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Extraordinary Proceedings at the City Hall, New York, Commenced May 21st, and Continued, by Adjournments, to June 17th, 1833. Before David S. Jones, and Charles Graham, Esquires, Counsellors at Law, and David Perkins, and John Stearns, M. Drs, Commissioners, Appointed by the Chancellor of the State of New York, by Virtue of a Commission, in the Nature of a Writ de Lunatico Inquirendo to Enquire whether Joseph Wilfred Parkins, be a Lunatic. Combining the Evidence, Speeches of Counsel, and Singularly Skilful and Adroit Defence of the Alleged Lunatice The Lucid and Elaborate Charges of the Commissioners to the Jury, with the Legal Documents Appertaining to the Commission, viz: The Petition to the Chancellor Affidavits Commission, and Inquisition in Full

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