadelphia: Press of Helfenstein, Lewis & Greene, 1875.
Argument of Franklin B. Gowen, Esq. of Counsel for the Commonwealth, in the Case of the Commonwealth vs. Thomas Munley, Indicted in the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Schuylkill County, Pa., for the Murder of Thomas Sanger, a Mining Boss, at Raven Run, on September 1st, 1875
1 v. Pottsville, Pa.: Chronicle book and job rooms, 1876.
Argument of George F. Comstock, Esq. in the Kidnapping Case at Syracuse, upon the Constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave Law
1v. Syracuse: printed at the Daily Star office, 1852
Argument of George W. Wingate against the Legality of the Arrests Made by Commissioner John I. Davenport, of Persons Naturalized in 1868. With the Opinion of Hon. Samuel Blatchford Declaring Them Unlawful
1 v. New York: s.n., 1879
Argument of Henry L. Clinton, Esq., on Behalf of the Contestants, in the Heresey Will Case, before the Surrogate of the County of New York, Delivered September 25th, 1875
1 v. New York: Wynkoop & Hallenbeck 1875
Argument of Henry L. Clinton, Esq., on Behalf of the Contestants, in the Nancy Smith Will Case, before the Surrogate of the County of Suffolk, State of New York. September, 1875
1 v. [New York]: s.n., 1875
Argument of Henry L. Clinton, Esq., on the Part of the Contestants, in the Rollwagen Will Case. Before the Surrogate of the County of New York, Delivered March 31st and April 1st, 1874
1 v. New York: Douglas Taylor, Law, Book and Job Printer, 1874
Argument of Hon. D. T. Corbin in the Trial of the Ku-Klux, before the United States Circuit Court. November Term, 1871 - Held at Columbia, South Carolina
1 v. Washington: Chronicle Pub. Co., 1872
Argument of Hon. Edwards Pierrepont to the Jury, on the Trial of John H. Surratt for the Murder of President Lincoln
1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1867
Argument of Hon. F. Carroll Brewster, in the Case of Swasey vs. North Carolina R.R. Co. before Hon. Morrison R. Waite, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of the United States, and Hon. Hugh L. Pond, Circuit Judge, Raleigh, June 8, 1874; and Opinion of the Chief Justice
1 v. [S.l. : s.n., 1874]
Argument of Hon. Lyman Trumbull in the Supreme Court of the United States, March 4, 1868, in the Matter of Ex Parte William H. McCardle, Appelant
1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1868
Argument of Hon. Marlin E. Olmsted, of Pennsylvania, One of the Managers on the Part of the House of Representatives, before the Senate of the United States, Sitting for the Trial of the Impeachment of Charles Swayne, United States District Judge for the Northern District of Florida. Thursday, February 23, 1905
1 v. Washington: [s.n.], 1905
Argument of Hon. William S. Kirkpatrick, Attorney General of Pennsylvania, before the Committee on War Claims, Fifty-First Congress, on behalf of H.R. Bill 750
1v. S.I.: s.n, 1871
Argument of Horace Binney, Esq., in the Case of Vidal v. The City of Philadelphia, in the Supreme Court of the United States. February, 1844
1 v. Philadelphia: C. Sherman, Printer, 1844
Argument of Hugh M. Dorsey Solicitor-General, Atlanta Judicial Circuit at the Trial of Leo M. Frank Charged with the Murder of Mary Phagan
1 v. Macon, Ga.: N. Christophulos, [1914]
Argument of John A. Logan, One of the Managers of the Part of the House of Representatives, before the Senate of the United States, on the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, Impeached for High Crimes and Misdemeanors
1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Off., 1868
Argument of John K. Porter, Counsel for the Disfranchised Corporators of Trinity Church: Delivered before the Select Committee of the Senate, March 2, 1857
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1857.
Argument of John K. Porter, of Counsel for the Managers on Behalf of the Assembly, on the Trial of John C. Mather, One of the Canal Commissioners of the State of New York in the Court of Impeachments, September 8, 1853
1 v. New York: s.n, 1853
Argument of John Quincy Adams, Before the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of the United States, Appellants vs. Cinque, and Others, Africans, Captured in the Schooner Amistad, by Lieut. Gedney. Delivered on the 24th of February and 1st of March, 1841. With a Review of the Case of the Antelope, Reported in the 10th, 11th, and 12th volumes of Wheaton's Reports
1 v. New York: S.W. Benedict, 1841.
Argument of Joseph Mason, Esq. against the Petition of Nathaniel Wood and Others, for the Establishment of Courts and a Half Shire at Fitchburg, for the County of Worcester, before a Joint Special Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, Session 1852
1v. Worcester: H.J. Howland, 1852
Argument of Law concerning the Bill of Attainder of High-Treason of Thomas, Earle of Strafford: At a Conference in a Committee of Both Houses of Parliament
1 v. London: [s.n.], 1641
Argument of Master Nicholas Fuller, in the Case of Thomas Lad, and Richard Maunsell, His Clients
1v. [S.l.]: Imprinted [at William Jones' secret Press], 1607
Argument of Matt. H. Carpenter in the Supreme Court of the United States, March 3 and 4, 1868, in the Matter of Ex Parte Wm. H. McCardle, Appellant with Extracts from the Brief Where Necessary to Explain the Argument
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1868
Argument of Montgomery Blair of Counsel for the Plaintiff in Error
Argument of Mr. B.R. Curtis, in the Case of the United States of America vs. The Union Pacific R.R. Company et al., U.S. Circuit Court, Hartford, Conn., September 19, 1873
1 v. Washington, D.C.: McGill & Witherow, printers, 1107 E street, 1873
Argument of Mr. C. H. Hill, Assistant Attorney-General, At the Trial of Hiram C. Whitley, Richard Harrington, and Arthur B. Williams, for Conspiracy, in the Criminal Court of the District of Columbia, November 16, 1874
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1874
Argument of Mr. Curtis on Behalf of Plaintiff: In the Supreme Court of the United States, Dred Scott vs. John F.A. Sandord
Argument of Mr. Franklin B. Gowen, of Counsel for the Commonwealth, in the Case of the Commonwealth vs. Petroff. Indicted in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County for Corrupt Solicitation of Members of the Legislature. Delivered March 10, 1880
1 v. [Philadelphia? : s.n., 1880?]
Argument of Mr. Hambly, of York (Penn.) in the Case of Edward Prigg, Plaintiff in Error vs. the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Defendant in Error: in the Supreme Court of the United States
1v. Baltimore: Printed by Lucas & Deaver, 1842
Argument of Nathaniel C. Moak before the Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections, May 10, 1886 on the Resolution to Inquire as to Article Written by George F. Spinney, for New York Times of April 15, 1886, on Senator Raines
1 v. [S.l.: s.n., 1886?]
Argument of Nathaniel C. Moak in the Court of Sessions of the County of Albany. October 1, 1874 - The People Against Charles H. Phelps, Brief for People Upon Questions of Law
1 v. [New York]: s.n., 1874.
Argument of Nicholas Fuller of Grayes Inne Esquire, in the Case of Tho. Lad, and Rich. Mansell his Clients
1v. London: Printed for N. Vavasour, 1641
Argument of Plaintiffs' Counsel in the Case of Willard Peele and Others versus the Merchants' Insurance Company, before the Supreme Court of the United States, February Term, 1826
1v. Boston: Howe & Norton, Printers, 1826
Argument of R.B. McComb
1 v. N.p.,
Argument of Rev. S. T. Spear, D. D., before the Brooklyn Presbytery, at the Trial of Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, D. D., May 1st, 1879
1 v. New York: [s.n.], 1879
Argument of Robert J. Walker, Esq. before the Supreme Court of the United States, on the Mississippi Slave Question
Argument of Roger S. Baldwin, of New Haven, before the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of the United States, Appellants, vs. Cinque, and Others, Africans of the Amistad
Argument of Samuel L. Southard, in the Case of Stacy Decow and Joseph Hendrickson, versus Thomas L. Shotwell. Delivered at Trenton, before the Court of Appeals of the State of New Jersey, at a Special Term in the Eighth Month, 1833
1 v. Philadelphia: Elijah Weaver; New-York: Isaac T. Hopper, 1834
Argument of the Hon. Benjamin Harris Brewster, on the Subject of the Ordinance of the Constitutional Convention
1v. Philadelphia [Pa.]: S.P. Town, 1872
Argument of the Honorable Elihu Root on Behalf of the United States, before the North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration Tribunal at the Hague, 1910
1 v. [Boston]: World Peace Foundation, 1912
Argument of the Lord Keeper Sommers, on His Giving Judgment in the Bankers Case: Deliver'd in the Exchequer-Chamber, June 23, 1696
1 v. [London]: Printed by E. and R. Nutt, and R. Gosling ... for S. Billingsley, 1733
Argument of the United States of America on Behalf of the Orinoco Steamship Company against the United States of Venezuela
1 v. The Hague: Van Langenhuysen Bros, 1910
Argument of Wendell Phillips, Esq. against the Repeal of the Personal Liberty Law
1v. New York: Anti-Slavery Society, 1861
Argument of Wendell Phillips, Esq. before the Committee on Federal Relations (of the Massachusetts Legislature) in Support of the Petition for the Removal of Edward Greely Loring from Office of Judge of Probate, February 20, 1855
1v. Boston: J.B. Yerrinton & Son, printers, 1855
Argument of Wendell Phillips, Esq., before the Committee on Federal Relations (of the Massachusetts Legislature), in Support of the Petitions for the Removal of Edward Greely Loring from the Office of Judge of Probate, February 20, 1855
1v. Boston: J. B. Yerrinton & Son, 1855
Argument of William H. Seward on the Law of Congress concerning the Recapture of Fugitive Slaves
1v. Albany: Weed and Parsons, 1847
Argument of William H. Seward, in Defence of William Freeman, on His Trial for Murder
Argument of William Whaley, Esq. Delivered before the Supreme Court, at Columbia, S.C., on the Negro Bond Question; against Their Validity
1v. Charleston: Courier Steam Book and Job Press, 1869
Argument of William Whiting, Esq., in the Case of Ross Winans v. Orsamus Eaton et al., for an Alleged Infringement of His Patent for the Eight-Wheel Railroad Car
1 v. Boston: J. M. Hewes & co., printers, 1853
Argument of William Whiting, Esq., in the Case of Ross Winans v. Orsamus Eaton et al., for an Alleged Infringement of His Patent for the Eight-Wheel Railroad Car, before Hon. Samuel Nelson, Justice of the United States Circuit Court for the Northern District of New York
1 v. Boston: J.M. Hewes & Co., printers, 1853
Argument on Appeal to the Board of Examiners in Chief, from the Decision of the Examiner, Rejecting the Application of John S. Gallaher, Jr., Assignor to Chambers, Bro. & Co., for a Patent for a Machine for Folding Paper
1 v. Philadelphia: C. Sherman & Son, Printer, 1862.
Argument on the Distinction between Manslaughter and Murther, Deduced by an Investigation of Our Ancient Law: Being the Introductory Part of an Opinion Delivered by Jeffrey Gilbert
1v. s.n., 1777
Argument on the Ethical Position of Slavery in the Social System, and Its Relation to the Politics of the Day
1v. New York: [Publisher not Identified], 1863
Argument on the Unconstitutionality of Slavery, Embracing an Abstract of the Proceedings of the National and State Conventions on This Subject
1v. Boston: Saxton & Peirce, 1841
Argument to Prove the Affections of the People of England
1 v. London: W. Jones, 1716
Argument, in a Cause Depending before the Supreme Court of Louisiana, between the Bank of the United States, the Bank of Louisiana, the Bank of Orleans and Others, Creditors of Joseph Saul, Appellants; and Thomas H. Saul and Others, Children of the Same Debtor, Appellees: In Which is Discussed the Question, Whether, in the Case of a Marriage Contracted in a State, Governed by the Common Law of England, between Parties There Residing, but Who Afterwards Remove to Louisiana and There Acquire Property, Such Property Will Be Held in Community between Such Husband and Wife
1 v. New Orleans: Printed by Benjamin Levy, 1827
Argument, in Favor of the Constitutionality of the General Banking Law of This State, Delivered before the Supreme Court, at the July Term, 1839
1 v. Geneva [N.Y.]: I. Merrell, 1839
Arguments before the Hon. S. F. Phillips Central Branch Union Pacific
1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1872
Arguments before the Hon. S. F. Phillips, Solicitor-General of the U.S., on Behalf of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad Company
1v. Washington, D.C.: Gibson Bros, 1872
Arguments during the Impeachment Trial of Governor William Sulzer
1 v. Albany : J. B. Lyon, 1914
Arguments in the Cases Arising under the Railway Labor Act and the National Labor Relations Act before the Supreme Court of the United States, February 8-11, 1937
1v. Washington: Govt. print. off, 1937
Arguments in the Cases Arising under the Social Security Act and the Alabama Unemployment Compensation Law before the Supreme Court of the United States, April 7-9, 1937
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1937
Arguments in the Seltzer Will Case, the Elliott-Osborn Murder Case and the Ohlen Will Case
1 v. Columbus, Ohio: Press of A.C. Berlin, 1891
Arguments of Counsel for Libellee, Helen Maria Dalton, in the Dalton Divorce Case, Consisting of the Opening Address of H. F. Durant, Esq., and the Closing Plea of Hon. Rufus Choate
1 v. [Boston] : Office of the Boston daily bee, 1857
Arguments of Counsel in the Cases of the Snipe, the Martha, the Vesta, and Other American Vessels, Detained under the Orders in Council, and Brought to Adjudication in the High Court of Admiralty, before the Right Honorable Sir William Scott, on the 8th, 10th, 14th, 15th, and 29th of July 1812, Taken in Short-Hand by Mr. Gurney, with an Appendix, Containing the Principal Documents Referred to in the Course of the Arguments
1 v. London: Printed by A. Strahan for J. Butterworth, 1812
Arguments of Counsel in the Close of the Trial of Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, for the Murder of Sarah M. Cornell, at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island, Held from May 6th to June 2d, 1833. Hon. Jeremiah Mason, of Boston, for the Prisoner. Albert C. Greene, Attorney General, for the Prosecution
1 v. Boston: Published at the Offices of the Daily Commercial Gazette and the Boston Daily Advocate, 1833.
Arguments of Counsel in the Ecclesiastical Court, in the Cause of Inglefield. With the Speech of Doctor Calvert; on the Twenty-Second of July, 1786, at Giving Judgment. Printed from an Authentic Copy of Mr. Gurney's Short Hand Notes
1 v. London: Printed for J. Murray, 1787
Arguments of Counsel, with the Opinions of the Judges, and the Decision of Court in the Case of Richard W. White, Clerk of Superior Court of Chatham Co., Plaintiff in Error versus the State of Georgia, Ex Relatione Wm. J. Clements, Defendant in Error
1 v. Atlanta, Ga: Daily Intelligencer Book and Job Office, 1869
Arguments of Edgar T. Brackett of Counsel for the Managers for the Assembly on the Impeachment Trial of William Sulzer at the Capitol, in the City of Albany 1913
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Lyon, 1914
Arguments of Gerrit Smith and David J. Mitchell, and the Charge of Justice Mason, in a Trial for Murder
1 v. New York: John A. Gray, printer, 1857
Arguments of John H. Reynolds and N. Hill, Jr., of Albany, Counsel for the Defendant, on Motion by the Complainants for a Preliminary Injunction, November 19th to 21st 1856 - Frederick W. Coleman vs. the Hudson River Bridge Company at Albany; and Robert D. Silliman vs. the Same Defendant. Before Judge Nelson
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1856.
Arguments of Sir Richard Hutton Knight, One of the Judges of the Common Pleas: and Sir George Croke Knight, One of the Judges of the Kings Bench
1 v. London: Printed by M. Flesher and R. Young, the assignes of I. More, Esquire, 1641
Arguments of the Counsel of Joseph Hendrickson, in a Cause Decided in the Court of Chancery of the State of New Jersey, between Thomas L. Shotwell, Complainant, and Joseph Hendrickson and Stacy Decow, Defendants
1 v. Philadelphia: Uriah Hunt; New York: Mahlon Day and S. Wood & Sons, 1833.
Arguments of the Counsel of Trinity Church, Before the Senate Committee
1 v. Albany: C. Van Benthuysen, 1857.
Arguments of the Defendants' Counsel, and Judgment of the Supreme Court, U.S. in the Case of Vidal and Another, Complainants and Appellants, versus The Mayor, &c. of Philadelphia, the Executors of S. Gerard, and Others, Defendants & Appellees. January Term, 1844 to Which Is Added the Will of Stephen Girard
1 v. Philadelphia: Crissy, printer, 1844
Arguments of William W. Hubbell and William Whiting on behalf of the defendants, before Hon. Samuel Nelson, in the case of Ross Winans vs. Orsamus Eaton, et al., in the Circuit Court of the United States of the Northern District of New York
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons & co., printers, 1853
Arguments of Z. Collins Lee and Jere. Clemens, in Defence of Captain Schaumburg, Indicted for Assault and Battery with Intent to Kill Edward H. Fuller. Delivered March 30, 1854
1 v. Washington, D.C.?: s.n, 1854
Arguments on Behalf of the Commonwealth and Defense in the Trial of Caleb Powers
1v. S.l: s.n, 1900
Arguments, and Decisions, in Remarkable Cases, before the High Court of Justiciary, and Other Supreme Courts, in Scotland
1v. Edinburgh: Printed for J. Bell, 1774
Argvments upon the Writ of Habeas Corpus, in the Court of Kings Bench. Wherein, are Learnedly Discussed, Not Onely the Severall Branches of the Said Writ, but Also Many Authorities as Well of the Common as Statute Law
1 v. London: Printed by M.F. for W. Lee, M. Walbancke, D. Pakeman, and G. Bedell, 1649
Arraignment and Plea of Edw. Fitz-Harris, Esq.; with All the Arguments in Law, and Proceedings of the Court of Kings-Bench Thereupon, in Easter Term 1681
1 v. London: Printed for Fr. Tryon, 1681
Arraignment, Trials, Conviction and Condemnation of Sir Rich. Grahme, Bart., Viscount Preston in the Kingdom of Scotland, and John Ashton, Gent., for High-Treason against Their Majesties King William and Queen Mary, in Conspiring the Deposition and Death of Their Majesties, the Alteration of the Present Government, the Invasion of This Kingdom of England by the French King, and Raising a Rebellion within This Kingdom against Their Majesties. At the Sessions of Gaol-Delivery of Newgate, Holden for the County of Middlesex at Justice Hall in Old-Baily, on the 16th, 17th and 19th Days of January, 1690, in the Second Year of Their Majesties Reign. To Which Are Added, Two Letters Taken at Dublin the 4th of July, 1690. One from the Late King James to the Pope, Dated at Dublin, Novemb. 26. 1689. The Other from the Earl of Melfort, the Said Late King's Principal Secretary of State, Sent to the Late Queen, Dated at Rome, May 2, 1690
1 v. London: Printed for Samuel Heyrick and Thomas Cockerill, 1691
Arraignment, Tryal and Condemnation of Sir William Parkins, Knt., for the Most Horrid and Barbarous Conspiracy to Assassinate His Most Sacred Majesty King William; and for Raising of Forces in Order to a Rebellion, and Encouraging a French Invasion into This Kingdom. Who Was Found Guilty of High-Treason, March 24, 1695/6, at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily. Together with a True Copy of the Papers Delivered by Sir William Parkins, and Sir John Friend, to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, at the Time of Their Execution
1 v. London: Printed for Samuel Heyrick ..., and Isaac Cleve, 1696
Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Ambrose Rookwood, for the Horrid and Execrable Conspiracy to Assassinate His Sacred Majesty King William, in Order to a French Invasion of This Kingdom: Who upon Full Evidence Was Found Guilty of High Treason before His Majesty's Justices of Oyer and Terminer, at Westminster on Tuesday the 21st of April 1696, and Received Sentence the Day following, and Was Executed at Tyburn on the 29th Day of the Said Month. In Which Tryal Is Contained All the Learned Arguments of the King's Council, and Likewise the Council for the Prisoner, upon the New Act of Parliament for Regulating Tryals in Cases of Treason
1 v. London: Printed for Samuel Heyrick ... and Isaac Cleave, 1696
Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Capt. John Quelch, and Others of His Company, &c. for Sundry Piracies, Robberies, and Murder, Committed upon the Subjects of the King of Portugal, Her Majesty's Allie, on the Coast of Brasil, &c
1 v. London: Printed for Ben. Bragg, 1705
Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Captain William Kidd, for Murther and Piracy, upon Six Several Indictments
1 v. London: Printed for J. Nutt, 1701
Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Peter Cooke, Gent. for High Treason; In Endeavouring to Procure Forces from France to Invade This Kingdom, and Conspiring to Levy War in This Realm for Assisting and Abetting the Said Invasion, in Order to the Deposing of His Sacred Majesty, King William, and Restoring the Late King. Who upon Full Evidence Was Found Guilty at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily, on Wednesday the 13th of May, 1696. And Received Sentence the Same Day. With the Learned Arguments both of the King's and Prisoner's Council upon the New Act of Parliament for Regulating Tryals in Cases of Treason
1 v. London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1696
Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Sir John Friend, Knight, for High Treason. In Endeavouring to Procure Forces from France to Invade This Kingdom, and Conspiring to Levy War in This Realm for Assisting and Abetting the Said Invasion in Order to the Deposing of His Sacred Majesty King William, and Restoring the Late King. At the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayly, on Monday, March 23, 1695/6. and Perused by the Lord Chief Justice Holt, and the King's Council, Who Were Present at the Tryal
1 v. London: Printed for S. Heyrick and I. Cleve, 1696
Arraignment, Tryal, and Conviction of Robert Feilding, Esq; for Felony, in Marrying Her Grace the Dutchess of Cleaveland; His First Wife Mrs. Mary Wadsworth, Being Then Alive. At the Sessions-House in the Old Bayly, on the 4th Day of December, 1706. Before the Rt. Honourable Sir Robert Beddingfeld, Kt. Lord Mayor, Sir John Powel, Kt. Sir Littleton Powys, Kt. Two of Her Majesty's Justices of the Court of Queen's Bench, Sir John Blencow, Kt. One of the Justices of Her Majesty's Court of Common Pleas, and Several Others of Her Majesty's Justices for the Goal-Delivery of Newgate
1 v. London: J. Morphew, 1708.
Arraignments, Tryals and Condemnations of Charles Cranburne, and Robert Lowick, for the Horrid and Execrable Conspiracy to Assassinate His Sacred Majesty King William in Order to a French Invasion of This Kingdom. Who upon Full Evidence Were Found Guilty of High-Treason before His Majesty's Justices of Oyer and Terminer at Westminster, and Received Sentence the 22d. of April, 1696, and Were Executed at Tyburn the 29th of the Said Month. In Which Tryals Are Contained All the Learned Arguments of the King's Councel, and Likewise the Councel for the Prisoners, upon the New Act of Parliament for Regulating Tryals in Cases of Treason
1 v. London: Printed for Samuel Heyrick ... and Isaac Cleave, 1696
Arranged from the Philadelphia Public Ledger
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Art of Argument
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Art of Cross-Examination
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1v. New York: Macmillan Co., 1903
Art of the Trial
1v. New York: Conway, Bogardus & Co., 1929
Art of Winning Cases; or Modern Advocacy: A Practical Treatise on Preparation for Trial, and the Conduct of Cases in Court
1v. New York and Albany: Banks and Brothers, 1894
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1 v. London: [s.n.], 1717
Articles of Accusation, Exhibited by the Commons House of Parliament Now Assembled
1v. London: s.n], 1641
Articles of Impeachment by the House of Representatives, of the Said Commonwealth, in Their Own Name, and in the Name of the People of Massachusetts, against Samuel Blagge, Esq. A Justice of the Peace and a Notary Public, in and for the County of Suffolk, in the Commonwealth Aforesaid; Together with the Respondent's Answer
1 v. Boston: True and Greene, 1826
Articles of Impeachment of High Treason Exhibited by the House of Commons against Simon Lord Lovat, and the Answer of the Said Lord: Together with the Replication of the House of Commons to the Said Answer
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1v. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center, 1985.
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1 v. Union, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange, 2001. Originally published: Washington, D.C.: O. H. Oldroyd, 1901.
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1 v. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1954
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Assault and Battery. Report of the Trials of the Causes of Elisha Jenkins vs. Solomon Van Rensselaer, Solomon Van Rensselaer vs. John Tayler, The Same vs. Charles D. Cooper, and The Same vs. Francis Bloodgood before Arbitrators, at Albany, August 16th, 17th and 18th, 1808
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Astounding Record of Crime and Its Exposure. Trials of Scott and Dunlap for Robbing the Northampton National Bank and Breaking and Entering the Cashier's House. Twelve Days in Court. Verbatim Reports of the Addresses to the Jury, by Hon. Edward B. Gillett, of Westfield, Hon. N. A. Leonard, of Springfield, and H. H. Bond, Esq., of Northampton. Sketch of Bank Burglaries Planned and Executed by Edson, Scott, Dunlap, Connors, and Others. - Nearly $3,000,000 Stolen
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1 v. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1883
August C. Swarth and Ernest A. Swarth, Appellants, vs. The People of the State of Illinois upon the Relation of Andrew Paxton, Appellees. Quo Warranto to Forfeit Liquor License. Appeal from the Superior Court of Cook. The Record in Full, Statutes and Ordinances
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1 v. New York: John F. Trow & Co., 1845
Bissinger Suicide. History of That Sad Tragedy in Which Mrs. Bissinger (As Alleged), Made Desperate by Neglect and Ill Treatment, Drowned Herself and Three Children in the Union Canal, at Reading, Penna. Statement of Her Brother in Reply to Her Husband
1 v. Philadelphia: The Old Franklin Publ. House, 1875
Bittel Rape Case
1v. St. Louis: David Publishing Co., 1932
Black Kalendar of Scotland: Records of Notable Scottish Trials
1.v Dundee and London: J. Leng & Co.; [etc., etc.] 1884.
Black Republican Imposture Exposed - Fraud upon the People. Fremont and His Speculations. How He Employed Public Money to Buy a Large Estate. How He Employed Public Money to Buy Breeding Cattle to Stock It With. How He Stood for Some Years as a Defaulter for the Same upon the Books of the Government. How He Sold the Government Its Own Beef Cattle to Pay the Balance Due to Itself
1 v. Washington: Printed at Polkinhorn's Steam Job Office, 1856
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3v. Chicago: Callaghan and Co, 1916
Bloody Assizes
1 v. Edinburgh: W. Hodge & Co, 1929
Blotted 'Scutcheons: Some Society Causes Celebres
1v. New York: Doran, 1926
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1 v. Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: Huling, 1881
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1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Democrat Job Printing, 1878
Book of Remarkable Criminals
1 v. London: Cassell, 1918
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1 v. London: J. C. Hotten, 1871.
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1 v. Montpelier: The Vermont Historical Society, 1937
Boston Kidnapping
1v. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, & Company, 1852; New York: Arno Press, 1969
Boston Slave Riot, and Trial of Anthony Burns Containing the Report of the Faneuil Hall Meeting; the Murder of Batchelder; Theodore Parker's Lesson for the Day; Speeches of Counsel on Both Sides, Corrected by Themselves; a Verbatim Report of Judge Loring's Decision; and Detailed Account of the Embarkation
1 v. Boston : Fetridge and Company, 1854
Boston Slave Riot, and Trial of Anthony Burns, The
1v. Boston: Fetridge, 1854
Bovill Patent. A Collection of the Summings-Up and Judgments in the Litigation Under the Patent of 5th June, 1849, Granted to the Late G.H. Bovill for Improvements in the Manufacture of Flour
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5. New York: Banks Law Publishing Co, 1912-1920
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1 v. London: Shaw and Sons, 1853.
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1v. New York: Fordham University Press, 1992
Brickwood's Sackett on Instructions to Juries containing a Treatise on Jury Trials and Appeals
3 v. Chicago: Callaghan & company, 1908
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1 v. London : R. Carlile, 1821
Bridget Welch, Plaintiff and Respondent, against the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany, Defendant and Appellant: Case and Exceptions
1 v. Albany: Argus, 1871
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1v. [London]: Printed for R. Baldwin, 1681
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1 v. Philadelphia: J. Campbell, 1863
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Brief for Arizona Association for Justice/Arizona Trial Lawyers Association in Support of Respondent
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Brief for Justice at Stake, 13 Former Chief Justice and Justices, and One Former Trial Judge in Support of Respondents
Brief for National Crime Victim Bar Association, Arizona Association for Justice, Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association, Florida Justice Association, and Oregon Trial Lawyers Association in Support of Respondent
Brief for Nuremberg Historians and International Lawyers in Support of Neither Party
Brief for Nuremberg Scholars Omer Bartov, Michael J. Bazyler, Donald Bloxham, Lawrence Douglas, et al, in Support of Petitioner
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1 v. New York: The Diossy law book company, 1891
Brief for the Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association in Support of Respondent
Brief for the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys in Support of Respondent
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1v. Rochester: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co, 1908
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1v. Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co, 1922
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1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers' Co-operative Pub. Co, 1900
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1v. Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co, 1912
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1 v. New York: Diossy, 1889
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1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: The Laywers' cooperative Pub. Co, 1902; Littleton, Colo: F.B. Rothman, 1994
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1 v. New York : [s.n.], 1860
Brief Memoir of the Life of the Honourable Colonel Algernon Sidney; with a Short Account of His Trial, in the Court of King's Bench, November 7, 1683
1v. London: J. Bohn, 1835
Brief Narrative of the Case and Trial of John Peter Zenger
1 v. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963.
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1 v. Washington: Byron S. Adams, 1941
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1 v. [Washington: s.n.], 1940
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2v. S.I.: s.n., 1959
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1 v. Pittsburgh: A.A. Anderson & Sons, 1868
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Brief on the Modes of Proving the Facts Most Frequently In Issue or Collaterally in Question on the Trial of Civil or Criminal Cases
1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co, 1901
Brief on the Modes of Proving the Facts Most Frequently in Issue or Collaterally in Question on the Trial of Civil or Criminal Cases
1v. New York: Diossy & Co., 1889
Brief on the Modes of Proving the Facts Most Frequently in Issue or Collaterally in Question on the Trial of Civil or Criminal Cases
1v. Rochester: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co, 1912
Brief on the Modes of Proving the Facts: Most Frequently in Issue or Collaterally in Question on the Trial of Civil or Criminal Cases
1v. Rochester, New York: Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Co., 1922
Brief Sketch of the Occurrences on Board the Brig Crawford on Her Voyage from Matanzas to New-York: Together with an Account of the Trial of the Three Spaniards, Jose Hilario Casares, Feliz Barbeito, and Jose Morando
1 v. Richmond [Va.]: Printed by Samuel Shepherd & Co, 1827
Brief Sketch of the Trial of William Lloyd Garrison, for an Alleged Libel on Francis Todd, of Massachusetts, A
Brief Sketch of the Trial of William Lloyd Garrison, for an Alleged Libel on Francis Todd, of Newburyport, Mass., A
Brief Statement of the Pleadings and Argument in the Case of J. Fenimore Cooper, versus Horace Greeley and Thomas McElrath, in an Action for Libel, Tried at the Saratoga Circuit of the Supreme Court of the State of New-York; Ballston, December 9, 1842. Together with Running Commentaries on the Law of Libel as Applied by the Supreme Court of the State of New-York and by His Honor Judge Willard at This Circuit
1 v. New York: Greeley & McElrath, 1843
Brief Summary of the Evidence in the Case of Samuel Darling Haynes: Applicant for Pardon: and a Partial List of Persons Who Advocate the Pardon
1 v. [Maine: s.n.], 1913
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1v. London printed: [s.n.], 1695
Brief Writing and Oral Argument
1v. New York: Oceana Publications, 1957
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1 v. London: Printed for J. Roberts, 1714
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1 v. S.l: s.n, 1832
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1 v. Bristol: Printed and sold by I.N. Pearce, 1832
Broadway Surface Railroad Company. Before the Senate Committee on Railroads. Arguments of Clarence A. Seward and Roscoe Conkling in Support of the Bills Introduced by the Committee. Memoranda of Authorities. List of Charters Repealed and of Corporations Dissolved. March, 1886
1 v. [New York?: s.n.], 1886
Brooklyn Murders
1v. New York: T. Seltzer, 1924
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1 v. Dublin: Printed by W. Gilbert, 1790.
Bryan and Darrow at Dayton: The Record and Documents of the Bible-Evolution Trial
1 v. New York: A. Lee, c1925
Buck's Stove & Range Co., Plaintiff, vs. the American Federation of Labor, et al., Defendants: No. 27, 305 Equity
1 v. New York City : American Anti-Boycott Association, 1909?
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1 v. Dublin: Printed by R. Smith ... Published by M. Keene, 1808
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1 v. Baltimore, Md: Phoenix Pub. Co, 1903
Burdell Case. Closing Argument of Mr. Charles Edwards, Advocate for Infant Next of Kin of Harvey Burdell; and in Opposition to the Claim of Emma Augusta Cunningham, for Letters of Administration
1 v. New York : John S. Voorhies, Law Book Seller and Pub., 1857
Bureau of Prisons Pre-trial Detention Program : hearings before the Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, second session ... May 4 and
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1v. New York: New York Public Library, 1938
California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc., a California Corporation, and Clark Ide, Petitioners, vs. Superior Court of the State of California for the County of Stanislaus, Respondent, Stanislaus County Bar Association, an Unincorporated Association, Real Party in Interest
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1 v. Philadelphia: B. Mifflin, printer, 1853
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1 v. London: Palmer & Co., 1886.
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1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: s.n, 1867
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1 v. [s.n.] 1796
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3 v. 1884
Canning Wonder
1 v. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1926
Canning's Magazine; or, a Review of the Whole Evidence That Has Been Hitherto Offered for or Against Elizabeth Canning, and Mary Squires
1 v. London: R. Griffiths, 1754.
Cannon vs. Campbell: Testimony and Papers in the Contested-Election Case of Geo. Q. Cannon vs. Allen G. Campbell from the Territory of Utah
1 v. 1882
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1 v. [Portland,] 1883
Capitalism on Trial
1 v. New York: H.W. Wilson Co, 1931
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3v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1923-1925
Captivity of General Corcoran. The Only Authentic and Reliable Narrative of the Trials and Sufferings Endured, during His Twelve Months' Imprisonment in Richmond and Other Southern Cities
1 v. Philadelphia: Barclay, 1862
Capture and Trial of Adolf Eichmann
1v. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1963
Car-Hook Tragedy. The Life, Trial, Conviction and Execution of William Foster for the Murder of Avery D. Putnam. Governor Dix's Letters. Neither Tears, Appeals for Executive Clemency from the Wife of the Murdered Man, Opinions on This Interesting Case from Profound Judges, Learned Lawyers, Eminent Ministers, and the Press, nor Political Influence, Backed by a Mine of Wealth, Could Save Foster
1 v. Philadelphia : Barclay & Co., c1873
Carbon Murders Mystery
1 v. Calgary: Frontier Pub., 1973.
Carmick & Ramsey Case
1 v. Washington, D.C.?: s.n, 1860
Case against Professor Briggs
3v. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1893
Case and Appeal of James Ashley, of Bread-Street, London: Addressed to the Publick in General: In Relation to I. The Apprehending Henry Simons, the Polish Jew, on a Warrant Issued out against Him for Perjury, II. His Trial and Conviction of a Capital Misdemeanor, Last Lent-Assizes, Held at Chelmsford for the County of Essex, III. His Second Trial at the Subsequent Assizes, for the Same Offense, and Surprising Acquittal, IV. An Action Brought, and the Cruel Verdict Obtained, against the Said James Ashley, and Others: Interspersed Throughout with Many Very Uncommon Particulars: to Which Is Prefixed, a Curious Print of the Person and Dress of the Said Henry Simons
1 v. London: Printed for, and published by, the appellant, 1753
Case and Exceptions: Stories of Counsel and Clients
1v. New York: F.A. Stokes, 1900
Case and Memoirs of the Late Rev. Mr. James Hackman, and of His Acquaintance with the Late Miss Martha Reay: With Commentary on His Conviction, Distinguishing Between His Crime in Particular, and That of Others Who Have Been Condemned for Murder. and Also, Some Thoughts on Lunacy and Suicide. Dedicated to Lord S---. To Which Is Added, a Letter to Lord S--- and Miss Reay. With an Appendix, on the Ill Effects of Public Office of Justices of the Peace
1 v. London: Printed for G. Kearsly, 1779.
Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New-York, Printer, Who was Lately Tried and Acquitted for Printing and Publishing a Libel against the Government
1 v. London: Printed for J. Wilford, 1750
Case Decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, in February, 1793: In Which Is Discussed the Question - Whether a State Be Liable to Be Sued by a Private Citizen of Another State
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by T. Dobson, 1793
Case Finder - Federal Criminal Law: Designed for Use in Preparation and Trial
1 v. Chicago: Printed by McCormick and Henderson, 1962.
Case for the Shorter Work Day. Franklin O. Bunting, Plaintiff in Error, vs. The State of Oregon, Defendant in Error. Brief for Defendant in Error
2 v. New York City: Reprinted by National Consumer's League, 1916.
Case of Alien Enemies, Considered and Decided upon a Writ of Habeas Corpus, Allowed on the Petition of Charles Lockington, an Alien Enemy, by the Hon. William Tilghman, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, the 22nd Day of November, 1918
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by John Binns, 1813
Case of Anthony, Earl of Shaftsbury: As It Was Argued before His Majesties Justices of the King's Bench, Trin. Term. 29. Car. 2
1v. London: Printed by K.P. for C.R., 1679
Case of Archibald Douglas, Esq. and His Guardians, Appellants, against His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, Lord Douglas Hamilton, Sir Hew Dalrymple, and Others, Respondents: To be Heard at the Bar of the House of Lords, on Monday, the 16th of January, 1769
1 v. [S.l.: s.n.], 1769
Case of Blasius Pistorius
1 v. [Philadelphia, Pa.: Times Printing House, 1878]
Case of Carmick & Ramsey. Points Submitted to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, by the Post Office Department, in Opposition to the Claim
1 v. Washington, D.C.: s.n, 1863
Case of Carmick and Ramsey. Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting Reports from the Secretary of the Treasury and the Postmaster General, with Accompanying Papers, in Answer to a Resolution of the House Asking What Action, If Any, Has Been Taken for the Adjustment of Damages Due Carmick & Ramsey
1 v. Washington, 1859
Case of Catharine N. Forrest, Plaintiff, against Edwin Forrest, Defendant, Containing the Record in the Superior Court of the City of New York, the Opinions in That Court, the Statement and Points for Each Party in the Court of Appeals and the Judgment of the Latter Court
1 v. New York: [s.n.] 1863
Case of Charles W. Durant, March 30th, 1885
1v. S.I.: s.n., [1885]
Case of Chief Engineer Joshua Follansbee, before a Navy General Court Martial, Convened at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, May, 1863
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1863
Case of Christ Church, Germantown, Philadelphia. Being a Report of the Proceedings before the Board of Presbyters, in Reference to the Application of a Majority of the Vestry of Said Church, for a Dissolution of the Pastoral Connection
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, Printers, 1872
Case of David Lamson: A Summary
1 v. San Francisco: Lamson Defense Committee, 1934
Case of Dr. Coolidge, of Waterville, Me., 1847-49
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1918
Case of Dred Scott in the United States Supreme Court. The Full Opinions of Chief Justice Taney and Justice Curtis, and Abstracts of the Opinions of the Other Judges; with an Analysis of the Points Ruled, and Some Concluding Observations
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Case of El-Masri v. the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
1v. New York: Open Society Institute, 2019
Case of Elizabeth Canning Fairly Stated
1v. London: M. Cooper, W. Reeve, and C. Sympson, 1753
Case of Elizabeth Rutgers versus Joshua Waddington, Determined in the Mayor's Court, in the City of New York, August 7, 1786, with an Historical Introduction by Henry B. Dawson
1 v. Morrisania, N.Y.: Bradstreet Press, 1866
Case of Evans v. Rowe: In the Exchequer Chamber in Which Tithes Were Decreed to Be Paid for Oak Timber of Above Eighty Years' Growth
1 v. London: S. Sweet, 1827.
Case of Frederick Henry Maitland, a Major in the Bengal Staff Corps of Her Majesty's Army of the Empire of India, in Support of His Petition to Her Majesty to Admit His Succession and Declare That He Is of Right Entitled to the Dignities of Earl of Lauderdale, Viscount of Lauderdale, Viscount Maitland, Lord of Thirlestane, and Lord Thirlestane and Boltoun in the Peerage of Scotland
1 v. [London]: Gosling & Co., 1885
Case of General Yamashita; a Memorandum
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Case of George W. Niven, Esq., Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Charged with Mal-Practices and Suspended by Order of the Court of Common Pleas, of the City of New-York, Containing Much Curious Matter, Ingenuous Argument, and Eloquent Discourse, Equally Interesting to Counsellors and Clients, to the Safety of the Public, and the Honor and Dignity of a Learned Profession
1 v. New York: Van Pelt & Spear, 1822
Case of Great Britain as Laid before the Tribunal of Arbitration, Convened at Geneva under the Provisions of the Treaty between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain, Concluded at Washington, May 8, 1871
3 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1872
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1 v. New York: G. W. Smith & company, 1875
Case of His Grace the Duke of Portland Respecting Two Leases, Lately Granted by the Lords of the Treasury, to Sir James Lowther, Bart.
1 v. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1768
Case of Impotency Debated, in the Late Famous Tryal at Paris
1v. London: Printed for E. Curll, 1715
Case of Ireland Being Bound by Acts of Parliament in England, Stated
1v. London: Printed for J. Almon, 1770
Case of Ireland's Being Bound by Acts of Parliament in England, Stated
1 v. London: Printed for W. Boreham, 1720
Case of Jan Janoff Pouren, a Political Refugee from Russia, Held over a Year in an American Prison by Demand of the Czar
1v. New York: Royal Stationery Co, 1909
Case of John C. Watrous: United States Judge for Texas, a Political Story of High Crimes and Misdemeanors
1v. Dallas, Texas: University Press in Dallas 1950
Case of John Doggett versus William Emerson and Others, in Equity, in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the First Circuit - District of Maine
1 v. Boston: Freeman and Bolles, 1844
Case of Joseph Jenkins versus Charles H. Eldredge, et al., in Equity, in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit-District of Massachusetts. Before the Honorable Mr. Justice Story, The Honorable Judge Sprague
1 v. Boston: Freeman & Bolles, 1843
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1 v. [S.l.: s.n., 1858?]
Case of Judge Thruston
1 v. [Washington, D.C.?]: Blair & Rives, 1837
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1 v. London: Printed for J. Debrett, 1794
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1v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 1955
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1 v. [S.l.: s.n., 18--?]
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1 v. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, 1920
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1 v. London: Printed for John Goulding, 1716.
Case of N.P. Vitvitsky, [et al.]: Charged with Wrecking Activities at Power Stations in the Soviet Union Heard before the Special Session of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R. in Moscow, April 12-19, 1933
3 v. Moscow: State Law Pub. House, 1933
Case of Passmore Williamson. Report of the Proceedings on the Writ of Habeas Corpus, Issued by the Hon. John K. Kane, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in the Case of the United States of America ex rel. John H. Wheeler vs. Passmore Williamson, including the Several Opinions Delivered; and the Arguments of Counsel, Reported by Arthur Cannon, Esq., Phonographer
1 v. Philadelphia: U. Hunt & son, 1856
Case of R. B. Forbes versus the American Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn.
1v. Boston: Printed by John Wilson and Son, 1861
Case of Rev. Gilbert F. Williams in the Ecclesiastical Court of the Diocese of Washington Presented by his Counsel, William A. Meloy
1 v. Washington, D.C.: Press of John F. Sheiry, 1899
Case of Rev. John S. Ebaugh, Examined on a Charge of Perjury: Preferred against Him by John Kramer, Justus Wagner, and Ernest Winzer, before W. W. Drinker, Esq., One of the Police Justices
1 v. S.l: s.n.], 1846
Case of Sacco and Vanzetti: A Critical Analysis for Lawyers and Laymen
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1927.
Case of Seduction: Being, an Account of the Late Proceedings at Paris, as Well Ecclesiastical as Civil, against the Reverend Abbee, Claudius Nicholas des Rue
1v. London: Printed for E. Curll, 1726
Case of Sir Edward Hales, Baronet: Being an Exact Account of the Tryal upon an Action of 500 Pound Brought against Him, with His Plea Thereto
1v. London: J. Watts, 1689
Case of Sir James Ramsay Gibson Maitland, Baronet, in Support of His Petition to Her Majesty to Admit His Succession and Declare That He is of Right Entitled to the Dignities of Earl of Lauderdale, Viscount of Lauderdale, Viscount Maitland, Lord Maitland of Thirlestane, and Lord Thirlestane and Boltoun in the Peerage of Scotland
1 v. Edinburgh: John Clerk Brodie ; 1885
Case of Susan B. Anthony
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1873
Case of the Black Warrior, and Other Violations of the Rights of American Citizens by Spanish Authorities
1 v. Washington: B. Tucker, Senate printer, 1854
Case of the Cherokee Nation against the State of Georgia; Argued and Determined at the Supreme Court of the United States, January Term 1831. With an Appendix, Containing the Opinion of Chancellor Kent on the Case; the Treaties between the United States and the Cherokee Indians; the Act of Congress of 1802, Entitled An Act to Regulate Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, &c; and the Laws of Georgia Relative to the Country Occupied by the Cherokee Indians, within the Boundary of That State
1 v. Philadelphia: John Grigg, 9 North Fourth Street, 1831
Case of the Controverted Election of Coventry
1 v. London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1784.
Case of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, before the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Impartially Reported by Disinterested Stenographers; including All the Proceedings, Testimony, and the Arguments at Nisi Prius, and before the Court in Bank, with the Charge of Judge Rogers, the Verdict of the Jury, and the Opinion of Chief Justice Gibson
1 v. Philadelphia: A. McElroy, 1839
Case of the Private Armed Brig of War Gen. Armstrong, Containing Letters and Documents Referring to the History of the Claim, Brief of Facts and Authorities Cited, Arguments of Charles O'Conor, Esq., Hon. P. Phillips, and Sam C. Reid, Jr., and Brief of the U. S. Solicitor before the United States Court of Claims at Washington, D. C.
1 v. New York: Banks, Gould & Co, 1857
Case of the Queen, against Serva and Others, Inclusive of the Trial, and the Argument Before the Judges
1v. London: W. Benning, 1846.
Case of the Respondent, the Above Designed Major Yelverton
1 v. Edinburgh : Adam & Sang, [1865?]
Case of the Rev. G.C. Gorham, against the Bishop of Exeter, as Heard and Determined by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, on Appeal from the Arches Court of Canterbury
1 v. London: V. & R. Stevens and G.S. Norton, 1852.
Case of the Sloop "Active"
1v. [S. I.: s.n.], 1893
Case of the Somers' Mutiny. Defence of Alexander Slidell Mackenzie, Commander of the U. S. Brig Somers, before the Court Martial Held at the Navy Yard, Brooklyn
1 v. New York: Tribune Office, 1843
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1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1871
Case of the Vigilante, a Ship Employed in the Slave Trade; with Some Reflections on that Traffic
1 v. London: Printed by Harvey, Darton, and Co, 1826
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1 v. [London?] : Witham, [1825?]
Case of Thomas C. A. Dexter
1v. New York: W. C. Bryant & Co., 1867
Case of Thomas J. Mooney and Warren K. Billings
1 v. New York: National Mooney-Billings Committee, 1929
Case of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, K. B.: Containing the History of the Hoax, the Trial, the Proceedings in the House of Commons, and the Meetings of the Electors of Westminster. To Which Is Prefixed a Biographical Sketch of His Lordship; with an Appendix Containing a Review of the Evidence on the Trial
1 v. New York: W.B. Gilley, 1814
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Case on Appeal, a Judge's View; Conduct of the Appeal, a Lawyer's View; The Argument of an Appeal
1v. Philadelphia: Committee on Continuing Legal Education, 1952
Case on Behalf of John Fraser, of Carnarvon, in the County of Carnarvon, Mining Engineer, Claiming the Dignity, Title and Honour of the Barony of Lovat, in the Peerage of Scotland
1v. London: O.W. Perry, Printer, 1885
Case Upon the Will, of the Late Peter Thellusson, Esq.
1 v. London: Printed for E. and R. Brooke, and Rider, 1799.
Case, Henry Flagg, in Equity, versus Samuel H. Mann, and Others, in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the First Circuit...District of Massachusetts. Before the Honorable Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States; the Honorable John Davis, Justice of the Circuit Court of the United States, First Circuit, Mass. Dist.
1 v. Boston: Press of Jonathan Howe, 1835
Case, Josiah Wood, Jr. Plff. in Equity, vs. Samuel H. Mann, Jno. R. Adams, Elisha Fuller & Others, Defendants, in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the First Circuit & District of Massachusetts. Before the Honorable Joseph Story, Associate Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, and the Honorable John Davis, Justice of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Mass.
2 v. Boston: Press of Jonathan Howe, 1836
Case, Trevett against Weeden: On Information and Complaint, for Refusing Paper Bills in Payment for Butcher's Meat, in Market, at Par with Specie. Tried before the Honourable Superior Court, in the County of Newport, September Term, 1786. Also the Case of the Judges of Said Court, Before the Honourable General Assembly, at Providence, October Session, 1786,on Citation, for Dismissing Said Complaint. Wherein the Rights of the People to Trial by Jury &c. Are Stated and Maintained, and the Legislative, Judiciary and Executive Powers of Government Examined and Defined
1 v. Providence: Printed by John Carter, 1787
Cases and Materials on Pleading and Procedure before Trial
1v. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1961
Cases and Materials on Trial Practice
1v. Rochester: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co, 1940
Cases and Points 1905-06: New York State. Court of Appeals. Appellate Division. First Department
1 v. Cortland, N.Y.: Appeal printing co., 1905-1906
Cases Argued and Determined in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and Correction of Errors, in the State of New-York
2 v. New York: I. Riley, 1810
Cases Extracted from the Reports of the Commissioners of Charities, in England, and from the Calendars in Chancery; with an Appendix, Containing the Statutes of 39 & 43 Elizabeth and Other Statutes of the Realm, Relating to the Disposition of Property for Charitable and Public Uses, &c.
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1v. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1850
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1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1865
Cases of Personal Identity
1 v. Albany: Munsell, 1854
Cases of Treason
1v. London: Printed by the Assignes of John More, and Are Sold by Matthew Walbancke, and William Coke, 1641
Cases on Procedure, Annotated: Trial Practice
1v. Chicago: Callaghan & Co., 1912
Cases Relating to the Tithes of the City of London; Determined in the Several Courts of Law and Equity, and in the High Court of Parliament, from the Date of the Decree Made in Pursuance of the Statute of 37 Hen. 8. c 12, to the Present Time; to Which Is Added the Statute and Decree, Faithfully Transcribed from the Entry Made in the Register Book of the Bishop of London, Preserved in St. Paul's Cathedral: and Also the Fire Acts
1 v. London: Printed for Henry Butterworth, Lucas Houghton, and Thomas and John Elvey, 1823
Casper Linderbury, against Edward Van Order and Another
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Democrat steam job print house, 1881
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Catalogue Giving the Name and Residence of an Efficient and Reliable Practising Lawyer, for Every County in the United States and Canada; with a Complete List of Counties
1 v. New York: Law and Collection Office, 1858
Catalogue of the Collection of Coins and Medals Formed by the Late Mr. Edmund B. Wynn., of Watertown, N.Y.
1 v. New York: Catalogued by N.Y. Coin & Stamp Co, 1893
Catalogue of the Extraordinary Collection of Law Trials Made by the Late Edmund B. Wynn, of Watertown, N.Y. Comprising a Great Number of the Rarest, Most Interesting and Instructive Trials in the Courts of Great Britain and America, Illustrating the Law and Practice in both Civil and Criminal Causes, with Special Collections relating to Criminal Conversation, Libel, Murder, Piracy, Treason, etc.; also Many of the Scarcest Compilations in Book-form under the Titles: Annals of Gallantry, Cuases Celebres, Chronicles of Crime, Malefactors' Register, Newgate Calendar, etc., the Whole Forming an Encyclopaedia of Crime. To Be Sold at Auction Tuesday, Wednesday, Thrusday, Friday and Saturday, February 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th, 1893
1 v. New York, 1893
Catalogue of the Library of the Late Edmund B. Wynn, of Watertown, N.Y.: Comprising Valuable and Interesting Works in the Various Departments of Literature, with Special Collections on Law and Lawyers, Cookery, Wines and Wine-Making
1 v. New York: Bangs & Co, 1893
Catalogue of the Library of Trials and Legal Literature belonging to John H.V. Arnold, Esq. the Largest and Most Valuable Collection of the Kind Ever Offered in This City Comprising Both Civil and Criminal Trials in the Courts of England and America, Carefully Selected to Illustrate Points of Law and to Exhibit the Various Forms of Criminal Conduct: Adultery, Assault, Bribery, Criminal Conversation, Libel, Murder, Rape, Seduction, Treason, etc.; also Collections of Trials, Biographies of Criminals, Confessions, Dying Speeches, Histories of Law, Legal Treatises and Practice, etc.
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Catalogue of the Trustees, Officers, & Students of the University of Pennsylvania.
1 v. Philadelphia: [s.n.], 1840
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1 v. New York: Printed by Edward Gillespy, 1813
Causa Criminal Instruida al Exmo. Sr. Presidente Constitucional, General de Division D. Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna, Acusado del Delito de Traicion Contra la Forma de Gobierno Establecida en las Bases Organicas
1v. Mexico: Impr. de Lara, 1846
Cause Italiane Civili, Criminali e Commerciali Discusse dal 1800 fino ai Giorni Nostri avanti i Primi Tribunali
16v. Pistoia: Tipografia Cino, 1843-1862
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Causes Celebres de Tous les Peuples
9v. Paris: H. Lebrun, 1858-1874
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1 v. Chicago: Commerce Clearing House, 1970
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1 v. Chicago: The Current Events Publishing Co., 1894
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1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers' Co-operative Pub. Co., 1887
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1 v. London: Chatto, 1873
Celebrated Claimants, from Perkin Warbeck to Arthur Orton
1 v. London: Chatto and Windus, 1874
Celebrated Crimes
6 v. London: H.S. Nichols, 1895
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1 v. London: Temple Co, 1890
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1 v. San Francisco, Cal: James H. Barry Company, 1910
Celebrated Illinois Case That Made History
1v. [S. I.: s.n.], 1917
Celebrated Murders, as Shown in Remarkable Capital Trials
1 v. Chicago: Belfords, Clarke & Co., 1879.
Celebrated Naval and Military Trials
1 v. London: W.H. Allen, 1876
Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine: To Which Is Added, the Argument of Mr. Mackintosh in the Case of Peltier
1v. Philadelphia: E. Claxton & Co., 1882
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1 v. Boston: Page company, 1919
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1 v. [n.p.]: American printing and binding company, 1894
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1 v. New York ; London : Harper & Bros., 1897
Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence From the Earliest Records to the Year 1825
2v. New York: Payson & Clarke Ltd, 1928
Celebrated Trials Connected with the Aristocracy in the Relations of Private Life
1 v. London: William Benning, 1849.
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1 v. London: W. Benning & Co. [etc.], 1851.
Celebrated Trials of All Countries, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence
1 v. Philadelphia: E.L. Carey and A. Hart, 1835.
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6 v. London: Knight and Lacey; 1825
Central Criminal Court of London: Being a Survey of the History of the Court and of Newgate, the Fleet and Other Jails
1v. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1909
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1v. St. Louis: Nixon-Jones Printing Co., 1885
Central Trust Company of New York vs. the West India Improvement Company, et al.
1v. New York: C. G. Burgoyne 1912
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1v. Pittburgh, PA: Smith Bros. Co. Inc., 1905
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1 v. New York: Da Capo Press, 1971
Centralia Conspiracy
1v. S.l: s.n, 1920
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1v. Centralia, Wash: Grant Hodge Post No. 17, 1920
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1 v. London: J.M. Richardson, 1813
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March 10, 2017
Chapters in the History of Popular Progress: Chiefly in Relation to the Freedom of the Press and Trial by Jury: 1660-1820
1 v. London: Macmillan and Co, 1876
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1 v. Gettysburg: Printed by H.C. Neinstedt, 1850
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1 v. Worcester, Mass: Press of Charles Hamilton, 311 Main Street, 1896
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1v. Boston: From the Steam Power Press Office [W.L. Lewis, printer], 1832
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1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: D.B. Canfield & Co, 1858
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1v. Providence: Printed by H.H. Brown, 1842
Charge of the Lord Chief Justice of England in the Case of the Queen Against Thomas Castro, Otherwise Arthur Orton, Otherwise Sir Roger Tichborne. Reprinted from the Official Copy Taken from the Shorthand Writer's Notes. Corrected by the Lord Chief Justice
2 v. London: H. Sweet, 1874-1875.
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1 v. London: William Ridgway, 1867.
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1v. Boston: Printed by Samuel N. Dickinson, 1832
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1v. Boston: Stimpson & Clapp, 1832
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1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1872
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1v. Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off, 1932
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1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1926
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1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Democrat and Chronicle print, 1876
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1v. Chicago: Beach, Barnard & co., legal printers, 1878
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1v. New York: John Polhemus, Printer and Stationer, 1883
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1 v. Chicago, Ill: United States Law Print. Co, 1966
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1 v. London: Pub. for the Early English Text Society by K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1897
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1 v. Lancaster, Pa: Press of the New era printing company, 1911
Chronicles of Crime; or, the New Newgate Calendar: Being a Series of Memoirs and Anecdotes of Notorious Characters Who Have Outraged the Laws of Great Britain from the Earliest Period to 1841
2v. London: Reeves and Turner, 1886
Chronicles of Newgate
2 v. London: Chapman and Hall (limited), 1884
Chronological History of the Boston Watch and Police, from 1631 to 1865; together with the Recollections of a Boston Police Officer, or, Boston by Daylight and Gaslight, from the Diary of an Officer Fifteen Years in the Service
1 v. Boston: Published by the author, 1865
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4v. S.I.: s.n., 1902
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1v. New York: Douglas Taylor & Co., 1896
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1v. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son, Law Printers, 1894
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1v. Boston: Printed under Direction of the Clerk, 1895
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1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1910
Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Rhode Island, in Equity: William S. Hoyt vs. Amasa Sprague, et al.
1v. New York: Evening Post Steam Presses, 1875-1877
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Circuit Court of the United States, Middle Circuit of the New-Jersey District, the United States, (a.) William Brigstock, Otherwise Called John Johnston, Indictment for Murder
1 v. Trenton?: s.n, 1800
Circuit Court of the United States, Southern District of New York, In Equity: Theda M. June against John J. Willis
1 v. New York: Ferd J. Ficker, etc., 1886
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1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1883
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1 v. London: J. Cundee, 1809.
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1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
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1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
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1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
City of Carondelet vs. the United States
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
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1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
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1 v. S.l: s.n, 1880s
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: Brief for the United States
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1880s
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: Evidence for Defendants
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: Findings of Fact Requested by the Petitioner
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1880s
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: No. 1813, History of the Carondelet-Common Claim
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1873
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: No. 1813; Argument for Claimant
1 v. [Washington, D.C.]: J.L. Pearson, printer, 1875
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: Opinion of the Court on the Question of Jurisdiction by Casey, Ch. J.
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: Solicitor's Brief
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
City of Carondelet vs. the United States: Supplemental Brief for the United States
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
City of Carondelet vs. United States
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
City of Carondelet vs. United States of America: Statement of the Case and Argument on the Part of the Claimant
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
City of Carondelet, Missouri vs. the United States
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
City of Ithaca, Respondent vs. George W. Babcock, Appellant
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca Journal, 1902
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1v. New York: Evening Post Job Prtg. Off, 1918
City of Philadelphia vs. Girard, et al.: Argument of F. Carroll Brewster, Esq., City Solicitor. before the Supreme Court, May 22d, 1863
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: s.n, 1863
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2 v. Philadelphia: Dunlap pr. co, 1906
City of Philadelphia, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. John Augustus Girard, and Others, Defendants in Error. Paper Book of the City of Philadelphia
1 v. [Philadelphia?, 1862
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1 v. S.l: s.n, 1875
Civil Action, from Pleadings to Opening of Trial
1v. Philadelphia, Committee on Continuing Legal Education, 1953
Civil Action, No. 24119; Edward Lewis Schempp, Sidney Gerber Schempp, Individually and as Parents and Natural Guardians of Ellory Frank Schempp, Roger Wade Schempp, Donna Kay Schempp vs. School District of Abington Township, Pennsylvania c/o James F. Koehler [and others] before Biggs, Circuit Judge, and Kirkpatrick and Kraft, District Judges
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Civil Action: The Trial
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1v. London: Printed for A.B., 1681
Civil Procedure of the Trial Court in Historical Perspective
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8 v. Baxley, Ga. : Classic Publishing Co., 1909-1924
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1v. Edenborough: Printed for D. Webster, 1820
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Collection of Reports of Celebrated Trials, Civil and Criminal
1 v. London, Shaw & Sons, 1873.
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1 v. London: Printed for T.W.J. Rivington, R. Horsfield [etc.], 1766
Collection of the Charges, Opinions, and Sentences of General Courts Martial, as Published by Authority; from the Year 1795 to the Present Time; Intended to Serve as an Appendix to Tytler's Treatise on Military Law, and Forming a Book of Cases and References; with a Copius Index
1 v. London: Printed for T. Egerton, 1820
Collection of the Facts and Documents, Relative to the Death of Major General Alexander Hamilton; with Comments: Together with the Various Orations, Sermons, and Eulogies, That Have Been Published or Written on His Life and Character
1 v. New York: Hopkins and Seymour, for J. Riley and Co, 1804
Collection of the Most Remarkable and Interesting Trials. Particularly of Those Persons Who Have Forfeited Their Lives to the Injured Laws of Their Country
2 v. London: printed for R. Snagg, 1775
Collection of the Most Remarkable Trials of Persons for High-Treason, Murder, Rapes, Heresy, Bigamy, Burglary; and Other Crimes and Misdemeanors
5 v. London: Printed and sold by T. Read, 1734
Collection of Tracts, concerning the Present State of Ireland, with Respect to Its Riches, Revenue, Trade and Manufactures
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1 v. Middlebury, [Vt.]: J.W. Copeland, 1825
Collections of Passages Referr'd to by Dr. Henry Sacheverell in His Answer to the Articles of His Impeachment
1v. London: Printed for Henry Clements, 1710
Colored Man's Reminiscences of James Madison
1 v. Brooklyn: G.C. Beadle, 1865
Columbian Eloquence, Being the Speeches of the Most Celebrated American Orators, as Delivered in the Late Interesting Trial of the Hon. Samuel Chase, before the Senate of the United States
3v. Baltimore: Printed for S. Butler and S. Cole, 1806
Comforts of Matrimony; Exemplified in the Memorable Case and Trial
1v. London: Printed for Sam. Baker, 1739
Commentaries on the Law of Scotland, respecting Trial for Crimes
2v. Edinburgh: Printed for Bell & Bradfute and for E. Balfour by A. Neill & Co, 1800
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1 v. London: Printed by Tho. Roycroft for Henry Twyford, and John Place, 1655
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1v. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Wyman and sons, limited, 1904
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1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1868
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1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1862
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1v. Albany: C. Van Benthuysen, Printer, 1853
Communication from the Hon. Samuel Sewell, Esq. and the Hon. Nathan Dane, Esq. Accompanied with Several Bills for the Regulation of the State Prison, and an Alteration of the Criminal Laws of the Commonwealth
1 v. Boston: Printed by Young & Minns, Printers to the State, 1805
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Communist Trial: An American Crossroads
1 v. New York: Fairplay Publishers, 1950
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Competency to Stand Trial and Mental Illness
1v. Rockville, MD: National Institute of Mental Health, 1973
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1 v. Albany: The Argus company, printers, 1871
Compilation of Cases of Contested Elections to Seats in the Assembly of the State of New York, with the Reports of Committees on Privileges and Elections, and the Action of the House Thereon, from 1777 to 1871 inclusive. With an Appendix of the Election Laws of the State of New York
1 v. Albany: Argus Company, 1871
Compilation of Cases of Contested Elections to Seats in the Assembly of the State of New York, with the Reports of Committees on Privileges and Elections, and the Action of the House Thereon, from 1777 to 1899, Inclusive
1 v. New York: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., 1899
Complainants' Louisville Commission
1 v. Philadelphia?: s.n, 1843
Compleat Collection of State-Tryals and Proceedings upon Impeachments for High Treason, and Other Crimes and Misdemeanours, from the Reign of King Henry the Fourth to the End of the Reign of Queen Anne
6v. London: Printed for Timothy Goodwin, etc., 1719-1730
Compleat History of the Whole Proceedings of the Parliament of Great Britain Against Henry Sacheverell - With His Tryal before the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, the Reasons of Those Lords that Enter'd Their Protests, and the Speeches of Several Lords before Judgment Was Given
1 v. London: Printed and sold by J. Baker, 1710.
Complete Collection of State-Trials and Proceedings for High Treason, and Other Crimes and Misdemeanours: From the Reign of King Richard II to the End of the Reign of King George I
8v. London: Printed for J. Walthoe Sen., R. Vincent Sen., J. and J. Knapton ... [and 38 others], 1730-1735
Complete Collection of State-Trials and Proceedings for High-Treason, and Other Crimes and Misdemeanours; from the Reign of King Richard II to the Reign of King George II
6 v. London: Printed for the Undertakers, J. Walthoe, Thomas Wotton, 1742
Complete History and Development of All the Extraordinary Circumstances and Events Connected with the Murder Of Mr. Weare, Together with the Trial at Large; Including the Speeches of Counsel - Examination of Evidence - Defence... The Whole Forming a Genuine Series of Gambling Biography
1 v. London: Published by Jones and Co., 1824.
Complete History of the Life and Trial of Charles Julius Guiteau, Assassin of President Garfield
1 v. Philadelphia: Hubbard Bros.; [etc, 1882
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1 v. Edinburgh : William Kay, 1865
Complete Report of the Trial of Miss Madeline Smith, for the Alleged Poisoning of Pierre Emile L'Angelier
1 v. Edinburgh: W. P. Nimmo, 1857.
Complete Synopsis of the Great Pew Case: James Johnston (plaintiff), Appellant and the Minister and Trustees of St. Andrew's Church, Montreal (defendants) Respondents from the Institution to the Final Decree of the Supreme Court of Canada
1 v. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1877.
Concise History of the Great Trial of the Chicago Anarchists in 1886
1 v. Chicago: Socialistic Publishing Co, 1886
Conclusions Filed by the General Solicitor of the Federal District Lic. C. Trejo Lerdo de Tejada in the Case Followed before the 7th court of Instruction of This Capital against the Defendant George I. Ham
1v. Mexico: Frances hermanos y Cardona, 1911
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1v. New York: s.n., 1928
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1 v. Boston: Wright & Potter Print. Co., State Printers, 1895.
Condensed Statement of the Evidence in the Case, Mary Hannity vs. William O'Reilly, Adm'r. Prepared for Use on the Hearing of the Motion for a New Trial, Now Pending before the Supreme Court of the State of Rhode Island
1 v. Providence, R.I.: Knowles, Anthony, printers, 1860
Condition of the Life Insurance Companies of the State of New York. Revised Tabulated Edition of the Official Stenographer's Notes of the Investigation by the Assembly Committee: Together with Correspondence, Summary and Other Matters of Interest in Connection with Life Insurance
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: W.S. Manning, 1877.
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1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1925
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1 v. [St. Louis]: St. Louis Law Print Co, 1925
Conduct of Halsted L. Ritter, United States District Judge, Southern District of Florida: Hearing before the Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives Pursuant to H. Res. 163 (Seventy-Third Congress)
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1935
Conduct of Ilse Koch war crimes trial: hearings before the Investigations Subcommittee of the Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, United States Senate, Eightieth Congress, second session, pursuant to S. Res. 189 5
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1949
Conduct of Lawsuits out of and in Court: Practically Teaching, and Copiously Illustrating, the Preparation and Forensic Management of Litigated Cases of All Kinds
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown, 1885; Littleton, Colo: F.B. Rothman, 1994
Conduct of the Law in the Borden Case with Suggestions of Changes in Criminal Law and Practice
1 v. Boston: Boston Daily Advertiser, 1894
Confession of Chas. Gibbs alias James Jeffreys, Who has Been Sentenced to be Executed at N. York, on the 22d April 1831 for Piracy and Murder, on Board the Brig Vineyard
1 v. Boston: [s.n.], 1831
Confession of Edward Fitz-Harys, Esquire, Written with His Own Hand, and Delivered to Doctor Hawkins, Minister of the Tower, the First of July, 1681
1v. London: Printed for S. Carr, 1681
Confession of Henry G. Green, as Written by Himself, in a Letter to a Friend before He Disclosed His Guilt to the Rev'd Messrs. Van Kleek and Baldwin; in Which He Is Not Packed Off to Heaven, Directed to St. Peter, and Labelled All Right. To Which Is Added His Trial and Sentence, and the Letter of His Mother, Being a Literal and Exact Copy without Alteration
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Pub. for the Publisher, 1845
Confession of John Joyce, alias Davis, Who Was Executed on Monday, the 14th of March, 1808 for the Murder of Mrs. Sarah Cross with an Address to the Public, and People of Colour Together with the Substance of the Trial, and the Address of Chief Justice Tilghman, on His Condemnation
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed for the benefit of Bethel Church, 1808
Confession of John Washburn (Partner of Lovett, Jones, etc.) (Together with an Outline of His Dying Speech on the Scaffold.) Under Sentence of Death for the Murder of Mr. Wm. Beaver, Cincinnati, Ohio, Ordered for Execution on the 6th Day of January, 1837, Dictated by Himself, and Written by a Fellow Prisoner
1 v. Cincinnati: [s.n.], 1837
Confession of Joseph Baker, a Canadian by Birth, Who, for Murder & Piracy Committed on the High Seas on Board the Schooner Eliza, Captain Wm. Wheland, in a Voyage from Philadelphia Bound to St. Thomas's: Who Was Tried on the 25th of April, 1800 Before the Hon. Samuel Chase and Richard Peters, Judges of the District Court of the United States, for the District of Pennsylvania, and Now Under Sentence of Death, in the Solitary Cells of the Pentitentiary House of the City and County of Philadelphia
1 v. [Philadelphia]: Printed by Richard Folwell, 1800
Confession of Michael Martin, or Captain Lightfoot, Who was Hung at Cambridge, Massachusetts, in the Year 1821, for the Robbery of Maj. Bray
1 v. Brattleboro', Vt.: J.B. Miner, 1847.
Confession of Samuel Steenburgh. Who Murdered Jacob S. Parker, November 17th, 1877. Executed at Fonda, on Friday, April 19th, 1878
1 v. Albany [N.Y.]: Weed, Parsons, 1878.
Confession of the Murder of William Morgan as Taken down by Dr. John L. Emery, of Racine County, Wisconsin, in the Summer of 1848, Now First Given to the Public
1 v. New York: Printed for the publishers, 1849
Confession of Tom Whittaker, of Pittsburg: Who was Tried and Acquitted in Washington, Pa., for the Murder of David Sproul, on the Night of the 18th of March, 1867
1 v. Pittsburg, Pa.: Printed by the Union Pub. Co., 1874
Confession, Trial and Execution of Nat Turner, the Negro Insurrectionist; Also, a List of Persons Murdered in the Insurrection in Southampton County, Virginia, on the 21st and 22nd of August, 1831, with Introductory Remarks
1v. New York: AMS Press, 1975
Confessions and Autobiography of Harry Orchard
1 v. New York: The McClure company, 1907
Confessions of a Convict
1 v. Philadelphia: Rufus C. Hartranft, 1893
Confessions of Two Malefactors, Teller & Reynolds, Who Were Executed at Hartford, Connceticut, on the Sixth of September, 1833, for the Murder of Ezra Hoskins at the Connecticut State Prison, Containing an Account of Their Numerous Robberies, Burglaries, Etc.
1 v. Hartford, CT: Hanmer and Comstock, printers, 1833
Confessions, Trials, and Biographical Sketches of the Most Cold Blooded Murderers, Who Have Been Executed in This Country from Its First Settlement down to the Present Time - Compiled Entirely from the Most Authentic Sources
1v. Hartford: S. Andrus and Son, 1837
Confessions, Trials, and Biographical Sketches of the Most Cold Blooded Murderers, Who Have Been Executed in this Country from Its First Settlement Down to the Present Time: Compiled Entirely From the Most Authentic Sources: Containing Also Accounts of Various Other Daring Outrages Committed in this and Other Countries: Embellished with Numerous Engravings Representing the Scenes of Blood and Correct Likenesses of the Criminals
1 v. Hartford, [Conn.]: S. Andrus, 1850.
Confiscation of John Chandler's Estate
1v. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1903
Congress Should Clarify The Speedy Trial Act To Resolve Differing Interpretations
November 18, 1980
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1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1876
Congressional Resolutions on Presidential Impeachment: A Historical Overview
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Connelly vs. Connelly
1v. New York: Blackfriars' Guild, 1961
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1v. Edinburgh: Printed for Peter Hill at the Cross, 1789
Considerations on the Introduction of Jury Trial in Civil Causes into Scotland
1v. Edinburgh: Printed for Manners & Miller, 1815
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1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1885
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1 v. New York: Evening Post Job Printing Office, 1920.
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1v. New York: C. G. Burgoyne 1893
Conspiracy of the Whiskey Ring against Collector J. F. Bailey: Official Reports, Confessions, &c.
1v. New York: W.C. Bryant & Co., Printers, 1869
Conspiracy Trial for the Murder of the President, and the Attempt to Overthrow the Government by the Assassination of its Principal Officers
3 v. Boston: J. E. Tilton & Co., 1865-1866; New York: Arno Press, 1972
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1 v. Philadelphia: G.W. Childs, 1864
Constancias del Juicio Civil Ordinario Promovido el C. Salvador Donde
1v. Mexico: Oficina tipografiica "Central", 1901
Constitution Power of Congress over the Territories: An Argument Delivered in the Supreme Court of the United States, The
Constitutional Free Speech Defined and Defended in an Unfinished Argument in a Case of Blasphemy
1v. New York City: Free Speech League, 1919
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1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1998
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1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1974
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1 v. London: Printed for the Camden Society, by J. Bowyer Nichols and Son, 1843
Contempt of Congress: The Trial of Earl Browder
1 v. Yonkers, N.Y.: E. Browder, 1951
Contempts by Publication - The Law of Trial by Newspaper
1 v. [New Haven, Conn.]: Priv. Print. [Yale University Press] 1941.
Contested Election Case of James J. Britt v. Zebulon Weaver from the Tenth Congressional District of North Carolina
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1917
Contested Election Case of John Murray Mitchell v. James J. Welsh
1v. [Washington: s.n.], 1896
Contested Election Case of W.F. Aldrich vs. G.A. Robbins from the Fourth Congressional District of the State of Alabama
1v. Washington [D.C.]: G.P.O., 1899
Contested Election Case of Winfield R. Gaylord v. William J. Cary from the Fourth Congressional District of Wisconsin
1 v. Washington, s.n., 1915
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3v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1899
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1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1899
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1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1870
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1 v. Washington: GPO, 1917
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1v. Washington: G.P.O., 1917
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1v. Washington: G.P.O., 1917
Contested-Election Case of T.J. Steele v. George C. Scott from the Eleventh Congressional District of Iowa
1v. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1917
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1 v. [S.I.: s.n., 1877-1885]
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1v. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Justice, 1996
Convicting the Innocent: Errors of Criminal Justice
1v. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1932
Convicting the Innocent: Sixty-five Actual Errors of Criminal Justice
1v. Garden City: Garden City Publishing Co., 1932
Conway vs. Carpenter. Testimony Taken on Behalf of the Petitioners, before James Gay Gordon and John C. Grady, Examiners
4 v. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott's Printing House, 1880-1881
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Copies of All the Minutes and Proceedings Taken at and upon the Several Tryals of Captain George Burrish, Captain Edmund Williams, Captain John Ambrose, Lieutenant Henry Page, Lieutenant Charles Davids, Lieutenant William Griffiths, and Lieutenant Cornelius Smelt, Respectively: Before the Court Martial Lately Held at Chatham, and All the Proceedings Relating Thereunto
1 v. London: s.n.], 1746
Copies of the Declaration, Special Justification, and Bill of Exceptions, In the Cause of Mr. Dryden Leach, Against Mr. Money, and other Messengers, which Was Tried at Guildhall, London, on the 10th of December, 1763
1 v. London: s.n., 1765.
Copies of the Depositions of the Witnesses Examined in the Cause of Divorce Now Depending in the Consistory Court of the Lord Bishop of London, at Doctor's-Commons, between the Right Honourable Richard Lord Grosvenor and the Right Honourable Henrietta Lady Grosvenor, His Wife, as They Were Severally Taken by Mess. Lushington and Haseltine, Proctors, the Examiners in the above Cause: With an Appendix containing the Libel and Allegations
1 v. London: Printed for J. Russell, 1771
Copy from Mr. Gurney's Short-hand Notes, of the Argument in the Case of the Queen v. George Millis: Heard on the 13th, 14th, 16th, and 17th February, 1843
1 v. Dublin Alexander Thom, 1843.
Copy of the Record in the Case, Robert Fletcher vs. John Peck: Decided at the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, Held at Boston, within and for the District of Massachusetts, on the Twentieth Day of October, Anno Domini 1807
1v. Boston: Printed by Munroe, Francis and Parker, 1808
Copy of the Record of the Court of Common Pleas, of Lancaster County, in the Case of Robert W. Houston against General John Dicks and Others. Furnished to the House of Representatives, by John Passmore, Esquire, Prothonotary of the Court, in Conformity with a Resolution Adopted on the Eighteenth February, 1817
1 v. Harrisburg [Pa.]: Printed by William Greer, 1817
Copy of the Short-Hand Writer's Notes of the Proceedings in the Case of Stockdale v. Hansard (In the Court of Queen's Bench)
1 v. [London : s.n.], 1839
Corporate Reorganization Proceeding; Opinion and Order
1 v. Minneapolis: 1972
Correct Account of the Trial at Large between Ross Donnelly, Esq. a Post Captain in His Majesty's Navy, Plaintiff, and Sir Home Popham, Knt., Defendant before Sir James Mansfield
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1807
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1 v. Harrisburgh, Pa.: John Wyeth., 1798
Correct Journal of the Conduct of the Two Unfortunate Prisoners, Sinclair & Johnson, from the Time of Their Conviction until Their Execution, with a Biographical Sketch of Their Lives, as Delivered by Themselves, the Day Previous to Which They Were to Be Executed, with the Dying Declarations of the Culprits, under Their Own Signatures, and an Interesting Letter from Johnson to the Woman with Whom He Lived, and Who Was Supposed to Be His Wife
1 v. New-York: Printed for the author, 1811
Correct Report of the Examination of Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, Minister of the Methodist Church in Bristol, R.I., Who Was Charged with the Murder of Sarah M. Cornell
1 v. Providence: Marshall and Brown, 1833
Correct Report of the Trial of James Watson, Senior, for High Treason, before the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, June 9th, 1817, and Following Days
1 v. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 1817
Correct Report of the Trial of Josef Perez for Piracy, Committed on Board the Schooner Bee, of Charleston, S.C. before the Circuit Court of the United Sates [sic] for the Southern District of New-York, on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1823
1 v. New-York: J.W. Bell, 1823
Correct Report of the Trial of William Holden, James Ashcroft the Elder, James Ashcroft the Younger, David Ashcroft, and John Robinson; for the Murder of Margaret Marsden and Hannah Partington; and for Robbery in the Dwelling-House of Mr. Thos. Littlewood
1v. Manchester: J. Pratt, 1817
Correct Statement and Review of the Trial of Joseph T. Buckingham, for an Alledged Libel on the Rev. John N. Maffit, before the Hon. Josiah Quincy, Judge of the Municipal Court, Dec. 16, 1822
1 v. Boston: W.S. Spear, 1822
Correct Statement of the Whole Preliminary Controversy between Tho. O. Selfridge and Benj. Austin; also a Brief Account of the Catastrophe in State Street, Boston, on the 4th August, 1806: With Some Remarks
1 v. Charlestown [Boston, Mass.]: Printed by Samuel Etheridge for the author, 1807
Correct, Full, and Impartial Report, of the Trial of Her Majesty, Caroline, Queen Consort of Great Britain: Before the House of Peers; on the Bill of Pains and Penalties; with Authentic Particulars, Embracing Every Circumstance Connected with, and Illustrative of, the Subject of this Momentous Event Interspersed with Original Letters, and Other Curious and Interesting Documents; Not Generally Known, and Never before Published, including, at Large, Her Majesty's Defence
1 v. London: Printed and published by Jones and Co., 1820.
Correspondence between Edward Brooks and John A. Lowell, with Remarks by Edward Brooks, Referring to Documents Annexed
1 v. Boston, Mass.: Printed by S.N. Dickinson, 1847
Correspondence between Mr. Granville Sharpe Pattison, and Dr. N. Chapman
1 v. Philadelphia: s.n, 1821
Correspondence between Rev. Nehemiah Adams and Rev. J. H. Fairchild, with Notes and Comments
1 v. Boston : Dutton and Wentworth, printers, 1846
Correspondence Relative to the Case of Messrs. Mason and Slidell
1v. S.I.: s.n., 1861
Corsaires et la Guerre Maritime
1 v. Paris: A. Challamel, 1904
Cost of Bad Money
1 v. Philadelphia: Sound Money League of Pennsylvania, 1894
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1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1872
Counter-Case of the United States of Venezuela before the Tribunal of Arbitration to Convene at Paris under the Provisions of the Treaty between the United States of Venezuela and Her Britannic Majesty Signed at Washington February 2, 1897
3 v. New York: The Evening Post Job Printing House, 1898
County of Lawrence versus the North-Western Rail Road Co. et al.: In Equity. Paper Book of Complainants
1 v. Pittsburgh : Printed by W.S. Haven, 1858
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1v. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1839
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1 v., 1961
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1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: s.n, 1863
Court Is in Session
1v. New York: Crown Publishers, 1950
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1 v. Bristol: W.H. Somerton, printer, 1832
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1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Andrus & Church, 1882
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20 v. & index [S.l.]: The Court, 1949-1955
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2 v. New York: Pliny F. Smith, etc., 1876-1880
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4 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Genesee Press, Post Express Print. Co, 1901
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1 v. New York; John Polhemus printer, 1878
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1-2v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1888
Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims: No. 4144 - Class 2. Filed Jan. 11, 1883 - A.H.A. Dept. Clerk; the Heirs of John. Dallett and Henry Dallett, Trading as Dallett Brothers vs. the United States; Attorney - Edward S. Sayers: Petition
1 v. New York: s.n, 1882
Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims: No. 611 - Class 1. Filed Nov. 11, 1882 - D.W.F. Clerk; the Heirs of Henry C. Dallett and John Dallett, Trading as Dallett Brothers vs. the United States; Attorney - Edward S. Sayers
1 v. New York: s.n, 1882
Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims: No. 611; the Heirs of Henry C. Dallett and John Dallett, Trading as Dallett Brothers vs. the United States; the Rowena Captured by the Dixie, July 31, 1861. Complainants' Testimony
1 v. New York: s.n, 1882
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1 v. New York: s.n, 1883
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Courtroom Know-How; Observations by a Court Reporter
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Courtroom Strategies
1v. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1959
Courtroom U.S.A. I
1 v. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1962
Courtroom U.S.A. II
1 v. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1963
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1 v. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1922.
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Vols. 1-31 (1846-1948)
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1 v. London: s.n., 1800s.
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Crime and Its Detection
2v. London: Gresham Publishing Company Ltd., 1931
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1 v. Harper's Franklin square library, no. 665. New York: Harper & Bros, 1890
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1v. Paris: A. Colin, 1915
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1 v. London: Rich & Cowan Ltd, 1934
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1 v. London: The Field & Queen (H. Cox) ltd, 1917
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1v. London: R. MacDonald, 1840
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1 v. Boston: F.S. Hill, 1831
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1v. Sydney: The Commission, 1986
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1v. Sydney: The Commission, 1986
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1v. Philadelphia: Printed for Mathew Carey, 1812
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4v. London: J. Cundee, 1809-1811
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2 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1940
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2 v. London: C. Knight, 1832-1835
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1v. Middletown: American Philological Association, 1935
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3 v. Edinburgh: William Tait, 1833.
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1 v. Edinburgh: A. Constable, 1818
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2 v. London: Nattali and Bond, 1832-1835
Criminals I Have Known
1v. London: Chapman & Hall, 1895
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1 v. New York: Author's edition, 1876
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1 v. Chicago: Rhodes & McClure Pub. Co, 1890
Cross-Examination and Summation: Containing Principles and Practice of Trial Procedure
1v. New York: Fallon Law Book Co., 1948
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1 v. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1916
Curious Cases. A Collection of American and English Decisions Selected for Their Readability
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1 v. London: Police Review Office, 1904
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1 v. London: W. Simpkin, 1821.
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1v. Salt Lake: Press of the F.W. Gardiner Co, 1913
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1v. Austin: University of Texas [Humanities Research Center, 1969
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1v. St. Louis: G.I. Jones and Co, 1879
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1v. London: Univ. Press, 1900
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1 v. New York: Burgoyne's print, 1886
David Leavitt Receiver &c. against Richard M. Blatchford, John L. Gramham, & Lewis Curtis: Case, Million and First Half Million Trusts (Styled a Cross Suit)
5 v. New York: Bryant, 1850-1852
Day in Court or the Subtle Arts of Great Advocates
1 v. New York: Macmillan Company, 1910.
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1v. New York: Macmillan Co., 1933
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1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca Democrat Press, 1906
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1 v. London: Fairburn, 1821.
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1 v. Providence: The Providence journal print, 1892
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1v. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, & Brown, 1813
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1 v. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Printed and published by William Hamilton, 1810
Debates on the Trinity Church Bill, in the Senate of the State of New York
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell, 1857.
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1v. Chicago: National Office Socialist Party, 1923
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1v. West Virginia: A. A. Lilly, 1913
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1v. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1935
Deciding Cases Without Argument: A Description of Procedures in the Courts of Appeals
1v. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center, 1985
Deciding Cases Without Argument: An Examination of Four Courts of Appeals
1v. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center, 1987.
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1 v. Philadelphia: J. Campbell, 1862
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1 v. Washington: H. Polkinhorn, printer, 1860
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1v. Philadelphia: Printed for gratuitous distribution, 1863
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1 v. Philadelphia: C. Sherman & Son, Printer, 1862
Decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury, in the Case of Carmick and Ramsey, Rendered November 9, 1864
1 v. Washington: s.n, 1865
Decision of the Council in the Trial of Rev. W.P. Merrill: Pastor of the F.W. Baptist Church, in Portland, with a Statement of Facts, and the Reasons for Such a Decision; in Answer to a Call from Members of Said Church, and Others
1 v. Portland [Me.]: Printed by Brown Thurston, 1861
Decision of the Court and Argument of Wm. M. Evarts, Esq., of New York City, in the Supreme Court of the United States, Delivered at Washington, Feb. 5, 1866. G. Clarence Churchill and Others, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. the City of Utica, Defendant in Error
1v. New York: John F. Trow & co, 1866
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1v. Philadelphia: Printed by William Pilkington, 1833
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1v. Edinburgh: Printed by James Donaldson, for Alexander Donaldson, 1774
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1v. S.I.: s.n., 1889
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1 v. Boston: Peirce and Parker, 1832
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1 v. New York: National Temperance Society and Publication House, 1888
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1v. Washington: Gov't Print. Off, 1908
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1v. [New York City], 1910
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1 v. Columbus: Capital Printing & Publishing Co., 1884.
Decisions of the Supreme Court of Ohio, and the Arguments of Counsel on Both Sides, at the Final Hearing, May 26-7, 1884, in the Cases Involving the Constitutionality of the Laws for the Taxation of the Liquor Traffic, (The Pond Law and the Scott Law) under the Constitution of Ohio. Together with the Dissenting Opinions of Judges to the Decisions by the Majority of the Court, and Also a Report of the Decision of the Supreme Court, in the Case of Holst vs. Roe, Involving the Constitutionality of the Per Capita Dog Tax Law
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Exact Abridgment of all the Tryals, Not Omitting Any Material Passage Therein, Relating to High Treasons, Piracies, &c. in the Reigns of the Late King William the III of Glorious Memory, and of Our Present Gracious Soveraign Queen Anne
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Examination of the Constitutionality of the Embargo Laws; Comprising a View of the Arguments on That Question, before the Honorable John Davis, Esquire, Judge of the District Court, for Massachusetts, in the Case of the United States vs. Brigantine William, Tried and Determined, at Salem, (Mass.) September Term, 1808
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5 v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1980
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2 v. Boston: Samuel N. Dickinson, 1837
Exposition of the Proceedings of John P. Darg, Henry W. Merritt, and Others, in relation to the Robbery of Darg, the Elopement of His Alleged Slave, and the Trial of Barney Corse, Who Was Unjustly Charged as an Accessary
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1 v. Baltimore: Printed for G. Keatinge's Book Store, 1808
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1v. United States: s.n, 1879
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Faithful Report of the Trial of Doctor William Little, on an Indictment for an Assault and Battery, A
Faithful Report of the Trial of Hurdy Gurdy; Tried and Convicted of a Seditious Libel in the Court of King's Bench, on the Testimony of French Horn, the Approver with the Arguments of Counsel, and the Charge of the Learned Chief Justice to the Jury
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1 v. New-York: Bernard Dornin (Brooklyn: T. Kirk, printer), 1807
Fall River Tragedy. A History of the Borden Murders. A Plain Statement of the Material Facts Pertaining to the Most Famous Crime of the Century, including the Story of the Arrest and Preliminary Trial of Miss Lizzie A. Borden and a Full Report of the Superior Court Trial, with a hitherto Unpublished Account of the Renowned Trickey-McHenry Affair, Compiled from Official Sources and Profusely Illustrated with Original Engravings
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Falschung Einer Telegraphischen Depesche
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1 v. New York: George H. Doran Co, 1926
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1 v. Lowell, Mass: Penhallow Print. Co, 1878
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1 v. Dublin: Maunsel, 1918
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1 v. New York: F.A. Stokes, 1923.
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1 v. New York: Collier Books, 1962
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1 v. New York: L. Mac Veagh, The Dial press, 1927
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1 v. London W. Collins Sons & Co., 1923
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February Meeting
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1v. New York: Brennan Center for Justice, 2013
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Few Thoughts on Intervention
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, Printers, 1852
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1 v. London: Sweet & Maxwell, limited, 1921.
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1 v. Washington, D.C.: Washington Law Book Co, 1937
Fifty Years a Detective
1 v. St. Louis, Mo: For sale by C.E. Barnett, 1912
Final Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts: A Summary Vindication of the Laws and Liberties concerning Attainders with Corruption of Blood, Escheats, Forfeitures for Crime, and Pardon of Offenders in Reply to the Reasons, etc., of Hon. Abner C. Goodell, Jr.
1 v. New York: Printed for the author, 1885
Final Preparation for Trial
1v. New York: Practising Law Institute, 1946
Final Report of Independent Counsel in Re: Bruce Edward Babbitt
1v. Washington: U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 2000
Final Report of the Independent Counsel (in re: Madision Guaranty Savings & Loan Association) in re: William David Watkins and in re: Hillary Rodham Clinton
1v. Washington: U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 2000
Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters
3v. Washington: U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 1993
Final Report of the Independent Counsel in Re: Henry G. Cisneros
1v. Washington: U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 2006
Final Report of the Independent Counsel in re: Ronald H. Brown
1v. Washington: U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, 1996
Final Report of the Trial of 27 Turkish Lawyers
1v. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists, 2003
Final Report on the Trial of Filiz Kalayci
1v. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists, 2003
Final Report on the Trial of the President of the Bar Association and Three Other Lawyers
1v. Geneva: Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, 2004
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1v. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1962
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First and Second Reports from the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Commons... To Which Is Added the First and Second Reports of the Secret Committee of the House of Lords, with Appendixes
1 v. Dublin: Printed by P. Byrne, 1794.
First Degree
1 v. New York: Oceana Publications, 1960.
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1 v. Philadelphia: Bourquin & Welsh, 1871
First Speech of David Paul Brown, Delivered in 1818, in the Case of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania against John Binns, for Assault and Battery. For the Prosecution - G.M. Dallas, David Paul Brown. For the Defense - Jos. R. Ingersoll, Josiah Randall
1 v. Philadelphia: Robb, Pile & M'Elroy, printers, 1858
First Trial of William Hone, on an Ex-Officio Information
1 v. London: Printed by and for William Hone, 1817
Fishery Question: Argument of the Delaware Commissioners upon the Question, Whether the Citizens of New Jersey Have the Right to Fish in the Waters of the Delaware within the Circle of Twelve Miles around New Castle
1v. Wilmington: James & Webb, Printers, 1874
Five Fiends or the Bender Hotel Horror in Kansas
1 v. Chicago: Published by C.J. Heck, 1800s
Five Years of My Life, 1894-1899
1v. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1901
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1 v. London: C. Kegan Paul & co, 1878
Food Expenses at Speedy Trial Act Conference
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1v. Washington: s.n., 1952
Forced Labor and Confinement without Trial in Hungary
1v. Washington: s.n., 1952
Forced Labor and Confinement without Trial in Poland
1v. Washington: s.n., 1952
Forcible Rape: A Manual for Filing and Trial Prosecutors: Prosecutors' Volume II
1v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, National Institute of Law Enforcement Criminal Justice, 1978
Forensic Eloquence. Sketches of Trials in Ireland for High Treason, Etc. including the Speeches of Mr. Curran at Length: Accompanied by Certain Papers Illustrating the History and Present State of That Country
1 v. Baltimore: Published by G. Douglas, Bookseller, 1804
Forensic Speeches of David Paul Brown, Selected from Important Trials, and Embracing a Period of Forty Years
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1873
Forging His Own Chains
1v. Hartford: Bidwell Publishing Company, 1891
Forgotten Crimes
1v. London: Selwyn & Blount Limited, 1928
Forms of Indorsements of Writs of Summons, Pleadings, and Other Proceedings, in the Queen's Bench Division Prior to Trial
1v. London: Stevens and Sons, 1883
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1 v. New York, Printed at the Herald Book and Job Office, 1851
Forum; or, Forty Years Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar
2 v. Philadelphia: R.H. Small, 1856
Four Famous Mysteries
1 v. London: Nisbet & co., ltd, 1922
Four Thousand Pounds Damages. The Right Honourable Lady Elizabeth Lambert, (Daughter of the Late Earl of Cavan) against Richard Tattersall, Horse-Dealer, and Proprietor of the Morning-Post, for a Libel, In Which her Ladyship Is Charged with Unchastity, in Eloping with Her Footman. Tried before the Right Honourable Lloyd Lord Kenyon, and a Special Jury, at Westminster, on Monday, July 9, 1792
1 v. London: printed for J. Owen; and Symonds, 1792
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1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1926
Francis Secor vs. Mary Pell, et al.
1 v. New York: Banks, Gould & Co, 1854
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1 v. 1914
Frank C. Stettler, Plaintiff in Error, vs. Edwin V. O'Hara, et al., Constituting the Industrial Welfare Commission, Defendants in Error; Elmira Simpson, Plaintiff in Error, vs. Edwin V. O'Hara, et al., Constituting the Industrial Welfare Commission
1v. New York: Chas. P. Young Co., 1914
Frank W. Sanger, Plaintiff-Appellant, against Thomas Henry French, Defendant-Respondent. Case and Exceptions on Appeal
1 v. New York: Douglas Taylor & Co., 1896
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1 v. Philadelphia: J.M. Butler, 1860
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1 v. Dryden, N.Y.: Herald Print., [1874]
Frauds Exposed; or, How the People Are Deceived and Robbed, and Youth Corrupted
1 v. New York: J.H. Brown, 1880
Fraudulent and Dishonest Acts of W.P. Kellogg, Collector; His Attempted Defense; Additional Allegations and Facts; Perjurers, Smugglers and Kellogg Associate
1v. Washington: McGill and Witherow, 1867
Frederic De Peyster and William T. Horn, Plaintiffs, against John Bright and Others, Defendants. Papers on Appeal from Judgement. Butler, Stillman & Hubbard, Attorneys for Defendants, John Bright and Others, Appellants. Abner C. Thomas, Attorneys for Defendants, Thomas M. Adams and Others, Appellants. John N. Whiting, Attorney for Defendant Marshall H. Bright, as Administrator, &c., Respondent
1 v. New York: C.G. Burgoyne, 1881
Frederick Wheeler, against Merritt King
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Democrat job print., 1881
Free Church Case
1 v. Glasgow: Hodge, 1904.
Free press and fair trial. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights and the Subcommittee on Improvements in Judicial Machinery of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session, on S. 290. 1
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Free press and fair trial. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights and the Subcommittee on Improvements in Judicial Machinery of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Eighty-ninth Congress, first session, on S. 290. 2
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Free press--fair trial : a staff report of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session.
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Free Speech: Report of Ezra H. Heywood's Defense before the United States Court in Boston, April 10, 11 and 12, 1883; Together with Judge Nelson's Charge to the Jury, Notes of Anthony Comstock's Career of Cruelty and Crime; Tragic and Comic Incidents in the Malicious, Savage Persecution, Suffered by Moral Scientists Devoted to Social Evolution, and Other Interesting Matter
1 v. Princeton, Mass: Co-operative Pub. Co, 1883
Freedom National - Slavery Sectional. Speech of Hon. John J. Perry, of Maine, on the Comparative Nationality and Sectionalism of the Republican and Democratic Parties. In the House of Representatives, May 1, 1856, in Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union
1 v. Washington: Buell & Blanchard, 1856
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1 v. New York City: The Free speech league, 1906
Freeman Trial. Presenting the Testimony Given in This Remarkable Case, with Comments
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Fremont Court Martial
1v. Los Angeles: Dawson's Book Shop, 1968
Friendly Societies and Fraternal Orders; a History of the Legislation, Supervision, Mortality Experience, Management, Reforms, Rates of Assessment and Present and Past Financial Condition of the English Friendly Societies
1v. Winchester, Tenn: The author, 1900
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From the Directors of the Standard Oil Company to Its Employees and Stockholders
1v. New York: Wynkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford Co.], 1907
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1 v. Philadelphia: s.n, 1839
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1 v. Burlington, Printed by Morgan & M'Kenny, 1850
Full Account of the Trial of Simon M. Landis, M.D. for Uttering and Publishing a Book Entitled Secrets of Generation
1 v. Philadelphia: First Progressive Christian Church, 1870
Full and Accurate Report of the Trial for Riot before the Mayor's Court of Philadelphia, on the 13th of October, 1831, Arising out of a Protestant Procession on the 12th of July, and in Which the Contending Parties Were Protestants and Roman Catholics. Including the Indictments, Examination of Witnesses, Speeches of Counsel, Recorder's Charge, Verdict and Sentences
1 v. Philadelphia: J. Harding, printer, 1831
Full and Accurate Report of the Trial of William Cobbett, Esq. (Before Lord Tenterden and a Special Jury,) on Thursday, July 7, 1831, in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall
1 v. London: Published for J. Cleave by W. Strange, 1832.
Full and Accurate Report of the Trial of William Cobbett, Esq., before Lord Tenterden and a Special Jury, on Thursday, July 7, 1831, in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall
1 v. London : Published by W. Strange, 1831.
Full and Accurate Report of the Trial of William P. Darnes, on an Indictment Found by the Grand Jury of St. Louis County, at the September Term, 1840, of the Criminal Court of Said County, on a Charge of Manslaughter in the Third Degree, for the Death of Andrew J. Davis... in the City of St. Louis, on the First of June, 1840
1 v. Worcester: C. Harris; Boston: Saxton and Peirce, 1841.
Full and Authentic Report of the Testimony on the Trial of Matt F. Ward, Certified to Be Correct by Thomas B. Brown, Clerk of Hardin Circuit Court; Wm. Alexander, Former Commonwealth Attorney for the Hardin District; and Judge Alex Walker, of New Orleans. With the Speeches of Gov. Crittenden, Gov. Helm, T. F. Marshall, Esq., and Nathaniel Wolfe, Esq., and the Reply of Alfred Allen, Esq., Attorney for the Commonwealth
1 v. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1854
Full and Circumstantial Account of the Trial of the Rev. Doctor Dodd, at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey, on Saturday the 22d of February, 1777, before the Hon. Baron Perryn, for Forging a Bond Amounting to Four Thousand Two Hundred Pounds, Purporting to Be the Bond of the Right Honourable the Earl of Chesterfield. Wherein Is Accurately Related, the Arguments of the Council on the Various Points of Law; a Full Account of the Examination of the Witnesses; the Prisoner's Defence, &c. With Original Remarks on the Trial
1 v. London: Printed for Richardson and Urquhart, 1777
Full and Correct Report of the Trial of Sir Home Popham, including the Whole of the Discussions Which Took Place between That Officer and Mr. Jervis, the Counsel for the Admiralty Who Acted upon His Occasion as Prosecutor, and Also the Observations of the Several Members of the Court. Together with a Preface, Containing a Further Vindication of Sir Home Popham, Particularly against Certain Attacks Made upon Him since the Trial: and an Appendix, in Which Are Several Important Documents, Which Have Never Been Published; and among others an Interesting Letter from Lord Grenville to Sir Home Popham
1 v. London: Printed for J. and J. Richardson, C. Chapple, 1807
Full and Faithful Report on the Proceedings in His Majesty's Court of Exchequer in Ireland, in the Case of the Honorable Mr. Justice Johnson containing the Arguments of Counsel, and the Opinions Delivered from the Bench, as Taken from Original Documents
1 v. Dublin: Printed by Thomas Burnside, 1805.
Full and Impartial Account of the Tryal of the Reverend Mr. Francis Higgins, Prebendary of Christ Church in Dublin, before His Grace the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland
1v. London: Printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-street, 1712
Full and Impartial Statement of All the Circumstances Which Led to the Murder of Melzar Gardner, Late Editor of the Chronicle and Old Dominion... with a Report of the Proceedings of the Examination of Mordecai Cooke, Jr.
1 v. Portsmouth, Va.: Printed by D.D. Fiske, 1843.
Full and True Relation of Two Very Remarkable Tryals at the Quarter-Sessions of the Peace for the City and Liberty of Westminster
1v. London: printed for W.H. and T.F., 1680
Full committee organization and consideration of subpoena in connection with Oliver North trial - Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, first session, February 8, 1989.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : 1989.
Full History of the Great Breach of Promise Case of Nannie A. Dickey vs. John B. Tytus, as Reported and Compiled by the Author. Illustrated with Engravings of the Photographs and Autographs of John B. Tytus, Nancy A. Dickey, Little Alice, Gordon Shillito, and Attorneys Hon. Thos. Millikin and C. F. Gunckel, Esq., for Plaintiff, and Col. T. C. Campbell and Judge J. C. M'Kemy, for Defendant and Detective Snelbaker. An Illustration of I Want to Marry You, the Metal Porcupine, etc. Also, an Illustration of That Awful Buggy-Ride
1 v. Cincinnati, Ohio: Independent Publishing Company 1878
Full Report of All the Proceedings on the Trial of the Rev. William Jackson, at the Bar of His Majesty's Court of King's Bench, Ireland, on an Indictment for High Treason
1 v. Dublin: Printed by J. Exshaw, 1795
Full Report of the Case of Hilyard vs. Miller, with the Arguments of the Counsel Concerned in the Cause; Together with the Opinion of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Therein. To Which is Added an Appendix, Containing a Report of the Case of Miller vs. Lerch, in the Circuit Court of the United States, with the Documentary Evidence and the Testimony of Witnesses on the Question of Pedigree
1 v. Philadelphia: Published by Henry Perkins, 1850
Full Report of the Case of Mastin v. Escott, Clerk, for Refusing to Bury an Infant Baptized by a Wesleyan Minister; Containing All the Arguments on Both Sides and the Judgement Delivered by the Right Honorable Sir Herbert Jenner, in the Arches Court of Canterbury, May 8th, 1841: With an Appendix of Documents
1 v. London: Crofts and Blenkarn, 1841
Full Report of the Case of Stacy Decow, and Joseph Hendrickson, vs. Thomas L. Shotwell
1 v. Philadelphia: P.J. Gray, 1834
Full Report of the Evidence Taken at the Thames Police Court, and the Coroner's Inquest, before Mr. Baker, and a Respectable Jury, at Stepney, on the 10th of June, 1844; on the Alleged Poisoning Case, also, the Trial of J.C. Belany, for the Murder of His Wife, at the Central Criminal Court, on August the 21st & 22nd, 1844; with all the Letters and Opinions of the Public Press
1 v. Alnwick: G. Pike, 1844
Full Report of the Great Gold Robbery; With Eight Illustrations on Stone
1v. London: H. Vickers, 1856
Full Report of the Great Ku-Klux Trial in the U.S. District Court at Oxford, Miss. Evidence of Witnesses, Arguments of Counsel, Decision and Rulings of Judge Hill, Incidents, &c.
1 v. Memphis: W.J. Mansford, 1871
Full Report of the Highly Interesting Breach of Promise Case. George G. Barnard, vs. John J. Gaul, and Mary H. His Wife. Tried before Ogden Edwards, Esquire, One of the Circuit Judges of the Supreme Court, at the City Hall of New York, on the 8th, 9th and 10th Days of July, 1835, Containing the Whole of the Correspondence between the Plaintiff and Mrs. Gaul, Together with the Charges of the Judge, and the Eloquent Speeches of the Counsel on Both Sides
1 v. New York: Office of the New-York Transcript [1835]
Full Report of the Important Toll Cause, of Brett v. Beales, Tried in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, before the Lord Chief Justice, to Determine the Legality of the Corporation of Cambridge Exacting Certain Tolls from the Inhabitants and Others, Verbally Printed from the Short-hand Notes of Messrs. Richardson and Cherer
1 v. Cambridge: Hatfield, 1826.
Full Report of the Proceedings in the Matter of the Bench and Bar of North Carolina
1v. Raleigh: Nichols & Gorman, printers, 1869
Full Report of the Proceedings on the Second Trial, in the Cause Kerslake against Sage and Others, Directors of the Westminster Life Insurance Office
1 v. London: Printed for N. Row by W. Smith, 1802
Full Report of the Trial and Conviction of the Reverend Washington Van Zandt
1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: M. Miller, 1842.
Full Report of the Trial of Capt. William H. Tower, Charged with Feloniously Scuttling the Barque Brothers' Pride, of Saint John, N. B., on the 7th Day of May, 1879, in the Gulf Stream off the Coast of Florida
1 v. Saint John, N.B.: Telegraph Steam Job Print, 1880
Full Report of the Trial of Major-General Sir Robert Thomas Wilson, Michael Bruce, Esq. and Capt. John Hely Hutchinson, before the Court of Assize at Paris, on the 22d of April, 1816, and Two following Days, for Aiding the Escape of Count Lavalette; Including a Short Memoir of Sir R. T. Wilson. With an Appendix, Containing the Celebrated Letter to Early Grey, and the Arret of the Chamber of Accusation
1 v. London: Richard Edwards, 1816
Full Report of the Trial of Orrin Woodford, for the Murder of His Wife, Diana Woodford; at Avon, Conn., July 22nd, 1845; at the January Term, of the Superior Court, Holden at Hartford, 1846 including the Arguments of Counsel, and Accompanied by Plans of the House and Premises, Where the Homicide Was Committed, Together with an Accurate Portrait of the Prisoner
1 v. Hartford: E. Geer, 1846
Full Report of the Trials of the Bristol Rioters before the Special Commission Appointed to Deliver the Gaol of This City in January 1832, with the Sentences and Executions Consequent Thereon
1 v. Bristol: Printed by W.H. Somerton, 1832
Full Report, Embracing All the Evidence and Arguments in the Case of the Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Thomas Ritchie, Jr.: Tried at the Spring Term of the Chesterfield Superior Court, 1846 : to Which Is Added, an Appendix, Shewing the Action of the Court in Relation to the Other Parties, Messrs. P.J. Archer, W. Greenhow, and William Scott, Connected with the Said Case
1 v. New-York: Burgess, Stringer and Co, 1846
Further Account of the Tryals of the New-England Witches. With the Observations of a Person Who Was upon the Place Several Days When the Suspected Witches Were First Taken into Examination. To Which Is Added, Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcrafts and Evil Spirits Personating Men
1 v. London: Printed for J. Dunton, 1693
Further Documents Relating to the Question of Boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela
1 v. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery office, by Harrison and sons [1896]
Gallery of Rogues
1v. London: Stanley Paul & Co., Ltd., 1924
Gallick Reports: Or, an Historical Collection of Criminal Cases, Adjudged in the Supreme Courts of Judicature in France. A Work Equally Instructive and Entertaining. In which is Comprized, and Account of Arnold du Tilh, an Impostor, Who Deceived a Man's Wife and Relations, and Puzzled, for a Long Time, the Parliament of France the History of a Young Lady, Whose Eloquence Saved the Life of Her Lover. A Narration of the Stealing away a Lady of Quality's Son, by her Husband's Relations, in Order to Secure the Estate. Memoirs of the Famous Madam de Brinvilliers, Who Poisoned Her Father, and Two Brothers, and Attempted the Life of Her Sister, &c. The Misfortunes of the Sieur d'Anglade, Condemned (tho' Innocent) to the Gallies, and Who Died before His Innocence was Discovered. The Intrigues of Cardinal Richlieu, for the Destruction of Urban Grandier, a Priest, Whom He Caused to Be Burnt for Sorcery. The Case of Madam Tiquet, Beheaded in the Late Reign, for Attempting the Life of Her Husband. To Which is Prefixed a Copious Preface, in Relation to the Laws and Constitution of France
1 v. London: Printed by J. Applebee ... for J. Hazard ..., J. Brindley ..., J. Jolliffe ..., C. Corbett ..., Ward and Chandler ..., and E. Withers ..., 1737
General Catalogue of the Officers and Graduates in the Department of Arts of the University of Pennsylvania: From 1749 until 1849
1 v. Philadelphia [Pa.]: Crissy & Markley, Printers, 1849
General Court Martial. Proceedings of a General Court Martial for the Trial of Lieut. Col. Louis Bache, Commanding a Detachment of Volunteers and Militia of Pennsylvania: Upon Charges of Mutiny, Disobedience of Orders, Insubordination, and Violation of the Established Usages of the Army, and of the Principles of Military Discipline, at the Camp Marcus Hook, on the Delaware, in October, 1814
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by James Wilson, 1815
General History of Executions for the Year, 1730. Containing the Lives, Actions, and Dying Speeches, of Sixty Notoroious Malefactors, Executed at Tyburn, and Elsewhere
1 v. London: Printed for R. Newton [etc.], 1731
General History of the Lives, Trials, and Executions of all the Royal and Noble Personages, That Have Suffered in Great-Britain and Ireland for High Treason, or Other Crimes
3 v. London: printed for J. Burd, 1760
General J. Watson Webb, Late U.S. Envoy Extraordinary to Brazil, Vs. Hamilton Fish and E.R. Hoar
1 v. New York?, 1875
General Order No. 15: Navy Department, June 18, 1863
1 v. Washington, D.C.: s.n, 1863
General Order No. 9: Navy Department, April 2, 1863: Rules to be Observed in the Navy of the United States in Relation to Paroles
1 v. Washington, D.C.: s.n, 1863
General Practice Series and Trial Practice Series
1v. New York: Practising Law Institute, 1946
General Principles of the Law of Evidence in Their Application to the Trial of Criminal Cases at Common Law and under the Criminal Codes of the Several States
1v. Rochester: Lawyer's Co-operative Pub. Co, 1893
General Principles of the Law of Evidence with Their Application to the Trial of Civil Actions at Common Law, in Equity and under the Codes of Civil Procedure of the Several States
2 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers' Co-operative Pub. Co, 1892
Generation on Trial U.S.A. v. Alger Hiss
1 v. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1950
Generic Drug Laws: A Decade of Trial - A Prescription for Progress
1v. Washington: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 1986
Genuine Account of the Proceedings of a General Court-Martial, on the Trial of Serjeant-Samuel George Grant: (Published by Authority) and with the Consent of the Court-Martial; together with the Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas, on an Application to Them for a Prohibition
1 v. London: Printed for T. and J. Egerton, 1792
Genuine Account of the Trial of Eugene Aram; Who Was Convicted, at York Assizes, Eng., Aug. 5, 1759, of the Murder of Daniel Clark; in Which, after a Brief Narration of the Fact, Is Included an Account of the Remarkable Discovery of a Human Skeleton; the Depositions of Anna Aram, Philip Coates, John Yeates, &c.; the Confession of Richard Houseman; the Examination and Commitment of Eugene Aram, Together with the Remarkable Defence He Made on His Trial, and His Own Account of Himself, Written after His Condemnation; with the Apology for the Attempt He Made on His Own Life. All Taken from the Original Depositions and Manuscripts of Eugene Aram. These Circumstances Constituting the Basis of Bulwer's Eugene Aram
1 v. Boston: B. Franklin Edmands, 24, Court St. J.H. Eastburn, printer, 1832
Genuine and Impartial Memoirs of Elizabeth Canning, Containing a Complete History of That Unfortunate Girl from Her Birth to the Present Time
1v. London: Printed for G. Woodfall, 1754
Genuine Book. An Inquiry, or Delicate Investigation into the Conduct of Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Wales; before Lords Erskine, Spencer, Grenville, and Ellenborough the Four Special Commissioners of Inquiry, Appointed by His Majesty in the Year 1806
1 v. London: Printed by R. Edwards, Reprinted by S.A. Oddy, 1813.
Genuine Declaration and Confession of William Morris, alias Joseph Martin. Who was Executed at Baltimore, on Friday the 22nd of April, 1808, for the Murder of George Workner
1 v. Philadelphia: [s.n, 1808]
Genuine Narrative of the Lives, Adventures, Escapes, and Trial, of Joseph and George Weston: Convicted July 6, 1782, of Capital Crimes...
1 v. London : Printed for T. Massey, John French, Breadhower and Harmood, Longlead, 1782.
Genuine Report of the Two Trials of Richard Carlile, for the Republication of Thomas Paine's Age of Reason and Palmer's Principles of Nature: In Which Are Faithfully Given the Whole of the Evidence, with Copies of the Various Extracts Read, &c. by the Defendant in His Defence, a List of the Jury, Speeches of the Attorney-General, the Judge's Remarks, Charge to the Jury, &c. &c.
1 v. London: Duncombe, 1819
Genuine Trial of Thomas Hardy, for High Treason, at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey, from October 28 to November 5, 1794
2 v. London: Printed for J.S. Jordan, 1795.
Genuineness of Ld. Clarendon's History of the Rebellion
1v. Oxford: Printed at the Theatre for James Fletcher, 1744
Geographical History of the State of New York: Embracing Its History, Government, Physical Features, Climate, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, Zoology, Education, Internal Improvements, &c., with a Separate Map of Each County, the Whole Forming a Complete History of the State
1 v. Utica: John W. Fuller, 1852
George Arnold & Charles Ramsay, Plaintiffs, vs. The United Insurance Company in the City of New-York, Defendants: Case on the Part of Arnold and Ramsay, Plaintiffs in Error. Philip Urbin Duguet, versus Frederick Rhinelander & Others: Case on the Part of Duguet, Plaintiff in Error. Nicholas Goix, versus Nicholas Low: Case on the Part of Nicholas Goix, Plaintiff in Error. John R. Livingston, versus William Rogers: Case on the Part of John R. Livingston, Plaintiff in Error. Daniel Ludlow & Gulian Ludlow, versus Archibald Gracie: Case on the Part of D. and G. Ludlow, Plaintiffs in Error
1 v. New York: Printed by J. Furman, 1800
George Clapp & Frederick K.Ballou v. Boston & Albany Railroad Company, Auditors' Hearing
1 v. Boston, Mass: Wright & Potter Printing, 1883
George Corson, Plaintiff in Error, (Who Was Defendant Below) vs. Samuel Hunt and Isaac Abrahams, Defendants in Error, (Who Were Plaintiffs Below) S. C., M. 49, 82 (Com. Pleas, J. 47, 360.) Counter Statement of Defendants in Error
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1847
George Elston, by His Guardian, &c., against Alonzo Norris. Case and Exceptions
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Democrat steam job print, 1879
George W. Edwards, Complainant vs. James G. Edwards, George G. Presbury, James B. Billings, and Thomas Edwards, Jr., Defendants
1 v. [Philadelphia: s.n., 1858?]
George W. Jones Plaintiff in Error against the People Defendant in Error
1 v. Ballston Spa, N.Y.: Journal book and job printing house, 1879
George W. Ring against the City of Cohoes
1 v. Cohoes, N.Y.: Clark & Foster, 1880
George W. Ring, against City of Cohoes
1 v. Cohoes, N.Y.: Northern Herald Book and Job Printing Est., 1877
Gesta Pilati; or the Reports, Letters and Acts of Pontius Pilate, Procurator of Judea, with an Account of His Life and Death
1v. Indianapolis: Robert Douglass, 1880
Ghosts of Edward Fits Harris and Oliver Plunkett, Who Was Lately Executed at Tyburn for High-Treason, with Their Sentiments about the Times
1v. London: Printed for Richard Knowles, 1681
Giant Fraud of the Century: The Bogus Counterfeit Swindle. Who Began It, How It Grew, and What It Is Now and Who Are in It. The People Despoiled of 50,000 Monthly
1 v. New York: J. Haney, 1871
Girard, et al., vs. Girard, et al.
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Glance at the Italian Inquisition: A Sketch of Pietro Carnesecchi: His Trial before the Supreme Court of the Papal Inquisition in Rome, and His Martyrdom in 1566
1 v. Religious Tract Society, 1885
Glimpses of Gotham, and City Characters
1 v. New York: National police gazette office [1880]
Goat Castle: A True Story of Murder, Race, and the Gothic South
1v. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2017
God's Revenge against Adultery, Awfully Exemplified in the following Cases of American Crim. Con.
1v. Baltimore: Ralph W. Pomeroy & Co., 1815
God, the Refuge of His People. A Sermon, Delivered before the General Assembly of South Carolina, on Friday, December 6, 1850, Being a Day of Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer
1 v. Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A.S. Johnston, 1850
Gold Clause Cases
2v. [Washington]: [U.S. Govt. Print Off.], 1934
Gomillion versus Lightfoot: The Tuskegee Gerrymander Case
1 v. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962
Goss-Udderzook Tragedy: Being a History of a Strange Case of Deception and Murder, including the Great Life Insurance Case, and the Trial of William E. Udderzook for the Murder of W. S. Goss
1 v. [Baltimore]: Baltimore gazette, printer, 1873
Govori Branitelja u Kaznenoj Parnici Protiv Adama Pribicevica i Petdeset Dvojice Drugova
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Grand Larceny: Being the Trial of Jane Leigh Perrot, Aunt of Jane Austen
1v. London: Oxford University Press, 1937
Grand Question Concerning the Judicature of the House of Peers, Stated and Argued. And the Case of Thomas Skinner Merchant, Complaining of the East India Company, with the Proceedings thereupon, Which Gave Occasion to That Question, Faithfully Related
1 v. London: Printed for Richard Chiswel, 1669
Grand-Jury-Man's Oath and Office Explained: and the Rights of English-Men Asserted. A Dialogue between a Barrister at Law, and a Grand-Jury-Man
1 v. London: Printed for Langley Curtis, 1680
Gratitude to God. A Sermon Delivered on Sabbath Beshalach, before the Congregation Mikve Israel of Philadelphia, at Their Synagogue in Cherry Street
1 v. Philadelphia: s.n.], 1852
Great Baroda Case, Being a Full Report of the Proceedings of the Trial and Deposition of His Highness Mulhar Rao Gaekwar of Baroda for Instigating an Attempt to Poison the British Resident at His Court
1 v. Calcutta: R. Cambray, 1905
Great Brooklyn Romance. All the Documents in the Famous Beecher-Tilton Case, Unabridged
1 v. New York: J.H. Paxon, 1874
Great Buxton Mystery. A Story
1 v. New York: [s.n.], 1889
Great Case of Tythes and Forced Maintenance (sic) Once More Reviewed: The True State thereof into, before the Law, under the Law, among the Jews: Likewise under the Gospel, the True Ministers of Christ, Their Allowance Shown: Likewise in the Corruption of Time since Christ: How Tythes have been Inroduced
1 v. [London]: Printed in the year, 1665
Great City Frauds of Cole, Davidson, & Gordon, Fully Exposed
1 v. London: Published by the author, sold by Mann Nephews, 1856.
Great Collision Case. E. B. Ward, et. al. Owners of the Steamer Atlantic, vs. The Propeller Ogdensburgh, and Chamberlin & Crawford, Her Owners. In Admiralty. Tried and Determined at Columbus, in the District of Ohio, at the April Term U.S. District Court, A.D. 1853. Hon. Humphrey H. Leavitt, Judge
1 v. Cleveland: Printed by Harris & Fairbanks, 1853
Great Conspiracy: A Complete History of the Famous Tally-Sheet Cases: Also, Incidents of Prison Life, Notorious Criminals and Their Crimes; Reflections upon Prison Reform, etc.; together with a Brief Recital of the Personal and Political Life of the Author
1 v. Indianapolis: [s.n.], 1889
Great Crime of 1860: Being a Summary of the Facts Relating to the Murder Committed at Road; a Critical Review of its Social and Scientific Aspects; and an Authorized Account of the Family; with an Appendix, Containing the Evidence Taken at the Various Inquiries
1 v. London: E. Marlborough, 1861.
Great Disclosure of Spiritual Wickedness: In High Places: With an Appeal to the Government to Protect the Inalienable Rights of Married Women
1v. Boston: Published by the Authoress, 1865
Great Divorce Case!!! Most Remarkable Trial on Record! The Suit of Grace R. Ferguson, against James Ferguson, for Divorce, on the Ground of Adultery
1 v. [S.l. : s.n., 1851?]
Great Forgeries of William Roupell, Late M.P. for Lambeth. Official Report of the Trial at Guildford, in the Case of Roupell v. Waite
1 v. London: G. Vickers, 1862.
Great Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States. With the Whole of the Preliminary Proceedings in the House of Representatives and in the Senate of the United States. Together with the Eleven Articles of Impeachment, and the Whole of the Proceedings in the Court of Impeachment, with the Verbatim Evidence of All the Witnesses, and Cross-Examinations of Them, with the Speeches of the Managers and the Counsel on Both Sides, with the Decisions of Chief Justice Chase, and the Verdict of the Court
1 v. Philadelphia: T. B. Peterson & brothers, [c1868]
Great Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson, Seventeenth President of the United States
1v. Philadelphia: Barclay, 1868
Great Libel Case Dr. Hunter versus Pall Mall Gazette. Being a Verbatim Report of the Medical Evidence Given by Dr. Williams, [and Others] Showing Their Opinions on the Nature, Causes and Cure of Consumption with Explanatory Remarks by Dr. Hunter, the Plaintiff
1 v. London: Mitchell, 1867
Great Libel Case. Geo. Opdyke agt. Thurlow Weed. A Full Report of the Speeches of Counsel, Testimony, etc., etc.
1 v. New York: American News Company, 1865
Great Mollie Maguire Trials in Carbon and Schylkill Counties, Pa. Brief Reference to Such Trials, and Arguments of Gen. Charles Albright and Hon. F.W. Hughes, in the Case of the Commonwealth vs. James Carroll, James Roarity, Hugh McGehan and James Boyle, Indicted for the Murder of Benjamin F. Yost, Chief of Police of and at Tamaqua, July 6, 1876, in the Oyer and Terminer of Schuylkill County. July 22d, 1876, Verdict as to All the Prisoners, of Guilty of Murder in the First Degree
1 v. Pottsville: Chronicle Book and Job Rooms, 1876.
Great Northwestern Conspiracy in all its Startling Details
1v. Chicago: Rounds & James, Book and Job Printers, 1865
Great Oyer of Poisoning: The Trial of the Earl of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury, in the Tower of London, and Various Matters Connected therewith, from Contemporary MSS.
1 v. London: R. Bentley, 1846.
Great Speech of Caleb Powers: Before the Jury That Sentenced Him to Death upon the Charge of Being an Accessory before the Fact to the Murder of William Goebel: Observations on the Trial and Incidents of the Delivery of This Masterly Address
1v. [Georgetown, Ky.]: [K.F. Bradley], 1903
Great State Trial. Guiteau, the Assassin. Full Details of His Trial for the Murder of President James A. Garfield. The Crime, Its Causes and Consequences
1 v. Philadelphia: Flint, 1881
Great Trunk Mystery of New York City. Murder of the Beautiful Miss Alice A. Bowlsby, of Paterson, N.J. Her Body Placed in a Trunk and Labelled for Chicago. Many Strange Incidents Made Public
1 v. [Philadelphia]: Barclay & Co., publishers, 1872
Great Western United Corporation, Plaintiff-Appellee, vs. Great Western Producers Co-Operative, Defendant-Appellant
2 v. 1977-1980
Ground Rents in Philadelphia
1 v. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1888
Grounds for Impeachment: Summaries of the Reports of the Department of Justice, House Judiciary Committee Staff, and White House Staff on the Grounds for the Impeachment of the President
Guiana Boundary. A Postscript to the Work of the American Commission
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Guide to Magistrates: With Practical Forms for the Discharge of Their Duties out of Court. To Which Are Added, Precedents for the Use of Prosecutors, Sheriffs, Coroners, Constables, Escheators, Clerks, &c., Adapted to the New Code of Virginia
1 v. Richmond: Printed by Colin, Baptist and Nowlan, 1850
Guidelines for Pre-Recording Testimony on Videotape prior to Trial, Second Edition
1 v. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center, 1976
Guilty or Not Guilty? An Account of the Trials of the Leo Frank Case, the D.C. Stephenson Case, the Samuel Insull Case, the Alger Hiss Case
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill [1952]
Guiteau Trial. Closing Speech to the Jury of John K. Porter, of New York in the Case of Charles J. Guiteau the Assassin of President Garlfield, Washington, January 23, 1882
1 v. New York: John Polhemus, Printer, 1882.
Guiteau's Case
1v. [Saint Paul: s.n., 1882]
Gunpowder Plot and Lord Mounteagle's Letter; Being a Proof, with Moral Certitude, of the Authorship of the Document: Together with Some Account of the Whole Thirteen Gunpowder Conspirators, including Guy Fawkes
1v. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & co., ltd.; [etc..etc.], 1902
Gunpowder Treason: With a Discourse of the Manner of Its Discovery; and a Perfect Relation of the Proceedings against the Conspirators
1 v. London: W.J. Adams, 1850
Guy Fawkes; or, the Gunpowder Treason. An Historical Romance
1v. London: G. Routledge, 1800s
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Hand of Hauptmann: The Handwriting Expert Tells the Story of the Lindbergh Case
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Hand-Book of Criminal Law
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: West, 1902
Handbook of Recommended Procedures for the Trial of Protracted Cases
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: West, 1960.
Hands Up! In the World of Crime
1 v. Chicago: Police Pub. Co, 1901
Hanged in Error
1 v. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1961.
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Harrison B. Moore, and ano., Libellants and Appellees, against The Steamboat Mary Powell, Her Engines, &c., and the Mary Powell Steamboat Co., Claimants and Appellants. The Mary Powell Steamboat Company, Libellant and Appellant, against The Barge Philip Sinnott, Her Tackle, &c., Harrison B. Moore, and ano., Claimants and Appellees. Apostles. Whitehead, Parker & Dexter, Proctors for Mary Powell Steamboat Co. James Parker, Advocate. Goodrich, Deady & Goodrich, Proctors for Harrison B. Moore, and ano.
1 v. New York: B.H. Tyrrel, 1888
Hart, Leslie & Warren against the Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Lane, Corning, and Heirs of Cook and John Peck: Supreme Court, Chittenden County, General Term, 1859
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Hawes Horror and Bloody Riot at Birmingham: A Truthful Story of What Happened
1v. Birmingham: Caldwell Print. Co., 1888
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He Dike tou Sokratous
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Henry Halsey, Respondent, agt. Solomon Sinsebaugh, Appellant
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Hermann Remson, the Great Louisiana Murderer. The Details of His First Crime; His Connection with the Robbery of Davis, Palmer & Co.'s Jewelry Store, Boston; the Murder of His Accomplice at Buffalo; and of Mrs. Campbell, Pike Co., Mississippi; Also, the Atrocious Murder of the Venerable Judge Legree of Louisiana and His Accomplished Wife; and the Burning of Their Beautiful Mansion, Consuming Three Children in the Flames. With the Strange & Unnatural Death, Sunk in the Quicksands of a Lonely Island, in the Attakappas District of Louisiana
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Hervey Platts Respondent, agt. Richard J. Ives Appellant
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca Journal Steam Press, 1856
Hetherington v. Wogan. A Report of this Case Taken from the Accurate Notes of a Barrister, Containing the Proceedings in the Court of King's Bench, the Judgment of that Court, the Arguments of Counsel in the Court of Error, and the Judgement of that Court
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Hewitt v. Speyer
2v. New York: C. G. Burgoyne, 1899
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High Treason: Narrative of the Arrest, Examinations before the Privy Council, and Imprisonment of P. T. Lemaitre, Accused of Being a Party in the Pop-Gun Plot, or, a Pretended Plot to Kill the King
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High-Church Display'd: Being a Compleat History of the Affair of Dr. Sacheverel, in Its Origin, Progress, and Consequences, in Several Letters to an English Gentleman at the Court of Hanover. With an Alphabetical Index, by Which at One View Any Particular in the Doctor's History and Tryal May Be Found. Fit to Be Kept in All Familys as a Storehouse of Arguments in Defence of the Constitution
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High-Treason. The Trials at Large of Arthur Thistlewood, Gent. James Watson, the Elder, Surgeon, Thomas Preston, Cordwainer, and John Hooper, Labourer for High-Treason, before the Four Judges, in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, on Monday, June 9, 1817.
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Hindoo Law. Defence of the Daya Bhaga. Notice of the Case on Prosoono Coomar Tagore's Will. Judgment of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. Examination of Such Judgment
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Hints on Advocacy, Intended for Practice in Any of the Courts, with Suggestions as to Opening a Case, Examination-in-Chief, Cross-Examination, Re-Examination, Reply, Conduct of a Prosecution and of a Defense in a Criminal Trial
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Hints on Advocacy: Intended for Practitioners in Civil and Criminal Courts
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Historical Account of All the Tryals and Attainders of High-Treason, from the Beginning of the Reign of King Charles the First, Chronogically Digested. With Many Material Occurrences, for the Better Illustrating Thereof. The Acts of Attainder at Large. To Which Are Added, the Dying Speeches, or Papers Left by the Suffering Persons
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Historical and Legal Examination of that Part of the Decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dred Scott Case
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Historical Gallery of Criminal Portraitures, Foreign and Domestic: Containing A Selection of the Most Impressive Cases of Guilt and Misfortune to Be Found in Modern History
2v. Manchester: J. Gleave, 1823
Historical Sketch of Slavery from the Earliest Periods
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Historical Sketches of Charles the First, Cromwell, Charles the Second, and the Principal Personages of that Period; including the King's Trial and Execution
1v. London: John Murray, 1828
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History of a Lawsuit
1v. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1958
History of Charles Edwards and Sarah Sharp, Being an Authentic Account of the Horrible Penfield Tragedy, Which Took Place January 26, 1851, Together with the Particulars of the Causes Which Led to It, including the Coroner's Inquest, in Full
1v. Rochester: D.M. Dewey, 1851
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1v. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1927
History of Diplomacy in the International Development of Europe
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2 v. London: R. Bentley, 1841
History of King Killers
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History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770; Consisting of the Narrative of the Town, the Trial of the Soldiers: and a Historical Introduction, Containing Unpublished Documents of John Adams
1v. Albany, N.Y.: J. Munsell, 1870
History of the Captivity and Sufferings of Mrs. Maria Martin, Who Was Six Years a Slave in Algiers: Two of Which She Was Confined in a Dark and Dismal Dungeon, Loaded with Irons, for Refusing to Comply with the Brutal Request of a Turkish Officer
1 v. Boston: Printed for W. Crary, 1807
History of the Case and Counter Statement of Defendants in Error
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1852
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History of the Detection, Conviction, Life and Designs of John A, Murel, the Great Western Land Pirate; Together with His System of Villainy, and Plan of Exciting a Negro Rebellion
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History of the Feud between the Hill and Evans Parties of Garrard County, Ky. the Most Exciting Tragedy Ever Enacted on the Bloody Grounds of Kentucky
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History of the Forged Morey Letter: A Narrative of the Discovered Facts Respecting This Great Political Forgery, Its Inception, Growth, Authorship, Publication, Endorsement and Support, with Copies and Fac-similes of Original Telegrams, Letters, Orders and Receipts Connected Therewith. Its Fraudulent Character Exposed, and the False Swearing, Perjuries, and Additional Forgeries, Perpetrated in the Effort to Sustain the Original Forgery, Made Clear
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1v. London: Chapman and Hall, 1868
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History of the Life of Peter the First, Emperor of Russia
1v. London: Printed and Sold by the Booksellers in Town and Country, 1739
History of the Lives and Bloody Exploits of the Most Noted Pirates; Their Trials and Executions. Including a Correct Account of the Late Piracies Committed in the West Indies, and the Expedition of Commodore Porter; Also, Those Committed on the Brig Mexican, Who Were Tried and Executed at Boston, in 1835
1 v. Hartford, Ct.: Ezra Strong, 1835
History of the London Burkers; Containing a Faithful and Authentic Account of the Horrid Acts of the Noted Resurrectionists, Bishop, Williams, May, etc., etc., and Their Trial and Condemnation at the Old Bailey
1v. London: T. Kelly, 1832
History of the Most Remarkable Tryals in Great Britain and Ireland, in Capital Cases
1 v. London : A. Bell, etc., 1715.
History of the Northern Securities Case
1v. New York: Da Capo Press, 1972, 1906,
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1 v. Washington City, [D.C.]: McGill & Witherow, Printers, 1872
History of the Pocasset Tragedy, with the Three Sermons Preached in New Bedford
1 v. New Bedford : Charles W. Knight, 1879
History of the Preliminary Proceedings of the Third Presbytery, in the Case of Rev. J.R. McDowall, Including the Charges, Specifications, Sentence, &c.
1 v. New York?: s.n, 1836
History of the Proceedings of the House of Commons, in the Inquiry into the Conduct of His Royal Highness The Duke of York, Comprising an Authentic Copy of the Evidence, and an Accurate Report of all the Debates in Parliament, as They Occurred in Order of Time
1 v. London: Printed for J. Stockdale, 1809.
History of the Revolt of the Netherlands; Trial and Execution of Counts Egmont and Horn; and the Siege of Antwerp
1v. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1847
History of the Seventh Indiana Cavalry Volunteers, and the Expeditions, Campaigns, Raids, Marches, and Battles of the Armies with Which It Was Connected
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1v. Philadelphia: U. Hunt & Sons, 1852
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1 v. Philadelphia: U. Hunt & Sons, 1852
History of the Trial of George Vanderpool for the Murder of Herbert Field, including a Brief Sketch of the Life of Both Parties, the Judge and Attorneys in the Case
1 v. Detroit: Printed by The Tunis Steam Printing Company, 1870
History of the Trial of Warren Hastings, Esq. Late Governor-General of Bengal, before the High Court of Parliament in Westminster-Hall, on an Impeachment by the Commons of Great-Britain, for High Crimes and Misdemeanours. Containing the Whole of the Proceedings and Debates in Both Houses of Parliament, relating to That Celebrated Prosecution, from Feb. 7, 1786, until His Acquittal, April 23, 1795. To Which Is Added, an Account of the Proceedings of Various General Courts of the Honourable United East-India Company, Held in Consequence of His Acquittal
1 v. London: Printed for J. Debrett, and Vernor and Hood, 1796
History of the United Nations War Crimes Commission and the Development of the Laws of War
1 v. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1948.
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1 v. Jersey City: Frederick D. Linn & Company, 1875.
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1v. London: John W. Parker and Son, 1852
History of Virgil A. Stewart, and His Adventure in Capturing and Exposing the Great Western Land Pirate and His Gang, in Connexion with the Evidence; also of the Trials, Confessions, and Execution of a Number of Murrell's Associates in the State of Mississippi during the Summer of 1835, and the Execution of Five Professional Gamblers by the Citizens of Vicksburg, on the 6th July, 1835
1 v. New York: Harper & Bros, 1836
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5v. Buffalo, N.Y.: William S. Hein & Co, 2002
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Horse Story
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House Committee on Foreign Affairs
1v. New York: Columbia University Press, 1942
How to Prepare a Case for Trial
1v. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1954
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Illustrations of Allopathic Intolerance
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Impartial Account of the Life of the Rev. John N. Maffitt, with a Narrative of the Difficulties Attending His First Marriage and a Circumstantial & Correct History of All the Facts of His Late Marriage to Miss Smith, of Brooklyn, and the Causes of Her Death, with Many Particulars Never before Published
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Impeachment Defense Counsel for the President
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Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
Impeachment inquiry : hearings before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, pursuant to H. Res 128, impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, judge of the United States District Court ... May 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, June 1, 9, July 6 and 7, 1988. Appendix 1
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
Impeachment inquiry : hearings before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, pursuant to H. Res 128, impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, judge of the United States District Court ... May 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, June 1, 9, July 6 and 7, 1988. Appendix II - Part 1
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
Impeachment inquiry : hearings before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, pursuant to H. Res 128, impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, judge of the United States District Court ... May 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, June 1, 9, July 6 and 7, 1988. Appendix II - Part 2
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
Impeachment inquiry : hearings before the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, pursuant to H. Res 128, impeaching Alcee L. Hastings, judge of the United States District Court ... May 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, June 1, 9, July 6 and 7, 1988. Appendix II - Part 3
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1988.
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Impeachment of President William Jefferson Clinton
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Washington : U.S. G.P.O. : 1999.
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 1 Part A
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 1 Part B
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 1 Part C
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 2 Part A
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 2 Part B
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 3 Part A
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 3 Part B
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 3 Part C
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 3 Part D
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial Committee on the articles against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr. : hearings before the Senate Impeachment Trial Committee, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session, on the articles of impeachment against Judge G. Thomas Porteous, Jr., a judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, November 16, 2010. Volume 3 Part E
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2010
Impeachment Trial of David Butler, Governor of Nebraska, at Lincoln
1v. Omaha: Tribune Steam Book and Job Print. House, 1871
Impeachment trial procedures : hearing before the Committee on Rules and Administration, United States Senate, One Hundred First Congress, first session, on the appropriate use of Rule XI of the Rules of procedure and practice in the Senate when sitting on impeachment trials in the impeachment of Judge Alcee L. Hastings, and any other matter which may assist the Senate in a fair trial of the pending impeachment, January 26, 1989.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1989.
Updated February 27, 1998
Impeachment: An Overview of Constitutional Provisions, Procedure, and Practice
June 22, 2009
Impeachment: An Overview of Constitutional Provisions, Procedure, and Practice
April 8, 2010
Impeachment: An Overview of Constitutional Provisions, Procedure, and Practice
April 26, 2010
Impeachment: An Overview of Constitutional Provisions, Procedure, and Practice
November 22, 2010
Impeachment: An Overview of Constitutional Provisions, Procedure, and Practice
December 9, 2010
Impeachment: selected materials on procedure. Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-third Congress, second session.
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1974
Impeachment; selected materials. Ninety-third Congress, first session.
1v. Washington: U.S. Gvt. Print. Office, 1973
Implementation of the Japanese Imperial Government Disclosure Act and the Japanese War Crimes Provisions of the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act: An Interim Report
1v. Washington: U.S. National Archives & Records Administration, 2002
Implementation of the Speedy Trial Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, on implementation of the Speedy Trial Act, October 6, 1981.
Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 1982 [i.e. 1983]
Implementation of the Time Frames Legislated in the Speedy Trial Act of 1974
May 2, 1979
Implementation of the Time Frames Legislated in the Speedy Trial Act of 1974
July 11, 1979
Important and Eventful Trial of Queen Caroline Consort of George IV for Adulterous Intercourse, with Bartolomo Bergami
2 v. London: Printed and sold by Geo. Smeeton, 1820
Important and Interesting Trial of Mortimer J. Smith, on an Indictment for Libel on Miss Emma Williams, for Having Connected Her Name with the Separation of David Groesbeck, (The New York Wall Street Broker) from His Wife, in the Albany County Court of Sessions, Dec. 16, 1847
1 v. New York: [s.n.], 1870
Important and Interesting Trial of Mortimer J. Smith, on an Indictment for Libel on Miss Emma Williams: In Having Connected Her Name with the Separation of David Groesbeck (The New York Wall Street Broker,) from His Wife: In the Albany County Court of Sessions, December 16, 1847. The Evidence and the Verdict of the Jury, as Given and Rendered, Is Contained in This Work
1 v. Albany: Castigator Press, 1847
Important Results of an Elaborate Investigation into the Mysterious Case of Elizabeth Fenning: Being a Detail of Extraordinary Facts Discovered Since Her Execution, Including the Official Report of Her Singular Trial, Now First Published, and Copious Notes Thereon
1 v. London: Hone, 1815.
Important Trial for Seduction in the Superior Court of N. York, before Justice Oakley, Nancy Van Haun vs. Silas E. Burrows, on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th November, 1833
1 v. New York?: s.n, 1833
Important Trial of John Mitford, Esq. on the Prosecution of Lady Viscountess Perceval, for Perjury, at Guildhall, on Thursday, Feb. 24, 1814
1v. London: T. A. Phipps, 1814
Impostors and Adventurers
1 v. Boston: Soule & Bugbee, 1882
Imprisonment without Trial
1 v. Philadelphia, 1909
In and out of Court
1 v. Chicago: DePaul University Press, 1942
In Chancery of New Jersey, between Lyman E. Warren, Complainant, and the Fisheries Company, et al.
1v. New York: B. H. Tyrrel, Printer, [1900]
In Chancery of New Jersey. Between the State of New Jersey, by Jacob Vanatta, Attorney General, Relator, and The Hudson River Chemical and Dyewood Company, Defendants. Brief and Points for Defendants
1 v. Jersey City, N.J.: Davison, 1800s
In Chancery: Before the Chancellor. John Townsend and Abba His Wife, and Augustus James and Elizabeth His Wife, vs. James McBride and Hannah His Wife, William James and Others. Bill for Partition of Lands, &c. at Syracuse
1 v. Albany: C. Van Benthuysen, 1844
In Defense of the Communist Party and the Indicted Leaders
1 v. New York: New Century Publishers, 1949
In Equity. Cyrenus Wheeler, Jr. vs. the Clipper Mower and Reaper Co.: Argument of Geo. Harding, Esq., for Complainant
1 v. Philadelphia: E.C. Markley & Son, 1872
In Equity. Francis O. J. Smith, versus Hugh Downing, et als. before the Hon. Levi Woodbury, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, U.S. and the Hon. Peleg Sprague, Judge of U. S. for District of Massachusetts
1 v. New-York: John W. Crist, Printer, 1850
In Equity. Hudson River Bridge Company at Albany. Robert D. Silliman, against the Hudson River Bridge Company at Albany. Frederick W. Coleman against the Same
1 v. Albany: Constock & Cassidy, 1858.
In Equity: J. B. Cahoon et al. vs. Aaron Ring. Report of Testimony of the Trial of the Feigned Issues in Said Cause, with Rulings and Charge of Mr. Justice Clifford, July, 1859
1 v. Portland [Me.]: Printed by Brown Thurston, 1860
In Re Investigation of the Charges against Hon. Aleck Boarman
1v. N.p: McQueen Print, 1890
In Re Molineux versus a Current Cagliostro
1 v. Providence, R.I.: Arthur W. Brown, 1901
In re Tiburcio Parrott on Habeas Corpus
1v. San Francisco: Circuit Court of the United States, 1880
In Re: Supreme Court Chief Justice James D. Heiple: Hearing Held at the Capitol Building, Springfield, Illinois, before the Special Investigative Committee
1v. Springfield, Ill.: Patkes Reporting Service, 1997
In the Assembly of the State of New York in the Matter of the Investigation of the Accusations against Warren B. Hooker a Justice of the Supreme Court. Proceedings Had and Evidence Taken before the Committee on Judiciary of the Assembly. Session of 1905
2 v. Albany: Brandow printing co., 1905
In the Chancery Court of Hinds County, First District, State of Misissippi; W.J. Miller, State Revenue Agent vs. Ford Motor Company, et al.
1v. Mississippi, Hederman Bros. [1929]
In the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, County Department, Law Division: Trese Hollerich, Plaintiff, vs. the Boeing Company, and Northwest Airlines, Inc., a Corporation, Defendants. No. 63C20360: Brief in Suport of Verdict for Two Million Dollars and Judgment against the Boeing Company
1 v. [Chicago]: Scheffer Press, 1977
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; In Equity, the Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities vs. the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, et al.
1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1894
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania; the United States of America, Petitioner, v. the Keystone Watch Case Company and Others, Defendants
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1914
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern Division of the Eastern Judicial District of Missouri. United States of America, Petitioner, vs. Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) et al., Defendants
3 v. in 1 [S.l. : s.n., 1907?]
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern Division of the Eastern Judicial District of Missouri; the Mercantile Trust Company, Trustee, Complainant, against the St. Louis & San Francisco Railway Company, Defendant
1. v. [S.I.: s.n., 1894]
In the Circuit Court of the United States, District of Connecticut. In Equity. United States of America vs. Union Pacific Railroad Company and Others. Arguments for the United States on Demurrers filed by the Union Pacific Railroad Company and Other Defendants, and on Motions to Dismiss the Bill for Want of Jurisdiction as to Defendants So Moving. Submitted at the September Term, 1873
1 v. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1873
In the Circuit Court of the United States, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 44, October Sessions, 1900, in Equity. Between Richmond Safety Gate Company, Complainant and Samuel H. Ashbridge, mayor of the City of Philadelphia; Abraham L. English, director of Public Safety of Said City; Robert c. Hill, Chief of the Bureau of Building Inspection of Said City; Thomas W. Jenkins, Lincoln van Gilder, Ferdinand M. Beamer, Elevator Inspectors Attached to the Division of Elevator Inspection of the Bureau of Building Inspection of Said City, and Such Other Elevator Inspector as May be Attached to Said Division of Elevator Inspection, and the Names of Whom Ar to the Complainants Unknown, Defendants
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1900
In the Circuit Court of the United States, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. No. 44, October Sessions, 1900, in Equity. Between Richmond Safety Gate Company, Complainant and Samuel H. Ashbridge, Mayor of the City of Philadelphia; Abraham L. English, Director of Public Safety of Said city; Robert C. Hill, Chief of the Bureau of Building Inspection of Said City; Thomas W. Jenkins, Lincoln of Said City; Thomas W. Jenkins, Lincoln van Gilder, Ferdinand M. Beamer, Elevator Inspectors Attached to the Division of Elevator Inspection of the Bureau of Building Inspection of Said City, ans Such Other Elevator Inspectors as May be Attached to Said Division of Elevator Inspection, and the Names of whom Are to the Complainants Unknown, Defendants
1 v. 1 v. S.l: s.n, 1900
In the Circuit Court of the United States, Eastern District of Pennsylvania. No. 44, October Sessions, 1900. In Equity. Between Richmond Safety Gate Company, and Samuel H. Ashbridge, Abraham L. English, et al. Answer of Robert C. Hill, Chief of the Bureau of Building Inspection, and Thomas W. Jenkins, Lincoln Van Gilder, and Ferdinand M. Beamer, Elevator Inspectors, Defendants
1 v. S.l: s.n.], 1901
In the Circuit Court of the United States, for the District of Delaware, No. 280. In Equity. The United States of America, Petitioner, v. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, [et al.]
12 v. United States: [s.n.], 1908-1910
In the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Equity, William M. Robinson vs. The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company, et al.
1 v. S.I., s.n., 1885-1886
In the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In Equity. Winter vs. Ludlow. Opinion of the Court, Read 11th July, 1859
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1859
In the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Platt vs. the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company et al.
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1893
In the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. Bill of Complaint. Heath, Raphael and Others v. Erie Railway Company and Others
1 v. [S.l.: s.n.], 1870
In the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the District of Colorado; Arthur R. Wilfley, Complainant, vs. the Denver Engineering Works Company, et al., Respondents
3 v. S.I., s.n., 1899
In the Circuit Court of the United States, in and for the Ninth Circuit, District of California. William Sharon, Complainant, vs. Sarah Althea Hill, Respondent. In Equity, Closing Argument for Complainant
2 v. San Francisco, Calif.: The Bosqui Engraving and Printing Co. [188-]
In the Circuit Court of the United States, Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division: In Equity, Thomas H. Hubbard and the Crocker Estate Company vs. Galveston, et al.
1v. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1907-1913
In the Circuit Court of the United States. In Equity. Richmond Safety Gate Company vs. Samuel H. Ashbridge, et al. October Sessions, 1900, No. 44. Statement of Defendants' Reply to Plaintiff's Facts
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1900
In the common pleas His grace the Duke of Beaufort against John Crawshay Bailey and others : for trespass on Cwmdu Hill, in the parish of St. Michael Cwmdu, Breconshire : report of the trial before Mr. Justice Mellor
1 v. London: Strangeways & Walden, 1863
In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments and the Correction of Errors; the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of New York, Plaintiffs in Error, Defendants in Error
1 v. S.I.: William G. Boggs, 1844
In the Court for the Trial of Impeachments, the People of the State of New-York, vs. John C. Mather, Canal Commissioner. Articles of Impeachment. Answer of Respondent and Replication of the People. Albany, July 27, 1853
1 v. Albany: Charles Van Benthuysen, printer, 1853
In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Charles H. Phelps, Plaintiff in Error, vs. The People, &c., Defendants in Error. Grand Larceny. Niagara Co. Draft, $7,500. Error Book
1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Democrat and Chronicle print, 1876
In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Charles H. Phelps, Plaintiff in Error, vs. The People, &c., Defendants in Error. Indictment, Grand Larceny. Oneida Co. Draft for $400. Error Book
1 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Democrat and Chronicle print, 1876
In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. In Re Attorney-General against the North America Life Insurance Company
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Company, printers, 1882
In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. In the Matter of the Attorney-General against the Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company. Case on Appeal from Report of Esek Cowen, Referee
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons, 1884
In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. The People by Augustus Schoonmaker, Jr., Attorney-General, Appellant, against the Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company, Appellant, (Edward Newcomb, Receiver, Respondent)
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons, 1879
In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. The People, etc., by Augustus Schoonmaker, Jr., Attorney-General, vs. The Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company. Case on Appeal from Order Refusing to Restore the Company, etc.
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parson, 1879
In the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. Thomas Haggerty, Plaintiff in Error, against The People, Defendants in Error. Writ of Error, Record and Bill of Exceptions on Returning an Escaped Prisoner
1 v. Albany: Argus Co., Printers, 1873.
In the Court of Appeals on Appeal from Supreme Court, Appellate Division: First Department; Estelle P. Anderson, Appellant, against Steinway & Sons, Respondent
1 v. S.I., s.n., 1917
In the Court of Appeals. In the Matter of Frank R. Sherwin. Habeas Corpus
1 v. New York: C.G. Burgoyne, 1883
In the Court of Chancery, at Mobile, Mobile County, State of Alabama, John S. Nicholas et al., Complainants, vs. the Mobile and Ohio Railroad Company, et al., Defendants
1v. New York: Evening Post Job Printing House, 1892
In the Court of Claims: Baker & Folsom vs. The United States
1 v. United States: s.n, 1867
In the Court of Common Pleas of Berks County Pennsylvania. in Equity. Augustus Krecker et al. vs. Jonas H. Shirey et al. No. 544 Equity Docket, 1891. Report of Master and Examiner and Opinion of the Court
1 v. Philadelphia: Collins Printing House, 1893
In the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County. In the Matter of the Appeal of Thomas I. Woolston, from the Decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County, Confirming the Report of the Auditor in the Distribution of the Proceeds of Real Estate in the Case of Robert M. Early, Assignee et al., vs. Aaron Winder. No. 42, September Term, 1865, Alias Levari Facias, Amount in Court for Distribution $2927.97
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County. Jacob Albright and Judith, His Wife, to the Use of Said Judith; Henry Bleim and Catherine, His Wife, to the Use of the Said Catherine; Thomas Geisinger and Susanna, His Wife, to the Use of the Said Susanna; Almeda Beck, and Cecilia Beck, Minor Children of Eliza Beck, dec'd, by Their Guardian, Henry T. Beck; Jeremiah Fluck and Judith Fluck, Minor Children of Barbara Fluck, dec'd, by Their Guardian, Charles Wolf; and Jacob Fluck and Charles Fluck, Minor Children of the Said Barbara, Dec'd, by Their Guardian, Henry Ott, vs. John Hagerty. No. 17, Sept. T., 1865. Summons Case. Same Plaintiffs, vs. Philip Helsel and Michael Helsel. No. 18, Sept. T., 1865. Summons Case
1 v. S.l. : s.n., 1865
In the Court of Common Pleas of Fayette County, Pa. in Equity, between George A. Thomson, Plaintiff, and the Fairchance Iron Co. et al., Defendants
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1875
In the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at the relation of Rowland E. Evans vs. the Philadelphia Club
1 v. Philadelphia: 1863
In the Court of Common Pleas, Sitting in Equity. James O'Connor, Complainant, vs. Tack Bros. et al, Defendants
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1867
In the Court of Common Pleas. Sitting in Equity. James O'Connor, Complainant, and Augustus H. Tack and Theodore E. Tack, Trading as Tack Bro., & Co., Fairview Oil Refinery. Emil Schalk, John Grierson, Wightman, and Anderson, Trading as Wightman & Anderson, Bunker Brothers, E. H. Bunker, A. G. Bunker, Bunker Brothers & Co., Joseph Kirkpatrick and James Lyons, Simmonds, Gilmeister, Trading as Simmonds & Gilmeister. J. C. Kirkpatrick & Co., John McKirdy, Secretary, National Refining and Storing Company, Brewer, Burke & Co., M. & P. Badetty, Jules Crucy & Co., Daniel L. Miller, Jr., N. Lloyd Bickley
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
In the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the City and County of Philadelphia. March Sessions, 1868
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
In the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the County of Philadelphia: Commonwealth vs. C. Cathcart Taylor: Motions for New Trial and in Arrest of Judgment: Paper Book of Defendant, J. Howard Gendell, George L. Crawford, Benjamin Harris Brewster of Counsel for Defendant
1 v. [Philadelphia?]: Siddall Bros., printers, 1872
In the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, of December Term, 1835. No. 466
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1835
In the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. Sitting in Equity. Between Henry H. Coggshall, Plaintiff, and Seth H. Butler, Defendant
1 v. [Philadelphia. Pa.? : s.n. , 1865?]
In the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. Sitting in Equity. Between Pearson S. Peterson and Jesse White, Jr., Co-Partners under the Firm of P.S. Peterson & Co., Plaintiffs, vs. the Union National Bank of Philadelphia, and David Faust, President of Said Bank, and N. C. Musselman, Cashier of Said Bank, Defendants. Interrogatories
1 v. [Philadelphia. Pa.? : s.n. , 1865?]
In the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. Sitting in Equity. Between Pearson S. Peterson and Jesse White, Jr., under the Firm of P.S. Peterson & Co., Plaintiffs, and Union National Bank of Philadelphia and David Faust, President of Said Bank, and N. C. Musselman, Cashier of Bank, Defendants
1 v. [Philadelphia. Pa.? : s.n. , 1865?]
In the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. Sitting in Equity. Between the Bankers and Brokers' Telegraph Company and Philip H. Miller
1 v. [Philadelphia. Pa.? : s.n. , 1866?]
In the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. Sitting in Equity. The Bankers and Brokers' Telegraph Company vs. Philip H. Miller. Interrogatories
1 v. [Philadelphia. Pa.? : s.n. , 1866?]
In the District Court of Jerusalem, the Attorney General of the Government of Israel v. Adolf, the Son of Karl Adolf Eichmann: Judgment and Judgment on Appeal
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], [1962]
In the District Court of the United States for the District of Indiana The United States of America vs. James M. Armstrong, et al. Transcript of Proceedings May 7th 1920
1 v. [S.l. : s.n.]: 1920
In the District Court of the United States for the District of Minnesota, the United States of America, Petitioner, v. International Harvester Company and Others, Defendants
2v. [S.I.: s.n.], [1912]
In the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. United States vs. Henry Hertz et al. Charged with Hiring and Retaining Persons to Go, beyond the Jurisdiction of the United States, with the Intent to Enlist in the British Foreign Legion, for the Crimea
1 v. Philadelphia: Rice, 1855
In the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Paramount Pictures, Inc., et al., Defendants; Amended and Supplemental Complaint. Filed November 14, 1940
1 v. [Washington: U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1940]
In the District Court of the United States, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, No. 201, October Sessions, 1908: Francis A. Byerley, Executor; Francis A. Byerley, Trustee; Francis A. Byerley vs. Sun Company, Master's Report
1 v. Cooperstown, N.Y.: A.H. Crist Co, 1908
In the District Court of the United States, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Sitting in Equity: Francis A. Byerly vs. Sun Company; October Sessions 1908, No. 201, Injunction Bill, Sur Exceptions to Master's Report
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1908
In the District Court of the United States, Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. United States vs. L. F. Swift et al. Opening Statement of J. H. Wilkerson, Esq., District Attorney, December 19th 1911, 2 O'clock P. M.
1 v. Chicago: Gunthorp-Warren Pub. Co, 1911
In the District Court of the United States, Southern District of New York, the United States of America, Petitioner, v. Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, et al.
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1914
In the District Court of the United States, Southern District of New York, the United States of America, Petitioner, v. the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company and Others, Defendants
1v. Washington [D.C.]: G.P.O., 1914
In the Ecclesiastical Court of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. Trial of Rev. Charles S. Daniel, 1890-91
1 v. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott, 1891
In the Exchequer of Pleas. Penhallow & Others versus The Mersey Docks & Harbour Board
1 v. London: Printed by M. Singer, 1860.
In the High Court of Justice Chancery Division, Mr. Justice Warrington: In the Matter of Letters Patent No. 18668 of 1905 Granted to William Taylor
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1907
In the House of Lords from the Court of Queen's Bench in Ireland. Crown Side. Between Daniel O'Connell, John O'Connell, Thomas Steele, Thomas Mathew Ray, Charles Gavan Duffy, John Gray, and Richard Barrett, Plaintiffs in Error, and Her Majesty, Defendant in Error. Case on Behalf of the Said Thomas Steele, One of the Plaintiffs in Error
1 v. London: William Stevens, Printer, 1844
In the House of Lords on Appeal between Henri Lecouturier, George Idle Chapman & Company, Limited, W. H. Garrett and la Compagnie Fermiere de la Grande Chartreuse, Appellants and Albert Rey and Augustin Marie Herbault
1v. London: Geo. Barber, 1910
In the House of Lords. Additional Case of Thomas Alexander Lord Lovat in the Peerage of the United Kingdom Claiming to Be Lord Lovat in the Peerage of Scotland
1 v. London : G. & T.W. Webster, 1854
In the House of Lords. Between Daniel O'Connell, John O'Connell, Thomas Mathew Ray, Thomas Steele, Charles Gavan Duffy, John Gray, and Richard Barrett, Plaintiffs in Error, and Her Majesty, Defendant in Error. Appendix to the Case on Behalf of the Plaintiffs in Error from the Judgment of the Court of Queen's Bench
1 v. London: William Stevens, Printer, 1844
In the House of Lords. Between the Attorney General, Appellant, and Sillem and Others, Claiming the Vessel Alexandra, Seized under the Foreign Enlistment Act, (59 George III. Chapter 69). Report of the Arguments on the Case on Appeal against the Decision of the Court of Exchequer Chamber on the Preliminary Objection to the Jurisdiction of That Court in Appeal under the New Rules of the Court of Exchequer Applying the Common Law Procedure Acts to the Revenue Side of the Exchequer. With the Judgment of the House. Also an Appendix
1 v. London: Printed by George E. Eyre & William Spottiswoode, 1864
In the House of Lords. From the Court of Queen's Bench in Ireland. Crown Side. Between Daniel O'Connell, John O'Connell, Thomas Steele, Thomas Mathew Ray, Charles Gavan Duffy, John Gray, and Richard Barrett, Plaintiffs in Error, and Her Majesty, Defendant in Error. Case on Behalf of the Said John O'Connell, John Gray and Thomas Mathew Ray, Three of the Plaintiffs in Error
1 v. London: William Stevens, Printer, 1844
In the House of Lords: (From the Second Division of the Court of Session in Scotland)
1v. Edinburgh: H. Armour & Co., 1904
In the King's Bench Between Thomas Redford, Plaintiff; and Hugh Hornby Birley, Alexander Oliver, Richard Withington, and Edward Meagher, Defendants. For an Assault on the 16th. of August, 1819. Report of the Proceedings on the Trial of this Cause at Lancaster... before Mr. Justice Holroyd and a Special Jury; and the Judgment of the Court of King's Bench in Easter Term Following...
1 v. Manchester: Printed by C. Wheeler, 1822.
In the King's Bench. William Beer and Rebecca His Wife, Lawrence Dundas, Henry Cokburne and Mary Teresa his Wife, Elizabeth Cotton, Widow, Ralph Adderley and Rosamond his Wife, and John Robert Brown Cave, and Catherine Penelope, his Wife versus the Reverend Richard Rowland Ward. On an Issue Directed by the Court of Chancery, Tried before the Lord Chief Justice Abbott, and a Special Jury
1 v. London: W. Molineux, 1823
In the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Emilie L. Fry vs. Horace B. Fry. Petition, Answer and Memorial in the Matter of the Application for a Divorce
1 v. [n.p.,]: A. Boyd Hamilton, printer, 1859
In the Matter of Assembly Bill No. 2545 to Amend Chapter 358 of the Laws of 1893, Entitled An Act to Provide for the Support of the Poor in the City of Ithaca, Relative to Providing Funds for the Board of Health. Brief against the Bill
1 v. [S.l. : s.n.; 1907]
In the Matter of Charges Made to Hon. Herbert H. Lehman, Governor of the State of New York, with Respect to the Removal of William F. X. Geoghan from the Office of District Attorney of Kings County
13 v. [Albany, N.Y. : s.n., 1936
In the Matter of Charges Preferred against John I. Davenport, a Commissioner of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York
1v. S.I.; s.n., [1878]
In the Matter of Ferdinand S. Hahn, New York Court of Appeals
1v. New York: S. Hamilton's Son, 1880
In the Matter of Gabriel Winter. Petitioner's Points, Argument, and Evidence, in Support of the Commission de Lunatico Inquirendo, Issued by the Supreme Court, on the 27th of December, 1861
1 v. New York: Gray, 1862
In the Matter of Harry S. Bridges
1v. [S.I: s.n.], 1941
In the Matter of Karen Quinlan: The Complete Legal Briefs, Court Proceedings, and Decision in the Superior Court of New Jersey
2 v. Arlington, Va: University Publications of America, 1975-1976
In the Matter of Proving the Last Will and Testament of Henry Parish, Deceased
1 v. [New York?]: Reported by Roberts and Warburton, law reporters, 1861
In the Matter of Proving the Last Will and Testament of the Late Robert Stewart, Esq.
1 v. New-York: 1844
In the Matter of the Account of Catharine Donnelly, Administratrix of Philip C. Donnelly, Decedent. Counter Statement and Argument of Allin Robinett, One of the Creditors of Philip C. Donnelly, Deceased
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1854
In the Matter of the Account of Catharine Donnelly, Administratrix of Philip C. Donnelly, Decedent. Report of Auditor
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1854
In the Matter of the Accounting of Hiram Osborn, Assignee of Harris, Thomas & Sons, Respondent, on the Application of John V. Grove, a Creditor, Appellant. Appeal
1 v. Seneca Falls, N.Y.: Printed at Courier Power press print off., 1865
In the Matter of the Accounting of John D. Dates, Late Guardian: Edmund D. Wooley, Administrator, Appellant against John D. Dates, Guardian Respondent
1 v. [New York: s.n., 1875?]
In the Matter of the Accounting, &c., of Douglass Boardman, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Jennie McGraw-Fiske, Deceased
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Journal Book and Commercial print. house, 1893
In the Matter of the Accounts of Catharine Donnelly, Admin'x of the Estate of Philip C. Donnelly, Dec'd
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1854
In the Matter of the Acquisition by the United States of the Premises, from 900 Market Street to 918 Market Street, Inclusive, and the Premises on Chant Street, Philadelphia: Testimony of Witnesses Taken before the Jury of Viewers Appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of the City of Philadelphia
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1873
In the Matter of the Address against Judge Henry Maney
1v. [Austin: s.n., 1874]
In the Matter of the Application for Admission to Probate of a Certain Paper Writing, Purporting to Be the Last Will and Testament of Edwin P. Christy, Deceased. Proceedings and Testimony before Hon. Gideon J. Tucker, Surrogate
3v. New York: J. W. Bell, Law Printer, 1864-1865
In the Matter of the Application of Douglass Boardman, Appellant, vs. The Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County, Respondent
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Norton & Conklin, [1880]
In the Matter of the Application of Emilie L. Fry to Be Divorced from Horace B. Fry: Speeches of Wm. L. Hirst, Esq., and Hon. Thos. Corwin, on Behalf of Mrs. Emilie L. Fry, before the Committee on Divorces of the House of Representatives of the State of Pennsylvania
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1859.
In the Matter of the Application of Moses Coit Tyler, Administrator, etc., of John Tyler, dec'd, for a Writ of Mandamus, to the Board of Supervisors of Tompkins County
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca journal job print house, 1891
In the Matter of the Application of the Algoma Steel Corporation, Limited, for Approval of the Obstruction, Diversion, and Use of the Waters of the St. Marys River, on the Canadian Side of the International Boundary at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Order and Opinion. Filed October 7, 1913. Decided May 27, 1914
1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1914
In the Matter of the Application of the City of Philadelphia, (Trustees of the Girard Estate) to the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, for Advice and Direction as to the Power to Make Leases of Coal Lands Belonging to Said Estate, for a Longer Period Than Five Years
1 v. Philadelphia, PA: s.n, 1868
In the Matter of the Application of the Greater Winnipeg Water District for Approval of the Diversion of the Waters of the Lake of the Woods and Shoal Lake for Sanitary and Domestic Purposes. Opinion and Order of Approval. Dated January 14, 1914
1 v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1914
In the Matter of the Application of the Michigan Northern Power Company for Approval of the Obstruction, Diversion, and Use of the Waters of the St. Marys River on the United States Side of the International Boundary at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Order and Opinion, Filed June 30, 1913. Decided May 26, 1914
1 v. Washington: U.S. GPO, 1914
In the Matter of the Application of the New York, Lackawanna and Western Railway Company to Acquire a Crossing of the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad Company over Their Railroad in the Town of Chemung. Return on Appeal from Report of Commissioners to Fix Crossing, &c., and from Order Confirming Same
1 v. Elmira, N.Y.: Gazette company printing, 1882
In the Matter of the Application of the New York, Lackawanna and Western Railway Company, Respondent, to Acquire a Crossing of the Buffalo, New York & Erie Railroad Company and the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad Company, Appellants, over Their Railroad in the Town of Erwin. Return on Appeal from Report of Commissioners to Fix Crossing, &c., and from Order Confirming Same
1 v. Elmira, N.Y.: Gazette company printing, 1882
In the Matter of the Application of the United States of America for the Extradition of John F. Gaynor and Benjamin D. Greene
1v. Montreal: [s.n.], 1905
In the Matter of the Arraignment of Chas. Naylor, Esq., for Malpractice, and Motion to Disbar. Statement of the Relator, Joseph B. Stewart, with the Charge and Specifications
1 v. Washington : George S. Gideon, printer, 1859
In the Matter of the Charges against Abram P. Smith, County Judge and Surrogate of Cortland County, before the Sub-Committee of the Assembly Judiciary Committee of the State of New York
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons, 1879
In the Matter of the Charges against Hon. J.B. Williamson
1v. [Austin: s.n., 1874]
In the Matter of the Charges Preferred against John K. Ackley, Registrar of the City College of the College of the City of New York
1v. [New York: s.n.], 1941
In the Matter of the Claim of Geo. Clapp & Fred'k K. Ballou against the Commonwealth
1 v. Boston, Mass.: Getchell Brothers, 1879
In the Matter of the Claim of the Girard Bank, against the Estate of Charles S. Boker, Dec'd. Argument of John T. Montgomery, Esq., on Behalf of Mr. Boker's Estate, before Furman Sheppard, Esq., Auditor
1 v. Philadelphia: Sherman, 1866
In the Matter of the Complaint against Egbert C. Smyth and Others, Professors of the Theological Institution in Phillips Academy, Andover. The Andover Defence
1 v. Boston: Cupples, Upham & Co, 1887
In the Matter of the Contest of Mr. Thomas Liddle, Claiming the Seat of Hon. Joseph Hynes, from the Fourth Assembly District of Albany County
1 v. [New York: s.n.], 1880
In the Matter of the Contested Election between Charles Marsh, Contestant, and Alexander Philip, Incumbent. Clld, Legislature, State of New Jersey
1 v. Newark, N.J.: Printed by William B. Guild, 1878
In the Matter of the Contested Election of District Attorney: Before King, Campbell and Kelley, February 12, 1851
1 v. [Philadelphia?: s.n., 1851?]
In the Matter of the Contested Elections
2 v. Philadelphia?: s.n, 1869
In the Matter of the Contesting of the Election of John J. Metzger as President Judge of the Twenty-ninth Judicial District of Pennsylvania: No. 37, March Term, 1889
1 v. Pennsylvania, 1889
In the Matter of the Estate of Charles F. Sibbald, sur Account of Joseph R. Ingersoll and Thomas Dunlap, Esqs., Trustees. Dec. Term, 1850. Nos. 43, 44 and 60. Paper Book of J.T. Gilchrist, Jacob Levering, and Geo. V. Bacon, Assignee of M. Ralston, Appellants from the Decree of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1850
In the Matter of the Estate of Claus Spreckels, Deceased. Argument on Demurrers to Petition of Trustees for Partial Distribution. Argument of P.F. Dunne, Esq., on Behalf of Demurrants John D. Spreckels and Adolph B. Spreckels
1v. San Francisco: Murdock Press, 1909
In the Matter of the Estate of Claus Spreckels, Deceased: Argument on Demurrers to Petition of Trustees for Partial Distribution - Argument of A. F. Morrison on Behalf of Demurrants John D. Spreckels and Adolph B. Spreckels
1v. San Francisco: The Murdock Press, 1909
In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Greenfield, Deceased
1 v. [Philadelphia, Pa.: s.n.], [1854?]
In the Matter of the Estate of Hannah Parke, Dec'd: Depositions of Witnesses, Produced, Sworn or Affirmed, and Examined in PUrsuance of a Rule of Court, together with the Accompanying Documents, before J.O. Tobias, Commissioner, &c., at His Office, No. 138 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Commencing on Friday, the 30th Day of November, A.D. 1860, at 12 O'clock, M., and Ending the 27th Day of June, A.D. 1862
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1863
In the Matter of the Hearing of the Charges against Ralph W. Chandless, the Senator from Bergen County, of an Offense Inconsistent with the Trust and Duty of a Member of This Senate, December 2, 3, 4, 1930
1v. Trenton, N.J.: MacCrellish & Quigley, 1930
In the Matter of the Impeachment of Sherman Page, Judge of the Tenth Judicial District: Ex-Gov Davis' Closing Argument for the Respondent
1 v. St. Paul, MN.: Ramaley & Cunningham, printers, 1878
In the Matter of the Impeachment Proceedings against William Sulzer, Governor. Brief on Behalf of the Managers, on the Question of Impeachable Offenses
1 v. [S.l. s.n.: 1913?]
In the Matter of the Interference Pending before the Patent Office between the Application of Wm. H. McNary and two Applications of J. G. Wilson for Improvements in Knitting Machines
2 v. S.l: s.n, 1861
In the Matter of the Investigation as to the Legislative Printing for the Years 1886 and 1887. Hearing before a Joint Meeting of the Senate and Assembly Judiciary Committees in the Assembly Library
1 v. [New York: s.n., 1886]
In the Matter of the Investigation of the Case of the People vs. Thomas J. Mooney et al., by the United States Commission on Mediation; Brief of the People of the State of California
1v. San Francisco: s.n., 1918
In the Matter of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, Debtor
1 v. [New Haven, Conn.?]: The Court, 1980
In the Matter of the Opening of Girard Avenue and Twenty-Second Street, through the Grounds of Girard College
1v. Philadelphia: G.V. Town & son, printers, 1874
In the Matter of the Paper Propounded as the Last Will and Testament of James Stokes, Deceased: Case on Appeal
7v. S.I.: s.n., 1884
In the Matter of the Petition of Charles E. Patterson, Receiver, &c., of the Merchants and Mechanics' Bank of Troy
1 v. Troy, N.Y.: Troy Press Law Printing House, 1879
In the Matter of the Petition of J. Hooker Hamersley; as the Last Will and Testament of Louis C. Hamersley, Deceased
1v. New York: D. Taylor, 1884
In the Matter of the Probate of the Last Will and Testament of Amos F. Eno, Deceased
3 v. S.I.: s.n., 1915
In the Matter of the Republic of Cuba vs. the State of North Carolina, For Recovery upon Certain Fraudulent Bonds Issued during the Reconstruction Period: Record of the Proceedings in the Supreme Court of the United States, and Other Documents
1v. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton, State printers, 1917
In the Matter of the Revocation of the Last Will and Testament and Codicil Thereto of Valentine Liddington, Deceased. Case and Exceptions on Appeal. Mynderse Van Cleef, Attorney for Charles D. Nixon, Executor, &c., Appellant, Ithaca, N. Y. Simeon Smith, Attorney for Petitioners, Respondents, Ithaca, N. Y.
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Journal book and commercial Printing House, 1888
In the Matter of the United States of America vs. David T. Dellinger (and Others)
1 v. 1970
In the Senate of the United States, Sitting as a Court of Impeachment in Re Impeachment of Judge Alcee L. Hastings : Post Trial Memorandum of the House of Representatives
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1989
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Equity. Tilghman et al. vs. Frelinghuysen, Administratrix of Yard
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: s.n, 1842
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, July Term 1867: Sitting in Equity. Between J. Granville Leach and Elizabeth T. Leach, His Wife, Plaintiffs and William M. Farr and Mary G. Farr, His Wife, Annie G. Whilldin and the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, Defendants
1 v. [S.l.: s.n., 1867]
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, of January Term, 1861, No. 129. Error to the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia. Henry Robinson and William H. Parsons Trading as Henry Robinson and Company, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. Catherine Wallace, Defendant in Error. Paper Book of the Plaintiffs in Error
1 v. [S.l. : s.n. , 1861?]
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Francis M. Drexel, Plff. In Error, vs. Daniel Man, Jr., Deft. In Error
1 v. Pennsylvania: 1844
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In Equity. Of July Term, 1865, No. 20. The Answers of Clayton French to the Interrogatories Filed by James Henry, Complainant
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. No. 246 of January Term, 1862. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Defendant in Error, and Defendant below, vs. Joseph Kunzmann, Defendant in Error, and Defendant Below. Error to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia County. Counter-Statement of Defendant in Error
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1862
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Patterson et al., Appellants, vs. Lane et al., Appellees. Of January Sess. 1858. No. 19. In Equity. Appellant's Paper Book
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1858
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Sitting in Equity. Between James Henry, Plaintiff, and Clayton French and Samuel H. French, Who Survived John E. Morey and William H. Richards, Jr., Which Said Clayton French, William H. Richards, Jr., Samuel H. French and John E. Morey Were Late Co-Partners Trading under the Name and Style of French, Richards & Co., Defendants. Interrogatories
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Sitting in Equity. No. 20, July Term, 1865. The Answer of Samuel H. French to the Bill in Equity, Filed by James Henry, against Clayton and Samuel H. French
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The Buck Mountain Coal Company, vs. Harry Conrad and Thomas K. Conrad. In Equity. The Separate Answer of Thomas K. Conrad to the Bill of Complaint of the Said Buck Mountain Coal Company
1 v. S.l.?: s.n, 1863
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Plaintiff in Error, vs. J. M. Kaumheimer, and Charles Schick, Defendants in Error. January Term, A. D. 1868, No. 183. Original February Session, 1865, No. 1. Quarter Sessions
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Plaintiff in Error, vs. J.M. Kaumheimer, and C. Schick, Defendants in Error. January Term, 1869, No. 219. Original Court of Quarter Sessions. February Sessions, 1865, No. 1. Debt on Forfeited Recognizance
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1869
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania: Between Benjamin B. Thomas and Charles F. Norton, Co-Partners under the Firm of Thomas Norton & Co., E. H. Helfrich, N. Petry, J. S. Helfrich and John N. Tyler, Plaintiffs, and the Monocacy Iron Company, a Body Corporate in the Law, and G. H. McCabe, President of Said Corporation, and James S. Haynes, Secretary and Treasurer of Said Corporation, Defendants
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania: Franklin Allen and Joseph Allen, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. Julia A. Willard, Widow of Charles T. Willard, and Mabel C. Willard and Walter C.T. Willard, Minor Children of the Said Charles T. Willard, &c., Defendants in Error. January Term, 1868, No. 117
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
In the Supreme Court in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. In Equity. Between Joshua Spering, assignee of the National Safety Insurance and Trust Company, Plaintiff, and Frank A. Drexel, Anthony J. Drexel, and Joseph W. Drexel
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
In the Supreme Court of District of Columbia, the Buck's Stove & Range Co., Plaintiff, vs. the America Federation of Labor, et al., Defendants
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], [1909]
In the Supreme Court of Illinois, Northern Grand Division, March Term, A.D. 1887. August Spies et al., Plaintiffs in Error, vs. The People of the State of Illinois, Defendant in Error: Indictment for Murder, Brief and Argument for Plaintiffs in Error
1 v. Chicago : Barnard & Gunthorp, 1887
In the Supreme Court of Illinois, Northern Grand Division: March Term, A.D. 1891: Patrick O'Sullivan, Impld., Plaintiff in Error vs. The People of the State of Illinois, Defendant in Error: Writ of Error to Criminal Court, Cook County: Reply to Brief and Argument for Defendant in Error
1 v. Chicago: Barnard & Gunthorp, 1891
In the Supreme Court of Illinois, Northern Grand Division: October Term, A.D. 1890: Patrick O'Sullivan, Impld., Plaintiff in Error, vs. the People of the State of Illinois, Defendant in Error: Writ of Error to Criminal Court of Cook County: Argument and Brief
1 v. Chicago: Barnard & Gunthorp, 1890
In the Supreme Court of Illinois, Northern Grand Division: October Term, A.D. 1892: Daniel Coughlin, Impld., Plaintiff in Error, vs. the People of the State of Illinois, Defendant in Error: Writ of Error to Criminal Court, Cook County: Brief and Argument
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1892
In the Supreme Court of Illinois. Northern Grand Division. October Term, A. D. 1890. Patrick O'Sullivan, Daniel Coughlin and Martin Bourk, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. the People of the State of Illinois, Defendant in Error. Writ of Error to Criminal Court of Cook County. Abstract of Record
1 v. Chicago: Barnard & Gunthorp, 1890
In the Supreme Court of Illinois. The Anarchists' Cases. Brief for the Defendants
1 v. Chicago : Barnard & Gunthorp, 1887
In the Supreme Court of Missouri: April Term, 1887, State of Missouri, Respondent, vs. Hugh Motram Brooks, alias, etc., Appellant: Appeal from St. Louis Criminal Court: Statement and Brief for Respondent
1 v. S.l. : s.n., 1887
In the Supreme Court of Ohio: Case No. 16286. Arnetta Mae Amstutz, Plaintiff in Error, vs. Perry F. King and H.H. Schuffell, Defendants in Error: Error to Court of Appeals of Stark County, Ohio: Supplemental Brief of Defendants in Error
1v. Toledo, O.: Toledo Legal Print. Co, 1919
In the Supreme Court of Ohio: The State of Ohio Ex. Rel. F. S. Monnett, Attorney General, Plaintiff vs. the Buckeye Pipe Line Company, Defendant, No. 6331; The State of Ohio, Ex. Rel. F. S. Monnett, Attorney General, Plaintiff vs. the Solar Refining Company
1v. [Columbus: s.n.,] 1899
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for the Eastern District, January Term, 1897, No. 72: Ludwig S. Filbert, Charles A. Porter, Kennedy Crossan and John Keller, Trading as Filbert, Porter & Co., Plaintiffs below and Appellees vs. The City of Philadelphia, Defendant below and Appellant: Appeal and Certiorari from the Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, for the County of Philadelphia; Appendix to Paper Book of Appellant
1 v. Philadelphia: Dunlap Printing Co, 1897
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for the Eastern District, January Term, 1897, No. 72: Ludwig S. Filbert, Charles A. Porter, Kennedy Crossan and John Keller, Trading as Filbert, Porter & Co., Plaintiffs below and Appellees vs. The City of Philadelphia, Defendant below and Appellant: Appeal and Certiorari from the Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, for the County of Philadelphia; Paper Book of Appellant
1 v. Philadelphia: Dunlap Printing Co, 1897
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for the Eastern District: Ludwig S. Filbert, Charles A. Porter, Kennedy Crossan and John Keller, Trading as Filbert, Porter & Co. vs. City of Philadelphia, Appellant: Appeal and Certiorari from the Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas, No. 3, of Philadelphia County; Appellees' Paper Book
1 v. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott, 1897
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania for the Eastern District: William G. Warden, Plaintiff below and Appellee vs. The City of Philadelphia, Defendant below and Appellant; Mary A. Bradbury, Plaintiff below and Appellee vs. The City of Philadelphia, Plaintiff below and Appellant: Appeal and Certiorari to the Court of Common Pleas, No. 4, of Philadelphia County, to March Term, 1893, Nos. 737 and 738; Appellees' Paper Book
1 v. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott, 1894
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in and for the Eastern District. Of July Term, 1867, No. 37. Sitting in Equity. Between the City of Philadelphia, Appellants, and Samuel Field et al., Appellees. Appellees' Argument
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1867
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, E.D. July Term, 1862. No. 42. Certiorari to the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia County. Appeal of John J. Hess
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1862
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern District, Aycinena vs. Peries, June 42, No. 78
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1842
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Eastern District. Of July Term, 1894. Nos. 151 and 152. William G. Warden, Appellee vs. The City of Philadelphia, Appellant; Mary A. Bradbury, Appellee vs. The City of Philadelphia, Appellant. Appeal and Certiorari from the Judgments of the Court of Common Pleas No. 4, for the County of Philadelphia, Entered July 11, 1894
1 v. Philadelphia: Dunlap Printing Co, 1894
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in and for the Eastern District, Sitting in Equity
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in and for the Eastern District. Sitting in Equity
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in and for the Eastern District. Sitting in Equity
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in and for the Eastern District. Sitting in Equity. Between the City of Philadelphia, Plaintiffs, and Samuel Field, et al., Defendants
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1867
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, Sitting in and for the Eastern District. In Equity. Between the Old Township Line Road Company, and the Connecting Railroad Company
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: s.n, 1866
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Bickings' Appeal. Appeal from the Decree of the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia County. Opinion of the Court by Sharswood, J.
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. City vs. Field et al., July Term, 1867, No. 37. Opinion of the Court Delivered by Read, Justice
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1867
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Daniel Diamond, Plaintiff in Error; versus the County of Lawrence, Defendent in Error: Error to the Court of Common Pleas of Lawrence County: Paper Book of Defendant in Error
1 v. New Castle, Pa: E.D. Durban, 1860
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. David Winternitz's Appeal. Paper Book of Appellees
1 v. New Castle, Pa: E.S. Durban, 1861
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. G. Parys & Co's. Appeal. Paper Book of Appellees, Bunn & Raguiel
1 v. New Castle, Pa: E.S. Durban, 1861
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. In Equity
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. In Equity. Between Joshua Spering, Assignee, &c., and Frank A. Drexel and Others. The Answer of Frank A. Drexel, Anthony J. Drexel and Joseph W. Drexel, Who Have Survived Francis M. Drexel, Deceased, Late Trading as Drexel & Co.
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia vs Girard's Heirs: Error to Schuylkill, C.P.: Opinion of the Court
1 v. Pennsylvania?: s.n, 1863
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Western District. James Wilde, Jr., & Co.'s Appeal. Paper Book for Appelees
1 v. New Castle, Pa: Coal City Chronicle Book and Job Printing Office, 1860
In the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Western District. Jas. Wilde, Jr. & Co's Appeal. Paper Book of Appellants
1 v. New Castle, Pa: E.S. Durban, 1860
In the Supreme Court of Texas; William S. Carothers, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. E. Sampson, et al, Defendants and Appellees; Argument by Geo. W. Paschal
1v. New York: C.A. Alvord, Printer,1866
In the Supreme Court of the State of California: Transcript on Appeal
1 v. S.l: s.n., 1881
In the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, December Term, A.D., 1909: W.C. Ritchie and Cmopany, et als. Appellees, vs. John E. W. Wayman and Edgar T. Davies, Appellants
1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1909
In the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri: April Term, 1887, the State of Missouri, Respondent, vs. Htgh [i.e. Hugh] Motram Brooks, alias W. H. Maxwell, &c., Appellant: No. 4347. Argument and Authorities on Reason 5 of Motion for a Re-hearing
1 v. [Missouri]: s.n., 1887
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Augustus James, Plaintiff, agt. William James et al., Defendants. Complaint in Partition. Hamilton Harris, Plaintiff's Attorney
1 v. Albany : Munsell & Rowland, 1859
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. George E. Gordon, Plaintiff in Error, agst. the People of the State of New York, Defendants in Error. Error Book
1 v. Albany: Comstock & Cassidy, 1865.
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In the Matter of the People by Augustus Schoonmaker, Jr., Attorney-General, agst. The Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company, appellant, (Edward Newcomb,) receiver, Respondent.
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1879
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In the Matter of the People of the State of New York, by Charles S. Fairchild, Attorney-General, Respondent, against the Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company, Appellant. Case
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons, 1877
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In the Matter of the People, by the Attorney-General, against the Security Life Insurance and Annuity Company
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1880
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In the Matter of the Petition of Charles C. Schabacker, David D. Crouse, Alanson Morey, John P. Darby, Martin L. Shaffer, Philander N. Gray, Albert J. Smith, Jefferson M. Leavitt and Ezra W. Leavitt, as Supervisors, &c. for a Writ of Certiorari
1 v. Gloversville, N.Y.: Standard Office Print, 1887
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Myron A. Buel, Plaintiff in Error, vs. The People of the State of New York, Defendants in Error. Bill of Exceptions
1 v. Cooperstown: Office of Freeman's Journal, 1879
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Sarah M. Draper, Respondent, against Clarissa Draper et al., Appellant
1 v. Cortland, N.Y.: Standard and Journal steam print. house, 1877
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. The People of the State of New York against Henry D. Denison, James J. Belden, A. Cadwell Belden and Thomas Gale
3 v. Albany: The Argus Co., 1877
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York. William Barnes, Respondent, against Edward Newcomb, Receiver of the Atlantic Mutual Life Insurance Company, impleaded, etc, appellant
1 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1880
In the Supreme Court of the State of New York: John Banfield vs. Jackson Rumsey, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Joshua L. Rumsey Deceased
1 v. [New York: s.n., 1873?]
In the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania, Eastern District, December Term, 1841. No. 12: A. Peries, Administrator de Bonis Non Cum Testamento Annexo, of James Yard (Plaintiff in Error) v. Mariano de Aycinena, Executor of Juan Fermin de Aycinena, (Defendant in Error)
1 v. Harrisburg, Pa: s.n, 1842
In the Supreme Court of the United States, John Van Zandt, ad Sectum Wharton Jones: Argument for the Defendant
1v. Albany: Printed by Weed and Parsons, 1847
In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1895: The United States, Appellant, v. Jane L. Stanford, Executrix of Leland Stanford, Deceased. No. 783. Appeal from the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief for the United States
1 v. Washington, D.C.?: U.S. Supreme Court, 1895
In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1895: The United States, Appellant, v. Jane L. Stanford, Executrix of Leland Stanford, Deceased. No. 783. Appeal from the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Brief of the United States in Reply to so Much of the Brief of Messrs, Wilson and Choate as Relates to the Ground of the Opinion of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
1 v. Washington, D.C.?: s.n, 1895
In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1917, Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, Plaintiffs-in-Error, vs. the United States
1v. [S.I.: s.n.], [1917]
In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term 1927, Edwin C. Jameson, et al., Petitioners, vs. Guaranty Trust Company of New York, et al., Respondents
1v. Chicago: Gunthorp-Warren Printing Company, 1927
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1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1882
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1 v. Washington, D.C.?: U.S. Supreme Court, 1896
In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1909, No. 725. Standard Oil Company et al., Appellants, vs. The United States. Appeal from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Missouri. Brief on the Law on Part of Appellants
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In the Supreme Court of the United States, October Term, 1916: No. 324 United States of America, appellant vs. Reading Company and Others, Appellees. No. 339. Reading Company and Others, Appellants vs. United States of America, Appellee. Appeals from the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Brief for Reading Company, Philadelphia & Reading Railway Company, the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Company
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3 v. in 1. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1925
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1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1932
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In the Supreme Court, Eastern District of Penna. between the Oil Creek & Allegheny River Railway Company, and Spencer B. Root, Surviving Partner of John P. Rust, Trading as Root & Rust. Error to Court Common Pleas, of Delaware County, Penna. Appendix
1 v. Philadelphia: [s.n.], 1875
In the Supreme Court, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Sitting in Equity
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
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1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: s.n, 1867
In the Supreme Court, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Between Joshua Spering, Assignee, and Drexel and Others. In Equity. The Separate Answer of Stephen Coulter
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1868
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1 v. New Orleans, La.: s.n., 1851
In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals in and for the Ninth Circuit. United States of America, Complainants and Appellants, vs. Jane L. Stanford, Executrix of the Last Will of Leland Stanford, Deceased, Respondent and Appellee. In Equity. Before: Hon. W. B. Gilbert, Circuit Judge. Hon. T. P. Hawley, District Judge. Hon. W. W. Morrow, District Judge. Filed, September 20, 1895. Closing Argument of L. D. McKisick, for Complainants and Appellants, Revised
1 v. [San Francisco, Calif. : James H. Barry, Printer, 1895]
In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, for the Ninth Circuit. United States of America, Complainants and Appellants, vs. Jane L. Stanford, Executrix of the Last Will of Leland Stanford, Deceased, Respondent and Appellee
1 v. [San Francisco, Calif. : James H. Barry, Printer, 1895]
In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, for the Ninth Circuit: United States of America, Complainants and Appellants, vs. Jane L. Stanford, Executrix of the Last Will of Leland Stanford, Deceased, Respondent and Appellee. Closing Argument of L. D. McKisick, for Complainants and Appellants
1 v. San Francisco, Calif: James H. Barry, Printer, 1895
In the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, in and for the Ninth Circuit. In Equity. United States of America, Complainants and Appellants, vs. Jane L. Stanford, Executrix of the Last Will of Leland Stanford, Deceased, Respondent and Appellee. Oral Argument of John Garber, for Respondent and Appellee
1 v. [Washington, D.C.? : s.n., 1895]
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1 v. New York, N.Y.: National Emergency Civil Liberties Foundation], 1982
In the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, 82-6196: In re Alger Hiss, Petitioner-Appellant: On Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York: Petition for Reargument and Rehearing En Banc
1 v. New York, N.Y.: National Emergency Civil Liberties Foundation], 1983
In the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, 82-6196: In re Alger Hiss, Petitioner-Appellant: On Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York: Reply Brief for Petitioner-Appellant
1 v. New York, N.Y.: National Emergency Civil Liberties Foundation], 1983
In the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit: No. 79-1756, Sherry Eirhart, Plaintiff-Appellant, vs. Libby Owens-Ford, Inc., Defendant-Appellee: No. 79-1757, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Plaintiff-Appellant, vs. Libby-Owens-Ford, Inc., Defendant Appellee
1 v. 1979-1980
In the United States District Court for the District of Kansas: Richard Eugene Hickock and Perry Edward Smith, Petitioners vs. Sherman H. Crouse, Kansas State Penitentiary, Lansing, Kansas, Respondent
7 v. 1960-1965
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1 v. 1951-1952
In the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division: National Bank of Commerce of San Antonio, Plaintiff, v. F. Ray Marshall, Secretary of Labor and W. Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury, Defendants
1 v. San Antonio, Tex: Cox, Smith, Smith, Hale & Guenther, 1977
In the United States District Court, Northern District of California. The United States vs. Andres Castillero No. 420. New Almaden. Transcript of the Record
4 v. San Francisco: 1859-1861
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1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1870
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2v. New York: C. G. Burgyone, [1909]
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1v. S.I.: s.n., 1908
In Warm Blood: Some Historical and Procedural Aspects of Regina v. Dudley and Stephens
1 v. N.p: 1967
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1v. New York: Banks and Bros, 1895
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1v. Geneva: International Commission of Jurists, 2012
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1 v. New York: s.n., 1872.
India Courier Extraordinary. Proceedings of Parliament Relating to Warren Hastings, Esq. containing Mr. Burke's Charges, and Mr. Hastings's Defense
4 v. London: s.n., 1786-1787
Indian Justice: A Cherokee Murder Trial at Tahlequah in 1840
1 v. Oklahoma City, Okla: Harlow Pub. Co, 1934
Indianapolis News Panama Libel Case. Circumstances Preceding the Return of the Indictments and Proceedings for the Removal to the District of Columbia for Trial of Delavan Smith and Charles R. Williams, Publishers of the Indianapolis News. Order for Removal Denied October 13, 1909, by the United States District Court for the District of Indiana, Hon. Albert B. Anderson, Judge. Stenographic Report by Miss Margaret Wells; Reported by Louis B. Ewbank
1 v. Indianapolis, Ind: [The Fulmer-Cornelius press], 1909
Indictment of Mary Queen of Scots, as Derived from a Manuscript in the University Library at Cambridge, Hitherto Unpublished: With Comments on the Authorship of the Manuscript and on Its Connected Documents
1 v. Cambridge: University Press, 1923
Indictment, Arraignment, Tryal, and Judgment, at Large, of Twenty-Nine Regicides, the Murtherers of His Most Sacred Majesty King Charles the Ist, of Glorious Memory: Begun at Hicks's-Hill on Tuesday the Ninth of October, 1660 and Continued at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily until Friday the Nineteenth of the Same Month: Together with a Summary of the Dark and Horrid Decrees of Those Cabbalists, Preparatory to That Hellish Fact
1 v. London: Printed for J. Walthoe, J. Knapton, R. Knaplock, G. Conyers ... [and 9 others], 1724
Infernal Machine Case. Trial of William Arrison, for the Murder of Isaac Allison, before the Criminal Court - Judge Jacob Flinn
1 v. [Cincinnati]: H. H. Robinson & Co., printers, 1854
Information for Mungo Campbell, Late Officer of Excise at Saltcoats, in a Criminal Prosecution Before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, for the Alleged Murder of the Late Alexander, Earl of Eglinton: Archibald, Now Earl of Eglinton, and James Montgomery Esq, His Majesty's Advocate, Prosecutors
1 v. [Edinburgh, s.n.], 1770.
Information of Capt. Hen. Wilkinson, of What Hath Passed betwixt Him and Some Other Persons, Who Have Attempted to Prevail with Him to Swear High Treason against the Earl of Shaftsbury
1v. London: Printed for Henry Wilkinson, 1681
Iniquity Unfolded - An Account of the Treatment of Mr. Fairchild by the Deacons in South Boston, and Others
1 v. Exeter [N.H.]: The Author, 1844
Injunction Affidavit. Thomas, et al. vs. Monocacy Iron Company. S. C.
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1865
Innocence of Edith Thompson: A Study in Old Bailey Justice
1 v. New York: Roy Publishers, 1952
Inns of Court and Westminster Hall: Our Law-Its History, Characteristics and Influences. An Address Delivered before the Iowa State Bar Association, at Des Moines, May 14, 1878
1 v. Des Moines: Mills & company, 1878
Inquest on the Death of Agnes E. Lottimer: Before Dr. George C. Ball, Coroner, Brooklyn, N.Y.
1 v. New York: Baker, Godwin & Co, 1854
Inquiry into the Aspersions upon the Late Ordinary of Newgate, with Some Observations upon Newgate and upon the Punishment of Death
1v. London: Richard and Arthur Taylor, 1815
Inquiry into the State of Mind of W.F. Windham, Esq. of Fellbrigg Hall, Norfolk, before Samuel Warren, Esq., Q.C., and a Special Jury, upon the Petition of General Windham, C.B., etc., the Uncle of the Alleged Lunatic, and Other Members of the Family, at Her Majesty's Court of Exchequer, Westminster, Commencing December 10, 1861
1 v. London: W. Oliver, 1862
Inquiry, Historical and Critical, into the Evidence against Mary Queen of Scots; And an Examination of the Histories of Dr. Robertson and Mr. Hume, with Respect to that Evidence
2v. London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1790
Ins Pre-inspection: Trial Program At Shannon International Airport
April 30, 1987
Insanity in Its Relations to Crime. A Text and a Commentary
1 v. New York: D. Appleton & company, 1873
Inside History of the Great Burden Diamond Robbery
1 v. [New York]: Author, 1901
Inside Scenes of Atlanta's Black Week, a Series of Social Sensations and a Carnival of Crimes. Terminating with a Terrible Tale of Tragedies and Tears
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5v. Washington: National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, 1977
Institute of the Law relative to Trials at Nisi Prius
1v. London: Printed for T. Whieldon, and James Parker, 1789
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1 v. Chicago: Jameson & Morse, 1881.
Insular Cases, Comprising the Records, Briefs, and Arguments of Counsel in the Insular Cases of the October Term, 1900, in the Supreme Court of the United States, including the Appendixes Thereto
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1901
Insurance Investigation
1 v. [New York] : [s.n.], 1882.
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1v. New York: The Workers Education Bureau Press, 1928
Interessante Kriminal-Prozesse von Kulturhistorischer Bedeutung
12v. Berlin: H. Barsdorf, 1910-1919
Interesting and Unusual Cases
1v. Forest, Mississppi: Schmidt Publications, 1939
Interesting Case: Being an Account of the Legal Controversy over the Will of Benjamin Van Cleve, a Soldier of the Revolution, Twenty-one Years a Member of the Legislature and Three Times Speaker of the Assembly
1v. Trenton: s.n., 1927
Interference: Osgood v. Badger v. Bennett. Subject: Cash Carriers. Evidence on Behalf of Badger
1 v. Boston: Addison C. Getchell, 1887
International Extradition Case; Extradition of Jacques Licco Adutt, a Fugitive from Justice of Austro-Hungarian Government Charged with the Crime of Forgery
1 v. Chicago: Chicago legal news co, 1893
International Law in Connexion with Municipal Statutes Relating to the Commerce, Rights and Liabilities of the Subjects of Neutral States Pending Foreign War, Considered with Reference to the Trial of the Case of the Alexandra
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International Mind: An Argument for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes
1v. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1912
Updated June 5, 1998
Intersection between the Former Presidents Act and the Impeachment Process
June 5, 1998
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1v. Cambridge: Board of Student Advisers, Harvard Law School, 1962
Introduction to Juristic Psychology
1v. Calcutta: Thacker, Spink & Co, 1917
Introduction to Murder: The Unpublished Facts behind the Notorious Lonely Hearts Killers Martha Beck and Raymond Fernandez
1 v. New York: Greenberg, 1952
Introduction to the Defence of Abner Kneeland, Charged with Blasphemy; before the Municipal Court, in Boston Mass. at the January Term, in 1834
1 v. Boston: Printed for the publisher, 1834
Introduction to the Law Relative to Trials at Nisi Prius
1 v. London: Printed, 1788
Introduction to the Law Relative to Trials at Nisi Prius
1v. London: Printed by W. Strahan and M. Woodfall for C. Bathurst, 1772
Introduction to the Law Relative to Trials at Nisi Prius, Containing Additions to the Present Time
1v. New York: I. Riley, 1806
Introduction to the Law, Relative to Trials at Nisi Prius
1v. London: S. Brooke, 1817
Introductory Address at the Commencement of the Central High School, February 12, 1851
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by order of the board of the Controllers of the Public Schools, 1851
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1v. [S.I.: s.n.], 1889
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1v. Nashville, Tenn: Brandon Prtg. Co, 1910
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1v. Washington: Govt. Print. Off, 1924
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1v. Lansing: Thorp & Godfrey, 1887
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1 v. [New York: s.n.,] 1876
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1 v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1981
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Investigation of the Administration of Indian Affairs in the State of Oklahoma: Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Indian Affairs, House of Representatives, Sixty-Eighth Congress, First Session, Pursuant to H. Res. 348
1v. Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O., 1924
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1 v. London: J. Stratford, (Printed by W. Stratford), 1809.
Investigation of the House of Representatives of the Charges Made by Roscoe Conkling Against James B. Fry of Fraud in the Recruiting Service
1 v. [Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O.] 1866.
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11 v. [S.I.: s.n., 1894]
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1 v. New York : [s.n.] 1846
Investigation of United States Steel Corporation
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1912
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1998
Inviolability of Telegraphic Dispatches. Argument before the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Dauphin, in the State of Pennsylvania, in the Matter of the Commonwealth vs. Kemble et al. In Re Western Union Telegraph Company Sur Subpoena Duces Tecum
1 v. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott, 1873
Ireland in the Seventeenth Century; or, the Irish Massacres of 1641-2, Their Causes and Results
2v. London: Longmans, Green, and Co, 1884
Ireland Vindicated
1 v. New York: [s.n.], 1847.
Irish Eloquence. The Speeches of the Celebrated Irish Orators Philips, Curran and Grattan, to Which is Added the Powerful Appeal of Robert Emmett, at the Close of His Trial for High Treason
1 v. Philadelphia: Key & Biddle, 1834
Irish Eloquence: Speeches of the Celebrated Irish Orators Philips, Curran and Grattan to Which is Added the Powerful Appeal of Robert Emmett, at the Close of His Trial for High Treason
1 v. Philadelphia: E.C. & J. Biddle, 1854
Irish Gallantry: Fairburn's Edition of the Unprecedented Trial between Mark Browne, Esq. Plaintiff, and Martin Joseph Blake, Esq. Defendant, for Adultery; Including Mr. Phillips's Eloquent Speech for the Plaintiff at Full Length; with the Whole of the Curious Evidence on Both Sides of Which the Judge (Lord Norbury) Suppressed the Publication Comprising such a Body of Piquante, Unique, and Extraordinary Evidence of Irish Gallantry, as Was Never before Brought into a Court of Justice
1 v. London: Printed by Macdonald and Son, 1817
Irish Land Purchase Cases 1904-1911: Being a Verbatim Reprint of All the Cases Dealing with Land Purchase Reported in the Irish Reports and the Irish Law Times Reports
1v. London: H.M.S.O., Printed by J. Falconer, 1912
Irish Police Officer. Comprising the Identification, and Other Tales, Founded upon Remarkable Trials in Ireland
1 v. London: Ward and Lock, 1861
Irish Practice Decisions, 1906-1909, of the Supreme Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice, the County Courts, and the Recorders' Courts
1v. Dublin: [s.n.], 1909
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1 v. New York: William H. Colyer, 1844.
Is a Whale a Fish - An Accurate Report of the Case of James Maurice against Samuel Judd, Tried in the Mayor's Court of the City of New-York, on the 30th and 31st of December, 1818, Wherein the above Problem Is Discussed Theologically, Scholastically, and Historically
1 v. New York: C. S. Van Winkle, 1819
Is the South Ready for Restoration
1 v. [n.p., 1866
Isabella Draper, Appellant, against Joseph Stouvenel's Executrix, Respondent: Appellant's Points
1 v. New York: Sackett & Mackay, Law printers, 1868
Isabella Narvaez, the Female Fiend and Triple Murderess, or, the Life, Confession and Execution of Isabella Narvaez, the Atrocious Murderess of Three Husbands, Who Was Hung at Shelbyville, Mo., Friday, Sept. 30, 1853
1 v. Baltimore: A.R. Orton, 1855
Isle of Skye in 1882-1883
1v. Inverness: A. & W. Mackenzie, 1883
Israel Luce, Respondent against Jefferson Bloom Appellant
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It's a Secret
1 v. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1946
Italian Padrone Case: The United States of America against Antonio Giovanni Ancarola
1 v. New York: Styles & Cash, 1880
Iudicium Quinquevirale
1 v. Cambridge, Mass: Mediaeval Academy of America, 1935
Iust Reproof to Haberdashers-Hall: Or an Epistle Writ by Lieut. Colonel John Lilburn, July 30, 1651
1 v. London: s.n, 1651
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1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1850
Jack Ruby, the Law & Psychiatry
1v. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1964
Jack Sheppard
1v. Edinburgh: William Hodge & Company, Ltd., 1933
Jacob Albright, Respondent, against Mott J. Robertson, Appellant
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Jacob H. Terry, agt. Richard J. Ives
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca Journal Steam Press, 1857
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James Briggs, Respondent agt. Enos Briggs, Impleded with Franklin Vose, Appellants
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: A.E. Barnaby, 1856
James Buchanan, His Doctrines and Policy as Exhibited by Himself and Friends
1 v. Lancaster, Pa.? 1815
James Carver, Plaintiff in Error vs. James Jackson, on the Demise of John Jacob Astor, Theodosius Fowler [and Others] Defendant in Error: Writ of Error to the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, in the Second Circuit
1v. Albany: Croswell and Van Benthuysen, 1829
James Fisk Jr. and Others against the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company
1v. New York: Thompson & Pearson Printers, 1868
James Forsyth vs. John C. Gauntlett, Individually, and as Trustee for Mary C. Gauntlett, Georgia McGraw Curtiss, and Joseph W. McGraw; Thomas H. McGraw, Henry Patten, Frederick W. Cameron, as Assignee of Henry Patten; Pennington Whitehead, as Receiver of the Property of Thomas H. McGraw; Mary C. Gauntlett, Georgia McGraw Curtiss, and Joseph W. McGraw
1 v. Owego: Gazette pr., [19--]
James Horace Jones, Appellant against the People of the State of New York
1 v. Troy: Printed at the office of the Troy daily press, 1885
James I. Murray, Respondent, against Luther Roper, Appellant
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Democrat job, 1882
James Judge, Plaintiff and Respondent against the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany, Defendant and Appellant: Case and Exceptions
1 v. Albany: Argus, 1871
James McLallen and Others, Respondents: David Jones and others, Appellants. David Jones, Appellant agt. James McLallen and Others Respondents
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca Journal Steam Press, 1856
James P. McGranery, Attorney-General of the United States, Petitioner v. Communist Party of the United States, Respondent. Recommended Decision of Hearing Panel
1 v. [Washington: 1952]
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James S. Keen, Plaintiff in Error, vs. Margaret Vaughan, Executrix of Thos. Vaughan, Deceased. Counter-Statement and Argument of Defendant in Error
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1864
Japan: Tokyo War Crimes Trial
1v. Washington, D.C.: Law Library of Congress, 1982
Jay Gibbons Investigation. Testimony Taken before the Select Committee of the House of Assembly and Reported to the House March 20, 1861
1 v. Albany : R. M. Griffin & Co., 1861
Jeanne d'Arc, Maid of Orleans, Deliverer of France: Being the Story of Her Life, Her Achievements, and Her Death, as Attested on Oath and Set Forth in Original Documents
1v. New York: McClure, Phillips & Co., 1902
Jeannette Inquiry: Before the Committee on Naval Affairs of the United States House of Representatives, Forty-Eighth Congress
1v. Washington: G.P.O., 1884
Jeff Davis Piracy Cases. Full Report of the Trial of William Smith for Piracy, as One of the Crew of the Confederate Privateer, The Jeff Davis. Before Judges Grier and Cadwalader, in the Circuit Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Held at Philadelphia, in October, 1861
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, printers, 1861
Jefferson Borden Mutiny. Trial of George Miller, John Glew and William Smith for Murder on the High Seas. Before Clifford & Lowell, JJ.
1 v. Boston: Printed under direction of the Clerk of the Court, 1876
Jerome Rowe, Appellant against Myndart F. Abel, Respondant
1 v. [Ithaca, N.Y.: s.n., 18--?]
John A. Brown, Adm'r of John Aspden, of London; Samuel Jackson, Adm'r D.B.N.T.A. of John Aspden, of Lancashire; James McMurtrie and Rebecca, His Wife; George J. Naylor and James E. Packer; Thomas H. White, in His Own Right and as Ex'or of Elizabeth McPherson; Thomas Aspden, in His Own Right and as Ex'or of John Aspden, of Lancashire, et al., Appellants, vs. Matthias Aspden's Adm'r D.I.N.C.T.A., et al. on Appeal from the Circuit Court, U.S., for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
1 v. Pennsylvania: Gideon, Print., 1852
John A. Coleman vs. New York and New Haven Railroad
3 v., 1869-1871
John B. Benedict vs. City of Cincinnati. Record, Testimony and Exhibits
1 v. [Cincinnati, Ohio] : s.n., 1875
John Black et al., Complainants, and the Delaware and Raritan Canal Company et al., Respondents. Brief of John P. Stockton
1 v. [Trenton: s.n., 1873]
John Brown Invasion an Authentic History of the Harper's Ferry Tragedy, with Full Details of the Capture, Trial, and Execution of the Invaders, and of all the Incidents Connected therewith. With a Lithographic Portrait of Capt. John Brown, from a Photograph by Whipple
1 v. Boston: J. Campbell, 1860.
John C. Gauntlett, as Trustee for Mary C. Gauntlett, Georgia McGraw Curtiss and Joseph W. McGraw, against Henry Patton, David H. Patton, Thomas H. McGraw, Frank S. McGraw, Respondent
1 v. [Ithaca N.Y. : s.n., 1904]
John Davis, Committee of the Estate of Alva Davis, an Habitual Drunkard, Appellant, agt. Charles S. Spencer, Respondent
1 v. Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca journal steam press, 1858
John Dunwoody and Ezekiel Dunwoody, Trading as Dunwoody & Brother, Plaintiffs in Error, vs. Charles Raynor and Anna, His Wife, in Right of the Said Anna H., Defendants in Error. S. C., July Term. 1865. No. 87. Writ of Error to the District Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, Returnable First Monday of January, 1866, Exit June 27, 1865
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John Flanigan, Plaintiff and Respondent against the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of Albany, Defendant and Appellant: Case and Exceptions
1 v. Albany: Argus, 1871
John H. Stevens vs. Robert C. Schupphaus in the United States Patent Office
2 v. New York: C. G. Burgoyne, 1897
John J. Onan, agt. Richard J. Ives
1 v. Ithaca: Myron S. Barnes, 1856
John K. Archer, Lovina Archer, Nathaniel Archer, Genet Archer and Charlotte Archer v. John T. Carr
1 v. [S.l.: s.n., 18--?]
John K. Gamble, vs. Martha S. Gamble
1 v. Philadelphia: 1862
John Kelly, Plaintiff and Respondent against Nelson J. Waterbury
1 v. S.I.: s.n., 1875
John Kilpatrick, Plaintiff in Error v. The Commonwealth of Penna
1 v.Philadelphia: Robb, Pile & M'Elroy, 1858
John Kilpatrick, Plaintiff in Error, versus the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Paper Book of Defendant in Error
1 v. Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1858
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1 v. Albany: Argus, 1871
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Legal Hooliganism - Is the Yukos Show Trial Finally over: Briefing of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 111th Congress, 2d Session
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2015
Legal issues regarding military commissions and the trial of detainees for violations of the law of war : hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, July 7, 2009.
Washington : U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 2009
Legal materials on impeachment. [Compiled by] Special Subcommittee on H. Res. 920 of the Committee on the Judiciary, pursuant to H. Res. 93 ...
1v. Washington: U.S. Gvt. Print. Office, 1970
Legal Reasoning and Briefing: Logic Applied to the Preparation, Trial and Appeal of Cases, with Illustrative Briefs and Forms
1 v. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1917.
Legal Remedy: Or, the Beauties of Going to Law as Illustrated in the Famous Case of Pilkington vs. Popsquirt
1v. Boston: Redding & Co., 1849
Legal Review of the Case of Dred Scott, as Decided by the Supreme Court of the United States
1 v. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Company, 1857
Legislative History of the Multidistrict Litigation : Transfer of Pre-Trial Procedings : P.L. 90-296 : 82 Stat. 109 : April 29, 1968.
1v. Washington: Covington & Burling, 1968
Legislative History of the Speedy Trial Act Amendments Act of 1979 P.L. 96-43
2v. Washington: Arnold and Porter, 1979
Legislative History of the Speedy Trial Act of 1974: P.L. 93-619: 88 Stat. 2076: January 3, 1975
3v. Washington: Covington & Burling, 1975
Legislative History of Title I of the Speedy Trial Act of 1974
1 v. Washington, D.C.: Federal Judicial Center, 1980
Legislatorial Trial of Her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of England, Consort of George the Fourth, for the Alleged Crime of Adultery with Bartolomeo Bergami
1 v. London: Printed and published by H. Rowe, 1820
Leipzig Trials an Account of the War Criminals' Trials and a Study of German Mentality
1 v. London: H.F. & G. Witherby, 1921
Leo M. Frank Plaintiff in Error v. The State of Georgia Defendants in Error: Writ of Error to Fulton Superior Court. Brief and Argument for Plaintiff in Error
1 v. Atlanta, Ga.; Johnson-Dallis Co., [1914?]
Leo M. Frank, Appellant, against C. Wheeler Mangum, Sheriff of Falton County, Georgia. Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Appellant's Argument
1 v. [S.l.]: Supreme Court of the United States, October term, [1914?]
Leo M. Frank, Plaintiff in Error, vs. State of Georgia, Defendant in Error. In Error from Fulton Superior Court at the July Term, 1913
1 v. Atlanta, Ga.; [s.n.], [1913?]
Les reportes del Cases in Camera Stellata 1593 to 1609 from the Original ms. of John Hawarde of the Inner Temple Esquire Barrister-at-Law
1 v. London: Priv. print, 1894
Lest We Forget: The Trial and Execution of Two Brave Men, Sacco and Vanzetti
1v. London: National Committee, International Class War Prisoners Aid, 1927
Let Freedom Ring
1 v. New York: Boni and Liveright, c1928
Let Justice Be Supreme: Is Mrs. Maybrick Guilty, or Not Guilty of the Capital Charge
1 v. Liverpool: Printed for and published by the Author, 1892
Letter Addressed to Robert H. Ives, in Reply to His Published Statements in Relation to the Case in Equity Ives vs. Hazard
1 v. Newport: George T. Hammond, 1859
Letter and Petition of Francis Tracy Tobin, Esq., Attorney for Maria Dolores Pino Vuida [Sic] De Durio in the Matter of Claim before the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, to the Members of the United States Senate and Members of the House of Representatives
1 v. Philadelphia, 1902
Letter From a Clergyman to Miss Mary Blandy, Now a Prisoner in Oxford Castle; with Her Answer Thereto. As also Miss Blandy's Own Narrative of the Crime for which She is Condemn'd to Die
1 v. London: M. Cooper, 1752.
Letter from a Gentleman at Mahon, To - Giving an Account of the Escape and Marriage of Three Nuns of the Order of St. Clare
1 v. Edinburgh: printed by Thomas Lumisden and Company, and sold at their printing-house, 1749
Letter from Hon. William Whiting to Hon. Henry Wilson, of the U.S. Senate, Showing That the Government Is Bound to Fulfil in Good Faith Its Contract with the Central Branch Union Pacific R.R. Company
1v. [Washington]: [publisher not identified], 1870
Letter from James A. Finch, Librarian, Department of Justice Dated Feb. 10, 1902
1 v. 1902
Letter from Spanish Treaty Claims Commission Clerk to James A. Finch, Librarian, Dept. of Justice, Dated July 7, 1902
1 v. 1902
Letter from the Lady Creswell to Madam C. the Midwife, on the Publishing Her Late Vindication, &c.
1v. S.l: s.n, 1680
Letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe, on the Subject of the Attack on the Chesapeake; the Correspondence of Mr. Monroe with the British Government; and also, Mr. Madison's Correspondence with Mr. Rose on the Same Subject
1 v. Washington, A. & G. Way, Printers, 1808
Letter from the Secretary of War: In Answer to a Resolution of the House of January 9, Calling for a Record of the Trial by Court-Martial of Major David H. Hastings
1 v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. G.P.O., 1865
Letter from the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Transmitting, in Response to the Resolution of the Senate of December 9, 1903, Copies of the Papers Called for. December 14, 1903.--Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and Ordered to Be Printed
1 v. Washington: Govt. print. off, 1903
Letter of Charles Gibbons, Esq., Attorney for Thomas Doyle, Michael Uhler, Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, and Others, to the President of the United States, Preferring Charges against the Secretary of the Treasury
1 v. [Philadelphia,] 1873
Letter of Condolence to His Most Gracious Majesty on the Death of His Royal Consort
1 v. 1821
Letter of the Secretary of the Navy, Communicating the Proceedings of a Court-Martial on Commodore Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, and Certain Correspondence between the Secretary of the Navy and Commodore Jones
1 v.Washington: Printed at the Union Office, 1851
Letter to her Majesty The British Queen, with Letters to Lord Durham, Lord Glenelg and Sir George Arthur
1 v. Albany: Printed by C. Van Benthuysen, 1841
Letter to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on the Judgment of the High Court of Delegates in the Case of Talbot v. Talbot
1 v. London: Ridgway: Blenkarn, 1856.
Letter to John Pitt Taylor, Esq., in Answer to His Letter in the Times, of the 17th of November, on the Ruling of the Lord Chief Justice in the Case of Reg. v. Bedingfield
1 v. London: Vacher, 1879
Letter to Sir John Nicholl, Official Principal o fthe Arches Court of Canterbury, &c.: On His Late Decision in the Ecclesiastical Court, against a Clergyman, for Refusing to Bury the Child of a Dissenter: With a Preface, Most Humbly Addressed to the Most Reverend and Right Reverend the Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England
1 v. London: J.J. Stockdale, 1810
Letter to Sir. J. Mackintosh, Knt. M. P. Explanatory of the Whole Circumstances Which Lead to the Robbery of the Glasgow Sentinel Office; to the Death of Sir. Alexander Boswell, Bart.; to the Trial of James Stuart, Younger of Dunearn
1 v. Glasgow: Printed in the Sentinel office, 1822
Letter to the Bishop of London Containing a Charge of Fornication against Edward, Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor of England with His Lordship's de Bene Effe Defence
1v. London: Printed for the author, 1788
Letter to the Hon. Thomas Corwin, Secretary of the Treasury, In Reply to a Report of the Director of the Mint upon Charges Preferred against Professor James C. Booth, Melter and Refiner of the United States Mint
1 v. Washington: Gideon and Co., printers, 1852
Letter to the Honourable James Abercromby, M. P.
1v. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood, 1882
Letter to the Right Hon. Earl of Suffolk, One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State; in which the Innocence of Robert Perreau Is Demonstrated
1 v. London: Printed for T. Hookham, 1775.
Letter to the Right Honorable The Lord Brougham and Vaux, &c. &c. &c. on the Late Decision of the Earldom of Devon
1 v. London: Printed for J. Wilson, 1831
Letter to the Right Honourable Earl of --- Concerning the Affair of Elizabeth Canning
1 v. London: Printed for T. Seddon, 1753.
Letter to the Right Honourable the Lord Chief Justice of England, G.C.B. etc., etc. etc. in Reply to His Lordship's Letter on the Bedingfield Case
1 v. London: William Maxwell, 1880
Letters and Correspondence of Mrs. Virginia Myers, Which Have Never before Been Published or Even Read in Court, to Dudley Marvin Hoyt, Who Was Murdered at Richmond, Sept. 28th, 1846, by Wm. R. Myers, and Two Others
1v. Philadelphia: s.n., 1847
Letters of Daniel O'Connell, Esq. M.P., on the Reform Bill
1 v. Dublin: Printed by G. Folds, 1832
Letters of Sacco and Vanzetti
1 v. New York: The Viking press, 1928
Letters to the Right Honourable Lord Mansfield
1v. London: [s.n.], 1773
Letters Which Passed between Count Gyllenborg, the Barons Gortz, Sparre, and Others; Relating to the Design of Raising a Rebellion in His Majesty's Dominions, to Be Supported by a Force from Sweden
1v. London: Printed by S. Buckley, 1717
Leverett S. Tuckerman and Andrew Fitz, Trustees, vs. Central Law Journal Company, William H. Stevenson, President, and Lyne S. Metcalf, Jr., Secretary
1 v. St. Louis, Mo.?: Circuit Court of the United States, Eastern District of Missouri, 1899
Lewis Curtis, John L. Graham and Richard M. Blatchford, Respondents, against David Leavitt, Receiver of the North American Trust and Banking Company, Appellant, and John Horsley Palmer, James MacKillop and Thomas Dent, Respondent (Original Suit.)
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons and Co., Printers, 1857
Lewis Debozear, Plaintiff in Error, versus Franklin Butler, Assignee of James Peters, Defendant in Error. Supreme Court, March Term, 1853. No. 44. Paper Book of Plaintiff in Error. Counter Statement of Defendant in Error
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa.?: s.n, 1853
Lewis Eaton Administrator of the Estate of Apollos Eaton Deceased, against John Tichenor and Mary A. His Wife, John J. Maybee, Joseph Burritt, Henry Leonard Administrator of Augustus Sherrill Deceased, Ancel S. John, Marcus C. Riggs, James B. Wilson, Sanford Cobb, William R. Brewster, William Hastings, Edward D. Plympton and George H. Harpel
1 v. [S.l.: s.n., 18--?]
Lewis Forman, Plaintiff-Appellant, against Edward H. Bostwick, Impleaded with Randolph Horton, et al., Defendant-Respondent
1 v. Cooperstown, N.Y.: Arthur H. Crist Co. [1910]
Lewis Head, against Edward H. Teeter, as Executor, and Sarah Teeter, as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Sly Teeter, Deceased
1 v. [S.l : s.n.], [1876]
Lewis L. Forman, Plaintiff-Appellant vs. Edward H. Bostwick, et al., Defendant-Respondent. Appeal Book
1 v. Batavia, N.Y.: Press of Batavia Times [1910?]
Lewis L. Forman, Plaintiff-Appellant, vs. Edward H. Bostwick, et al., Defendant-Respondent. Appeal Book
1 v. Batavia, N.Y.: Press of Batavia Times [1910?]
Lewis Tappan, Plaintiff in Error, vs. John Beardsley and Horace Beardsley, Defendants in Error. Argument for Plaintiff in Error
1 v. New York: Russell's American Steam Printing House, 1871
Liberty Invaded; or, the Remarkable Case of an English Lady Presumptuously Held in a Slavish Imprisonment with these His Majesty's Dominions without Crime Against or any Demand Upon Her: Addressed to the Honourable House of Commons
1v. London: Printed for, and sold by W. Owen, and G. Woodfall, 1750
Liberty of the Press Vindicated, and Truth Triumphant: State versus Ira Berry, for an Alleged Libel on Cyprus Weston, the Nominal Complainant in the Prosecution, and the Nominal Mover of the Belgrade Resolutions: Also a Delegate to the Federal State Convention, Holden in Augusta, June 26, 1832; and the Pitiful Instrument and Victim of the Desperation and Folly of the Leaders of the Federal Party, in the County of Kennebec
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1832
Life and Adventures of Ambrose Gwinett, Apprentice to an Attorney at Law. Who for a Murder Which He Never Committed, Was Tried, Condemned, Executed, and Hung in Chains, in Old-England; yet Lived Many Years Afterwards, and in His Travels Found the Man in the West-Indies, Actually Alive, for the Supposed Murder of Whom He Had Been Really Executed
1 v. [s.l.]: Printed for the Travelling Booksellers, 1798.
Life and Adventures of Arthur Spring; The Murderer of Mrs. Ellen Lynch and Her Sister, Mrs. Shaw. With the Complete Trials, Speeches, and Conviction of the Murderer
1 v. Philadelphia: T.B. Peterson, c.1853
Life and Adventures of Charles Anderson Chester, The Notorious Leader of the Philadelphia Killers, Who Was Murdered, While Engaged in the Destruction of the California House, on Election Night, October 11, 1849
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed for the publishers, 1850
Life and Adventures of Manuel Fernandez, otherwise Richard C. Jackson, Convicted of the Murder of John Roberts and Executed at the Bellevue Prison, New York, on Thursday, the 13th of November, 1835
1 v. [New York?: s.n.], 1835
Life and Adventures of Peter Porcupine, with Other Records of His Early Career in England & America
1 v. London: Nonesuch Press, 1927
Life and Adventures of the Accomplished Forger and Swindler, Colonel Monroe Edwards
1 v. New York: H. Long & brother, 1848
Life and Career of Dr. William Palmer of Rugeley: Together with a Full Account of the Murder of John P. Cook and a Short Account of His Trial in May 1856
1v. London: T. Fisher Unwin Ltd, 1925
Life and Confession of Bridget Dergan, who Murdered Mrs. Ellen Coriell, of New Market N.J.
1v. Philadelphia: Barclay & Co., 1867.
Life and Confession of Carolino Estradas de Mina. Executed at Doylestown, June 21, 1832, for Poisoning with Arsenic, William Chapman. Written by Himself in the Spanish Language while under Sentence of Death in the Jail at Doylestown, and Delivered by Him to the Sheriff of Bucks County, with a Request to have the Same Translated into English
1 v. Philadelphia : Robert Desilver, 1832
Life and Confession of Ernst William Gross, Convicted of the Murder of John Peter Smith, at Jeffersonville, Indiana, on the 1st of November, 1849, for Which He Was Convicted, and Sentenced to Be Executed at New Albany, Indiana, on Friday, December 13th, 1850
1 v. New Albany, Ind.: Kent & Norman, Printers, 1850
Life and Confession of Henry Thomas Alias Thomas Dean Alias James Mitchell, The Burglar: Who Was Convicted at the December Term of the Supreme Court of Ross County, 1845, for the Murder of Frederick Edwards, at Bourneville, Ross County, Ohio, November 20, 1844, as Taken from His Own Lips, after His Conviction and Sentence, in the Prison, in Chillicothe
1 v. Columbus: C.C. & G.R. Hazewell, printers, 1846.
Life and Confession of Mary Jane Gordon. Who Was Tried, Condemned, and Hung, on the 24th Day of February 1847 for the Murder of Jane Anderson, a Native of Vassalboro, Maine
1 v. Augusta [Me.] Published for the author, 1847.
Life and Confession of Mary Runkle: Who Was Condemned and Sentenced to Be Executed at Whitesboro, Oneida Co., N.Y., on the 9th Day of November, 1847, for the Murder of Her Husband John Runkle
1 v. Troy, N.Y.: Steam press of J.C. Kneeland and co., 1847
Life and Confession of Sophia Hamilton, Who Was Tried, Convicted, and Sentenced to Be Hung, At Frederickton on the 8th Day of April, 1845, for the Perpetration of the Most Shocking Murders and Daring Robberies Perhaps Recorded in the Annals of Crime
1 v. Frederickton, N.B.: [s.n], 1845.
Life and Confessions of Charles E. Jones: Convicted of the Murder of Isaac Jackson, a Jew Peddler, at Springfield, Mass., December 7, 1857. Together with an Appendix, Embracing His Trial and the Speeches of Counsel
1 v. Montpelier, Vt: Ballou, Loveland, 1860
Life and Death of Sacco and Vanzetti
1 v. New York : International Publishers, 1927
Life and Dying Words of Capt. Nicholas Wingfield, and Capt. Adams Hyde, Who Was Executed at Execution-Dock, on Wednesday the Twenty-eighth of March, 1759, for Piracy on the High-Sea
1v. London : Printed by T. Bailey, 1759
Life and Execution of Jack Kehoe, King of the Mollie Maguires, together with a Full Account of the Crimes and Executions of the Other Principals in that Terrible Organization
1v. Philadelphia: Barclay & Co, 1879
Life and Exploits of Bristol Bill, the Notorious Burglar: Being Compiled from His Own Confessions and the Records of Crime in England and America
1 v. New York: William Berry, 1851
Life and Exploits of Jack Sheppard, the Notorious Housebreaker: Comprising His Several Escapes from Prison, and a Full Account of His Trial and Execution
1v. London: W.S. Johnson, [1850]
Life and History together with the Details of the Trial of Bill Fox, Executed at Nevada, Mo., Dec. 28, '83, for the Murder of T.W. Howard, May 20, 1883
1 v. [S.l. : s.n.], 1883
Life and Letters of Roscoe Conkling, Orator, Statesman, Advocate
1 v. New York: C.L. Webster & Company, 1889.
Life and Treason of Benedict Arnold
1v. New York: Harper, 1840
Life and Trial of the Rev. Ephraim K. Avery, for the Murder of the Young and Beautiful Miss Sarah M. Cornell, a Factory Girl of Fall River, Mass., Whose Affections He Won, and Whose Honor He Betrayed. He afterwords Strangled His Poor Victim, and Hung Her Body to a Hay-Stack in Order to Convey the Idea That She Had Committed Suicide
1 v. Philadelphia: Barclay & Co, 1883
Life in Sing Sing State Prison, as Seen in a Twelve Years' Chaplaincy
1 v. New York: N. Tibbals, 1860
Life of Andrew Hellman, alias Adam Horn. Containing Full Particulars of the Murder of His First Wife, His Escape from Prison, and Marriage with Malinda Horn, His Second Victim; with an Account of His Trial and Sentence, and a Complete Review of His Confession. To Which Is Added, a Full Account of the Staten Island Murders
1 v. Philadelphia: J.B. Perry and H. Jordan, 1844
Life of Benedict Arnold; His Patriotism and His Treason
1v. Chicago: Jansen, McClurg & Co, 1880
Life of David Haggart, Alias John Wilson, Alias John Morison, Alias Barney M'Coul, Alias John M'Colgan, Alias Daniel O'Brien, Alias the Switcher
1 v. Edinburgh: printed by James Ballantyne and Co. for W. and C. Tait, 1821
Life of David S. Terry Presenting an Authentic, Impartial, and Vivid History of His Eventful Life & Tragic Death
1 v. San Francisco, Cal: Continental Pub. Co, 1892; South Hackensack, N.J.: Rothman Reprints, 1971
Life of Dick En-L-D, Alias Captain En-L-D; of Turf Memory. With Notes and Illustrations
1 v. London: printed for T. Boosey; and to be had of all the booksellers, 1792
Life of Dr. Richard Jennings, the Great Victimizer: Giving a History of His Robberies, Poisoning, Seductions, Incests, &c.; Accounting for Many Strange and Inexplicable Disappearances, Robberies, &c., Which Have Happened Heretofore in Various Sections of the Country - The Whole Written by Himself, with a Short Account of His Last Days
1 v. Louisville: C. Hagan & Co.; Nashville: F. Hagan, c1848
Life of Dr. Samuel A. Mudd; Containing His Letters from Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas Island, Where He Was Imprisoned Four Years for Alleged Complicity in the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, with Statements of Mrs. Samuel A. Mudd, Dr. Samuel A. Mudd, and Edward Spangler Regarding the Assassinatin and the Argument of General Ewing on the Question of the Jurisdiction of the Military Commission, and on the Law and Facts of the Case; also Diary of John Wilkes Booth
1 v. New York and Washington: The Neale Pub. Co, 1906
Life of Eliza Sowers, Together with a Full Account of the Trial of Dr. Henry Chauncey, Dr. William Armstrong and William Nixon, for the Murder of That Unfortunate Victim of Illicit Love. Containing the Examination of Witnesses, Verdict, &c. &c. at the Court of Oyer & Terminer, January Session, 1839. Suppressed Evidence Not Omitted
1 v. Philadelphia: P. Augustus Sage, 1839
Life of General M. D. Stanley: An America Militia General: The Celebrated Roue, Swindler, Pickpocket, and Murderer, Who Was Executed at Vienna, Austria, September 17, 1853
1v. Boston: A. R. Orton, 1855
Life of Henry Phillips, Sentenced to be Executed at Boston, March 13th, 1817, for the Murder of Gaspard Denegri
1 v. [Boston?: Russell, Cutler & Co.?, 1817?]
Life of James Fisk, Jr.: The Story of His Youth and Manhood, with Full Accounts of All the Schemes and Enterprises in Which He Was Engaged, including the Great Frauds of the Tammany Ring. Biographical Sketches of Railroad Magnates and Great Financiers, with Brilliant Pen Pictures in the Lights and Shadows of New York Life: Josie Mansfield the Siren. How a Beautiful Woman Captivated and Ruined Her Victims. The Mansfield Mansion. The Rejected and Accepted Suitors. Edward S. Stokes, the Assassin, and an Account of the Assassination
1 v. Philadelphia, Chicago [etc.]: Union publishing co., 1872
Life of James Greenacre, Who was Executed at the Old Bailey for the Brutal Murder of Mrs. Hannah Brown. Embracing also an Authentic History of the Life of His Accessory Sarah Gale
3 v. London: William Wright, 1837
Life of Jesse Harding Pomeroy. The Most Remarkable Case in the History of Crime or Criminal Law
1 v. Boston, 1892
Life of Kate Stoddard: (Betsey King)
1 v. [S.l. : s.n., 18--]
Life of Mason Long: The Converted Gambler. Being a Record of His Experience as a White Slave; a Soldier in the Union Army; a Professional Gambler; a Patron of the Turf; a Variety Theater and Minstrel Manager; and, Finally, a Convert to the Murphy Cause, and to the Gospel of Christ
1 v. Fort Wayne, Ind: M. Long, 1887
Life of Michael Powers, Now under Sentence of Death, for the Murder of Timothy Kennedy
1 v. Boston: Russell & Gardner, 1820
Life of Richard Turpin, a Most Notorious Highwayman; Giving an Account of All His Daring Robberies and Burglaries; Also His Trial, Execution, Burial, &c.
1v. London: W.S. Johnson, [1850]
Life of the Unfortunate, Levi B. Swalm, Embellished with His Likeness
1 v. Reading, [Pa.]: Printed for the Publisher, 1860
Life of Thomas Muir, Esq. Advocate, Younger of Huntershill, Near Glasgow; Member of the Convention of Delegates for Reform in Scotland, etc. etc., Who Was Tried for Sedition before the High Court of Justiciary in Scotland, and Sentenced to Transportation for Fourteen Years. With a Full Report of His Trial
1 v. Glasgow: W.R. M'Phun, 1831
Life Story of Sarah M. Victor, for Sixty Years. Convicted of Murdering Her Brother, Sentenced to be Hung, Had Sentence Commuted, Passed Nineteen Years in Prison, Yet is Innocent
1 v. Cleveland, O.: The Williams Pub. Co, 1887
Life, Adventures, and Elopement of Emily La Croix, the Poisoner. Also, an Account of Jean La Croix, Her Brother, Better Known in California as Leon Gabralli, and Who Was Poisoned by His Sister, in Order to Secure the Immense Reward Offered by the Authorities for His Head. Also, an Account of Henri La Croix, Their Father, the Smuggler Chief, Who Received His Death from the Hand of His Own Daughter
1 v. [Baltimore]: Published by M.A. Milliette, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Buffalo, 1856
Life, Character, and Career of Edward W. Green, Postmaster of Malden, the Murderer of Frank E. Converse
1 v. Boston: Benjamin B. Russell, 1864.
Life, Condemnation, Dying Address, and Trial of the Three Thayers. Who were Executed for the Murder of John Love, at Buffalo, N.Y. June 17th, 1825
1 v. Boston [N.Y.]: Printed by John G. Scobie, for the publishers [1825]
Life, Confession, and Execution of the Jew and Jewess, Gustavus Linderhoff and Fanny Victoria Talzingler: Who Were Hung in Asheville, North Carolina, Oct. 27, 1854, for the Triple Murder of Abner, Benjamin, and Charles Ecclangfeldt, Three Orphan Children, Who Were Left to the Guardianship of the Villain Linderhoff, Together with Twenty Thousand Dollars
1 v. Baltimore: A.R. 0rton, 1855
Life, Confession, and Letters of Courtship of Rev. Jacob S. Harden of the M. E. Church, Mount Lebanon, Hunterdon Co., N. J. - Executed for the Murder of His Wife on the 6th of July 1860, at Belvidere, Warren Co., N. J.
1 v. Hackettstown, Warren Co., N.J.: E. Winton, 1860.
Life, Crime, and Capture of John Wilkes Booth, with a Full Sketch of the Conspiracy of Which He Was the Leader, and the Pursuit, Trail and Execution of His Accomplices
1 v. New York: Dick & Fitzgerald, 1865
Life, Crimes and Confession of Mrs. Julia Fortmeyer, of St. Louis, Mo., Known as the Baby Burner the Great Trial. Speeches of Counsel on Both Sides. Her Conviction
1 v. Philadelphia: Barclay & Co, 1881
Life, Progresses, and Rebellion of James, Duke of Monmouth, &c. to His Capture and Execution: With a Full Account of the Bloody Assize, and Copious Biographical Notices
2v. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1844
Life, Trial and Conviction of Edward Stokes, for the Assassination of Jas. Fisk, Jr.; to Which Is Added, the Life and Eventful Career of Josephine Mansfield
1v. Philadelphia: Published by Barclay & Co., 1873
Life, Trial and Conviction of William H. Westervelt, for the Abduction of Little Charley Ross: The Tragic Death of the Burglars Mosher and Douglass (on Long Island, N.Y.), Who Were Implicated in Abducting the Poor Little Fellow. The Confession. The Whole Case. The Trial in Full
1 v. Philadelphia: Barclay & Co, 1875
Life, Trial and Execution of Capt. John Brown: Being a Full Account of the Attempted Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, Va.
1 v. New York: R.M. DeWitt. Miami, Fla., Mnemosyne Pub. Co., 1969. Reprint of 1859 ed.
Life, Trial and Execution of Captain John Brown, Known as Old Brown of Ossawatomie, with a Full Account of the Attempted Insurrection at Harper's Ferry
1 v. New York: R.M. DeWitt, 1859
Life, Trial and Execution of Edward H. Ruloff, the Perpetrator of Eight Murders, Numerous Burglaries and Other Crimes; Who was Recently Hanged at Binghamton, N.Y.
1 v. Philadelphia : Barclay, c1873
Life, trial, and Confession of Frank C. Almy
1 v. Laconia, N.H.: J.J. Lane, 1891
Life, Trial, and Conviction of Captain John Brown, known as Old Brown of Ossawatomie, with a Full Account of the Attempted Insurrection at Harper's Ferry
1 v. New York: R.M. De Witt, 1859
Life, Trial, and Execution of James Blomfield Rush of Potash Farm, Near Wymondham for the Murder of Isaac Jermy, Esq., and Jermy Jermy, Esq., His Son, at Their Residence, Stanfield Hall, Norfolk
1 v. London: James Gilbert and Jarrold and Sons, 1800s.
Life, Trial, Condemnation, and Dying Address, of the Three Thayers! Who were Executed for the Murder of John Love, at Buffalo, N.Y., June 17, 1825
1 v. Buffalo [N.Y.]: Printed for the publisher, [1825]
Life, Trial, Confession and Conviction of John Hanlon, for the Murder of Little Mary Mohrman, Containing Judge Ludlow's Charge to the Jury, and the Speeches of the Learned Counsel on Both Sides
1 v. Philadelphia: Barclay & Co., 1870.
Life, Trial, Confession and Conviction of John Ware, for the Murder of His Father, near Berlin, Camden County, New Jersey
1 v. Philadelphia : Barclay Publishing House, 1871
Life, Trial, Confession and Execution of Albert W. Hicks, the Pirate and Murderer, Executed on Bedloe's Island, New York Bay, on the 13th of July, 1860, for the Murder of Capt. Burr Smith and Oliver Watts, on Board the Oyster Sloop E. A. Johnson. Containing the History of His Life (Written by Himself) from Childhood up to the Time of His Arrest. With a Full Account of His Piracies, Murders, Mutinies, High-Way Robberies, etc., Comprising the Particulars of Nearly One Hundred Murders. To Which Is Added the Account of His Arrest, Imprisonment, Trial and Execution. Also, His Phrenological Character, as Described by L. N. Fowler
1 v. New York: Robert M. De Witt, publisher, c1860
Lillian Madison's Murder: Petition of Ex-judge and B.T. Crump for a New Trial; the Evidence, Including Torn Envelopes, as Certified by the Clerks of the Court of Appeals and of the Hustings Court of Richmond City. D.M. 32-R. T.J. Cluverius vs. Commonwealth of Virginia. From the Hustings Court City of Richmond
1 v. Richmond: Johns & Goolsby, 1886.
Lindbergh Kidnaping Case. The True Story of the Crime that Shocked the World
1 v. Derby, Conn: Monarch Books, 1961
List of Remission of Sentences by the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions for the County of Philadelphia
1 v. [n.p.: 1868]
List of Some of the Benevolent Institutions of the City of Philadelphia, and Their Legal Titles, together with a Form of Devise and Bequest to Them
1 v. Philadelphia: Ashmead, 1859
List of Tories Who Took Part with Great Britain in the Revolutionary War, and Were Attainted of High Treason, Commonly Called the Black List
1 v. New York: Privately reprinted [by J.M. Bradstreet], 1865
Literature of Crime Catalogue of an Immense Collection of Legal Trials, All to Be Sold on Wednesday and Thursday, April 29th and 30th, 1885, at 3.30 P.M. by Bangs & Co.
1 v. New York: The Co, 1885
Literature of Witchcraft Trials: Books and Manuscripts from the Jacob Burns Law Library: An Essay
1v. Austin, Tex: Jamail Center for Legal Research, the University of Texas at Austin, 2008
Littlejohn Libel Suit. The Case of De Witt C. Littlejohn against Horace Greeley, Tried at the Oswego Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at Pulaski, Sept. 10-13, 1861, before His Honor, William J. Bacon. Containing the Rulings of Judge Bacon, the Arguments, and Points of Messrs. D. H. Marsh, I.T. Williams, John K. Porter, Chas. B. Sedgwick, and Henry A. Foster
1 v. New York: The Tribune Association, 1861
Live Questions: Including Our Penal Machinery and Its Victims
1 v. Chicago: Donohue and Henneberry, 1890