Session Laws Library
1905 Supplement to Deering's Code of Civil Procedure of California (Issued in 1903)
1 v. San Francisco [Calif.]: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1905
1905 Supplement to Deering's Political Code of California (Issued 1903)
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1905
1905 Supplement: Deering's Civil Code of California (Issued in 1903)
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1905
1925-1930 Supplement to the Compiled Statutes of New Jersey: Directly Supplementing the Cumulative Supplement to the Compiled Statutes of New Jersey 1911-1924
1 v. Newark: Soney & Sage, 1931
1927 Supplement to the Revised Statutes, 1919 of the State of Missouri
1 v. St. Louis: Thomas, 1927
1928 Supplement to the Virginia Code of 1924
1 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie, 1928
1930 Annual Supplement to Massachusetts Cumulative Statutes: Containing All General Laws of 1930 with Full Annotations
1 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1930
1930 Cumulative Supplement to the Compiled General Laws of Florida, 1927
1v. Atlanta: Harrison, 1930
1931 Annual Supplement to Massachusetts Cumulative Statutes: Containing All General Laws of 1931 with Full Annotations
1 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1931.
1932 Cumulative Supplement to the Compiled General Laws of Florida, 1927
1v. Atlanta: Harrison, 1932
1934 Cumulative Supplement to the Compiled General Laws of Florida, 1927
1v. Atlanta: Harrison, 1934
1934 Supplement to the Virginia Code of 1930
1 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1934
1935 Colorado Statutes Annotated
17 v. Colorado: Bradford-Robinson Printing Co., 1937-1953
1938 Supplement to the Mississippi Code of 1930
1 v. Atlanta: Harrison Co, 1939
1939 Supplement to Deering's 1937 Codes and General Laws and to Treadwell's Constitution of California
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1939.
1940 Cumulative Supplement to the Virginia Code of 1936
1 v. Charlottesville, VA: Michie Co, 1940
1940 Supplement to the 1932 Idaho Code, Annotated
1 v. Denver, Col: Courtright Pub. Co, 1941
1944 Cumulated Annotated Supplement to Pope's Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas, 1937
1 v. Saint Louis, Mo: Thomas Law Book Co, 1944
1946 Annotated Supplement to Pope's Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas, 1937
1 v. Saint Louis, Mo: Thomas Law Book Co, 1946
1953 Cumulative Service: Carroll's Kentucky Codes
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin company, 1953
Abridgment of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey, and of the Amended Constitution
1v. Somerville: Honeyman & Rowe, 1878
Abstract of the Laws of the District of Columbia
1 v. Washington City, D.C.: W.M. Morrison & Co, 1855
Abstract of the Most Important Alterations, of General Interest, Introduced by the Revised Statutes; the Principal Part of Which Originally Appeared in Numbers Published in the Ontario Messenger
1 v. Canandaigua, NY: Day and Morse, 1830
Acts and Laws of His Majesties Colony of Connecticut in New-England
1v. Boston: Printed by Bartholomew Green, and John Allen, 1702; Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co, 1901
Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence-Plantations, in New-England, in America, from Anno 1745 to Anno 1752
1v. Newport, RI: J. Franklin, 1752
Acts and Laws of His Majesty's Province of New-Hampshire: In New-England; with Sundry Acts of Parliament
1v. Portsmouth [N.H.]: Printed by Daniel and Robert Fowle, and sold at their Office near the State-House, 1771
Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut in America
1 v. Hartford: Printed by Elisha Babcock, 1786
Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut in America
1v. Hartford, Conn: Hudson & Goodwin, 1805.
Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut in America
1v. New London: Printed by T. Green, Printer to the Governor and Co. of the State of Connecticut, 1784.
Acts and Laws of the State of Connecticut, in America
1v. Hartford: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, 1796.
Acts and Laws, of His Majesties Colony of Connecticut in New-England: Passed by the General Assembly, May 1716 to May 1749
1v. Hartford : Albert C. Bates, 1919
Acts and Laws, of His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England
1v. Boston in New-England: Printed by B. Green, Printer to the Honourable the Lieut. Governour & Council, for Benjamin Eliot, and Sold at his Shop near the Town House in King's-Street, 1726
Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia 1884-85
1 v. Atlanta, GA.: James P. Harrison & Co, 1885
Acts and Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of South-Carolina, Passed in March, 1817
1 v. Columbia: Printed by D. & J.J. Faust, State Printers, 1817
Acts and Resolutions Passed at the Several Sessions of the Territorial Legislature of Iowa, 1840-1846
1v. Des Moines: E.H. English, State printer, 1912.
Acts of Assembly, Now in Force, in the Colony of Virginia
1 v. Williamsburg: Printed by W. Rind, A. Purdie, and J. Dixon, 1769.
Acts of Assembly, Passed in the Province of New-York, from 1691, to 1718
1 v. London: Printed by John Baskett ... and by the assigns of Thomas Newcomb and Henry Hills, 1719
Acts of Congress, in Relation to the District of Columbia, from July 16, 1790, to March 4th, 1831, Inclusive and of the Legislatures of Virginia and Maryland
1 v. Washington City: Wm. A. Davis, 1831
Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Carefully Compared with the Originals
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Francis Bailey, 1782
Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey
1v. Burlington [N.J.]: Printed by Isaac Collins, Printer to the King, for the province of New-Jersey, 1776
Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey, from the Time of the Surrender of the Government in the Second Year of the Reign of Queen Anne, to This Present Time
1v. [Philadelphia]: Printed by W. Bradford, 1752
Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey, from the Time of the Surrender of the Government of the Said Province, to the Fourth Year of the Reign of King George the Second
1v. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by William and Andrew Bradford, Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, for the Province of New-Jersey, 1732
Acts of the General Assembly of the Province of New-Jersey, from the Year 1753
1v. Woodbridge, in New-Jersey: Printed by James Parker, printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, for the province, 1761
Acts of the General Assembly of the State of New-Jersey
1v. Trenton: Printed by Isaac Collins, printer to the State of New-Jersey, 1784
Acts of the Parliament of Australia
Acts of the Parliament of Canada (Annual Statutes)
Acts, Resolutions and Memorials Passed at the Several Annual Sessions of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah
1 v. Great Salt Lake City: H. McEwan, public printer, 1866.
Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, Passed at the Several Annual Sessions of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah
1v. Great Salt Lake City: Joseph Cain, public printer, 1855.
Addenda to Volume II of the Annotations to the Code of Iowa
1 v. [Des Moines]: State of Iowa, 1940
Administration of Finance in Oklahoma
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
Administrative Organization in Oklahoma
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1947
1818-2017; Including the Territory of Alabama (1818-1819)
Alabama Code of 1928
1 v. + 2 Supp., Charlottesville, Va: Michie, 1929
Alabama School Code
1v. 1927
1913-2023; Including the Territory of Alaska (1913-1959)
Alaska Compiled Laws, Annotated Cumulative Supplement
3v. Oxford, NH: Equity Publishing Corporation, 1958
Amended Code of West Virginia, Containing All the Chapters of the Code of 1868, as Amended by Subsequent Legislation to and including the Acts of 1883
1 v. Charleston, WV: Kanawha Gazette, 1884
Amendments to the Codes of Practice in the State of Arkansas, in Civil and Criminal Cases, Adopted by the General Assembly of Arkansas, and Approved March 27, 1871
1 v. Little Rock, Ark: Price and Barton, 1871.
Amendments to the Revised Statutes, of the Territory of Minnesota, Passed at the Third Session of the Legislative Assembly, Commencing January 6, 1852
1 v. St. Paul: Owens & Moore, 1852
Analysis of the Laws of Georgia, since the Code of 1882
1 v. Atlanta, Ga: Constitution Pub. Co, 1888
Analysis of the Statutes of Georgia in General Use with the Forms and Precedents Necessary to Their Practical Operation and an Appendix
1 v. New York: Printed by E.O. Jenkins, 1846
Analytical Digest of the Laws of the District of Columbia, Containing All the Laws of Maryland of Force and Applicable in the District of Columbia
1 v. Washington City, D.C.: W.H. & O.H. Morrison, 1863
Analytical Index to the Laws of Texas, 1823-1905 (Both Dates Inclusive)
1 v. Austin, Tex.: Von Boeckmann-Jones, 1906; Littleton, Colo: F.B. Rothman, 1987
Anno Regni Georgii Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, and Hiberniae Decimo, at the Session of the General Assembly of the Colony of New Jersey, Begun the Twenty Fourth Day of September, Anno Domini 1723
1v. Perth-Amboy: Printed by W. Bradford, 1723
Annotated Civil Code of Arkansas
1 v. St. Louis, Missouri: Thomas law Book Co, 1934
Annotated Civil Code of Practice of the State of Kansas
1v. Topeka, Kan: G.W. Crane & Co, 1886.
Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas: Supplement for 1888-1893
1 v. St. Louis, Mo: Gilbert Book Co, 1894.
Annotated Code of Civil Practice for Wisconsin and Iowa
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan and Co, 1875
Annotated Code of Nebraska
1 v. Beatrice, Neb: J.E. Cobbey, 1901
Annotated Code of the General Statute Laws of the State of Mississippi
1 v. Nashville, Tenn: Marshall & Bruce, 1892
Annotated Code of the Public Civil Laws of Maryland
4 v. Baltimore: King Bros, 1911-1918
Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
3 v. Baltimore, Md: King Bros, 1951
Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland
2 v. + Supplement, Baltimore, Md.: 1939-1947
Annotated Code of the State of Iowa: Containing All the Laws of a General Nature Enacted by the Twenty-Sixth General Assembly, at the Extra Session, Which Adjourned July 2, 1897
1 v. Des Moines: F.R. Conaway, 1897
Annotated Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as Amended to January 1, 1910 Containing Also the Federal and State Constitutions with Notes of Board of Statutory Consolidation, Tables of Laws and Index
11 v. New York: Banks Law Pub. Co, 1909-1916
Annotated Consolidated Laws of the State of New York as Amended to January 1, 1918 Containing Also the Federal and State Constitutions with Notes of Board of Statutory Consolidation, Tables of Laws and Index
15 v. New York: Banks Law Pub. Co, 1917-1925
Annotated Index of the Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana from 1870 to 1888, Inclusive, with References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court through the 41st Annual
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1890
Annotated Index of the Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana. Through the Session of 1894, with References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court through the 46th Annual
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1895
Annotated Index of the Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana. Through the Session of 1894, with References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court through the 46th Annual
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1903
Annotated Indiana Practice Code. The Indiana Code of Civil Procedure, with Notes of Judicial Decisions
1 v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson, 1893
Annotated Mississippi Code Showing the General Statutes in Force August 1, 1917
2 v. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1917
Annotated Mississippi Code Supplement of 1921
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1921
Annotated Ohio Code of Civil Procedure
1 v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson & Co, 1896.
Annotated Penal Laws of Georgia
1 v. Macon: J.W. Burke & Co., printers and binders, 1875
Annotated Pocket Digest of Texas
1 v. Houston: Cumming & Sons, Printers, 1907.
Annotated Probate Code of Ohio
1 v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson, 1894.
Annotated Revised Codes of the Territory of Dakota, 1883
2v. Saint Paul: West Pub. Co, 1883.
Annotated Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio including All Laws of a General Nature in Force January 1, 1902
3v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson & Co, 1900.
Annotated Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio including All Laws of a General Nature in Force January 1, 1904
3v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson Co, 1903.
Annotated Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio including All Laws of a General Nature in Force January 1, 1908
3v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson & Co, 1906
Annotated Revision of the Statutes of Louisiana through the Session of 1915
3 v. + Supplement, New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1915
Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois in Force January 1, 1885
2 v. + Supp. Chicago: Callaghan and Company, 1885
Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois in Force January 1, 1913
6 v. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1913
Annotated Statutes of the State of Illinois in Force May 1, 1896 Embracing the Revision of 1874, and All General Statutes Enacted since Such Revision, So Far as in Force
3 v. + Supp. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1896
Annotated Statutes of the State of Indiana Showing the General Statutes in force January 1, 1894
4 v. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill Co, 1894-1897
Annotated Statutes of the State of Missouri 1906
5 v. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1906
Annotated Statutes of Wisconsin, Containing the General Laws in force October 1, 1889
2 v. Chicago, Ill: Callaghan, 1889
Annotated Statutes, Civil and Criminal, of the State of Texas, Containing Laws of the 20th Legislature, Special Session, and the 21st Legislature, with Notes of Decisions: Supplement for 1889
1 v. St. Louis, Mo: Gilbert Book Co, 1889.
Annotations to Code of Iowa
2 v. [Des Moines]: The State, 1925-1940
Annotations to Code of West Virginia from Decisions of the Courts of Last Resort of West Virginia and Virginia
1 v. Richmond, Va: W.E. Ross, 1905
Annual Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania for the Years 1862 to 1870
1 v. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1870.
Annual Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania for the Years 1873 to 1878
1 v. Philadelphia: Kay, 1878.
Apportionment in Oklahoma
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
1864-2023; Including the Territory of Arizona (1864-1912)
1818-2023; Including the Territory of Arkansas (1818-1836)
Baldwin's Cumulative Code Supplement, Tennessee 1920
1 v. Louisville: Baldwin Law Book Co, 1920.
Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes, Annotated
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin, 1963
Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes, Annotated, 1955
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Co, 1955
Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code, Annotated
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Law Pub. Co, 1958.
Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code, Annotated
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Co, 1953
Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code, Annotated; 1953; Pre-1910 Case Notes
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin, 1953
Baldwin's Tennessee Code Supplement, 1932 Annotated, Supplementing 1932 Official Code of Tennessee
1v. Cleveland: Baldwin Law Pub. Co, 1932.
Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington, Showing all Statutes in Force, including the Session Laws of 1897
2 v. + Supplement, Seattle: Bancroft-Whitney, 1897
Battle's Revisal of the Public Statutes of North Carolina, Adopted by the General Assembly at the Session of 1872-'3
1 v. Raleigh: Edwards, Broughton, 1873
Biennial Supplement to Kerr's Cyclopedic California Codes
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Company, 1915.
Biennial Supplement to the Codes of the State of California: Showing All the Changes Affecting the Codes Passed at the Forty-Eighth Session of the Legislature
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss, 1930.
Biennial Supplement to the Codes of the State of California: Showing All the Changes Affecting the Codes Passed by the Fiftieth Session of the Legislature
1 v. San Francisco, Calif: Bender-Moss, 1934.
Biennial Supplement to the Codes of the State of California: Showing All the Changes Affecting the Codes Passed by the Forty-Seventh Session of the Legislature
1 v. San Francisco, Calif: Bender-Moss, 1928.
Biennial Supplement to the Political Code, Civil Code, Code of Civil Procedure, Probate Code, and Penal Code of the State of California
1 v. San Francisco, Calif: Bender-Moss, 1936.
Black Code of the District of Columbia, in Force September 1st, 1848
1 v. New York: Published for the A. & F. Anti-Slavery Society, by William Harned, 1848
Blue Laws of Connecticut: A Collection of the Earliest Statutes and Judicial Proceedings of That Colony; Being an Exhibition of the Rigorous Morals and Legislation of the Puritans
1v. Philadelphia: D. Rulison, 1861.
Blue Laws of New Haven Colony, Usually Called Blue Laws of Connecticut; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina
1v. Hartford: Printed by Case, Tiffany & Co, 1838
Branch's Annotated Penal Code of the State of Texas
2 v. Chicago: T.H. Flood & Co, 1916.
Brightly's Purdon's Digest. A Digest of the Statute Law of the State of Pennsylvania from the Year 1700 to 1894
2v. Philadelphia: Kay and brother, 1894.
Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes Showing the General Statutes in force January 1, 1908
3 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1908
Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes Showing the General Statutes in force January 1, 1914
4 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1914
Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes Showing the General Statutes in force September 1, 1901
3 v. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill, 1901
Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes Supplement of 1905 containing the General Statutes Enacted at the Legislative Sessions of 1903 and 1905, together with Notes of the Decisions of the Highest Courts
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1905.
Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes Supplement of 1921; Containing the General Statutes Enacted at the Legislative Sessions of 1915, 1917, 1919, 1920, 1921, together with Notes of the Decisions of the Highest Court
2 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1921
California Practice Act
1 v. San Francisco [Calif.]: H.H. Bancroft and Co, 1860
California Practice Act
1 v. San Francisco [Calif.]: Whitton, Towne & Co, 1858
California Probate Law and Practice
1 v. San Francisco: Sterett & Butler, 1858
Callaghan's Illinois Statutes Annotated 1913-1916 Embracing All General Acts Passed from January 1, 1913, to and including June 1, 1916, Together with Exhaustive Annotations
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1916
Callaghan's Illinois Statutes Annotated 1917-1920
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan and company, 1920
Carroll's Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Kentucky
Louisville, KY: Baldwin Law Book Co, 1927
Carroll's Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Kentucky with Notes of Decisions of Court of Appeals to January, 1919
1 v. Louisville, Ky: Baldwin Law Bk. Co, 1919.
Carroll's Kentucky Codes, Annotated; Civil and Criminal, with Forms, 1948 Revision
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Law Pub. Co, 1948
Carroll's Kentucky Codes, Civil and Criminal, with Forms; Annotated
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin company, 1938
Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, Annotated. Baldwin's 1936 Revision, Containing all Laws to October 1936
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Company, 1936
Carroll's Kentucky Statutes, Annotated. Containing All Laws of a General Nature Enacted by the General Assemblies of 1930 and 1932, Together with Notes of Decisions of the Court of Appeals through Volumes 230 to 245 Kentucky Reports; 1933 Supplement
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Law Publishing Company, 1933
Changes in the Laws Made by the Revised Statutes of Utah of 1898
1 v. Salt Lake City: Tribune Job Print. Co., 1897
Charter Granted by His Majesty King Charles the Second, to the Colony of Rhode-Island, and Providence-Plantations, in America
1 v. Boston: Printed by J. Allen for N. Boone, 1719
Charter to William Penn, and Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania, Passed between the Years 1682 and 1700
1 v. Harrisburg: L.S. Hart, State Printer, 1879
Charters and General Laws of the Colony and Province of Massachusetts Bay
1v. Boston: Printed and published by T.B. Wait and Co, 1814
Chase California Codes: Containing Civil, Probate, Penal Codes and Code of Civil Procedure, with Multiple Index
1v. San Francisco: Chase Law Book Co, 1947
Check-List of Session Laws
1 v. New York: H.W. Wilson Co, 1936.
Checklist of United States Session Laws - 1789-1873
1v. [Washington]: [Library of Congress, Law Library], 1976
Chief Executive
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
Chronological Sketch of the Legislation from 1752 to 1884 on the Subject of Printing the Acts and Resolves of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
1v. [Boston: Province Law Commission], 1889
Citations to the Code of Virginia
1 v. Richmond, Va: J.W. Randolph & Co, 1895.
Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Kentucky
1 v. Frankfort, KY: Major, Johnston & Barrett, 1876
Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Kentucky with Notes of Decisions of the Court of Appeals to January, 1895. Amendments and Acts relating to Codes to January, 1895
1 v. Louisville: Courier-Journal Job Printing Co, 1895
Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Kentucky with Notes of Decisions of the Court of Appeals. Amendments and Acts Relating to Codes to July, 1888
1 v. Louisville: The Courier-Journal Job Printing Co, 1888
Civil and Criminal Codes of Practice of Kentucky: With Notes of Decisions of the Court of Appeals to April, 1906
1 v. Louisville, Ky: Courier-Journal, 1906.
Civil Code of Porto Rico
1v. San Juan, P.R.: Negociado de Materiales, Imprenta, y Transporte, 1930
Civil Code of State of Idaho, 1901
1 v. Boise, Idaho: Capital News Print. Co, 1901
Civil Code of the State of California
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1892.
Civil Code of the State of California
2 v. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft & Co, 1874
Civil Code of the State of California Adopted March 21, 1872 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Ninth Session of the Legislature, 1931
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1931
Civil Code of the State of California with Amendments up to and including Those of the Fifty-First Session of the Legislature, 1935
2 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co, 1935-1943
Civil Code of the State of California, as Enacted in 1872, Amended at Subsequent Sessions, and Adapted to the Constitution of 1879, with References to the Decisions in Which the Code Was Cited
1 v. San Francisco: Sumner Whitney, 1883
Civil Code of the State of California, as Enacted in 1872, Amended at Subsequent Sessions, and Adapted to the Constitution of 1879; and an Appendix of General Laws upon the Subjects Embraced in the Code
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1903
Civil Code of the State of California, as Enacted in 1872, Amended at Subsequent Sessions, and Adapted to the Constitution of 1879; and an Appendix of General Laws upon the Subjects Embraced in the Code, with Citations up to and including Volume 147
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1906
Civil Code of the State of California, as Enacted in 1872, Amended at the Subsequent Sessions, and Adapted to the Constitution of 1879; and an Appendix of General Laws upon the Subjects Embraced in the Code
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1899
Civil Code of the State of California. Adopted March 21, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Legislature, 1923
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company, 1924
Civil Code of the State of California. Adopted March 21, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-First Session of the Legislature, 1915
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1915
Civil Code of the State of California. Adopted March 21, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Thirty-Eighth Session of the Legislature, 1909
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1909
Civil Code of the State of California: As Enacted in 1872, Amended at Subsequent Sessions, and Adapted to the Constitution of 1879
1v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1897
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana
1 v. Monroe: Printed at the Office of the Louisiana Intelligencer, 1869
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana
1 v. New-Orleans: Printed by J.C. de St. Romes, 1825
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana Revision of 1870
1 v. + Supplement, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1932
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana Revision of 1870
2 v. + 4 Supplements, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1945-1957
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana, Preceded by the Treaty of Cession with France, the Constitution of the United States of America, and of the State
1 v. Paris, France: Impr. de E. Duverger, 1825
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana: With the Statutory Amendments from 1825 to 1866 Inclusive
1 v. New Orleans: Bloomfield & Co., 1867
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana: With the Statutory Amendments, from 1825 to 1853, Inclusive; and References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana to the Sixth Volume of Annual Reports
1 v. New Orleans: Bloomfield & Steel, 1861
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana: With the Statutory Amendments, from 1825 to 1853, Inclusive; and References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana to the Sixth Volume of Annual Reports
1 v. New Orleans [La.]: J. B. Steel, 1854
Civil Code of the State of Louisiana; with Annotations
1 v. New Orleans: E. Johns & Co, 1838
Civil Code of the State of New York
1v. Albany: Printed by Weed, Parsons & Co, 1865
Civil Laws of the Hawaiian Islands 1897. Compiled from the Civil Code of 1859 and the Session Laws of 1860 to 1896 Inclusive
1 v. Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette Print, 1897
Civil Practice Act of the State of California, as Amended
1 v. San Francisco: H.H. Bancroft, 1863
Civil Practice Act of the State of California, including Amendments of 1868
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft & Co, 1868
Civil Procedure in Louisiana (Following the Code of Practice)
1 v. Napoleonville, La: Published and sold by the writer, 1916
Cobbey's Annotated Statutes of Nebraska
1v. in 3. Beatrice, Neb: J.E. Cobbey, 1909
Code of 1650, Being a Compilation of the Earliest Laws and Orders of the General Court of Connecticut
1v. Hartford: S. Andrus, 1822.
Code of Alabama
1 v. Montgomery: Brittan and De Wolf, State Printers, 1852
Code of Alabama 1876
1 v. Montgomery: Barrett & Brown, printers for the State, 1877
Code of Alabama Adopted by Act of the Legislature of Alabama Approved August 17, 1923
4 v. Atlanta, Ga: Foote & Davies, 1923
Code of Alabama Adopted by Act of the Legislature of Alabama Approved July 2, 1940
10 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1941
Code of Alabama Adopted by Act of the Legislature of Alabama Approved July 27, 1907
3 v. + Supplement, Nashville, Tenn: Marshall & Bruce, 1907
Code of Alabama, Adopted by Act of the General Assembly Approved February 28, 1887
2 v. Nashville: Marshall & Bruce, printers, 1887
Code of Alabama, Adopted by Act of the General Assembly of the State of Alabama, Approved February 16, 1897, Entitled an Act to Adopt a Code of Laws for the State of Alabama
2 v. Atlanta, Ga: Foote & Davies, 1897
Code of Civil Procedure and the Probate Code of the State of California with Amendments up to and including Those of the Fifty-First Session of the Legislature, 1935
2 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co, 1935
Code of Civil Procedure for the State of Colorado, with all Amendments Made Prior to January 1, 1884, including Partition and Condemnation
1 v. Denver, [Colo.]: Times Steam Pub. House, 1884.
Code of Civil Procedure for the State of Ohio with the Subsequent Amendments, Supplementary Acts, and Statutes Regulating the Practice
1 v. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co, 1874.
Code of Civil Procedure of North Carolina, to Special Proceedings
1v. Raleigh: N. Paige, state printer, 1868
Code of Civil Procedure of North Carolina, with Notes and Decisions to 1884
1 v. Raleigh: Edwards, Broughton, 1884
Code of Civil Procedure of North Carolina, with Notes and Decisions to December, 1891
1 v. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton, 1892
Code of Civil Procedure of Puerto Rico
1v. San Juan, P.R.: Negociado de Materiales, Imprenta, y Transporte, 1933
Code of Civil Procedure of State of Idaho, 1901
1 v. Boise, Idaho: Capital News Print. Co, 1901
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California
2 v. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft, 1874
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California
1 v. Sacramento: T.A. Springer, 1872
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California Adopted March 11, 1872 and Amended up to and including 1905
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1906
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California Adopted March 11, 1872 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Legislature, 1923
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1927
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California Adopted March 11, 1872 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Ninth Session of the Legislature, 1931
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1931
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California Adopted March 11, 1872, and Amended in 1889 with Notes and References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court
1 v. San Francisco [Calif.]: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1889
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California Adopted March 11th, 1872; to Take Effect January 1st, 1873
1 v. San Francisco: S. Whitney, 1872
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. Adopted March 11, 1872, and Amended up to and including 1899
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1899
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. Adopted March 11, 1872, and Amended up to and including 1903
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1903
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. Adopted March 11, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Legislature, 1923
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1923
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. Adopted March 11, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-First Session of the Legislature, 1915
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1915
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. Adopted March 11, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Thirty-Eighth Session of the Legislature, 1909
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1909
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California: Adopted March 11th, 1872, and Amended in 1881, with Notes and References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court
1 v. San Francisco, CA: S. Whitney, 1882
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Colorado
1 v. Denver: Times Steam Print. House and Blank Book Manufactory, 1877
Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Iowa, as Adopted by the Fourteenth General Assembly, and as Amended by the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth General Assemblies
1 v. Des Moines, Iowa: Mills & Co, 1878
Code of Civil Procedure, and Other General Statutes of Oregon, Enacted by the Legislative Assembly, at the Session Commencing September 8, A.D., 1862
1 v. [Salem, Or.]: Asahel Bush, State Printer, 1863.
Code of Civil Procedure, of the State of New York
1v. New York: Banks & Bros, 1881
Code of Commerce of Puerto Rico
1v. San Juan, P.R.: Negociado de Materials, Imprenta, y Transporte, 1932
Code of Criminal Law and Procedure of the State of Louisiana
1 v. + Supplement, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1943, 1949
Code of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Statutes of the State of Louisiana
1 v. + Supplement, Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill company, 1932
Code of Criminal Procedure of Puerto Rico
1v. San Juan, P.R.: Bureau of supplies, printing, and transportation, 1935
Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Louisiana. Regulating Louisiana Criminal Practice and Procedure
1 v. New Orleans, La: F. F. Hansell & bro., ltd, 1929
Code of Criminal Procedure of the State of Texas: Adopted at the Regular Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature 1895, with All Amendments and New Laws Passed by the Twenty-Fifth Regular and Called Sessions of the Legislature Embraced
1v. [Austin, Tex.]: Gammel Book Co, 1900.
Code of Criminal Procedure: The State of Texas
1v. Galveston: Printed at the News Office, 1857.
Code of Georgia of 1933, Adopted March 24, 1933, Effective January 1, 1935
1 v. Atlanta: The Harrison Co, 1935
Code of Iowa, 1924
1 v. [Des Moines]: The State, 1924
Code of Iowa, 1927
1 v. [Des Moines]: The State, 1927
Code of Iowa, 1931
1 v. [Des Moines]: The State, 1931
Code of Iowa, 1935
1 v. [Des Moines: Printed by Wallace Homestead Co.], 1935
Code of Iowa, 1939
1 v. Des Moines: The State, 1939
Code of Iowa, 1946
3 v. Des Moines, Iowa: State of Iowa, 1946
Code of Iowa, Containing All the Laws of a General Nature of the State of Iowa
1 v. Des Moines: Homestead Co, 1919
Code of Iowa, Passed at the Session of the General Assembly of 1850-1, and Approved 5th February, 1851
1 v. Iowa City: Palmer & Paul, State Printers, 1851
Code of Law for the District of Columbia Enacted March 3, 1901 Amended by the Acts Approved January 31 and June 30, 1902, and Amended by Further Acts of Congress to and including March 4, 1919
1 v. Washington, D.C.: W.L. Bradley, 1919
Code of Law for the District of Columbia [Annotated] Enacted March 3, 1901 Amended by the Acts Approved January 31 and June 30, 1902, and Amended by Further Acts of Congress to and including June 9, 1910
1 v. Washington: The Law Reporter Print. Co, 1910
Code of Law for the District of Columbia, Enacted March 3, 1901; Amended by the Acts Approved January 31 and June 30, 1902, and Amended by Further Acts of Congress to and including March 3, 1905
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1906
Code of Law for the District of Columbia. Enacted March 3, 1901
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1901
Code of Law for the District of Columbia: Enacted March 3, 1901
1 v. Washington, D.C.: G.P.O., 1911
Code of Law of the Municipality of St. Croix
1v. St. Croix: Govt. Prtg. Office, 1923-1941
Code of Laws for the District of Columbia: Prepared under the Authority of the Act of Congress of the 29th of April 1816
1 v. Washington: Printed by David & Force, 1819
Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1902
2 v. Columbia, S.C.: State Co, 1902
Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1912
2 v. Charlottesville, Va: The Michie Company, 1912
Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1922
3 v. Columbia, S.C.: R.L. Bryan Co, 1922
Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1932
4 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie, 1932
Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1942
5 v. Clinton, S.C.: Jacobs Press, 1942
Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1952: Annotated
8v. + Supplements, Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1952
Code of Laws of the Municipality of St. Thomas and St. John
1v. St. Thomas: Gvt. Ptg. Office, 1921-1954
Code of Mississippi: Being an Analytical Compilation of the Public and General Statutes of the Territory and State, with Tabular References to the Local and Private Acts, from 1798 to 1848
1 v. Jackson, Miss: Published for the compiler, by Price and Fall, State printers, 1848
Code of North Carolina, Enacted March 2, 1883
2 v. New York: Banks, 1883
Code of Practice in Civil and Criminal Cases for the State of Arkansas
1 v. Little Rock: J.G. Price, public printer, 1869
Code of Practice in Civil and Criminal Cases for the State of Kentucky
1 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1859.
Code of Practice in Civil and Criminal Cases for the State of Kentucky
1 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1867.
Code of Practice in Civil and Criminal Cases for the State of Kentucky
1 v. Frankfort: A.G. Hodges, 1854
Code of Practice in Civil Cases for the State of Louisiana: With the Statutory Amendments, from 1825 to 1853, Inclusive; and References to the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana to the Sixth Volume of Annual Reports
1 v. New Orleans: J.B. Steel, 1855
Code of Practice in Civil Cases for the State of Louisiana: With the Statutory Amendments, from 1825 to 1866 Inclusive
1v. New Orleans: Bloomfield & Steel, 1867
Code of Practice in Civil Cases, for the State of Louisiana
1 v. New Orleans: E. Johns & Co, 1839
Code of Practice of Louisiana, with Annotations of Henry L. Garland, Jr., Esq., and an Appendix, Giving all the Amendments to Articles of the Code to and including the Session of 1900
1 v. New Orleans, La: F.F. Hansell & Bro, 1901
Code of Practice of Louisiana, with Annotations of Henry L. Garland, Jr., Esq., with an Appendix, Giving all the Amendments to Articles of the Code to and including the Session of 1910
1 v. New Orleans, La: F.F. Hansel & Bro, 1910
Code of Practice of Louisiana: With All Amendments Thereto and All Provisions of Constitution and Statutes, through the Legislative Session of 1926, Regulating Louisiana Civil Practice and Procedure
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell & Bro, 1927
Code of Practice of Louisiana: With All Amendments to Articles of the Code, including the Legislative Session of 1914, and Reference to All Constitutional Provisions up to and including the Constitution of 1913
1 v. New Orleans, La: F.F. Hansell & Bro, 1914
Code of Practice of the State of Louisiana
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1942
Code of Practice of the State of Louisiana
1 v. + Supplement, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1932
Code of Practice of the State of Louisiana
1 v. New Orleans: Printed at the office of the Republican, 1870
Code of Practice of the State of Louisiana, Containing Rules of Procedure in Civil Actions
1 v. New Orleans: J.B. Steel, 1844
Code of Practice of the State of Louisiana, with References to the Acts of the Legislature, up to and including the Session of 1874, and to the Decisions of the Supreme Court, up to and including Volume XXV Annual Reports, with an Exhaustive Index
1 v. New Orleans, La: B. Bloomfield & co, 1875
Code of Practice of the State of Louisiana. Adopted in 1870. With Amendments including Session of the Legislature of 1894
1 v. New Orleans: Hansell & Bro, 1894
Code of Procedure and Penal Code of the State of Washington, including also the Lien and Mortgage Laws, the Law of Wills, and of Descent and Distribution of Property
1 v. Seattle, Wash: Sunset Pub. Co, 1893
Code of Procedure of Maryland, Comprising the Constitutional Provisions and Statutes of the State in Relation to Courts, Actions at Law, Proceedings in Equity, Proceedings and Remedies in Special Cases; Also, Proceedings in the Courts of Baltimore City
1v. Baltimore, MD: John Murphy & Co, 1880
Code of Procedure of the State of Florida Approved February 19, 1870, and Taking Effect July 1, 1870
1 v. Tallahassee: C.H. Walton, state printer, 1870
Code of Procedure of the State of Wisconsin, as Passed by the Legislature in 1856, and Amended in 1856 and 1857
1 v. Madison: Calkins & Webb, 1857
Code of Supplement, Embracing the Existing Public and Permanent Statutes of the State of Tennessee
1v. Nashville, Tenn: Marshall & Bruce Co, 1895
Code of Tennessee 1932 Enacted by the General Assembly of 1931
1v. Kingsport, Tenn: Southern Publishers, 1931
Code of Tennessee Enacted by the General Assembly of 1857-8
1v. Nashville, Tenn: E.G. Eastman and Co., State printers, 1858.
Code of Tennessee, Being a Compilation of the Statute Laws of the State of Tennessee, of a General Nature, in Force June 1, 1884
1v. Nashville, Tenn: Marshall & Bruce, 1884.
Code of the District of Columbia (to March 4, 1929)
1 v. + Supplement, Washington: U.S. Govt. Print Off, 1930-1939
Code of the Federated States of Micronesia
2 v. Seattle, Wash: Book Pub. Co, 1982
Code of the State of Georgia
1 v. Atlanta, Ga: Jas. P. Harrison & Co, 1882
Code of the State of Georgia
1 v. Macon, Ga: J.W. Burke, 1873
Code of the State of Georgia
1 v. Atlanta, Ga: Franklin Steam Print. House, J.J. Toon, proprietor, 1867
Code of the State of Georgia
1 v. Atlanta, Ga: J.H. Seals, 1861
Code of the State of Georgia Adopted August 15, 1910
2 v. Atlanta, Ga: Foote & Davies Company, Printers, 1911
Code of the State of Georgia. Adopted December 15, 1895
3 v. + Supplement, Atlanta, Ga: Foote & Davies Co., printers and binders, 1896-1901
Code of Virginia as Amended to Adjournment of General Assembly 1904 Together with All Other Statutes of a General and Permanent Nature Then in Force, including Tax Bill
2 v. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1904
Code of Virginia as Amended to Adjournment of General Assembly 1924, Together with All Other General Acts in Force July 1st, 1924 with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Virginia, the Tax Bill
1 v. Charlottesville: Va., the Michie Co, 1924
Code of Virginia including Legislation to the Year 1860
1 v. Richmond: Ritchie, Dunnavant & Co, 1860
Code of Virginia with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Virginia
2 v. Richmond: D. Bottom, 1918
Code of Virginia with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Virginia - Annotated
2 v. Richmond: D. Bottom, supt. of public print, 1919
Code of Virginia: With the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States; and the Declaration of Rights and Constitution of Virginia
1 v. Richmond: Printed by W.F. Ritchie, 1849
Code of Virginia: With the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States; and the Constitution of Virginia
1 v. Richmond: James E. Goode, 1887
Code of Washington Containing All Acts of a General Nature Revised and Amended by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Washington, during the Eighth Biennial Session, and the Extra Session, Ending December 7, 1881
1 v. Olympia: C.B. Bagley, public printer, 1881
Code of West Virginia
1 v. Charleston: Daily Gazette, 1891.
Code of West Virginia
1 v. Charleston: Mail-Tribune, 1900
Code of West Virginia
1 v. Wheeling, W. Va: West Virginia Printing Co, 1887
Code of West Virginia, 1906
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1906
Code of West Virginia, Comprising Legislation to the Year 1870
1 v. Wheeling: J. Frew, Public Printer, 1868
Code: Containing All the Statutes of the State of Iowa of a General Nature, Passed at the Adjourned Session of the Fourteenth General Assembly
1 v. Des Moines, Ia: Mills & Co, 1873
Codes and General Laws of Oregon
2v. San Francisco: Bancroft & Whitney, 1887
Codes and General Laws of Oregon
2 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1892
Codes and Statutes of California, as Amended and in Force at the Close of the Thirty-Fourth Session of the Legislature, 1901
3 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1901
Codes and Statutes of California, as Amended and in Force at the Close of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the Legislature, 1885
4 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1886
Codes and Statutes of Oregon Showing All Laws of a General Nature, including the Session Laws of 1901
2 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1902
Codes and Statutes of the State of California
2 v. + Supp. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft, 1876-1880
Codes of California as Amended and in Force at the Close of the Forty-Third [Fourth] Session of the Legislature, 1919-[1921]
4 v. in 9 San Francisco: Bender-Moss, 1920-1922
Codification of the Statute Law of Georgia, including the English Statutes of Force
1 v. Augusta, [Ga.]: C.E. Grenville, 1848
Codification of the Statute Law of Georgia, including the English Statutes of Force
1 v. Savannah: J.M. Cooper, 1845
Collated Statutes of the Territory of Minnesota, and Decisions of Supreme Court
1 v. Saint Paul [Minn.]: Joseph R. Brown, territorial printer, 1853
Collection of All Such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of a Public and Permanent Nature as Have Passed since the Session of 1801
1 v. Richmond: S. Pleasants, printer to the Commonwealth, 1808
Collection of All Such Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as are Now in Force
1 v. Richmond: Printed by Samuel Pleasants, Jun., and Henry Pace, 1803
Collection of All Such Public Acts of the General Assembly, and Ordinances of the Conventions of Virginia, Passed since the Year 1768
1v. Richmond: Printed by Thomas Nicolson and William Prentis, 1785
Collection of All the Public and Permanent Acts of the General Assembly of Kentucky Which Are Now in Force, Arranged and Digested according to Their Subject; Together with Acts of Virginia
1 v. Frankfort: Printed by William Hunter, Printer to the Commonwealth, 1802
Collection of the British Statutes in Force in Maryland, According to the Report Thereof Made to the General Assembly by the Late Chancellor Kilty: With Notes and References
1 v. Baltimore: Cushings & Bailey, 1870
Collection, Containing the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and Its Amendments, the Treaty of Cession between the United States and the French Republic
1v. New-Orleans: Printed by Thierry & Dacqueny, printers of the laws of the United States and of the territory, 1810
Colonial Laws of Massachusetts Reprinted from the Edition of 1672, with the Supplements through 1686. Containing Also, a Bibliographical Preface and Introduction, Treating of All the Printed Laws from 1649 to 1686
1 v. Boston: Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1890
Colonial Laws of Massachusetts. Reprinted from the Edition of 1660, with the Supplements to 1672. Containing Also, the Body of Liberties of 1641
1 v. Boston: Rockwell and Churchill, City Printers, 1889
1859-2024; Including the Territory of Colorado (1859-1876)
Colorado Code of Procedure, Including the Amendments of 1889, Annotated
1 v. Denver: Chain, Hardy, 1890.
Colorado Revised Statutes 1953
16 v. Chicago: Callaghan & Co, 1954-1960
Colorado Statutes Annotated
5 v. + Supplement, Denver, Colo: W. H. Courtright, 1910-1914; Title Varies: Vol. 1, 1910 as Colorado Code Annotated
Combined General Indexes and Parallel Reference Tables, Louisiana Constitution, Codes and Statutes, 1942
1 v., Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1942
Committee Report on Improvement of the Administration of Justice
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
Compact with the Charter and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth: Together with Charter of the Council at Plymouth
1v. Boston: Dutton and Wentworth, Printers to the State, 1836
Compend of the Acts of Indiana
1 v. Vincennes: E. Stout, 1817.
Compendium and Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts
4 v. Boston: Munroe, Francis, and Parker, 1809-1811
Compendium of Repeals and Amendments to the Revised Statutes of 1843, Code of 1851, Revision of 1860, and subsequent Laws
1 v. Davenport, Iowa: Griggs, Watson, & Day, 1871
Compendium of the Common Law in Force in Kentucky
1 v. Lexington, Ky: Printed By William Gibbes Hunt, 1822
Compilation of the Acts of Congress and Treaties Relating to Alaska: From March 30, 1867, to March 3, 1905
1v. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Gov. Print. Off., 1906
Compilation of the General and Public Statutes of the State of Georgia
1 v. New York: Printed by Edward O. Jenkins, 1859
Compilation of the Laws in Force in the District of Columbia, April 1, 1868
1 v. Washington: G.P.O., 1868.
Compilation of the Laws of the State of Georgia, Passed by the General Assembly, since the Year 1819 to the Year 1829, Inclusive
1 v. Milledgeville: Grantland and Orme, 1831
Compilation of the Laws of the State of Georgia, Passed by the Legislature since the Political Year 1800, to the Year 1810, Inclusive
1v. Augusta: Printed by Adams & Duyckinck, 1812
Compilation of the Laws of the State of Georgia, Passed by the Legislature since the Year 1810 to the Year 1819, Inclusive
1 v. Augusta: T.S. Hannon, 1821
Compilation of the Penal Code of the State of Georgia, with the Forms of Bills of Indictment Necessary in Prosecutions under It and the Rules of Practice
1 v. Macon, Ga: Joseph M. Boardman, 1850
Compilation of the Public Acts of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, Passed Prior to 1840
1 v. Tallahassee: S.S. Sibley, printer, 1839
Compilation of the Public Laws of the State of New-Jersey, Passed since the Revision in the Year 1820
1v. Camden: Printed by J. Harrison, 1833
Compilation of the Statute Laws of the State of Tennessee. Of a General and Permanent Nature, Compiled on the Basis of the Code of Tennessee, with Notes and References, including Acts of Session of 1870-'71
2v. St. Louis, Mo: W.J. Gilbert, 1873.
Compilation of the Statutes of the State of Illinois, of a General Nature, in Force January 1, 1856, Collated with Reference to Decisions of the Supreme Court of Said State, and to Prior Laws relating to the Same Subject Matter
2 v. Chicago: Keen & Lee, 1856
Compiled and Revised Laws of the Territory of Idaho
1 v. [Boise City]: M. Kelly, Territorial Printer, 1875
Compiled Code of South Carolina, 1930
5 v. Columbia, S.C.: R. L. Bryan, 1930
Compiled General Laws of Florida, 1927
6 v. Atlanta: Harrison Co, 1928-1929
Compiled General Laws of Florida, 1927
2 v. Atlanta: Harrison Co, 1929
Compiled Laws 1914 of the State of Florida (Annotated)
3 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1915
Compiled Laws of Alaska, 1933; Containing the General Laws of the Territory of Alaska
1 v. Juneau: Daily Alaska Empire, 1933
Compiled Laws of Alaska, 1949, Containing the General Laws of the Territory of Alaska, Annotated
3v. San Francisco, CA: Bancroft-Whitney Company, 1949
Compiled Laws of Colorado 1921
1v. Denver: Smith-Brooks, 1922
Compiled Laws of Idaho
3 v. Boise: Syms-York, 1918
Compiled Laws of Kansas 1879. Being a Compilation of All the Laws of a General Nature Based upon the General Statutes of 1868
1 v. St. Louis, Mo: W.J. Gilbert, 1879
Compiled Laws of Kansas, 1881. Being a Compilation of All the Laws of a General Nature Based upon the General Statutes of 1868 (Embracing All of Said Statutes Still in Force)
1v. Topeka, Kan: G.W. Crane and Co, 1881.
Compiled Laws of Kansas, 1885. Being a Compilation of All the Laws of a General Nature Based upon the General Statutes of 1868
1v. Topeka, Kan: G.W. Crane & Co, 1885
Compiled Laws of Nevada in Force from 1861 to 1900 (Inclusive)
1 v. Carson City: A. Maute, Superintendent of State Printing, 1900
Compiled Laws of Oklahoma, 1909: A Compilation of all the Laws of a General Nature now in force, Including the Session Laws of 1909, Being Correct Copies of the Enrolled Bills
1 v. Kansas City, Mo: Pipes-Reed Book Co, 1909
Compiled Laws of the State of California: Containing All the Acts of Legislature of a Public and General Nature, Now in Force, Passed at the Sessions of 1850-51-52-53
1 v. Benicia: Published by S. Garfielde, 1853
Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan
2 v. Lansing, Mich: Hosmer & Kerr, State printers and binders, 1857.
Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan 1897 Compiled and Arranged, with a Digest of Supreme Court Decisions and Other Annotations, and Published under Authority of Acts 268 of 1895 and 26 of 1897
4 v. Lansing, Mich: Robert Smith Print. Co., State Printers, 1899
Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan 1915: Compiled, Arranged and Annotated under Act 247 of 1913 and Act 232 of 1915
4 v. Lansing, Mich: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., State Printers, 1915
Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan 1929 Compiled, Arranged and Annotated under Act 389 of 1927 as Amended by Act 63 of 1929
4 v. Lansing: Franklin De Kleine Co., 1930
Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan 1948
6 v. Plus Supplements, Ann Arbor: Arbor Press, 1948-1961
Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan. Compiled and Arranged under an Act of the Legislature, Approved January 25, 1871
2 v. Lansing, Mich: W.S. George, State printers, 1872
Compiled Laws of the State of Nevada. Embracing Statutes of 1861 to 1873, Inclusive
2 v. Carson City: C.A.V. Putnam, State Printer, 1873
Compiled Laws of the State of North Dakota, 1913
2 v. Rochester, N.Y.: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co, 1914
Compiled Laws of the State of Utah, 1907
1 v. Salt Lake City: Press of Skelton Pub. Co, 1908
Compiled Laws of the State of Utah, 1917
2 v. Salt Lake City: Century Printing Co, 1919
Compiled Laws of the Territory of Alaska, 1913, Compiled, Codified, Arranged, and Annotated, and Published under the Authority of the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912
1v. Washington: Govt. print. off, 1913
Compiled Laws of the Territory of Arizona, including the Howell Code and the Session Laws from 1864 to 1871, Inclusive
1v. Albany, N.Y.: Weed, Parsons and Co., 1871
Compiled Laws of the Territory of Arizona; Compiled and Arranged by Authority of an Act of the Legislative Assembly, Approved February 9, 1877
1 v. Detroit: Richmond, Backus & Co, 1877
Compiled Laws of the Territory of Utah, Containing All the General Statutes Now in Force
1 v. Salt Lake City, Utah: Printed at the Deseret News Steam Printing Establishment, 1876
Compiled Laws of Utah. The Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States and Statutes of the United States Locally Applicable and Important
2 v. Salt Lake City, Utah: Herbert Pembroke, 1888
Compiled Laws of Wyoming
1 v. Cheyenne, Wy: H. Glafcke, 1876
Compiled Laws, 1909, State of South Dakota
2v. Pierre, S.D.: The Hipple Printing Company, 1909-1910
Compiled Statutes in Force in the District of Columbia, including the Acts of the Second Session of the Fiftieth Congress, 1887-'89
1 v. Washington: Govt. print. off, 1894
Compiled Statutes of Idaho
4 v. Boise: Syms-York, Printers, 1919
Compiled Statutes of Nebraska 1929
1 v. + Supplement, Lincoln, Neb: State of Nebraska, State Journal Co, 1930-1941
Compiled Statutes of New Jersey. Published under the Authority of the Legislature by Virtue of an Act Approved April 12, 1910
5 v. Newark: Soney & Sage, 1911
Compiled Statutes of Oklahoma, 1921, Annotated
2 v. Indianapolis, Ind: Bobbs-Merrill, 1922
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska 1881 with Amendments 1882 to 1895, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force August 1, 1895
1 v. Lincoln: State Journal Co, 1895
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska 1881 with Amendments 1882 to 1897, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 10, 1897
1 v. Lincoln: State Journal Co, 1897
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska 1881. With Amendments 1882 to 1911 Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 7, 1911
1 v. Lincoln, Neb: State Journal Co., printers, 1911
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska 1922 Comprising All the Statutory Law of a General Character in Force July 1, 1922
1 v. Columbia, Mo: E.W. Stephens Pub, 1922
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881
1 v. Omaha: Electrotyped, printed and bound by Gibson, Miller & Richardson, 1885
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881. With Amendments 1882 to 1891, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force August 1, 1891
1 v. Lincoln: Lincoln Paper House, 1891
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881. With Amendments 1882 to 1893, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force August 1, 1893
1 v. Lincoln: Lincoln Paper House, 1893
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881. With Amendments 1882 to 1899, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1899
1 v. Lincoln: State Journal Company, 1899
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881. With Amendments 1882 to 1901, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1901
1 v. Lincoln: State Journal Co, 1901
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881. With Amendments 1882 to 1907, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 5, 1907
1 v. Lincoln, Neb: State Journal Co., Printers, 1907
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, 1881. With Amendments 1882, 1883, 1885, and 1887 Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1887
1 v. Omaha: Printed by Gibson, Miller & Richardson, 1887
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1881
1 v. Omaha: Printed by Gibson, Miller & Richardson, 1881
Compiled Statutes of the State of Nebraska. 1881. With Amendments 1882 to 1905, Comprising All Laws of a General Nature in Force November 1, 1905
1 v. Lincoln, Neb: State Journal Co., Printers, 1905
Compiled Statutes of the State of New Hampshire: To Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of New Hampshire
1 v. Concord: G.P. Lyon, 1854
Compiled Statutes of the State of Vermont, Being Such of the Revised Statutes, and of the Public Acts and Laws Passed since, as Are Now in Force
1 v. Burlington: Chauncey Goodrich, 1851
Complete Codes and Statutes of the State of Montana in Force July 1, 1895
1v. Helena, Mont: W.F. Sanders, 1895
Complete Index to California Codes and Laws Now in Force
1v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1910
Complete Index to the Code of Washington and to the Session Laws Enacted by the Territorial Legislature, Sessions of 1881, 1883, 1885 and 1887
1 v. Olympia, Wash: Thomas H. Cavanaugh, Public Printer, 1888
Complete Index to the Names of Persons, Places and Subjects Mentioned in Littell's Laws of Kentucky: A Genealogical and Historical Guide
1 v. Lexington, KY: Bradford Club Press, 1931
Complete Revisal of All the Acts of Assembly, of the Province of North-Carolina, Now in Force and Use
1v. Newbern [N.C.]: Printed by James Davis, printer to the Honourable the House of Assembly, 1773
Complete Revision of the Statute Laws of the State of Florida of a General and Public Nature from the Sessions of 1889 to 1903
1v. De Land, Fla: E.O. Painter & Co, 1902
Complete Texas Statutes Embracing the Revised Statutes 1911 and the Revised Criminal Statutes 1911
1 v. Kansas City, Mo: Vernon Law Book Company, 1920
1672-2022; Including the Connecticut Colony (1672-1776)
Connecticut Practice Book of 1922; a Compilation of Laws, Rules, and Forms Pertaining to Civil Actions, Together with the Code of Professional Ethics
1v. Hartford: Printed by the state, 1922
Connecticut Statute Laws: A Bibliographical List of Editions of Connecticut Laws from the Earliest Issues to 1836
1v. Hartford: Hartford Press, 1900
Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, 1909
8 v. New York: American Law Book Company, 1909
Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, Prepared Pursuant to Laws 1904, Chapter 664, by the Board of Statutory Consolidation, Passed at the One Hundred and Thirty-Second Session of the Legislature Begun January 6, 1909, and Ended April 30, 1909, in the City of Albany as Amended by the Legislature of 1909, together with the Public Service Commissions Law and the Railroad Law, and Published by the State under the Supervision of the Board Pursuant to Laws 1909 Chapter 458
9 v. Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, 1909-1910
Consolidated Statutes of Nebraska 1893, Being a Compilation of All the Laws of a General Nature in Force August 1, 1893
1 v. Lincoln, Neb: State Journal Co, 1893
Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina Prepared under Public Laws 1917, Chapter 252, and Public Laws 1919, Charter 238
2 v. Raleigh: Commercial Print. Co, 1920
Consolidated Supplement to Kerr's Cyclopedic California Codes
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss, 1913.
Consolidated Supplement to the Codes and General Laws of the State of California of 1915 Showing the Changes Affecting the Codes and the General Laws for the Years 1917, 1919 and 1921
1 v. in 2, San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1922
Consolidated Supplement to the Codes and General Laws of the State of California Showing All the Changes Affecting the Codes and the General Laws Passed by the Forty-Fourth, Forty-Fifth, and Forty-Sixth Sessions of the Legislature (1921-1925)
2 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co, 1926
Consolidation and Revision of the Statutes of the State, of a General Nature
1 v. New Orleans: Printed at the Bee office, 1852
Consolidation of Downing's Annotations to the Georgia Codes of 1895 and 1910
1 v. Columbus, Ga: Gilbert Print. Co., 1914
Consolidation of Downing's Annotations to the Latest Georgia Code
1 v. Columbus, Ga: Gilbert Print. Co., 1925
Constitution and Laws of the State of New-Hampshire; Together with the Constitution of the United States
1 v. Printed at Dover: by Samuel Bragg, Jun. for the State, 1805
Constitution and Revised Laws of Louisiana: Containing the Constitution of 1898, and the Revised Statutes of the State (Official Edition of 1870) as Amended by Acts of the General Assembly from the Session of 1870 to That of 1902, Inclusive
2 v. + Supplement, New Orleans, La: F.F. Hansell, 1904
Constitution and Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Reduced to Questions and Answers, for the Use of Schools and Families
1v. Portland: Sanborn & Carter, 1843
Constitution and Statutes of Louisiana: The Constitution with All Amendments to January 1920. The Revised Statutes (Official Edition 1870) as Amended by Legislation to January 1920
4 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1920-1921
Corporation Laws of the City of Washington, to the End of the Fiftieth Council, (to June 3d, 1853, inclusive,) to Which are Added the Laws Enacted between That Day, and October 10, 1853
1 v. Washington: Printed by Robert A. Waters, 1853
County Government, an Analysis
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
County Government, Forms
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
Courtright's Mills Annotated Statutes of the State of Colorado: Embracing All General Laws, except Code of Civil Procedure, in Force January 1, 1930
4 v. Denver: W. H. Courtright, 1930
Courtright's Mills Colorado Annotated Code of Civil Procedure 1933
1 v. Denver: W.H. Courtright Pub, 1933
Criminal Code of Ohio
1 v. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke co, 1908.
Criminal Code of Ohio
1v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co, 1883
Criminal Code of Ohio: Comprising the Acts Relating to Crimes, Procedure, and Jails and the Penitentiary
1 v. Columbus: Nevins & Myers, 1877
Criminal Code of Ohio: With Forms and Precedents for Indictments, Informations, and Affidavits, Forms for Writs, Docket and Journal Entries and Digest of Decisions
1 v. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke Co, 1904
Criminal Laws of Texas
1 v. Waco: W.C. Watkins, 1881.
Current Ideas in State Legislatures 1944-45: A Review of Laws Enacted during the Biennium
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1947
Declaration of the Warrantable Grounds and Proceedings of the First Associates of the Government of New-Plymouth
1 v. Boston: Printed and sold at Greenleaf's Printing Office, 1773
Deering's Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California: Adopted March 11, 1872, with Amendments up to and including Those of the Fifty-Second Session of the Legislature, 1937
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1937
Deering's General Laws of the State of California including Amendments and New Acts to the End of the Fifty-Second Session of the Legislature, 1937
2 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1938
Deering's Political Code of the State of California Adopted March 12, 1872 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Fifty-Second Session of the Legislature, 1937
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1937
Deering's Probate Code of the State of California Adopted May 11, 1931 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Fifty-Second Session of the Legislature, 1937
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1937
1700-2022; Including the Delaware Colony (1700-1786)
Digest of Pennsylvania Statute Law 1920 (Complete): Based on Pepper and Lewis' Digest of Laws of Pennsylvania
1 v. in 2, St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1920
Digest of Select British Statutes, Comprising Those Which, according to the Report of the Judges of the Supreme Court
1 v. Pittsburg: Ferguson, 1817.
Digest of the Civil Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Orleans, with Alterations and Amendments Adapted to Its Present System of Government
1v. New Orleans: Printed by Bradford & Anderson, Printers to the Territory, 1808
Digest of the Criminal Laws and Criminal Procedure of the State of Okahoma
1 v. Chicago: T.H. Flood & Co, 1914.
Digest of the General Laws of Kentucky
1 v. Cincinnati, O.: R. Clarke, 1866.
Digest of the General Laws of Kentucky, Enacted by the Legislature, between the Fourth Day of December, 1859, and the Fourth Day of June, 1805. Embracing the General Laws Passed since the Publication of Stanton's Edition of the Revised Statutes
1 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1866.
Digest of the General Statute Laws of the State of Texas: To which are subjoined the repealed laws of the republic and state of Texas
1v. Austin, Texas: Printed by J. Marshall and Co, 1859.
Digest of the Laws of California: Containing All Laws of a General Character Which Were in Force on the First Day of January, 1858
1 v. San Francisco: H.H. Bancroft & Co, 1861
Digest of the Laws of California: Containing all Laws of a General Character which will be in Force on the First Day of January, 1858
1 v. San Francisco: S.D. Valentine & Son, 1857
Digest of the Laws of Maryland, Being an Abridgment, Alphabetically Arranged, of All the Public Acts of Assembly Now in Force, and of General Use
1v. Baltimore: Printed for the editor, 1799.
Digest of the Laws of Maryland. Being a Complete System (Alphabetically Arranged) of All the Public Acts of Assembly, Now in Force and of General Use. From the First Settlement of the State, to the End of November Session, 1803, Inclusive
1v. Washington: Printed for the editor by J.C. O'Reilly, 1804.
Digest of the Laws of Mississippi
1 v. New York: Alexander S. Gould, 1839.
Digest of the Laws of Missouri Territory
1v. St. Louis: Printed for the publisher by Joseph Charless at the Missouri Gazette Office, 1818
Digest of the Laws of New Jersey
1 v. Bridgton: Elmer & Nixon, 1861.
Digest of the Laws of New Jersey
1 v. Philadelphia: Pubublished for J.T. Nixon, by J.B. Lippincott and Co, 1855.
Digest of the Laws of New Jersey
1 v. Newark, N.J.: Martin R. Dennis & Co, 1868
Digest of the Laws of New Jersey. Containing Also the Constitutions of the United States, and of This State, and the Rules and Decisions of the Courts
1 v. Bridgeton: J.M. Newell, 1838
Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania for the Session of 1895
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: Kay and Brother, 1895.
Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred, to the Twenty-Second Day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Six
1 v. Philadelphia: T. Davis, 1847
Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred to the Sixth Day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Three
2 v. Philadelphia: Kay and Brother, 1885
Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred to the Tenth Day of July, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Two
2 v. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1873
Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred to the Twenty-First Day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-One
1 v. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1862
Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred, to the Thirteenth Day of October, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty
1 v. Philadelphia: M'Carty & Davis, 1841
Digest of the Laws of Texas Containing Laws in Force, and the Repealed Laws on Which Rights Rest
1 v. Washington, D.C.: W.H. & O.H. Morrison, 1870
Digest of the Laws of Texas Containing the Laws in Force, and the Repealed Laws on Which Rights Rest, from 1754 to 1875
2 v. Houston, TX: E.H. Cushing, 1874
Digest of the Laws of Texas: Containing a Full and Complete Compilation of the Land Laws; Together with the Opinions of the Supreme Court
1 v. Baltimore: John D. Toy, 1845
Digest of the Laws of Texas: Containing Laws in Force, and the Repealed Laws on Which Rights Rest
1 v. Galveston, S.S. Nichols, 1866
Digest of the Laws of Texas: To Which Is Subjoined an Appendix
1v. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait, 1850.
Digest of the Laws of the Corporation of the City of Washington
1 v. City of Washington: Printed by J. Wilson, 1823.
Digest of the Laws of the State of Alabama: Containing All the Statutes of a Public and General Nature, in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly, in February, 1843
1 v. Tuskaloosa: Printed by M.J. Slade, 1843
Digest of the Laws of the State of Alabama: Containing All the Statutes of a Public and General Nature, in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly, in January 1833
1 v. Tuskaloosa, Ala: D. Woodruff, 1836
Digest of the Laws of the State of Alabama: Containing the Statutes and Resolutions in Force at the End of the General Assembly in January, 1823
1 v. Cahawba: Published by Ginn & Curtis, J. & J. Harper, Printers, New-York, 1823
Digest of the Laws of the State of Florida, from the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Two, to the Eleventh Day of March, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-One Inclusive
1 v. Tallahassee, Fla: Printed at the Floridian Book and job Office, 1881
Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia
1 v. Philadelphia: Towar, J. & D.M. Hogan, 1831.
Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia
1 v. Milledgeville: Grantland & Orme, 1822
Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia Containing All Statutes and the Substance of All Resolutions of a General and Public Nature
1 v. Athens [Ga.]: O. H. Prince, 1837
Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia, from Its Settlement as a British Province, in 1755, to the Session of the General Assembly in 1800, Inclusive
1 v. Savannah: Printed by Seymour, Woolhopter & Stebbins, 1802
Digest of the Laws of the State of Georgia. From Its First Establishment as a British Province down to the Year 1798, Inclusive, and the Principal Acts of 1799
1 v. Philadelphia: Printed by R. Aitken, 1800
Digest of the Laws of the State of New York: Comprising the Revised Statutes and Statutes of General Interest in Force on January 1, 1874
3 v. New York: James Cockcroft, 1874.
Digest of the Laws of Virginia of a Criminal Nature
1 v. Richmond: J.W. Randolph & English, 1878.
Digest of the Laws of Virginia of a Criminal Nature
1 v. Richmond: J.W. Randolph & English, 1890.
Digest of the Laws of Virginia, of a Criminal Nature, Illustrated by Judicial Decisions
1 v. Richmond, Va: J.W. Randolph & English, 1871
Digest of the Laws of Virginia, which are a Permanent Character and General Operation
1 v. Richmond: Smith and Palmer, 1841.
Digest of the Laws of Wisconsin, from the Year 1858 to the Year 1868, both Years Inclusive
1 v. Madison, Wis: Atwood & Rublee, Printers, 1868
Digest of the Maryland Statutes
1 v. Baltimore: Innes, 1875
Digest of the Penal Law of the State of Louisiana, Analytically Arranged
1 v. New Orleans: Published for the author, 1841
Digest of the Reports and Statutes of the State of New York from January 1, 1890, to January 1, 1897
2 v. Albany: James B. Lyon, 1898.
Digest of the Revised Code and Acts Passed by the Legislature between the 7th Day of April 1830, and the 16th Day of June 1836, Forming with Purdon's Digest of 1830, a Complete Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, to the Present Time
2 v. in 1 Philadelphia: Kay, 1837.
Digest of the Statute Law of Florida of a General and Public Character, in Force up to the First Day of January, 1872
1 v. Tallahassee, Fla: C.H. Walton, State printer, 1872
Digest of the Statute Law of Kentucky: Being a Collection of All the Acts of the General Assembly, of a Public and Permanent Nature, from the Commencement of the Government to May Session 1822
2 v. Frankfort: Printed by Kendall and Russell, Printers for the State, 1822
Digest of the Statute Law of the State of Pennsylvania for the Year 1911
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: George T. Bisel Co, 1912.
Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky, of a Public and Permanent Nature, from the Commencement of the Government to the Session of the Legislature, Ending on the 24th February, 1834, with References to Judicial Decisions
2 v. Frankfort: A.G. Hodges, 1834
Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky, of a Public and Permanent Nature, Passed since 1834, with References to Judicial Decisions
1 v. Frankfort: A.G. Hodges, 1842
Digest of the Statute Laws of the State of Georgia, in Force Prior to the Session of the General Assembly of 1851, with Explanatory Notes and References
1 v. Athens, Ga: Christy, Kelsea & Burke, 1851
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing All Laws of a General and Permanent Character
1 v. Little Rock, Ark: Mitchell & Bettis, 1884
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing All Laws of a General and Permanent Character in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly of 1846
1 v. Little Rock: Reardon & Garritt, 1848
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing all Laws of a General and Permanent Character in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Three
1v. Little Rock: Little Rock Print. and Pub. Co, 1874
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing All Laws of a General Nature
2 v. [Texarkana, Tex.]: Press of Helms Print. Co, 1937
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing All Laws of a General Nature
1 v. [Little Rock, Ark.]: Press of Democrat Print. & Lithographing Co, 1921
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-Three
1 v. Columbia, Mo.: Press of E.W. Stephens, 1894
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifteen
1 v. Little Rock, Ark: [s.n.], 1916
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Three
1 v. Austin, Texas: Gammel-Statesman Pub. Co, 1904
Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas; Embracing All Laws of a General and Permanent Character in Force at the Close of the Session of the General Assembly of 1856
1 v. Little Rock: Johnson & Yerkes, State printers, 1858
Digest of the Statutes of the State of Louisiana
2 v. New Orleans: Republican Office, 1870
Digest-Index of the Acts of the General Assembly of Louisiana
1 v. New Orleans, La: J.G. Hauser, 1912
District of Columbia Code 1940 Edition
2 v. + 2 supp., Washington: Government printing office, 1941-1949
District of Columbia Code, Annotated. 1951 Edition
2 v. + 3 Supp., Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O., 1952-1959
District of Columbia Code, Annotated. 1961 Edition
3 v. + Supplement, Washington [D.C.]: U.S. G.P.O., 1961-1966
District of Columbia Code, Annotated. 1967 Edition
3 + Supplements, Washington, 1967-1972
District of Columbia Code: The Act Entitled an Act to Establish a Code of Law for the District of Columbia (Chapter 854, 31 Stat. 1189) Approved March 3, 1901 as Amended up to and including June 7, 1924
1 v. Washington [D.C.]: G.P.O., 1925
District of Columbia Register
Vols. 1-71 (1954-2024)
Drew's Index of Florida Statutes
1 v. S.l: s.n, 1901
Elliott's Supplement to the Indiana Revised Statutes of 1881
1 v. Indianapolis, Ind: Bowen-Merrill Co, 1889.
Enmiendas al Codigo Civil de Puerto Rico desde la Fecha de Publicacion en el Ano 1930 hasta 1937
1v. San Juan: s.n., 1937
Federal-State Relations and Oklahoma's Constitution
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
First Supplement to the Compiled Statutes of New Jersey
1 v. Newark: Soney & Sage, 1918
1822-2023 Including the Territory of Florida (1822-1845)
Florida Cumulative Statutes 1925 Containing All General Laws from 1919 to 1925, Inclusive, with Full Annotations
1v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1925
Florida Statutes 1941
3 v. + Supplement, [Tallahassee]: The State, 1942
General Code of the State of Ohio Containing All Laws of a General Nature and Appendix to the General Code in Force January 1, 1926
1 v. Cleveland: The Baldwin law Pub. Co, 1926
General Code of the State of Ohio Revised to 1921 Containing All Laws of a General Nature in Force January 1, 1921, with Annotations from Decisions of All Ohio Courts and the Federal Courts
1 v. Cleveland: Baldwin Law Pub. Co, 1921
General Code of the State of Ohio: Being an Act Entitled an Act to Revise and Consolidate the General Statutes of Ohio, Passed by the General Assembly of Ohio, February 14, 1910
5 v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson Co, 1910-1911
General Digest of the Acts of the Legislature of Louisiana. Passed from the Year 1804, to 1827, Inclusive, and in Force at this Last Period, with an Appendix and General Index
2 v. New Orleans: Printed by B. Levy, 1828
General Digest of the Acts of the Legislatures of the Late Territory of Orleans and of the State of Louisiana, and the Ordinances of the Governor under the Territorial Government
3 v. New Orleans, 1816
General index of the documents and laws of the state of New-York
1 v. Albany: Thurlow Weed, 1842
General Index of the Indiana Statutes Contained in Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes of 1901
1 v. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill, 1901
General Index of the Indiana Statutes Contained in Burns' Annotated Indiana Statutes of 1914
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1914
General Index of the Indiana Statutes Contained in Burns' Annotated Statutes of 1908
1 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1908
General Index of the Indiana Statutes Contained in the Annotated Indiana Statutes of 1894 and the Supplement of 1897
1 v. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill Co, 1897
General Index of the Laws of the State of New York
7 v. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Company, 1866-1897
General Index of the Laws of the State of New York
1v. Albany: Weed, Parsons & Co., 1859
General Index of the Statute Laws of the State of Alabama
1v. Cahawba, Ala: Printed at the Office of the Southern Democrat, 1838.
General Index to 1922 Code of Laws of South Carolina
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1927
General Index to the Laws of the State of New York, 1902-1907, Both Dates Inclusive
1v. Albany, N.Y.: J.B. Lyon, 1908
General Index to the Laws of the State of New York. 1777-1901, Both Dates Inclusive
3 v. Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1902
General Index to the Laws of the State of New-York. From 1777 to 1850. Prepared to 1842 Inclusive, under a Joint Resolution of the Senate and Assembly of the 26th March, 1841, by the Clerks of the Two Houses; and Continued to 1850 Inclusive
1 v. New York: John S. Voorhies, 1850
General Index to the Private Laws and Special Acts of the State of Connecticut
1 v. Bridgeport, Conn: Press of the Marigold Print. Co, 1897.
General Index to the Statutes of Utah, including Vols. I and II of the Compiled Laws of 1888, the Session Laws of 1890, and the Session Laws of 1892
1 v. Salt Lake City: Press of the Irrigation Age, 1892
General Laws and Other General Statutes of the State of New York: Annotated, as Amended and in Force January 1, 1902
3 v. New York: Banks Law Publishing Co., 1901
General Laws and Revised Statutes of the State of New York Containing the General Laws of New York with All Amendments to the Close of the Session of 1901, Together with the Unrepealed Portions of the Revised Statutes and All General (Uncodified) Acts Now in Force
5 v. Albany, N.Y., M. Bender, 1901
General Laws of California as Amended and in Force at the Close of the Fortieth Session of the Legislature, 1913, Annotated
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co, 1914
General Laws of California as Amended and in Force at the Close of the Thirty-Sixth Session of the Legislature, 1905
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Chaquette Co., Law-Book Publishers and Sellers, 1905
General Laws of California as Amended up to the End of the Session of 1897
1 v. San Francisco, CA: Bancroft-Whitney, 1897
General Laws of Massachusetts, from the Adoption of the Constitution, to February, 1822
3 v. Boston: Wells & Lilly and Cummings & Hilliard, 1823
General Laws of New York Containing All Amendments to the Close of the Session of 1900
4 v. Albany : N.Y., M. Bender, 1900
General Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year 1700 to April 1849, Chronologically Arranged
1 v. Philadelphia: T. & J.W. Johnson, 1849
General Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year 1700, to April 22, 1846, Chronologically Arranged
1 v. Philadelphia: T. & J.W. Johnson, 1847
General Laws of Rhode Island: Revision of 1909
2 v. Providence: E.L. Freeman Co., Printers to the State, 1909
General Laws of Rhode Island: Revision of 1923
2 v. Pawtucket: Eugene T. Dion, Printer, 1923
General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Enacted December 22, 1920 to Take Effect January 1, 1921
2 v. Boston: Jordan & More Press, 1921
General Laws of the State of California from 1850 to 1864, Inclusive: Being a Compilation of All Acts of a General Nature Now in Force, with Full References to Repealed Acts, Special and Local Legislation, and Statutory Constructions of the Supreme Court
2 v. in 1 San Francisco [Calif.]: H.H. Bancroft and Co, 1870
General Laws of the State of California, from 1850 to 1864, Inclusive: Being a Compilation of All Acts of a General Nature Now in Force, with Full References to Repealed Acts, Special and Local Legislation, and Statutory Constructions of the Supreme Court
3 v. San Francisco: H.H. Bancroft, 1865-1871
General Laws of the State of California: As Amended to the End of the Session of 1909: Containing the Laws, in Full, That Are in Common Use, with References to Other General Laws in Force, and Also to Special Laws, with Statutory History and Citations
1v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co, 1910
General Laws of the State of Idaho
1 v. Boise, Idaho: J.A. Pinney, 1899.
General Laws of the State of New Hampshire; to Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and State of New Hampshire
1 v. Concord: J.B. Sanborn, 1878
General Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: To Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State
1 v. Providence, R.I.: E.L. Freeman & Son, Printers to the State, 1896
General Laws of the Territory of Idaho, including the Code of Civil Procedure, Passed at the Eleventh Session of the Territorial Legislature
1 v. Boise City, Idaho: J.A.Pinney Co., 1881
General Laws of Vermont, 1917 including the Public Acts of 1917
1 v. Burlington, Vt: Free Press Printing Co, 1918
General Laws, and Memorials and Resolutions, of the Territory of Dakota
18v. Grand Forks: W. R. Bierly, 1862-1889
General Laws, and Memorials and Resolutions, of the Territory of Dakota, Passed at the Eighth Session of the Legislative Assembly
1v. Yankton, Dakota Territory: Geo. W. Kingsbury, 1868
General Laws, Memorials and Resolutions, of the Territory of Dakota, Passed at the Ninth Session of the Legislative Assembly
1v. Yankton, Dakota territory: Stone & Kingsbury, 1870
General Public Statutory Law and Public Local Law of the State of Maryland, from the Year 1692 to 1839 Inclusive: With Annotations Thereto, and a Copious Index
3 v. Baltimore: Printed by John D. Toy, 1840
General Statutes and Codes of the State of Washington
2 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1891
General Statutes and the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of South Carolina, Adopted by the General Assembly of 1881-82
1 v. Columbia, S.C.: James Woodrow, State Printer, 1882
General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision of 1887; in Force January First, 1888
1v. Hartford, Conn: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, printers, 1887
General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision of 1918
3 v. [Hartford, Conn.]: Hartford Press, the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co, 1918
General Statutes of Connecticut: Revision of 1902 in Force July First, 1902 with the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Connecticut
1 v. Hartford: Hartford Press ; Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1902
General Statutes of Connecticut: Revision of 1930
2 v. + Index & Supplements, Orange and New Haven, Conn: W.H. Lee Co, 1930
General Statutes of Connecticut: Revision of 1949
3 v. + Index & Supplements, Hartford: Bond Press, 1949
General Statutes of Kansas (Annotated) 1935
1 + Supplement, Topeka: The Kansas state printing plant, W.C. Austin, state printer, 1936
General Statutes of Kansas 1901
1v. Topeka, Kan: Crane & Co, 1901.
General Statutes of Kansas 1909
1v. Topeka, Kan: Crane, 1910.
General Statutes of Kansas, 1905
1v. + Supplement, Topeka, Kan: Crane & Co, 1906-1907
General Statutes of Kentucky
1v. Frankfort, Ky: Printed at the Kentucky Yeoman Office, Major, Johnston & Barrett, 1879
General Statutes of Kentucky, as Compiled by Edward I. Bullock, James M. Nesbitt, and George W. Craddock, and Adopted by the General Assembly, by an Act Approved April 22, 1873
1 v. Frankfort, KY: Major, Johnston & Barrett, 1880
General Statutes of Kentucky, as Compiled by Edward I. Bullock, James M. Nesbitt, and George W. Craddock, and Adopted by the General Assembly, by an Act Approved April 22, 1873
1 v. Frankfort, KY: Printed at the Kentucky Yeoman Office, Major, Johnston & Barrett, 1877
General Statutes of Kentucky, with Notes of Decisions concerning the Constitution and Other Laws Thereof, and New Indexes to Said Constitution and Other Laws
1 v. Louisville: The Bradley & Gilbert Company, 1887
General Statutes of Minnesota 1913
1 v. St. Paul [Minn.]: West Pub. Co, 1913-1917
General Statutes of Minnesota 1923
1 v. St. Paul: Review Pub. Co, 1924-1926
General Statutes of New Jersey. Published under the Authority of the Legislature, by Virtue of an Act Approved April 4, 1894, and a Supplement thereto, Approved March 20, 1895
3 v. Jersey City: F.D. Linn & Co, 1896
General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
1 v. Frankfort, KY: Printed at the Kentucky Yeoman Office, 1873.
General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 v. + 2 Supplements, Boston: Wright and Potter, 1860
General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Enacted December 28, 1859, to Take Effect June 1, 1860
1 v. Boston: Published by the Commonwealth, 1873
General Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Revised by Commissioners Appointed under a Resolve of February 16, 1855, Amended by the Legislature, and Passed December 28, 1859
1 v. Boston: William White, 1860.
General Statutes of the State of Colorado, 1883
1 v. Denver, Colorado: Times steam printing and publishing house, 1883.
General Statutes of the State of Connecticut
1v. New Haven: John H. Benham, printer, 1866
General Statutes of the State of Connecticut, with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of Connecticut
1v. Hartford: The Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co, 1875.
General Statutes of the State of Florida
1 v. St. Augustine, Fla: Record Co, 1906
General Statutes of the State of Kansas
1 v. Lawrence: J. Speer, 1868
General Statutes of the State of Kansas 1897
2 v. Topeka, Kan: W. C. Webb, 1897
General Statutes of the State of Kansas. Being a Compilation of All the Laws of a General Nature, Based upon the General Statutes of 1868, including the Session Laws of 1876
2v. St. Louis, Mo: W.J. Gilbert, 1876.
General Statutes of the State of Louisiana 1932
4 v. + Supplement, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1932
General Statutes of the State of Louisiana 1939
6 v. + 6 supplements, Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1939-1949
General Statutes of the State of Michigan. In Force. Including the Acts of the Extra Session of 1882. With Notes and Digests of the Decisions of the Supreme Court Relating Thereto
3 v. Chicago: Callaghan & Co, 1882-1890
General Statutes of the State of Minnesota
1 v. St. Paul: Davidson & Hall, 1867
General Statutes of the State of Minnesota as Amended by Subsequent Legislation, with Which are Incorporated All General Laws of the State in Force December 31, 1894
2 v. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1894
General Statutes of the State of Minnesota in Force January 1, 1889
2 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1888
General Statutes of the State of Minnesota in Force January, 1891
2 v. St. Paul: Brown, Treacy & Co, 1893
General Statutes of the State of Minnesota, in Force January, 1891
2 v. St. Paul: Published by the Author, 1891
General Statutes of the State of Missouri
1 v. City of Jefferson: Printed for the State by Emory S. Foster, 1866
General Statutes of the State of Nebraska Comprising all Laws of a General Nature in Force, September 1873
1 v. Lincoln: Journal Co, 1873
General Statutes of the State of Nevada in Force from 1861 to 1885, Inclusive
1 v. Carson City, Nev: Josiah C. Harlow, Superintendent of State Printing, 1885
General Statutes of the State of New-Hampshire; to Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State
1 v. Manchester: J.B. Clarke, State Printer, 1867
General Statutes of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: To Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State
1 v. Cambridge [Mass.]: Printed by the Riverside Press, 1872
General Statutes of the State of Vermont: Passed at the Annual Session of the General Assembly, Commencing October 9, 1862
1 v. [Cambridge, Mass: Riverside Press], 1870
General Statutes of the State of Vermont: Passed at the Annual Session of the General Assembly, Commencing October 9, 1862
1 v. Cambridge, Mass: Riverside Press, 1863
Grants, Concessions, and Original Constitutions of the Province of New Jersey
1 v. Somerville, N.J.: Honeyman & company, 1881.
Grants, Concessions, and Original Constitutions of the Province of New-Jersey: The Acts Passed during the Proprietary Governments, and Other Material Transactions before the Surrender Thereof to Queen Anne
1v. Philadelphia: Printed by W. Bradford, printer to the King's most excellent majesty for the Province of New Jersey, 1758
Gregory's Revisal Biennial 1915 of North Carolina
1 v. Norge, VA.: Phillips, 1915
Gregory's Supplement to Pell's Revisal of North Carolina: Containing Amendments and Annotations to the Revisal of 1905 and All Laws of a General and Permanent Nature, Passed by the General Assembly at the Sessions of 1909, 1911, 1913 and Extra Session 1913
1v. Norge, Va: Published and for sale by Louis C. Phillips, 1914
Guide for the Collection of the Early Laws of New Jersey
1v. Trenton, N.J.: Wm. S. Sharp, 1881
Guide to Changes in the New York Statute Law, Made since the Year 1858
1v. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co, 1873
Hand-List of Legislative Sessions and Session Laws, Statutory Revisions, Compilations, Codes, Etc., and Constitutional Conventions of the United States and Its Possessions and of the Several States to May, 1912
1v. [Boston, Mass.]: The Trustees, State Library of Massachusetts, 1912
Harlow's Supplement to the Compiled Oklahoma Statutes 1921
1 v. Oklahoma City: Harlow Pub. Co, 1929
Harlow's Supplement to the Oklahoma Statutes 1931
2 v. Oklahoma City: Harlow Pub. Co, 1940
1845-2023; Including the Territory of Hawaii (1845-1959)
Henning's General Laws of California as Amended and in Force at the Close of the Forty-Third Session of the Legislature, 1919, including Initiative and Referendum Acts Adopted at the General Election of 1920
2 v. San Francisco, Calif: Bender-Moss, 1921
Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia
2v. London: Printed for Alexander Donaldson, 1779
History of the Maryland State Library, 1827-1939 with a Summary of Events from 1939-1959
1v. Annapolis: Maryland State Library, 1959
Hogg's West Virginia Code Annotated
3 v. St. Paul, MN.: West, 1914
Hogg's West Virginia Code Annotated: Supplement 1918
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: West Pub. Co, 1918
Howard's Index to the Code of Virginia of 1887
1 v. Richmond: West, Johnson & Co, 1895.
Howell Code. Adopted by the First Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Arizona. Session Begun on the Twenty-Sixth Day of September, and Ended on the Tenth Day of November, 1864, at Prescott
1 v. Prescott: Office of the Arizona Miner, 1865
Howell's Annotated Statutes of the State of Michigan, including the Acts of the Second Extra Session of 1912
6 v. Chicago: Callaghan and Co., 1912
1863-2024; Including the Territory of Idaho (1863-1890)
Idaho Code 1932: Containing the General Laws of Idaho, Annotated
4 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1932
Idaho Laws and Decisions, Annotated and Digested
1 v. Boise, Id: Statesman Print. Co, 1900
1809-2022; Including the Territory of Illinois (1809-1818)
Illustrated Catalogue of Acts and Laws of the Colony and State of New York and of the Other Original Colonies and States Constituting the Collection Made by Hon. Russell Benedict, Justice of the Supreme Court of New York
1v. Greenwich, Conn: Conde Nast Press, 1922
Index Book. Notes to Statutes of Indiana for the Years 1914-1917 Inclusive
1 v. Crawfordsville, Ind.: National Annotating Company, 1918
Index of Colonial and State Laws of New Jersey between the Years 1663 and 1903 Inclusive
2 v. N.J.: Sinnickson Chew & Sons Co, 1905.
Index to Annotations Contained in Kerr's Cyclopedic Codes of California (1920), Henning's General Laws of California (1920), Hillyer's Consolidated Supplement (1921-1925), and Hillyer's Biennial Supplement (1927)
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss, 1929
Index to General Statutes of Connecticut and Public Acts from 1875 to 1882
1v. Hartford, Conn: Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1883.
Index to Local Legislation in Pennsylvania from 1700 to 1892
1 v. Philadelphia: T. & J.W. Johnson, 1894.
Index to the Acts of Louisiana Indexing All Statutes Adopted in 1870 and Thereafter, Inclusive of the Regular Session of 1930, and Such Local and Special Laws of Date Prior to 1870, as Seemed of Any Present Interest
1 v. New Orleans, La: F.F. Hansell, 1931
Index to the Code of Iowa and Supplements Covering the Code, Supplement to the Code, 1913, and Supplemental Supplement, 1915
1 v. Des Moines, Iowa: Robert Henderson, State Printer, 1915
Index to the Code of Iowa, 1946
1 v. Des Moines: Code Editor, 1946
Index to the Compiled Laws and Public Acts
1 v. Lansing: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co, 1906.
Index to the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State printers, 1923
Index to the General Statutes of the State of Connecticut
1 v. Hartford, Conn: Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co, 1894
Index to the Laws and Resolutions of Maryland, from the Year 1826 to the Year 1831, Inclusively
1v. Annapolis, MD: William M'Neir, 1832
Index to the Laws and Resolutions of Maryland, from the Year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Two, to the Year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Seven, Inclusively
1v. Annapolis, MD: William M'Neir, 1838
Index to the Laws and Resolutions of the State of Maryland, from 1800 to 1813, Inclusive
1v. Annapolis: Printed by J. Green, 1815.
Index to the Laws of California 1850-1907 including the Statutes, the Codes, and the Constitution of 1879, Together with Amendments Thereto
1 v. Sacramento: W.W. Shannon, 1908
Index to the Laws of California 1850-1920 including the Statutes, the Codes, and the Constitution of 1879, Together with Amendments Thereto
1 v. Sacramento: California State Print. Off, 1921
Index to the Laws of Florida of a General Nature, from A.D. 1847 to and including A.D. 1877
1 v. Jacksonville, Fla: Printed by the Union Printing Co, 1877
Index to the Laws of Kansas
1v. Leavenworth, Kan: Ketcheson & Durfee, 1877.
Index to the Laws of Maryland, from the Year 1818 to 1825, Inclusive
1v. Annapolis: J. Hughes, 1827
Index to the Laws of Maryland, from the Year 1838 to the Year 1845, Inclusive
1v. Annapolis: Riley & Davis, printers, 1846
Index to the Laws of the State of New-York 1842 to 1855, Inclusive
1 v. Albany, New York: Charles Van Benthuysen, 1856
Index to the Printed Acts and Resolves of, and of the Petitions and Reports to the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, from the Year 1758 to 1850
1 v. Providence: G.H. Whitney, 1856
Index to the Printed Acts and Resolves of, and of the Petitions and Reports to the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, from the Year 1850 to 1862
1 v. Providence: A. Anthony, Printer to the State, 1863
Index to the Printed Acts and Resolves of, and of the Reports to the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, from the year 1863 to 1873, with tabular indexes of charters, to the year 1875, inclusive
1v. Printed by order of the General Assembly, Providence, Providence Press, 1875.
Index to the Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to the Public Acts of 1882 to 1887, Both Inclusive
1 v. Boston: Wright & Potter Printing Co., State Printers, 1888
Index to the Session Laws of the State of New York
1v. Albany, N.Y.: Banks and Bros, 1897
Index to the Tercentenary Edition of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and to the Constitutions of the United States and of the Commonwealth
1 v. Boston: Wright & Potter Print. Co, 1933
Index-Analysis of the Statutes of New Jersey 1896-1909
1 v. Plainfield, N.J.: New Jersey Law Journal Pub. Co, 1910.
Index-Digest to Notes and Annotations in Shannon's Code of Tennessee Issued in 1917 and 1918
1 v. Nashville, Tenn: Tennessee Law Book Pub. Co, 1922.
1801-2024; Including the Territory of Indiana (1801-1816)
Institutions and Institutional Control
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
Interpretations of the Civil Code of Louisiana since 1898
1 v. New Orleans: Hauser Print. Co., 1924
Interpretations of the Civil Code since 1898
1 v. New Orleans: Hauser, 1912
1838-2023; Including the Territory of Iowa (1838-1846)
Iowa Criminal Code and Digest and Criminal Pleading and Practice
1 v. Des Moines: Mills & Co, 1879
Irrigation Laws of the State of New Mexico with an Index of Decisions of the State Board of Water Commissioners Opinions Rendered by the Attorney General and Water Decisions by the Supreme Court
1v. Santa Fe, N.M.: Santa Fe New Mexican Pub. Corp, 1920
Jerome's Criminal Code and Digest of North Carolina
1 v. Atlanta: The Harrison Co, 1916
Judicial Personnel
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1949
1855-2024; Including the Territory of Kansas (1855-1861)
Kentucky Revised Statutes, 1942
1 v. [Frankfort]: Kentucky Statute Revision Commission, 1942
Kentucky Revised Statutes, 1944
1 v. [Frankfort]: Kentucky Statute Revision Commission, 1944
Kentucky Revised Statutes, 1946
1 v. [Frankfort]: The Kentucky Statute Revision Commission, 1946
Kentucky Revised Statutes, 1953
1 v. [Frankfort]: Kentucky Statute Revision Commission, 1953
Kentucky Revised Statutes, Annotated
1 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Co, 1943.
Kentucky Statutes: Containing all General Laws (Not Included in the Codes of Practice) with Full Notes from Decisions of the Court of Appeals and the Constitution of Kentucky, Annotated
1 v. Louisville, KY: Baldwin Law Book Co, 1922
Kentucky Statutes: Containing all General Laws Not Included in the Codes of Practice with Full Notes of Decisions of the Court of Appeals to November, 1914
3 v. Louisville, Ky: The Baldwin Law Book Company Inc., 1915.
Kentucky Statutes: Containing All General Laws Not Included in the Codes of Practice. With Full Notes of Decisions of the Court of Appeals to June, 1903
1 v. Louisville: The Courier-Journal Job Printing Company, 1903
Kentucky Statutes: Containing All General Laws, including Those Passed at Session of 1894. With Notes of Decisions of the Court of Appeals
1 v. Louisville: Courier-Journal Job Printing Co, 1894.
Kentucky Statutes: Containing All General Laws, including Those Passed at Session of 1898
1 v. Louisville: The Courier-Journal Job Printing Company, 1899
Kerr's Small Codes of California
5 v. Los Angeles: California Law Book Co, 1924
Law of Insolvency in Maryland
1v. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co., 1887
Law of Municipal Corporations in the State of Ohio
1v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co, 1875
Laws and Decrees of the State of Coahuila and Texas, in Spanish and English, to Which is Added the Constitution of Said State
1 v. Houston: Telegraph Power Press, 1839
Laws and Ordinances of New Netherland, 1638-1674
1v. Albany: Weed, Parsons, 1868
Laws and Ordinances of the State of Deseret (Utah)
1 v. Salt Lake City: Shepard Book co, 1919.
Laws of a General and Local Nature Passed by the Legislative Committee and Legislative Assembly
1 v. Salem, Or: Asahel Bush, Territorial Printer, 1853.
Laws of a Public and General Natures, of the District of Louisiana, of the Territory of Louisiana, of the Territory of Missouri, and of the State of Missouri, and of the State of Missouri, up to the Year 1824
2 v. Jefferson City: Printed by W. Lusk, 1842
Laws of Alaska Embracing the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Political Code, the Code of Civil Procedure, and the Civil Code
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1900
Laws of Las Siete Partidas, Which Are Still in Force in the State of Louisiana
2 v. New Orleans: Printed by James M'Karaher, no. 60, Chartres-Street, 1820
Laws of Maryland, to Which Are Prefixed the Original Charter, with an English Translation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution of the State
2v. Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green, 1799-1800
Laws of Maryland. With the Charter, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution of the State, and its Alterations, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States, and its Amendments
3 v. Baltimore: P.H. Nicklin & Co, 1811
Laws of New Hampshire
10v. Manchester: John B. Clarke Co., 1904-1922
Laws of New-York
2 v. New-York: : Printed by James Parker, printer to the government, at the new printing-office, in Beaver-Street, 1752-1762
Laws of Race, as Connected with Slavery
1v. Philadelphia: Willis P. Hazard, 1860
Laws of Texas 1822-1897
10 vols. Austin: The Gammel Book Company, 1898
Laws of Texas: Supplement Volume to the Original Ten Volumes, 1822-1897
1 v. Austin: Gammel Book Co, 1902
Laws of the Arkansas Territory
1 v. Little Rock, Ark. Ter: Printed by J. Steele, 1835
Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from February 28, 1807 to February 28, 1814, including the Political Years 1807, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812, and 1813
1 v. Boston: Thomas and Andrews, 1814
Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from November 28, 1780 to February 28, 1807, with the Constitutions of the United States of America, and of the Commonwealth, Prefixed
3 v. Boston: Printed by J.T. Buckingham for Thomas & Andrews, 1807
Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
7v. Philadelphia: Printed by J. Bioren for Mathew Carey and Self, 1803-1806
Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, from the Fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred
10 v. Philadelphia: John Bioren; James Kay, Jun. & Brother, 1810-1844
Laws of the Corporation of the City of Washington, Digested and Arranged, under Appropriate Heads in Accordance with a Joint Resolution of the City Councils
1 v. Washington: Printed by R.A. Waters, 1868
Laws of the Corporation of the City of Washington, to the End of the Thirtieth Council - June, 1833
1 v. Washington: F.W. De Krafft, printer, 1833
Laws of the Indiana Territory
1 v. Vincennes [Ind.]: Printed by Stout & Smoot, 1807.
Laws of the Indiana Territory, 1801-1809
1 v. Springfield: Illinois State Historical Library, 1930
Laws of the Indiana Territory, 1809-1816
1 v. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Bureau, 1934
Laws of the Northwest Territory, 1788-1800
1v. Springfield, Ill: Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1925
Laws of the Province of Pennsilvania Collected into One Volumn, by Order of the Governour and Assembly of the Said Province
1v. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Andr. Bradford, 1714
Laws of the Province of South-Carolina: In Two Parts
1v. Charleston: Lewis Timothy, 1736
Laws of the State of Delaware from the Fourteenth Day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred, to the Eighteenth Day of August, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Seven
2v. New-Castle: Samuel & John Adams, 1797.
Laws of the State of Delaware, to the Year of Our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine, Inclusive
1 v. Wilmington: Printed by R. Porter and Son, 1829
Laws of the State of Maine
2 v. Portland: T. Todd and Colman, Holden & Co, 1834
Laws of the State of Maine
1 v. Hallowell: Glazier, Master & Co, 1830
Laws of the State of Mississippi Embracing All Acts of a Public Nature from January Session, 1824, to January Session 1838, Inclusive
1 v. Jackson: Printed for the state, 1838.
Laws of the State of New York. Containing All the Acts of the 30th - and the Public Acts of the 31st and 32d Sessions of the Legislature - 1807, 1808 and 1809; Also, the Titles of the Private Acts
1 v. Albany, New York: Webster and Skinner, 1809
Laws of the State of New York. Containing All the Acts Passed at the 28th Sessions of the Legislature, 1804-05 and 1806
1 v. Albany, New York: Webster and Skinner, 1806
Laws of the State of New-Hampshire, Enacted since June 1, 1815
1 v. Concord: Printed by Isaac Hill, 1824
Laws of the State of New-Hampshire; with the Constitutions of the United States and of the State Prefixed
1v. Hopkinton: Isaac Long, Jr., 1830
Laws of the State of New-Hampshire; with the Constitutions of the United States and of the State Prefixed
1v. Exeter: Printed by C. Norris & Co., 1815
Laws of the State of New-Jersey
1v. Newark: Printed by M. Day, 1800
Laws of the State of New-Jersey
1v. Trenton: Printed by J.J. Wilson, 1811
Laws of the State of New-Jersey: Revised and Published under the Authority of the Legislature
1 v. Trenton: Printed for the State by J. Justice, 1821
Laws of the State of New-York
2 v. Albany: Printed by Charles R. and George Webster, 1802
Laws of the State of New-York, Comprising the Constitution, and the Acts of the Legislature, since the Revolution, from the First to the Fifteenth Session, Inclusive
3 v. New York : Thomas Greenleaf, 1792-1797
Laws of the State of New-York, of a General Nature; from 1828
1 v. Rochester, NY: S. Hamilton, 1845
Laws of the State of New-York, of a General Nature; Passed, from 1828, to 1841, Inclusive
1 v. Rochester, NY: Thomas E. Hyatt, 1841
Laws of the State of New-York. Containing All the Acts Passed from the Revision of 1801, to the End of the 27th Session of the Legislature, 1804
1 v. Albany, New York: Webster and Skinner, 1804
Laws of the State of North-Carolina
1v. Edenton: Printed by Hodge & Wills, printers to the State of North-Carolina, 1791
Laws of the State of Vermont, Digested and Compiled: Including the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and of this State
2v. Randolph [Vt.]: Printed by Sereno Wright, 1808
Laws of the Territory of Illinois
2 v.Kaskasia [Ill.]: Printed by Matthew Duncan, 1815
Laws of the Territory of Michigan
4v. Lansing: W.S. George & Co, 1871-1884
Laws of the Territory of Michigan
1 v. Detroit: Printed by Sheldon & Wells, 1827
Laws of the Territory of Michigan, with Marginal Notes and an Index; to Which Are Prefixed, the Ordinance and Several Acts of Congress Relating to This Territory
1 v. Detroit: Printed by Sheldon & Reed, 1820
Laws of the Territory of the United States North-West of the Ohio
1v. Cincinnati: Printed by W. Maxwell, 1796
Laws of the Territory of the United States North-West of the River Ohio
1v. Cincinnati: From the Press of Carpenter & Findlay, printers to the Territory, 1800
Laws of the United States Relative to the Territory of Florida, Passed by Congress Prior to 1838
1 v. Tallahassee [Fla.]: S.S. Sibley, Printer, 1837
Laws of the Virgin Islands of the United States, Municipality of Saint Thomas and Saint John, from March 31, 1917 to December 31, 1924
1v. St. Thomas: Government Printing Office, 1925
Laws of Vermont of a Public and Permanent Nature, Coming down to and including the Year 1834
1 v. Montpelier: Knapp and Jewett, 1835
Laws of Virginia; Being a Supplement to Hening's The Statutes at Large, 1700-1750
1 v. Richmond: Virginia State Library, 1971
Laws of Washington Territory
1 v. Olympia: C.B. Bagley, public printer, 1884
Laws of Washington. A publication of the session laws of Washington territory, including the general laws and resolutions of the years 1854 to 1888 inclusive
5v. Seattle: Tribune Print. Co, 1896
Laws Passed in the Territory of the United States North-West of the River Ohio, from July to December, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Two, Inclusive
1v. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Childs and John Swaine, 1794
Laws Passed in the Territory of the United States North-West of the River Ohio, from the Commencement of the Government to the 31st of December, 1791
1v. Philadelphia: Printed by F. Childs and J. Swaine, 1792
Laws, and Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesties Province of Nova Caesarea or New-Jersey
1v. S.I.: Printed and sold by William Bradford, Printer to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty for the Province of New-Jersey, 1717
Laws, Memorials, and Resolutions, of the Territory of Montana Passed at the Seventh Session of the Legislative Assembly
1 v. Montana: James H. Mills, public printer, 1872.
Legislative Organization and Procedure
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1948
Legislature of the Province of Virginia: Its Internal Development
1v. New York: Columbia University, 1907
Local and Special Laws of Idaho Territory, Remaining in Force June 1, 1887
1 v. Boise City: Printed for the territory, 1887
Lord's Oregon Laws Showing All the Laws of a General Nature in Force in the State of Oregon
3 v. Salem, Or: William S. Duniway, State Printer, 1910
1804-2020; Including the Territory of Louisiana (1804-1812)
Louisiana Digest, Embracing the Laws of the Legislature of a General Nature, Enacted from the Year 1804 to 1841, Inclusive, and in Force at This Last Period
1 v. New Orleans: B. Levy, 1841
Maine Statutory Citations: Table of the Revised Statutes of 1883, Amended, Enlarged or Repealed by the Public Laws of 1885-1893
1v. Augusta [Me.]: Burleigh & Flint, printers to the State, 1894.
Manual of Legislative Procedure for Legislative and Other Government Bodies
1v. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970
Manual or Digest of the Statute Law of the State of Florida, of a General and Public Character
1 v. Boston: C.C. Little and J. Brown, 1847
1692-2020; Including the Maryland Colony (1692-1788)
Maryland Code
2 v. Baltimore: J. Murphy & Co, 1860
Maryland Code. Public General Laws
2 v. Baltimore: King Bros, 1904
Maryland Code. Public General Laws
2 v. + Supplement, Baltimore: King Bros, 1888
Mason's 1935 Supplement to the Compiled Laws of Michigan, 1929
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: Mason Pub. Co, 1935
Mason's 1937 Supplement to the Compiled Laws of Michigan, 1929
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: Mason Pub. Co, 1938
Mason's 1940 Cumulative Supplement to the Compiled Laws of Michigan, 1929
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: Mason Pub. Co, 1939
Mason's 1945 Supplement to the Compiled Laws of Michigan, 1929 and Mason's 1940 Cumulative Supplement
1 v. St. Paul, Minn: Mason Pub. Co, 1945
Mason's 1956 Supplement to the Compiled Laws of Michigan, 1948
1 v. in 2 Parts. Saint Paul: Mason Pub. Co, 1957
Mason's Michigan Annotations, 1949-1955: Directly Supplementing the Case Annotations Found in Volume 6 of the Compiled Laws of the State of Michigan, 1948
1 v. St. Paul: Mason Pub. Co.,
Mason's Minnesota Statutes, 1927
2 + 2 Supplements, St. Paul: Citer-Digest Company, 1927-1944
1661-2023; Including the Massachusetts Colony (1661-1788)
Massachusetts Cumulative Statutes: 1929 Supplement; Containing All General Laws of 1927, 1928 and 1929 with Full Annotations
1 v. Charlottesville: Michie Co, 1929.
McClain's Annotated Code and Statutes of the State of Iowa, Showing the General Statutes in Force July 4, 1888
2 v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1888
McEachin's Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas
4 v. Chicago: T.H. Flood and Co., 1913
1806-2023; Including the Territory of Michigan (1806-1836)
Michigan Compiled Laws of 1915: Annotated Supplement 1922
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1922
Military Code of the State of Alabama, An Appendix
1v. Tuscaloosa; Ferguson & Eaton, 1838
Mills Annotated Statutes of the State of Colorado
2v. Denver: Mills Pub. Co, 1912.
Mills' Annotated Code of Civil Procedure, Adopting as Text the Colorado Code of Civil Procedure of 1887
1 v. Denver, Col: Mills Pub. Co, 1905.
Mills' Annotated Code, Adopting as Text the Colorado Code of Civil Procedure of 1887
1 v. Denver, Col: Mills Pub. Co, 1896.
Mills' Annotated Statutes of the State of Colorado
2 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers and Co, 1891.
1850-2024; Including the Territory of Minnesota (1850-1858)
Minnesota Statutes 1941
2 v. [Minneapolis, Minn.]: The State, 1942
1799-2023; Including the Territory of Mississippi (1799-1817)
Mississippi Code of 1906 of the Public Statute Laws of the State of Mississippi
1 v. Nashville, Tenn: Brandon Print. Co, 1906
1813-2023; Including the Territory of Missouri (1813-1820)
Missouri Annotated Practice Act, with the Statutes on Ejectment, Injunction and Replevin, also Annotated
1v. Chicago: Callaghan & Co, 1881
Missouri Criminal Code Indexed and Annotated
1 v. Columbia, Mo: E.W. Stephens, 1895
Missouri Statute Annotations Embracing Construction and Derivation
1v. Kansas City, Mo: Published by the Compiler, 1899
1864-2023; Including the Territory of Montana (1864-1889)
Municipal Code of Ohio
1 v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson Co, 1909.
Municipal Code of Ohio: Including the Act of October 22, 1902 and All Statutes Relating to Municipal Corporations with Complete Annotations of Decisions and All Necessary Forms
1 v. Cincinnati: W. H. Anderson Co., 1903
1855-2024; including the Territory of Nebraska (1855-1867)
1861-2019; Including the Territory of Nevada (1861-1864)
Nevada Compiled Laws 1929
6 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co, 1930
Nevada Compiled Laws 1929 and Supplement 1931-1941, 1945 Pocket Part
2 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co., 1945
Nevada Compiled Laws Supplement 1931-1941
2 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss Co, 1942
Nevada Compiled Laws Supplement 1943-1949
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss, 1950
New Digest of the Statute Laws of the State of Louisiana, from the Change of Government to the Year 1841, Inclusive
1 v. New Orleans: E. Johns, 1842.
New Hampshire
1696-2023; Including the New Hampshire Colony (1696-1787)
New Jersey
1703-2020; Including the New Jersey Colony (1703-1786)
New Jersey Penal Code: Final Report
2v. Newark: s.n., 1971
New Mexico
1846-2022; Including the Territory of New Mexico (1846-1912)
New Revised and Annotated Code of Iowa, Containing All the General Statutes of Iowa to July 4, 1888
1 v. Des Moines: Mills Pub. Co, 1888
New York
1691-2023; Including the New York Colony (1691-1775)
North Carolina
1715-2022; Including the North Carolina Colony (1715-1788)
North Carolina Code of 1927, all the General Laws to and Including the Legislative Session of 1927, Complete Annotations
1 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie, 1928
North Carolina Criminal Code and Digest
1 v. Raleigh: Edwards & Broughton Print. Co, 1892
North Dakota
North Dakota Revised Code of 1943
7 v. [Fargo, N.D.: Knight Print. Co, 1944]
North Dakota Revised Code of 1943: 1957 Supplement
1 v. [North Dakota: s.n.], 1957
Notes and Annotations to the Kentucky Revised Statutes, 1944
1 v. [Frankfort]: Kentucky Statute Revision Commission, 1944
Notes and Annotations to the Kentucky Revised Statutes, 1946
1 v. [Frankfort, Ky.]: Kentucky Statute Revision Commission, 1947
Notes and Annotations to the Kentucky Revised Statutes: 1960 Cumulative Supplement
1 v. [Frankfort]: Legislative Research Commission, 1960
Notes to Statutes of Indiana: A Continuous Supplement to the Statutes of Indiana
5 v. Crawfordsville, IN: National Annotating Company, 1913-1917
Notes to Statutes of Indiana: A Continuous Supplement to the Statutes of Indiana
4 v. Crawfordsville, Ind: National annotating Co, 1918-1921
Official Code of West Virginia, Containing All Statutes of a General Nature Now in Effect
1 v. [Charleston, W. Va: Jarrett Print. Co, 1930]
1788-2022; Including the Territory of Ohio (1788-1803)
1890-2021; Including the Territory of Oklahoma (1890-1907)
Oklahoma Criminal Code, with Annotations to Oklahoma Criminal Reports
1 v. Oklahoma City, Okla: Harlow Pub. Co, 1921
Oklahoma Statutes 1931
2 v. Oklahoma City: Harlow Pub. Co, 1932
One-House Legislature
1v. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1937
Ordinance for Regulating & Establishing Fees within This His Majesty's Province of New-Jersey
1v. [New York]: Printed and sold by William Bradford, 1724
Ordinances and Decrees of the Consultation, Provisional Government of Texas and the Convention, which Assembled at Washington March 1, 1836
1v. Houston: National Banner Office, 1838
1841-2024; Including the Territory of Oregon (1841-1859)
Oregon Code 1930
5 v. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill company, 1930-1935
Oregon Law Index: An Index to Oregon Territorial and State Laws up to 1866
1v. Portland, Ore: Stevens-Ness Law Pub. Co, 1937
Organic and Other General Laws of Oregon Together with the National Constitution and Other Public Acts and Statutes of the United States 1843-1872
1 v. [S.l.]: E. Semple, 1874
Park's Annotated Code of the State of Georgia 1914
7 v. + Supplements, Atlanta: The Harrison Co, 1914
Penal Code of Alabama
1v. Montgomery: Reid & Screws, State Printers, 1866.
Penal Code of California
1 v. Sacramento: T.A. Springer, state printer, 1872
Penal Code of California Enacted in 1872; as Amended in 1881
1 v. San Francisco: Sumner Whitney, 1881
Penal Code of California Enacted in 1872; as Amended up to and including 1899
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1899
Penal Code of California Enacted in 1872; as Amended up to and including 1903
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1903
Penal Code of California. Enacted in 1872; as Amended up to and including 1905, with Statutory History and Citation Digest up to and including Volume 147, California Reports
1 v. San Francisco, CA: Bancroft-Whitney, 1906
Penal Code of California: Enacted in 1872, as Amended in 1883
1 v. San Francisco: Sumner Whitney, 1883
Penal Code of Puerto Rico
1v. San Juan, P.R.: Bureau of Supplies, Printing, and Transportation, 1937
Penal Code of State of Idaho, 1901
1 v. Boise, Idaho: Capital News Printing Co, 1901
Penal Code of the Hawaiian Islands, Passed by the House of Nobles and Representatives on the 21st of June, A. D. 1850
1 v. Honolulu: Printed by H. M. Whitney, Govt. Press, 1850
Penal Code of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Compiled from the Penal Code of 1850, and the Various Penal Enactments since Made Pursuant to Act of the Legislative Assembly, June 22d, 1868
1 v. Published by authority: Honolulu, Oahu, 1869
Penal Code of the State of California
1 v.San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft, 1874
Penal Code of the State of California Adopted February 14, 1872 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-First Session of the Legislature, 1915
1 v.San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1915
Penal Code of the State of California Adopted February 14, 1872 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Ninth Session of the Legislature, 1931
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1931
Penal Code of the State of California with Amendments up to and including Those of the Fifty-First Session of the Legislature, 1935
2 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss, 1935
Penal Code of the State of California. Adopted February 14, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Legislature, 1923
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company, 1924
Penal Code of the State of California. Adopted February 14, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Thirty-Eighth Session of the Legislature, 1909
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1909
Penal Code of the State of Minnesota to Take Effect January 1, A.D. 1886
1v. Saint Paul: Pioneer Press Co, 1885.
Penal Code of the State of Texas Adopted at the Regular Session of the Thirty-Ninth Legislature
1 v. Austin: A.C. Baldwin & Son, State printers, 1925
Penal Code of the State of Texas Adopted at the Regular Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature with Addenda including the Twenty-Fifth, Twenty-Sixth and Twenty-Seventh Legislatures 1901
1 v. Austin, Tex: Gammel Book Co, 1901
Penal Code of the State of Texas Adopted at the Regular Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature, 1895
1 v. Austin, Texas: Gammel, 1895
Penal Code of the State of Texas, Adopted by the Sixth Legislature
1 v. Galveston: Printed at the News Office, 1857
1700-2022; Including the Pennsylvania Colony (1700-1787)
Pepper and Lewis's Digest: A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania 1700 to 1907
4 v. Philadelphia: T. & J.W. Johnson Co, 1910
Permanent Cumulative Supplement to Compiled General Laws of Florida: 1940 Part
6v. in 1 Atlanta: Harrison, 1940
Perpetual Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from the Commencement of the Constitution in October, 1780, to the Last Wednesday in May, 1789
1v. Boston: Printed by Adams and Nourse, 1789
Personal Names in Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia, and Shepherd's Continuation
1 v. New York: Green Bookman, 1896
Pierce's Code, A Compilation of All the Laws in Force in the State of Washington including the Session of 1905
1 v. Seattle, Wash: Tribune Printing Co, 1905
Pierce's Code. State of Washington. Cyclopedic Arrangement including Laws 1919
2 v. Seattle: National law book Co, 1919
Pierce's Code: A Compilation of All the Laws in Force in the State of Washington including the Session of 1911, Annotated
1 v. + Supplement, Seattle, Wash: National Law Book Co, 1912
Political Code of State of Idaho, 1901
1 v. Boise, Idaho: Capital News Print. Co, 1901
Political Code of the State of California
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1897.
Political Code of the State of California
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1887.
Political Code of the State of California
2 v. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft, 1874
Political Code of the State of California
2 v. Sacramento: T.A. Springer, state printer, 1872
Political Code of the State of California Adopted March 12, 1872 with Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Ninth Session of the Legislature, 1931
2 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1932
Political Code of the State of California, as Enacted in 1872, and Amended up to and including 1903
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1903
Political Code of the State of California, as Enacted in 1872, and Amended up to and including 1905, with Statutory History and Citation Digest up to and including Volume 147 of California Reports
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1906
Political Code of the State of California. Adopted March 12, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-Fifth Session of the Legislature, 1923
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney company, 1924
Political Code of the State of California. Adopted March 12, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Thirty-Eighth Session of the Legislature, 1909
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1909
Political Code of the State of California. Adopted March 21, 1872. With Amendments up to and including Those of the Forty-First Session of the Legislature, 1915
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1916
Political Code of the State of California. As Enacted in 1872, and Amended up to and including 1899
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1899
Pollard's Code Biennial 1912 Containing All Statutes of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the General Assembly of Virginia at Its Session of 1912
1 v. Richmond, Va: Everett Waddey Co, 1912
Pollard's Code Biennial 1918 Containing All Statutes of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the General Assembly of Virginia at Its Session of 1918
1 v. Richmond, Va: Everett Waddey Co, 1918
Pollard's Code Biennial 1920 Containing All Statutes of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the General Assembly of Virginia at the Sessions of 1918, 1919 and 1920
1 v. Richmond: Everett Waddey Co, 1920
Pollard's Code Biennial, 1908
1 v. Richmond, Va: E. Waddey co, 1908.
Pollard's Supplement to the Code of Virginia 1922 Containing All Statutes of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the General Assembly at the Sessions of 1918, 1919, 1920 and 1922
1 v. Richmond: Everett Waddey, 1922
Pollard's Supplement to the Code of Virginia Containing All Statutes of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the General Assembly at Its Sessions of 1906, 1908 and 1910
1 v. Richmond: E. Waddey, 1910
Pollard's Supplement to the Code of Virginia Containing All Statutes of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the General Assembly at Its Sessions of 1912, 1914, 1915 and 1916
1 v. Richmond: E. Waddey, 1916
Practice Act of California, Entitled an Act to Regulate Proceedings in Civil Cases in the Courts of Justice in This State, as Passed April 29, and Amended May 18, 1853; May 18, 1854; April 28, May 4 and May 7, 1855
1 v. San Francisco: Whitton, Towne & Co., Printers, 1856
Practice Act of the State of Connecticut, with the Orders, Rules, and Forms under the Same
1v. Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co, 1879.
Practice Book of 1908: A Compilation of Laws, Rules, and Forms Pertaining to Civil Actions
1 v. Hartford, [Conn.]: Printed by the State, 1908
Practice, Pleading, and Evidence in the Courts of the State of California
1 v. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft, 1877
Private and Special Statutes - Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 v. Boston: Rand, Avery & Co., printers to the Commonwealth, 1882.
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 v. Boston: Albert J. Wright, State printer, 1876.
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1889.
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
21 v. Boston: Manning & Loring; Wright & Potter, 1805-1902
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the Years 1902, 1903, 1904 and 1905
1v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1906
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the Years 1906, 1907 and 1908
1v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1909
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the Years 1909, 1910 and 1911
1v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1912
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from the Year 1780 to the Close of the Session of the General Court, Begun and Held on the Last Wednesday in May, A.D. 1805
3 v. Boston: Printed for the State, by Manning & Loring, 1805
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Years 1849, '50, '51, '52, '53
1v. Boston: William White, Printer to the State, 1860
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Years 1854, '55, '56, '57, '58, '59
1v. Boston: William White, Printer to the State, 1861
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Years 1860, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65
1v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1869
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Years 1866, '67, '68, '69, '70
1v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1871
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Years 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893
1v. Boston: Wright & Potter Print. Co, 1895
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Years 1894, '95, '96, '97
1v. Boston: Wright & Potter Print. Co., State printers, 1898
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for the Years 1898, 1899, 1900 and 1901
1 v. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1902
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from January 1838, to May 1848: Revised and Published by Authority of the Legislature in Conformity to a Resolve Passed April 26, 1847
1 v. Boston [Mass.]: Dutton and Wentworth, State printers, 1848.
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from June 1814 to February 1822
1 v. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1823
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, from May 1830, to April 1837
1v. Boston: Published by Dutton and Wentworth, state printers, nos. 10 and 12 Exchange Street, 1837
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From February 1806 to February 1814
1 v. Boston: Wells and Lilly, 1823
Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From May 1822, to March 1830
1 v. Boston: Published by Dutton & Wentworth, State Printers, 1837
Public Acts, Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, in the Years 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842 and 1843
1v. Hartford: J.L. Boswell, 1845.
Public and General Statute Laws of the State of Illinois: Containing All the Laws Published in the Revised Statutes of 1833 Except Such as are Repealed, - Together with All the Acts of a General and Public Nature, Passed by the Ninth General Assembly
1 v. Chicago: S.F. Gale, 1839
Public and Permanent Statutes of a General Nature, Being an Annotated Code of Tennessee
1v. Nashville, Tenn: Marshall & Bruce Co, 1896.
Public Laws of the State of New Hampshire
2 v. 1925.
Public Laws of the State of New-Jersey, Volume III, from January 1834 to February 1843, Inclusive
1v. Camden: Printed by J. Harrison, 1843
Public Laws of the State of New-York. Passed at the Thirty-Third Session Begun and Held at the City of Albany, the Thirtieth Day of January, 1810
1 v. Albany, New York: Webster and Skinner, 1810
Public Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Passed at the Sessions of the General Assembly, from January, 1857, to January, 1867, Inclusive
1v. Providence: Providence Press Co, 1867
Public Laws of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Passed at the Sessions of the General Assembly, from January, 1888, to June, 1890, Inclusive
1 v. Providence: E.L. Freeman & Son, Printers to the State, 1892
Public Laws of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations Passed since the Session of the General Assembly in January, A.D. 1798.
1 v. Newport: Printed by H. & O. Farnsworth, printers to the Hon. General Assembly, 1798
Public Laws of the State of Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, as Revised by a Committee, and Finally Enacted by the General Assembly at the Session in January, 1844
1 v. Providence: Knowles & Vose, 1844
Public Laws of Vermont, 1933
1 v. [Montpelier, Vt.]: Pub. by authority [The Capital City Press], 1934
Public Laws Passed at the Session of 1876 of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia
1 v. Atlanta, Ga: J.P. Harrison & Co, 1876
Public Laws, Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, at the Session of 1870, with an Appendix
1 v. Atlanta, Ga: New Era Printing Establishment, 1870
Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut
1v. Hartford [Conn.]: Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, 1808
Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut as Revised and Enacted by the General Assembly, in May 1821
1v. Hartford: S.G. Goodrich, & Huntington & Hopkins, 1821.
Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut, as Revised and Enacted by the General Assembly, in May 1821
1v. Hartford: H. Huntington, Jr, 1824.
Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut, Compiled in Obedience to a Resolve of the General Assembly, Passed May 1835
1v. Hartford: J.B. Eldredge, printer, 1835.
Public Statute Laws of the State of Connecticut, Compiled in Obedience to a Resolve of the General Assembly, Passed May, Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Eight
1v. Hartford: John L. Boswell, 1839.
Public Statutes at Large, of the State of Ohio: From the Close of Chase's Statutes, February, 1833 to the Present Time
4v. Cincinnati: Published by the author, 1853-1861
Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Enacted November 19, 1881, to Take Effect February 1, 1882
1 v. Boston: Wright & Potter, 1886
Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Enacted November 19, 1881; to Take Effect February 1, 1882
1 v. Boston: Rand, Avery, & Company, Printers to the Commonwealth, 1882
Public Statutes of the State of Minnesota (1849-1858)
1 v. Saint Paul: Pioneer Print. Co, 1859
Public Statutes of the State of New Hampshire, and General Laws in Force January 1, 1901
1 v. Concord: E. C. Eastman, 1900
Public Statutes of the State of New Hampshire, to Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and State of New Hampshire
1 v. Concord, NH: Eastman, 1891
Public Statutes of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: To Which Are Prefixed the Constitutions of the United States and of the State
1 v. Providence: E.L. Freeman & Co., Printers to the State, 1882
Public Statutes of the State of Tennessee, Since the Year 1858, Being in the Nature of a Supplement to the Code
1 v. Nashville: Paul & Tavel, 1872.
Public Statutes of Vermont, 1906
1 v. [Concord, N.H.: Rumford Print Co.], 1907
Puerto Rico
Purdon's Digest: A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred to the Twenty-Eighth Day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Three
1 v. Philadelphia, Pa: Kay, Jun. & Brother, 1853
Purdon's Digest: A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred to the Twenty-Eighth Day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Three; Together with the Annual Digests for 1854, 1855, 1856 and 1867
1 v. Philadelphia: Kay & Brother, 1857
Purdon's Digest: A Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, from the Year One Thousand Seven Hundred to the Twenty-Second Day of April, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Six
1 v. Philadelphia: James Kay, Jun. & Brother, 1852
Real Property Statutes of Washington Territory, from 1843 to 1889, Comprising the Laws Affecting Real Property
1 v. Olympia, Wash: State Print. and Pub. Co, 1892
Reference Tables of Changes Made in the Revised Statutes of Maine by the Public Laws of 1905, 1907, 1909
1v. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon, 1909.
Reid's Index to the Amended Laws of Michigan: Containing a Synopsis of New Laws Passed since the Compilation of 1857
1v. Lansing, Mich: J.A. Kerr & Co, 1867
Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington: Showing All Statutes in Force, including the Extraordinary Session Laws of 1909
3 v. Seattle: Bancroft-Whitney Company, 1910
Remington's Codes and Statutes of Washington: Showing All Statutes in Force, including the Session Laws of 1915
2 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1916
Remington's Compiled Statutes of Washington Annotated
3 v. + 2 Supplements, San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney company, 1922-1927
Report of the Code Commissioner of the State of Idaho
1 v. Boise, Idaho: Syms-York Co, 1908.
Reports on the Laws of Connecticut
1v. New Haven: Morehouse & Taylor, 1915
Resolves and Private Laws of the State of Connecticut
4v. Hartford: J.B. Eldridge, 1837.
Revisal of 1905 of North Carolina Prepared under Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen of the Laws of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Three
2 v. Raleigh: E.M. Uzzell & Co, 1905
Revisal of 1908 of North Carolina: Being the Public and General Statutes of the State, Prepared by Authority of Chapter 522 or the Public Laws of 1907 and Annotated with Decisions of Supreme Court
2 v. Charleston, S.C.: Walker, Evans & Cogswell Co, 1908
Revised and Annotated Code of Iowa, Containing All the Statutes of the State of Iowa by a General Nature in Force July 4, 1884
2 v. Des Moines: Mills & Co, 1884
Revised and Annotated Code of Iowa, Containing All the Statutes of the State of Iowa of a General Nature in Force July 4, 1880
2 v. Des Moines: Mills, 1880
Revised Civil Code of Louisiana with Annotations of Hon. A. Voorhies to Volume Twenty-Five, Annual Reports
1 v. New Orleans: Hansell & Brother, 1888
Revised Civil Code of Louisiana: With Amendments, including the Session of the Legislature of 1908
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell & Brother, 1909
Revised Civil Code of Louisiana: With Amendments, including the Session of the Legislature of 1920
1 v. New Orleans: Hansell & Brother, 1920
Revised Civil Code of the State of Louisiana
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, printer, 1880
Revised Civil Code of the State of Louisiana
1 v. New Orleans: Hansell, 1882.
Revised Civil Code of the State of Louisiana 1870
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1887
Revised Civil Code of the State of Louisiana: With References to the Acts of the Legislature up to and including the Session of 1898
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1900
Revised Civil Code of the State of Louisiana: With References to the Acts of the Legislature up to and including the Session of 1912
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1913
Revised Civil Code of the State of Louisiana: With References to the Acts of the Legislature up to and including the Session of 1924
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1925
Revised Civil Statutes and Laws Passed by the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, & 20th Legislatures of the State of Texas
2 v. St. Louis: Gilbert Book Co, 1889.
Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas : adopted at the regular session of the thirty-second Legislature, 1911
1v. Austin, Tex: Austin Print. Co, 1911.
Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas Adopted at the Regular Session of the Thirty-Ninth Legislature 1925 including Constitution of the United States and Constitution of the State of Texas
2 v. Austin, Tex: A.C. Baldwin & Sons, 1925
Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. Adopted at the Regular Session of the Twenty-Fourth Legislature, 1895
1 v. Austin, TX: Eugene Von Boeckmann, 1895
Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas. Adopted at the Regular Session of the Twenty-Third Legislature, 1893
1 v. Galveston: Printed by Clarke & Courts, 1893
Revised Code of Alabama
1 v. Montgomery, Ala: Reid & Screws, 1867
Revised Code of Arizona 1928
1 v. Phoenix, Ariz: Manufacturing Stationers, 1930
Revised Code of Delaware 1935
1 v. Wilmington, Del: Star Publ. Co, 1936
Revised Code of Laws, Illinois, Containing Those of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the Sixth General Assembly, at Their Session Held at Vandalia, Commencing on the First Monday of December, 1828
1 v. Shawneetown, Ill: A.F. Grant & Co, 1829
Revised Code of Laws, of Illinois, Enacted by the Fifth General Assembly. At Their Session Held at Vandalia, Commencing on the Fourth Day of December, 1826, and Ending the Nineteenth of February, 1827
1 v. Vandalia: Robert Blackwell, Printer to the State, 1827
Revised Code of North Carolina, Enacted by the General Assembly at the Session of 1854
1 v. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1855
Revised Code of the District of Columbia, Prepared under the Authority of the Act of Congress
1 v. Washington: A.O.P. Nicholson, Public Printer, 1857
Revised Code of the Laws of Mississippi, in Which Are Comprised All Such Acts of the General Assembly, of a Public Nature, as Were in Force at the End of the Year 1823
1 v. Natchez: Printed by F. Baker, 1824
Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia: Being a Collection of All Such Acts of the General Assembly, of a Public and Permanent Nature, as are Now in Force; with a General Index
2 v. Richmond: Printed by Thomas Ritchie, printer to the commonwealth, 1819
Revised Code of the Public General Laws of the State of Maryland
1 v. Baltimore: John Murphy & Co, 1879
Revised Code of the Statute Laws of the State of Mississippi
1 v. Jackson, Miss: J.L. Power, State Printer, 1880
Revised Code of the Statute Laws of the State of Mississippi
1 v. Jackson, Miss: Alcorn & Fisher, 1871
Revised Code of the Statute Laws of the State of Mississippi
1 v. Jackson, Miss: E. Barksdale, State printer, 1857
Revised Code of Washington
6 v. + Supplement, Olympia, Wash: State Print. Plant, 1951-1961
Revised Code of Washington
Revised Codes of Idaho
2 v. Boise: Syms-York Co., printers and binders, 1908
Revised Codes of Montana of 1921
4v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company, 1921
Revised Codes of Montana of 1935
5v. Helena, Mont: State Pub. Co, 1936
Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota, 1895
1 v. Bismarck, N.D.: Tribune Co., Printers and Binders, 1895
Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota, 1899
1 v. Bismarck, N.D.: Tribune Co., Printers, 1899
Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota, 1905
1 v. Bismarck, N.D.: Tribune Company, State Printers, 1905
Revised Codes of the Territory of Dakota. A.D. 1877: Comprising the Codes and General Statutes Passed at the Twelfth Session of the Legislative Assembly, and All Other General Laws Remaining in Force
1 v. Yankton: Bowen & Kingsbury, public printers, 1877
Revised Codes, 1903, State of South Dakota
1v. Pierre: State Pub, 1903
Revised General Statutes of Florida Prepared under Authority of Chapter 6930, Acts 1915, Chapter 7347, Acts 1917, and Chapter 7838, Acts 1919, Laws of Florida
3 v. De Land, Fla: E.O. Painter Print. Co, 1920
Revised Laws of Illinois, Containing All Laws of a General and Public Nature Passed by the Eighth General Assembly, at Their Session Held at Vandalia, Commencing on the Third Day of December, 1832, and Ending the Second Day of March, 1833
1 v. Vandalia [Ill.]: Printed by Greiner & Sherman, 1833
Revised Laws of Indiana, in which are Comprised all Such Acts of a General Nature as are in Force in Said State; Adopted and Enacted by the General Assembly at their Fifteenth Session
1 v. Indianapolis: Printed by Douglass and Maguire, 1831
Revised Laws of Indiana: Adopted and Enacted by the General Assembly at their Eighth Session
1 v. Corydon: Printed by Carpenter and Douglass, 1824
Revised Laws of Louisiana. Approved March 14th, 1870, with Copious References to the Acts of the Legislature from and including the Sessions of 1870, up to and including the Session of 1882
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1884
Revised Laws of Louisiana. Containing the Revised Statutes of the State (Official Edition, 1870) as Amended by Acts of the Legislature, from the Session of 1870 to That of 1896 Inclusive
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1897
Revised Laws of Minnesota 1905, Enacted April 18, 1905 to Take Effect March 1, 1906
1 v. St. Paul: The State, 1906
Revised Laws of Minnesota: Supplement 1909
1 v. St. Paul: West Pub. Co, 1910.
Revised Laws of Nevada
3 v. Carson City, Nev: J. Farnsworth, 1912-1920
Revised Laws of Oklahoma 1910: Being a Compilation, Classification and Revision of All General Laws of the State of Oklahoma in Force and Effect on the 25th Day of February, 1911
2 v. St. Paul, Minn: Pioneer Co, 1912
Revised Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Enacted November 21, 1901 to Take Effect January 1, 1902
2 v. Boston: Wright & Potter Print. Co., State Printers, 1902
Revised Laws of the State of New Hampshire, to Which Is Prefixed the Constitution of New Hampshire with a General Index
3 v. Concord, N.H.: Rumford Press, 1942
Revised Laws of the State of Oklahoma
2 v. Columbia, Mo: E.W. Stephens Pub, 1911.
Revised Laws of Vermont, 1880: With the Public Acts of 1880
1 v. Rutland, VT: Tuttle & Co, 1881
Revised Municipal Code of Ohio
1 v. Columbus, O.: Press of F.J. Heer, 1899.
Revised Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure, and Penal Laws Passed by the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th Legislatures of the State of Texas
2v. St. Louis: Gilbert Book Co, 1888.
Revised Statute Laws of the State of Louisiana, from the Organization of the Territory to the Year 1869 Inclusive
1 v. New Orleans: Republican Office, 1870
Revised Statute Laws of the State of Louisiana, from the Organization of the Territory to the Year 1869, Inclusive, with the Amendments Thereto, Enacted at the Sessions of the Legislature, up to and including the Session of 1876
1 v. New Orleans: B. Bloomfield & Co, 1876
Revised Statutes and Codes of Porto Rico
1v. San Juan, P.R.: Boletin Mercantil Press, 1902
Revised Statutes and other Acts of a General Nature of the State of Ohio in Force January 1, 1880
2 v. Cincinnati: H.W. Derby & Co, 1879
Revised Statutes of Arizona
1 v. Prescott: Prescott Courier Print, 1887.
Revised Statutes of Arizona 1913
2 v. Phoenix: McNeil Co, 1913.
Revised Statutes of Arizona Territory. Containing also the Laws Passed by the Twenty-first Legislative Assembly, the Constitution of the United States, the Organic Law of Arizona and the Amendments of Congress Relating Thereto
1 v. Columbia, MO: Press of E.W. Stephens, 1901
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906; Proclaimed and Published under the Authority of the Act 3 Edward VII., Chap. 61 (1903)
4v. Ottawa: Printed by S.E. Dawson, from the roll of the said revised statutes deposited in the Office of the clerk of the Parliaments, 1906
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1927; Proclaimed and Published under the Authority of the Act, Chap. 65 of the Statutes of Canada, 1924
5v. Ottawa: Printed by F.A. Acland, law printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, from the roll of the said revised statutes deposited in the office of the clerk of the Parliaments, 1927-1928
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952
6v. Ottawa: E. Cloutier, Queen's printer and controller of stationery, 1952-1953
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970: 1st and 2d Supplement
2v. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1970-1972
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970: Appendices
1v. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1970
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970: Index
1v. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1973
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970; Proclaimed and Published under the Authority of Chapter 48 of the Statutes of Canada, 1964-65
7v. Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada, 1970
Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985
18v. Ottawa: Queens's Printer for Canada, 1985-1995
Revised Statutes of Canada, Proclaimed and Published under the Authority of the Act 49 Vict., Chap. 4, A.D. 1886
2v. Ottawa: Brown Chamberlin, Law Printer to the Queen, 1887
Revised Statutes of Colorado, 1908
1 v.Denver, Col: Printed by the Smith-Brooks printing company, 1908.
Revised Statutes of Colorado: As Passed at the Seventh Session of the Legislative Assembly, Convened on the Second Day of December, A.D. 1867
1 v. Central City: Printed by David C. Collier, 1868.
Revised Statutes of Idaho Territory. Enacted at the Fourteenth Session of the Legislative Assembly. In Force June 1, 1887
1 v. Boise: Printed for the territory, 1887
Revised Statutes of Indiana: A Continuation of the Editions of 1881 and 1888
1 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1892.
Revised Statutes of Indiana: Containing, also, the United States and Indiana Constitutions and an Appendix of Historical Documents
1 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1881
Revised Statutes of Kansas (Annotated) 1923
1 v. Topeka: Kansas State Printing Plant, B. P. Walker, State Printer, 1923
Revised Statutes of Kentucky, Approved and Adopted by the General Assembly, 1851 and 1852, and in force from July 1, 1852
2 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke, 1867
Revised Statutes of Kentucky, Approved and Adopted by the General Assembly, 1851 and 1852, and in Force from July 1, 1852; with All the Amendments Subsequently Enacted, and Notes of the Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky
2 v. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke, 1860
Revised Statutes of Kentucky: Approved and Adopted by the General Assembly, 1851 and 1852. In force from July 1, 1852
1 v. Frankfort, KY: A.G. Hodges, 1852
Revised Statutes of Louisiana
1v. New Orleans: J. Claiborne, 1856.
Revised Statutes of New Jersey, 1937: Effective December 20, 1937
5 v. [Trenton]: State of New Jersey, 1938
Revised Statutes of Pennsylvania
1 v. Harrisburg: B. Singerly, State printer, 1871.
Revised Statutes of South Carolina
2 v. Columbia, S.C.: C.A. Calvo, Jr., State Printer, 1894
Revised Statutes of Texas: Adopted by the Regular Session of the Sixteenth Legislature, A.D. 1879
1 v. Galveston: A.H. Belo & Co., State printers, 1879
Revised Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Passed November 4, 1835 to which are Subjoined, as Act in Amendment Thereof, and an Act Expressly to Repeal the Acts Which are Consolidated Therein, both Passed in February 1836
1 v. Boston: Dutton & Wentworth, 1836
Revised Statutes of the State of Arkansas, Adopted at the October Session of the General Assembly of Said State, A.D. 1837
1 v. Boston: Weeks, Jordan, 1838
Revised Statutes of the State of Connecticut
1v. Hartford: H.S. Parsons & Co, 1849.
Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware to the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Two, Inclusive
1 v. Dover: Printed by S. Kimmey, 1852
Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware to the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifteen
1 v. Wilmington, Del: C.L. Story, 1915
Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware, of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Two as They Have since Been Amended
1 v. Wilmington, Del: Printed by the Mercantile Printing Co, 1893
Revised Statutes of the State of Delaware, of Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Two as They Have since Been Amended
1 v. Wilmington: Printed by James & Webb, 1874
Revised Statutes of the State of Florida
1 v. Jacksonville: Dacosta Print. and Pub. House, 1892
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1877 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875 and 1877, Being All the General Statutes of the State in Force on the First Day of July, 1877
1 v. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1877
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1880 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877 and 1879
1 v. Chicago: Chicago legal news Co, 1880
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1889 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887 and 1889
1 v. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Company, 1889
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1893: Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891 and 1893
1 v. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1893
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1899: Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, and 1899
1 v. Chicago: Chicago legal news company, 1899
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1901. Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1901
1 v. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1901
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1903 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto, Together with the General Acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1901 and 1903
1 v. Chicago: Chicago legal news company, 1904
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1905 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto
1 v. in 2, Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1906
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1908 Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1909 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874 and All Amendments Thereto
1 v. in 2, Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1908
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1911 Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1912 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto
1 v. Chicago: Chicago legal news Co, 1912
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1917 Containing All the General Statutes of the State in Force January 1, 1918 Comprising the Revised Statutes of 1874, and All Amendments Thereto
1 v. Chicago: Chicago Legal News Co, 1918
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois 1929 Comprising All the Statutory Law of a General Character in Force September 1, 1929
1 v. in 2, Chicago: B. Smith, 1929
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois A.D. 1874 Comprising the Revised Acts of 1871-2 and 1873-4, Together with All Other General Statutes of the State, in Force on the First Day of July, 1874
1 v. Springfield: Illinois journal Co, 1874
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois Embracing All General Laws of the State of Illinois in Force August 1, 1931
1 v. in 2, Chicago: Callaghan and Company, 1931
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois Embracing All General Laws of the State of Illinois in Force January 1, 1922
1 v. in 2, Chicago: Callaghan, 1922
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois Embracing All General Laws of the State of Illinois in Force July 1, 1923
1 v. in 2, Chicago: Callaghan & Company, 1923
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois Embracing All General Laws of the State of Illinois in Force July 1, 1925
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan & Company, 1925
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois Embracing All General Laws of the State of Illinois in Force September 1, 1927
1 v. in 2, Chicago: Callaghan & Company, 1927
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, Adopted by the General Assembly of Said State, at Its Regular Session, Held in the Years, A.D., 1844-'5
1 v. Springfield: W. Walters, printer, for Walters & Weber, Public Printers, 1845
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1883, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions
1 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers and Co, 1884
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force July 1, 1887, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions
1v. Chicago: E.B. Myers and Co, 1887
Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, Embracing All Laws of a General Nature in Force, July 1, 1891, with Notes and References to Judicial Decisions Construing Their Provisions
1 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1891
Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana Embracing All General Laws in Force October 1, 1901, with Digested Notes of Judicial Decisions Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions
2 v. Chicago: Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Co., 1901
Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Adopted and Enacted by the General Assembly at Their Twenty-Second Session
1 v. Indianapolis: Douglass & Noel, 1838.
Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Embracing All General Laws in Force January 1, 1896, with Digested Notes of Judicial Decisions Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions
2 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers, 1896
Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Embracing All General Laws in Force January 1, 1898, with Digested Notes of Judicial Decisions Construing or Illustrating Their Provisions
1 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers & Co, 1897
Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Embracing the Revision of 1881 and All General Laws Enacted Subsequent to That Revision
2 v. Chicago: E.B. Myers & Co, 1888
Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Passed at the Thirty-Sixth Session of the General Assembly
2 v. Indianapolis: J.P. Chapman, State Printer, 1852
Revised Statutes of the State of Indiana, Passed at the Twenty-Seventh Session of the General Assembly; Also Sundry Acts, Ordinances, and Public Documents Directed to Be Printed with the Said Statutes
1 v. Indianapolis: J. Dowling and R. Cole, State Printers, 1843
Revised Statutes of the State of Louisiana from the Organization of the Territory to the Year 1884 Inclusive
1 v. Baton Rouge: Printed by Leon Jastremski, State Printer, 1886
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine Passed August 5, 1930, and Taking Effect November 10, 1930
1 v. Augusta: Kennebec Journal Print, 1930
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine Passed September 20, 1944, and Taking Effect December 30, 1944
2 v. Augusta: Kennebec Journal Print, 1945
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine Passed September 29, 1916, and Taking Effect January 1, 1917
1 v. Augusta, Me: Kennebec Journal Print, 1916
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed April 17, 1857
1 v. Bangor: Wheeler & Lynde, 1857
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed August 29, 1883, and Taking Effect January 1, 1884
1 v. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon, 1884
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed Janurary 25, 1871
1 v. Portland: Bailey & Noyes, 1871
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed October 22, 1840
1 v. Hallowell: Glazier, Masters & Smith, 1847
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed October 22, 1840
1 v. Augusta: W.R. Smith, Printers to the State, 1841.
Revised Statutes of the State of Maine, Passed September 1, 1903, and Taking Effect January 1, 1904
1 v. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon, 1904
Revised Statutes of the State of Michigan Passed at the Adjourned Session of 1837, and the Regular Session of 1838
1 v. Detroit: John S. Bagg, 1838
Revised Statutes of the State of Michigan, Passed and Approved May 18, 1846
1 v. Detroit: Bagg & Harmon, printers to the state, 1846
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri
1v. Saint Louis: Chambers, Knapp & Co, 1840
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1879
2 v. Jefferson City: Carter & Regan, State printers and binders, 1879
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1889
2 v. Jefferson City: Tribune Print. Co., state printers, 1889
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1899
2 v. Jefferson City, Mo: Tribune Print. Co., State printers, 1899
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1909
3 v. Jefferson City, Mo: Hugh Stephens Print. Co, 1909
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1919
3 v. Jefferson City: Hugh Stephens Co, 1920
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1929
3 v. Jefferson City, Mo: Botz Print. & stationery Co, 1930
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1939
3 v. Jefferson City, Mo: Midland Print. Co, 1940
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri 1949
3 v. [Jefferson City]: 1950-1951
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, Revised and Digested by the Eighteenth General Assembly, during the Session of One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Four and One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Five
2v. City of Jefferson: J. Lusk, 1856
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, Revised and Digested by the Eighth General Assembly during the Years One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Four, and One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Five
1 v. St. Louis: Printed at the Argus Office, 1835
Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri, Revised and Digested by the Thirteenth General Assembly, during the Session of Eighteen Hundred and Forty-Four and Eighteen Hundred and Forty-Five
1v. Saint Louis: Printed for the state, by J.W. Dougherty, 1845
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire, Passed December 23, 1842
1 v. Concord: Carroll & Baker, State Printers, 1843
Revised Statutes of the State of New Hampshire, Passed December 23, 1842
1 v. Concord: J.F. Brown, 1851
Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey. Passed 1875
1 v. Trenton: Printed at "State Sentinel" office, by order of the Governor, 1875
Revised Statutes of the State of New York
3v. + Supplement Albany, N.Y.: Banks & Brothers, 1882-1888
Revised Statutes of the State of New York
3 v. Albany: Banks & Brothers, 1875
Revised Statutes of the State of New York, as Altered by Subsequent Legislation; Together with the Other Statutory Provisions of a General and Permanent Nature, (Except the Code of Civil Procedure, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Penal Code,) Passed from the Year 1778 to February 1, 1889, and Now in Force; Arranged in Connection with the Same or Kindred Subjects in the Revised Statutes; to Which Are Added an Analysis of the Entire Work; References to Judicial Decision upon the Different Enactments; Explanatory Notes; a Full and Complete Alphabetical Index; and an Indexed Table of the Statutes Contained in the Work
6 v. Albany, NY: Banks & Brothers, 1889-1892
Revised Statutes of the State of New York, as Altered by Subsequent Legislation; Together with the Unrepealed Statutory Provisions of a General Nature, Passed from the Time of the Revision to the Close of the Session of the Legislature of 1858, Arranged in the Manner of the Revised Statutes. To Which Are Added References to Judicial Decisions in Relation to Their Provisions, and Explanatory Notes
4 v. Albany [N.Y.] : Banks & Bros, 1859,1863
Revised Statutes of the State of New York; As Altered by the Legislature; Including the Statutory Provisions of a General Nature, Passed from 1828 to 1835 Inclusive; with Reference to Judicial Decisions: to Which Are Added, Certain Local Acts Passed before and since the Revised Statutes; All the Acts of General Interest Passed during the Session of 1836; and an Appendix, Containing Extracts from the Original Reports of the Revisers to the Legislature, All the Material Notes Which Accompanied Those Reports, and Explanatory Remarks
3 v. Albany: Packard and Van Benthuysen, 1836
Revised Statutes of the State of New-Jersey. Passed 1874
1 v. Trenton: Printed by order of the Governor, 1874
Revised Statutes of the State of New-York, as Altered by Subsequent Enactments: Together with Statutory Provisions of a Genral Nature, Passed between the Years 1828 and 1845 Inclusive, Arranged in Connection with the Same or Kindred Subjects in the Revised Statutes; with Notes of Decisions by the Courts upon the Provisions Contained in the Text
3 v. Albany: Weare C. Little and Co., 1846-1848
Revised Statutes of the State of New-York, as Altered by Subsequent Legislation: Together with the Unrepealed Statutory Provisions of a General Nature, Passed from the Time of the Revision to the Close of the Second Session of the Legislature in 1851, Arranged in the Manner of the Revised Statutes. To Which Are Added, All Acts of General Interest Passed during the Session of 1852, with References to Judicial Decisions in Relation to Their Provisions, and Explanatory Notes
2 v. Albany: Gould, Banks & Co., 1852
Revised Statutes of the State of New-York: Passed during the Years One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven, and One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-Eight: to Which Are Added, Certain Former Acts Which Have Not Been Revised
3 v. Albany: Packard and Van Benthuysen, 1829
Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina, Passed by the General Assembly at the Session of 1836-7
2 v. Raleigh: Turner and Hughes, 1837
Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio including All Laws of a General Nature in Force January 1, 1890 and Supplement Showing All Changes to January 1, 1891 with Numerous Notes and References
3 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co, 1891
Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio including All Laws of a General Nature in Force January 1, 1890 with Numerous Notes and References and Marginal Notes Showing All Changes to January 1, 1896
3 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co, 1896
Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio, of a General Nature, in Force August 1, 1860, with Notes Designating the Sections Repealed Prior to August 1, 1868 and References to Swan & Sayler's Statutes for the Laws Supplying the Repealed Sections
2 v. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co, 1869
Revised Statutes of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: To Which Are Prefixed, the Constitutions of the United States and of the State
1 v. Providence: Sayles, Miller and Simons, 1857
Revised Statutes of the State of South Carolina
1 v. Columbia, S.C.: Republican Print. Co., State Printers, 1873
Revised Statutes of the State of Utah, in Force Jan. 1, 1898
1 v. Lincoln, Neb: State Journal Co., Printers, 1897
Revised Statutes of the State of Vermont, Passed November 19, 1839, to Which Are Added Several Public Acts Now in Force
1 v. Burlington: Chauncy Goodrich, 1840
Revised Statutes of the State of Wisconsin, as Altered and Amended by Subsequent Legislation
2 v. Chicago [Ill.]: E.B. Myers & Co, 1872
Revised Statutes of the State of Wisconsin, Passed at the Extra Session of the Legislature, Commencing June 4, 1878, and Approved June 7, 1878
1 v. Madison, Wis: David Atwood, 1878
Revised Statutes of the State of Wisconsin, Passed at the Second Session of the Legislature, Commencing January 10, 1849
1 v. Southport: C. Latham Sholes, 1849
Revised Statutes of the State of Wisconsin: Passed at the Annual Session of the Legislature Commencing Jan. 13, 1858, and Approved May 17, 1858
1 v. Chicago, Ill: W.B. Keen, 1858
Revised Statutes of the Territory of Iowa
1 v. Iowa City: Hughes & Williams, 1843; Des Moines: E.H. English, State Printer, 1911
Revised Statutes of Utah, 1933
1 v. Kaysville, Utah: Inland Print. Co, 1933
Revised Statutes of Wyoming in force December 1, 1899
1 v. Laramie, Wyo: Chaplin, Spafford & Mathison, 1899
Revised Statutes of Wyoming in force January 1, 1887
1 v. Cheyenne, Wy: The Daily Sun Steam Printing House, 1887
Revised Statutes, Codes and General Laws of the State of New York
3 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Co, 1901
Revised Statutes, Codes and General Laws of the State of New York. Containing the Text, Carefully Compared with the Original, and Certified by the Secretary of State, of All the General Statutory Law of the State in Force on January 1st, 1897, Including the Constitution of the State, the Revised Statutes, the General Laws and Statutes, the Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure, and the Penal Code, Alphabetically Arranged by Subjects, with Full References to the Decisions, and with Historical and Explanatory Notes, and a Complete System of Cross-References, Supplemented by a Full Analytical Index and Tables of the Statutes Contained Herein. Certified by the Secretary of State, under Section 932 of the Code of Civil Procedure, as Amended by Laws of 1895, Chapter 594
3 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company, 1896-1897
Revised Statutes, Codes and General Laws of the State of New York. Containing the Text, Carefully Compared with the Original, of All the General Statutory Law of the State in Force on January 1st, 1890, Including the Constitution of the State, the Revised Statutes, the Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure and the Penal Code, Alphabetically Arranged by Subjects, with References to the Decisions, and with Historical and Explanatory Notes and a Complete System of Cross References, Supplemented with a Full Analytical Index and Table of the Statutes Contained Herein
3 v. New York: L. K. Strouse & Co., 1889-1890
Revised Statutes, of the Territory of Minnesota, Passed at the Second Session of the Legislative Assembly, Commencing January 1, 1851
1 v. St. Paul: J.M. Goodhue, 1851
Revision of 1860, Containing All the Statutes of a General Nature of the State of Iowa
1 v. Des Moines: J. Teesdale, 1860
Revision of the Statutes of New Jersey
1 v. Trenton, N.J.: John L. Murphy, 1877
Rhode Island
1636-2023; Including the Rhode Island Colony (1636-1790)
Rhode Island General Laws of 1938 (Annotated)
2 v. [Providence]: Published by Office of the Secretary of State, 1938
Sargent's Code: A Collection of the Original Laws of the Mississippi Territory Enacted 1799-1800 by Governor Winthrop Sargent and the Territorial Judges
1 v. Jackson, Miss: Historical Records Survey, 1939
Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas
2 v. St. Louis, MO: Gilbert Book Company, 1898
School Code Including All Laws Relating to Education, September 1, 1922
1v. Montgomery: Brown Print. Co, 1922
School Code of the State of California and Acts of the Forty-Eighth Regular Session of the Legislature Supplemental Thereto
1 v. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, C.H. Smith, State Printer, 1929
School Code: Including All Laws Relating to Education, October 1, 1919
1 v. Montgomery: Brown Print. Co, 1919.
Several Lavvs and Orders Made at Severall General Courts in the Years 1661. 1662. 1664
1v. Cambridge: Printed and Published by Order of the General Court, 1664
Several Lavvs and Orders Made at the General Courts in May 3, August 1, & October 11, 1665
1v. Cambridge: Printed and Published by the Order of the General Court, 1665
Severall Lavvs and Orders Made at Severall General Courts in the Years 1661. 1662. 1663
1v. Cambridge: Printed and Published by Order of the General Court, 1663
Severall Lavvs and Orders Made at the General Court: Held at Boston, the 23d of May, 1666, and on the 11th of October following
1v. Cambridge: Printed and Published by Order of the General Court, 1666
South Carolina
1694-2023; Including the South Carolina Colony (1694-1787)
South Carolina: in a congress, begun and holden at Charles-Town, on Wednesday the first day of November one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, and continued, by divers adjournments, to Tuesday the twenty-sixth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six : a constitution, or form of government, agreed to, and resolved upon, by the representatives of South Carolina
1v. Charleston: State Printer, 1776
South Dakota
South Dakota Compiled Laws, 1929
2v. Pierre, S.D.: Hipple Print. Co, 1929-1930
South Dakota Revised Code, 1919
2v. Pierre, S. Dak: Hipple Print. Co, 1919
Speech of Hon. B. F. Wade, of Ohio, on the State of the Union: Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Dec. 17, 1860
1v. Washington: M'Gill & Witherow, 1860
State Law Index: An Index and Digest to the Legislation of the States of the United States Enacted During the Biennium
Vols. 1-12 (1925-1948)
State Legislature: Politics and Practice
1v. New York: Random House, 1962
State of Michigan: Code of Criminal Procedure
1v. Lansing, Mich: Robert Smith Co., State Printers, 1927.
State of Michigan: The Judicature Act of 1915 and other Acts Affecting Practice and Procedure Passed at the Regular Session of 1915
1 v. Lansing, Mich: Wynkoop Hallenbeck Crawford Co., State printers, 1915
Statute Law of Kentucky; with Notes, Praelections, and Observations on the Public Acts
5 v. Frankfort: Printed by and for William Hunter, 1809
Statute Law of the State of New York: Comprising the Revised Statutes and All Other Laws of General Interest, in Force January 1, 1881
3v. New York: G.S. Diossy, 1881
Statute Laws of the State of Tennessee, of a Public and General Nature; Revised and Digested
2v. Knoxville, T.: F.S. Heiskell, 1831.
Statutes at Large of South Carolina
10 v. Columbia, S.C.: Printed by A.S. Johnston; Republican Printing Co., State Printers, 1836-1873
Statutes at Large of the State of Minnesota
2 v. Chicago: Callaghan and Co, 1873.
Statutes at Large of the State of New York
11 v. Albany, New York: Weed, Parsons & Company, 1869-1890
Statutes at Large of the State of New York, Comprising the Revised Statutes, as They Existed on the 1st Day of July, 1862, and All the General Public Statutes Then in Force, with References to Judicial Decisions, and the Material Notes of the Revisers in Their Report to the Legislature
5 v. Albany, New York: Weare C. Little, 1863
Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia, from the First Session of the Legislature
13 v. & supp., New York: R. & W. & G. Bartow, 1819-1823
Statutes of Illinois, Embracing All of the General Laws of the State, in Force December 1, 1857, with Marginal Notes, Showing the Contents of Each Section, and a Reference to the Decisions of the Supreme Court upon the Construction of Each Statute
2 v. Chicago: D.B. Cooke & Co, 1858
Statutes of Illinois: An Analytical Digest of All the General Laws of the State in Force at the Present Time. Official and Standard, by Act of the Legislature. 1818 to 1869
1 v. Springfield: E.L. & W.L. Gross, 1871
Statutes of Illinois: An Analytical Digest of All the General Laws of the State in Force at the Present Time; 1818 to 1868
1v. Chicago: E.B. Myers and company, 1868
Statutes of Kentucky: Systematized and Annotated, Containing All General Laws Not Included in the Codes of Practice, and including the Acts of the General Assembly, Session of 1908
1 v. Lexington: James E. Hughes, 1909
Statutes of Ohio and of the Northwestern Territory, Adopted or Enacted from 1788 to 1833 Inclusive: Together with the Ordinance of 1787; the Constitutions of Ohio and of the United States, and various Public Instruments and Acts of Congress
3 v. Cincinnati: Corey & Fairbank, 1833
Statutes of Oklahoma, 1890
1v. Guthrie, Okla: State Capital Print. Co, 1891
Statutes of Oklahoma, 1893. Being a Compilation of All the Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Oklahoma
1 v. Guthrie, Okla: State Capital Print. Co, 1893
Statutes of the State of Connecticut
1v. New Haven: T.J. Stafford, printer, 1854.
Statutes of the State of Indiana
2 v. Indianapolis: Bingham, 1878
Statutes of the State of Indiana: Containing the Revised Statutes of 1852, with the Amendments Thereto, and the Subsequent Legislation
2 v. Indianapolis: Bingham [etc.], 1876.
Statutes of the State of Indiana: Containing the Revised Statutes of 1852, with the Amendments Thereto, and the Subsequent Legislation
2 v. Indianapolis: J. J. Bingham, 1870
Statutes of the State of Indiana: Containing the Revised Statutes of 1852, with the Amendments Thereto, and the Subsequent Legislation
2 v. Indianapolis: W.H. Bingham, 1862
Statutes of the State of Mississippi of a Public and General Nature
1 v. New Orleans: E. Johns & Co, 1840
Statutes of the State of Missouri
2 v. St. Louis: W.J. Gilbert, 1872
Statutes of the State of Missouri
2v. St. Louis: W. J. Gilbert, 1870
Statutes of the State of New Jersey
1 v. Trenton: Printed by Phillips & Boswell, 1847
Statutes of the State of New-York, of a Public and General Character, Passed from 1829 to 1851, Both Inclusive; with Notes, and References to Judicial Decisions, and the Constitution of 1846
1v. Auburn: Derby and Miller, 1852
Statutes of the State of Ohio in Continuation of Curwen's Statutes at Large and Swan & Critchfield's Revised Statutes
4 v. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co, 1876
Statutes of the State of Ohio, of a General Nature, in Force August, 1854: With References to Prior Repealed Laws
1 v. Cincinnati: H.W. Derby & Co, 1854
Statutes of the State of Ohio, of a General Nature, in Force December 7, 1840; also, the Statutes of a General Nature Passed by the General Assembly at Their Thirty-Ninth Session, Commencing December 7, 1840
1 v. Columbus: Samuel Medary, State Printer, 1841
Statutes of the State of Vermont; Revised and Established by Authority
1v. Bennington, Vt: Printed by Anthony Haswell, 1791
Statutes of the Territory of Kansas; Passed at the First Session of the Legislative Assembly, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Five
1 v. [St. Louis]: Shawnee M.L. School, J.T. Brady, 1855
Statutes of the Territory of Wisconsin, Passed by the Legislative Assembly Thereof at the Session Commencing in November 1838
1 v. Albany, N.Y.: Printed by Packard, Van Benthuysen, 1839
Statutory Record 1999-2008: Containing Additions, Amendments, Repeals, Revisions, and Supplements Affecting the California Constitution, California State Budgets, Codes and Statutes other than Codes
1v. [Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 2008]
Statutory Record of the Unconsolidated Laws: Being the Special, Private and Local Statutes of the State of New York from February 1, 1778, to January 1, 1912
5 v. Albany: J.B. Lyon Co., State Printers, 1911-1929
Statutory Record Supplement 1933-1948 (Supplement to Statutory Record for 1850-1932) Showing Additions, Amendments, Revisions, Supplements and Repeals Affecting the Codes and Statutes other than Codes
1 v. Sacramento: Legislative Counsel, 1948
Statutory Record: Supplement to Index to the Laws of California
1 v. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 1933
Stewart's Purdon's Digest: A Digest of the Statute Law of the State of Pennsylvania from the Year 1700 to 1903
8 v. Philadelphia [PA]: The George T. Bisel Co, 1905
Supplement of 1933 to Deering's Codes and General Laws of 1931 and to Treadwell's Constitution
1 v.San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company, 1934
Supplement of 1935 to Deering's Codes and General Laws of 1931 and to Treadwell's Constitution
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1936
Supplement of the Revised Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1902-1906 Containing the General and Permanent Acts and Resolves of the Years 1902-1906, Inclusive, with Annotations
1 v. Boston: W.J. Nagel, 1907
Supplement to "Current Ideas in State Legislatures, 1942-1943", State Law Digest Report No. 7
1v. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 1945
Supplement to a Table Chronologically Arranged of the Statutes of the State of New York, Amended, Repealed, Continued, or Otherwise Modified or Affected
1v. New York: Baker, Voorhis, 1894
Supplement to Crawford and Moses' Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas
1 v. St. Louis, Mo: Thomas Law Book, 1927
Supplement to Crawford and Moses' Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas and to Castle's 1927 Supplement
1 v. Saint Louis, Mo: Thomas Law Book Co, 1931
Supplement to Cumming & Gilbert's General laws and Other General Statutes of the State of New York
1 v. New York, N.Y.: Banks Law Publishing Co, 1906
Supplement to Deering's Codes and Statutes of California Containing the General Statutes and the Amendments to the Codes Enacted at the Legislative Sessions of 1887 and 1889
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft Whitney, 1889
Supplement to Kirby's Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas Embracing the General Statutes Enacted at the Legislative Sessions of 1905, 1907, 1909, and the Regular Session of 1911
1 v. Indianapolis, Ind: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1911
Supplement to McClain's Annotated Code and Statutes of the State of Iowa
1 v. Chicago: Callaghan, 1892
Supplement to Pomeroy's Annotated Codes of 1901 Containing the Sections of the Code of Civil Procedure, Civil Code, and Penal Code as They Were in Force before Being Changed by the Code Commissioners
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Co, 1902
Supplement to Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Containing all Civil Laws Passed by the Thirty-First Legislature, Regular and Special Sessions, Fully Annotated up to and including Volume 120 of the Southwestern Reporter
1 v. St. Louis, MO: Gilbert Book, 1910
Supplement to Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Covering all Civil Laws Passed by the Thirtieth Legislature, Regular and Special Sessions, Fully Annotated up to and Including Volume 107 of the Southwestern Reporter
1 v. St. Louis, Mo: Gilbert Book Co, 1908
Supplement to Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Covering All Civil Laws Passed by the Twenty-Sixth, Twenty-Seventh and Twenty-Eighth Legislatures, Regular and Special Sessions
1 v. St. Louis, Mo: Gilbert Book Co, 1903
Supplement to Sayles' Civil Statutes
1 v. St. Louis: Gilbert Book Co, 1902.
Supplement to Second Edition of Kerr's Cyclopedic California Codes Containing All Additions, Amendments, and Repeals Made by the Forty-Fourth Legislature and to Henning's General Laws, Third Edition
1 v. San Francisco: Bender-Moss, 1922
Supplement to Shannon's Code Embracing the Existing Permanent and Public Statutes of the State of Tennessee
1v. Nashville, Tenn: Marshall & Bruce Co, 1904.
Supplement to the Code of Iowa, 1913
1 v. Des Moines: R. Henderson, State Printer, 1914
Supplement to the Code of Iowa: Containing All the Laws of a General and Permanent Nature Enacted by the Twenty-Seventh, Twenty-Eighth and Twenty-Ninth General Assemblies
1 v. [Des Moines]: Bernard Murphy, State Printer, 1902
Supplement to the Code of Iowa: Containing All the Laws of a General and Permanent Nature Enacted by the Twenty-Seventh, Twenty-Eighth, Twenty-Ninth, Thirtieth, Thirty-First, and Thirty-Second General Assemblies
1 v. Des Moines: Emory H. English, State Printer, 1907
Supplement to the Code of Virginia: Being a Compilation of All Acts of a General and Permanent Nature Passed by the General Assembly since March 15th, 1887
1 v. Richmond: J.L. Hill Print. Co, 1898
Supplement to the Codes of California Embracing the General Statutes: The Amendments to the Codes and Special Statutes of General Interest Enacted at the Legislative Sessions of 1891 and 1893
1 v. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney, 1893
Supplement to the Compiled Code of Iowa, 1921: Containing All Laws of General and Permanent Nature Enacted by the Thirty-Ninth General Assembly
1v. Des Moines, Iowa: Homestead Printing Co, 1921
Supplement to the General Laws and Other General Statutes of the State of New York Containing the Amendatory and Other General Statutes Enacted by the Legislature of 1902, Together with Decisions of the Courts Construing the Statute Law, Rendered since the Publication of the above Work with Index and Tables of Laws
1 v. New York: Banks Law Publishing Co., 1902
Supplement to the Public Statutes of New Hampshire (Chase Edition, 1901) Giving All Amendments Made by the General Courts for the Years 1901-1913, Inclusive
1 v. Concord: Arthur H. Chase; William D. Chandler, 1914
Supplement to the Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
1 v. Boston: Published by the Commonwealth, 1897
Supplement to the Public Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Containing the General Laws from the Passage of the Public Statutes to 1888 Inclusive
1 v. Boston: Published by the Commonwealth ; Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1890
Supplement to the Revised Code of Arizona Annotated 1936
1 v. Denver: W.H. Courtright Pub. Co, 1936
Supplement to the Revised Code of Arizona, Annotated 1934. Containing All Laws of a General Nature Passed at the 1928 Special Sessions, 1929 Regular Session, 1931 Regular Session, 1931-32 Special Session, 1933 Regular Session and 1933 Special Sessions
1 v. Denver: W.H. Courtright, 1934
Supplement to the Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia: Being a Collection of All the Acts of the General Assembly, of a Public and Permanent Nature, Passed since the Year 1819, with a General Index
1 v. Richmond: Printed by Samuel Shepherd & Co, 1833
Supplement to the Revised Laws of Oklahoma of 1910, including All Laws of a General Nature (except Appropriation Bills) Contained in the Session Laws of 1910-11, 1913 and 1915
1 v. Ardmore, Okla: Bunn Pub. Co, 1915.
Supplement to the Revised Laws of Oklahoma of 1910, including All Laws of a General Nature (except Appropriation Bills) Contained in the Session Laws of 1910-11, 1913, 1915, 1916 and 1917
1 v. Ardmore, Okla: Bunn Pub. Co, 1918
Supplement to the Revised Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Containing the General Laws Enacted in the Years 1902-1908, Inclusive
1 v. Boston: The Commonwealth, 1910
Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the State of Maine: Being the Public Laws of Maine for the Years 1885-1895, Inclusive
1 v. Portland: Loring, Short & Harmon, 1895
Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the State of Ohio, Embracing All Laws of a General Nature, Passed since the Publication of Swan and Critchfield's Revised Statutes, 1860, in Force August 1, 1868
1 v. Cincinnati: R. Clarke & Co, 1868.
Supplement to the Revised statutes of the State of Wisconsin, 1878, containing the general laws from 1879 to 1883
1v. Chicago, Ill: Callaghan & Co, 1883.
Supplement to the Revision of the Statutes of New Jersey. Published under the Authority of the Legislature by Virtue of an Act Approved April 5, 1886
1 v. Jersey City: Frederick D. Linn & Co, 1887
Supplement to the Statutes of the State of Indiana: Embracing all Laws of a General Nature
1v. Indianapolis: J.J. Bingham, 1870
Supplement to the Statutory Record of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York from January 1, 1910 to January 1, 1921
1v. Albany: J.B. Lyon Co., State Printers, 1920
Supplement to the Third Edition of Birdseye's Revised Statutes, Codes and General Laws of the State of New York. Containing the Text of the General Laws Passed at the Sessions of 1902 to 1905, Inclusive; also Tables of Changes in the Third Edition of Birdseye's Revised Statutes, and of all Decisions on the Codes and General Statutes to June 1, 1905, with Historical and Explanatory Notes, and a Full Analytical Index and Table of the Statutes Contained Herein
1 v. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company, 1905
Supplement to the Wisconsin Statutes of 1898 Containing All General Laws Enacted at the Regular Sessions of 1899, 1901, 1903, 1905 and the Special Session of 1905
1 v. Chicago [Ill.]: Callaghan & Co, 1906
Supplement to Vernon's Texas Civil and Criminal Statutes: Embracing All Laws of General Application Passed at the Fourth Called Session of the 35th and the Regular and Called Sessions of the 36th and 37th Legislatures
3 v. Kansas City, MO: Vernon Law Book Co, 1922
Supplement to Vernon's Texas Civil and Criminal Statutes: Embracing All Laws of General Application Passed at the Second and Third Called Sessions of the 33d and the Regular and Called Sessions of the 34th and the 35th Legislatures
2 v. Kansas City, MO: Vernon Law Book Co, 1918
Supplement to Wyoming Revised Statutes, 1934, Annotated: Containing All Laws of a General Nature since the Termination of the Legislation in the 1931 Revised Statutes
1 v. Denver: W.H. Courtright, 1934
Supplement, Containing the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, of a Public and Generally Interesting Nature, Passed since the Session of Assembly Which Commenced in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven
1 v. Richmond: Printed and published by Samuel Pleasants, 1812
Supplemental Service to Pope's Digest of the Statutes of Arkansas, 1937
1 v. St. Louis: Thomas Law Book Co, 1945
Supplemental Supplement to the Code of Iowa, 1915
1 v. Des Moines, Iowa: Robert Henderson, State Printer, 1915
Supplements to the Revised Statutes. Laws of the Commonwealth of Masssachusetts, Passed subsequently to the Revised Statutes: 1836 to 1849, Inclusive
1 v. Boston: Dutton and Wentworth, 1849
Synoptical Index of the General and Private and Local Laws of Wisconsin from the Organization of the Territory to 1873, Inclusive
1 v. Madison, Wis: Atwood & Culver, 1873
Table, Chronologically Arranged, of the Statutes of the State of New York, Amended, Repealed, Continued, or Otherwise Modified or Affected
2v. New York: L. K. Strouse & Co, 1887-1888
Tables of New York General Statutes Repealed and Amended by the Laws of 1889-1893, Both Inclusive
1 v. Albany, New York: James B. Lyon, 1893
1792-2022 Including the Territory of Tennessee (1792-1796)
Tercentenary Edition of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Comprising the General Laws Enacted December 22, 1920 to Take Effect January 1, 1921, as Amended Prior to January 1, 1932
2 v. Boston: Wright & Potter Print. Co, 1932
1824-2023; Including the Republic of Texas (1836-1845)
Third Edition of the Code of Virginia: Including Legislation to January 1, 1874
1 v. Richmond: Printed by J.E. Goode, 1873
Thompson's Shannon's Code of Tennessee 1917 Containing the Public and Permanent Statutes of a General Nature
1v. Louisville, Ky: Baldwin Law Book Co, 1917
Thompson's Shannon's Code of Tennessee 1918 Containing the Public and Permanent Statutes of a General Nature
1v. Louisville, Ky: Baldwin Law Book Co, 1918.
Thornton's Annotated Civil Code of the State of Indiana
2v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson, 1907
Throckmorton's Ohio Code Annotated 1940. Baldwin's Certified Revision. Complete to January 1, 1940
4 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Co, 1940
Throckmorton's Ohio Code Annotated; Baldwin's 1936 Certified Revision, Complete to May 1, 1936
3 v. Cleveland: Banks-Baldwin Company, 1936
Throckmorton's Ohio Code, Annotated; Baldwin's 1948 Revision, Complete to January 1, 1948
1 v. Banks-Baldwin Co, 1948.
Translation of the Code of Commerce in Force in Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines, Amended by the Law of June 10, 1897
1v. Washington, D.C.: Govt. Print. Off, 1899
Translation of the Constitution and Laws of the Hawaiian Islands, Established in the Reign of Kamehameha III
1v. Lahainaluna: 1842
United States Statutes at Large
Vols. 1-133 (1789-2019)
1851-2023; Including the Territory of Utah (1851-1896)
Utah Code Annotated 1943
6 v. Chicago: Callaghan & Company, 1942.
Utah Code Annotated 1943: 1951 Cumulative Pocket Supplement
6 v. Chicago: Callaghan and Co., 1951
1778-2023; Including the Vermont Colony (1778-1791)
Vermont Statutes, 1894: Including the Public Acts of 1894
1 v. Rutland, Vt: Tuttle Co, 1895
Vermont Statutes, Revision of 1947
1 v. [Montpelier: s.n., 1948]
Vernon's Annotated Pocket Code of Missouri
1 v. Kansas City: Vernon Law Book Co, 1912
Vernon's Criminal Statutes of Texas: Embracing the Penal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure Adopted at the Regular Session of the Thirty-Second Legislature, 1911; Incorporating; under Appropriate Headings, the Laws subsequently Passed down to 1915
2 v. Kansas City, MO: Vernon Law Book Co., 1916
Vernon's McIlwaine's Pocket Digest of Texas Laws Annotated 1912
1 v. Kansas City, Mo: Vernon Law Book Co, 1912.
Vernon's Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes of the State of Texas with Historical Notes Embracing the Revised Statutes of the State of Texas Adopted at the Regular Session of the Thirty-Second Legislature, 1911
5 v. Kansas City, MO: Vernon Law Book Co, 1914
Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands Code: Effective September 1, 1957 and Containing the General and Permanent Laws in Force in the Virgin Islands
5v. Washington: U.S. Gvt. Printing Office, 1957
1661-2023; Including the Virginia Colony (1661-1775)
Virginia Code of 1936, All the General Acts to and including the Legislative Session of 1936, Complete Annotations
1v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1936
Virginia Code of 1942: All the General Acts to and including the Legislative Session of 1942
1 v. in 2, Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1942
Voorhies Revised Code of Practice of Louisiana, with References to the Acts of the Legislature up to and including the Session of 1880 and the Decisions of the Supreme Court, including Vol. 33 Annual Reports
1 v. New Orleans: F.F. Hansell, 1882
1854-2024; Including the Territory of Washington (1854-1889)
Waters' Pamphlet of the Public Laws of Georgia, Passed at the Regular Session Held at Milledgeville, in November 1864, and Those Passed at the Called Session Held at Macon in February and March, 1865
1v. Milledgeville, Ga.: Boughton, Nisbet, Barnes & Moore, 1865
West Virginia
West Virginia Code of 1961: The General Laws of West Virginia to and including the Legislative Sessions of 1961; Complete Annotations
3 v. Charlottesville, Va: Michie Co, 1961
West Virginia Code, Containing All Statutes of a General Nature Now in Force with Full and Complete Annotations from State and Federal Decisions
1 v. Charleston, W. Va: Federal Pub. Co, 1923
What a Constitution Should Contain
1v. Oklahoma City: State Legislative Council, 1947
White's Penal Code Embracing All Penal Legislation down to and including the Acts of the Fourth Called Session of the Thirty-First Legislature of 1910
2 v. Austin, TX: Gammel's Book Store, 1911
Wilson's Ohio Criminal Code
2v. Cincinnati: W.H. Anderson, 1918
Wilson's Revised and Annotated Statutes of Oklahoma, 1903
2 v. Guthrie, Okla: State Capital Co, 1903
1836-2021; Including the Territory of Wisconsin (1836-1848)
Wisconsin Annotations, 1950
1 v. Madison: State of Wisconsin, 1950
Wisconsin Statutes of 1898; Enacted at the Adjourned Session of the Legislature Commencing August 17, 1897, and Approved August 20, 1897
2 v. Chicago [Ill.]: Callaghan and Co, 1898
Wisconsin Statutes, 1911
1 v. Madison, Wis: Democrat Ptg. Co, 1911
Wisconsin Statutes, 1921
2 v. Madison: State of Wisconsin, 1921
Wisconsin Statutes, 1923
2 v. Wisconsin: State of Wisconsin, 1923
Wisconsin Statutes, 1925
2 v. [Madison, Wis.]: State of Wisconsin, 1925
Wisconsin Statutes, 1927
2 v. [S.l.]: State of Wisconsin, 1927
Wisconsin Statutes, 1929
2 v. [S.l.]: State of Wisconsin, 1929
Wisconsin Statutes, 1931
1 v. Madison: State of Wisconsin, 1931
Wisconsin Statutes, 1933
1 v. [S.l]: State of Wisconsin, 1933
Wisconsin Statutes, 1935
1 v. Racine, Wis: Wisconsin Farmer Co, 1935
Wisconsin Statutes, 1937
1 v. [S.l.]: State of Wisconsin, 1937
Wisconsin Statutes, 1939
1 v. [S.l.]: State of Wisconsin, 1939
Wisconsin Statutes, 1941
1 v. Madison: State of Wisconsin, 1941
Wisconsin Statutes, 1943
1 v. [Madison]: State of Wisconsin, 1943
Wisconsin Statutes, 1945
1 v. [S.l.]: State of Wisconsin, 1945
Wisconsin Statutes, 1947
2 v. Madison: State of Wisconsin, 1947
Wisconsin Statutes, 1949
1 v. Madison: State of Wisconsin, 1949
Wisconsin Statutes, 1951
1 v. Racine: Wisconsin Farmer Co, 1951
Wisconsin Statutes, 1953
2 v. Racine: Wisconsin Farmer Co, 1953
Wisconsin Statutes, 1955
2 v. Racine: State of Wisconsin, 1955
Wisconsin Statutes, 1957
2 v. [Racine: s.n.], 1957
1869-2024; Including the Territory of Wyoming (1869-1890)
Wyoming Compiled Statutes, 1945
10 v. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co, 1946; Sheridan: Mills Co., 1957
Wyoming Compiled Statutes, Annotated, 1910
1 v. Laramie, Wyo: Laramie Republican, 1910
Wyoming Compiled Statutes, Annotated, 1920
1 v. Sheridan, Wyo: Mills Co, 1920
Wyoming Revised Statutes 1931, Annotated: Containing All Laws of a General Nature to and including Those Passed at the 1931 Session of the Legislature
1 v. Cheyenne, Wyoming: The State of Wyoming, Office of Secretary of State, 1931