HeinOnline regularly seeks out new material and partnerships with other publishers in order to increase the scope of content available to users. Recently, an agreement was reached with SAGE Publishing to bring selected SAGE journal content into HeinOnline. While 34 of these titles have been added to the Law Journal Library with a three-year embargo at no additional charge, current content for the majority of these journals is now available within four new packages.
Purchasing one or more of these packages will enable access to the most current material published in all titles included within the purchased package(s). Special pricing is available through HeinOnline, and subscribers will save by purchasing the packaged content.
SAGE Medical Legal Package
- American Journal of Law & Medicine is the country’s leading health law journal devoted exclusively to the analysis of issues at the nexus of law and medicine. Its broad editorial scope includes health law and policy; updates on significant legal decisions and developments affecting health care; legal, ethical and economic aspects of medical practice, research and education; book reviews and much more.
- Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics is a leading peer-reviewed journal for research at the intersection of law, health policy, ethics, and medicine. Read by more than 4,500 health care professionals, JLME is the authoritative source for health law teachers, practitioners, policy makers, risk managers, and anyone else concerned with the safe, equitable, and ethical delivery of health care services.
- Medical Law International is an international peer-reviewed journal that seeks to address new and emerging issues in medical law, medical and bioethics, and health governance around the world. The journal has a strong emphasis on international and comparative trends in law and medicine, and the Editors welcome new papers that fall within the aims and scope of the journal.
- Medicine, Science and the Law is the official journal of the British Academy for Forensic Sciences (BAFS). It is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the knowledge of forensic science and medicine. The journal aims to inform its readers from a broad perspective and demonstrate the interrelated nature and scope of the forensic disciplines.
- Medico-Legal Journal is dedicated to promoting Medico-Legal knowledge in all its aspects. It provides an official record of the proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society and a unique collection of contributions and speeches from eminent speakers at society events. In addition to this, the journal seeks to further the society’s aim to expand knowledge of medico-legal matters.
SAGE Legal Review Package
- Antitrust Bulletin publishes quality and learned articles by today’s leading authorities on current topics exploring and related to domestic and global antitrust law, competition policy, and industrial economics for a readership of professional practitioners, academics, policymakers, and students. It was founded in 1953 by Corwin Edwards and succeeded by James M. Clabault, Esq. The Antitrust Bulletin has been edited by William J. Curran III, Esq.since 1982.
- Common Law World Review seeks to be a forum for in-depth analysis of major legal developments throughout the common law world. To this end, a distinguished team of Corresponding Editors has been brought together to ensure that there is proper consideration of significant legal developments from all parts of the common law world.
- Critical Social Policy: A Journal of Theory and Practice in Social Welfare is a highly ranked, peer-reviewed journal that provides an international forum for advocacy, analysis, and debate on social policy issues. Published quarterly, it aims to develop an understanding of welfare from socialist, feminist, anti-racist and radical perspectives.
- Environmental Law Review has quickly established itself as a forum for critical discussion of current and developing ideas in environmental law. It maintains a dialogue between leading edge practitioners and academics in the fields of environmental law, environmental management and business. Whatever your professional interest, you will benefit from the analyses, criticisms, and recommendations of colleagues and competitors published in Environmental Law Review. The journal will keep you in touch with current issues in UK law and policy, as well as crucial new developments in European and international law.
- ILR Review celebrates its 65th anniversary at the forefront of publishing peer-reviewed research on work and employment relations. The Review is published by the Cornell University ILR School, which is regarded as the leading academic institution focused on the world of work. We are dedicated to international and interdisciplinary research that advances new theory, presents novel empirical work, and informs organizational and public policy.
- International Journal of Discrimination and the Law is a peer-reviewed journal which encompasses a wide range of areas of discrimination including racism and sex discrimination, the treatment of asylum-seekers and refugees, issues of immigration and nationality, discrimination on grounds of disability, sexual or political orientation, age and ill-health, in relation to access to employment, housing, education and other services. The provisions and operation of anti-discrimination law and problems with existing provisions and procedures are critically examined. Reviews of recent literature and decisions from a number of jurisdictions and reports and advance information on major conferences are also published.
- Labor Studies Journal is the official journal of the United Association for Labor Education (UALE, www.uale.org). It is a multi-disciplinary journal covering issues related to work, workers, labor organizations, and labor studies and worker education in the US and internationally.
- Social and Legal Studies was founded in 1992 to develop progressive, interdisciplinary and critical approaches towards socio-legal study. The heart of the journal has been a commitment towards feminist, post-colonialist, and socialist economic perspectives on law. These remain core animating principles. We aim to create an intellectual space where diverse traditions and critical approaches within legal study meet.
SAGE International Law Package
- Common Law World Review seeks to be a forum for in-depth analysis of major legal developments throughout the common law world. To this end, a distinguished team of Corresponding Editors has been brought together to ensure that there is proper consideration of significant legal developments from all parts of the common law world.
- International Criminal Justice Review, peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is dedicated to presenting system-wide trends and problems on crime and justice worldwide. ICJR provides a forum for social scientists to report research findings for policy making with respect to crime and justice through innovative and advanced methodologies. The journal provides a comparative and international overview of law, crime, and justice from a cross-cultural perspective.
- International Journal of Discrimination and the Law is a peer-reviewed journal which encompasses a wide range of areas of discrimination including racism and sex discrimination, the treatment of asylum-seekers and refugees, issues of immigration and nationality, discrimination on grounds of disability, sexual or political orientation, age and ill-health, in relation to access to employment, housing, education and other services. The provisions and operation of anti-discrimination law and problems with existing provisions and procedures are critically examined. Reviews of recent literature and decisions from a number of jurisdictions and reports and advance information on major conferences are also published.
- International Journal of Evidence & Proof is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which aspires to be a truly international, interdisciplinary forum for reporting, evaluating and debating the latest developments in evidence law, proof and procedure broadly conceived. E & P aims to publish articles, case notes and reviews of the highest caliber on any topic of evidentiary significance. Contributions may address any type of legal process (civil, criminal, administrative, disciplinary etc.), utilizing theoretical, doctrinal or critical methodologies or perspectives, and may relate to any legal jurisdiction, whether municipal, international, regional, or global.
- International Journal of Police Science & Management publishes original empirical work, conceptual articles, and theoretical overviews or reviews, as well as articles on good practice or practice evaluation. It seeks to encourage practitioners as well as academics to submit material for publication with a view to advancing knowledge, disseminating good practice and fostering the scientific study of the police and policing. The principal objective of the journal is to facilitate international exchange, stimulate debate and to encourage closer bonds between academic research into the criminal justice system and the practicalities of its day-to-day management of criminal justice organizations including, but not necessarily confined to, the police. Topics such as police operational techniques, crime pattern analysis, crime investigation management, accountability, performance measurement, interagency cooperation and public attitude surveys are welcome.
- International Social Work is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal designed to extend knowledge and promote communication in the fields of social development, social welfare, and human services. Its major focus is on international themes in the delivery of services.
- Prison Journal: An International Forum on Incarceration and Alternative Sanctions, peer-reviewed and published six times a year, is a central forum for studies, ideas, and discussions of adult and juvenile confinement, treatment interventions, and alternative sanctions. Exploring broad themes of punishment and correctional intervention, TPJ advances theory, research, policy, and practice. Also provides descriptive and evaluative accounts of innovative programs and policies, state-of-the-art surveys and reviews, and legal and historical analysis.
SAGE Criminal Justice Package
- Contemporary Drug Problems is a scholarly journal that publishes peer-reviewed social science research on alcohol and other psychoactive drugs, licit and illicit. The journal’s orientation is multidisciplinary and international; it is open to any research paper that contributes to social, cultural, historical or epidemiological knowledge and theory concerning drug use and related problems. While Contemporary Drug Problems publishes all types of social science research on alcohol and other drugs, it recognizes that innovative or challenging research can sometimes struggle to find a suitable outlet. The journal therefore particularly welcomes original studies for which publication options are limited, including historical research, qualitative studies, and policy and legal analyses. In terms of readership, Contemporary Drug Problems serves a burgeoning constituency of social researchers as well as policy makers and practitioners working in health, welfare, social services, public policy, criminal justice and law enforcement.
- Criminal Justice Policy Review, published quarterly, is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal committed to the study of criminal justice policy through quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methodological approaches. CJPR serves as a bridge between academics, policymakers, and practitioners by publishing sound research that addresses important issues in crime and justice and examines the implementation and effectiveness of criminal justice policies, programs, and practices.
- European Journal of Criminology is a refereed journal published by SAGE Publications and the European Society of Criminology. It provides a forum for research and scholarship on crime and criminal justice institutions. The journal published high-quality articles using varied approaches, including discussion of theory, analysis of quantitative data, comparative studies, systematic evaluation of interventions, and study of institutions of political process
- Journal of Criminal Law is a practical tool for students, lecturers and practitioners alike. It provides a detailed analysis of what is happening in the courts-at every level from magistrates’ court right up to the House of Lords and the European Court of Human Rights. Case notes, commentary, and articles are all presented in an easy to digest format. The journal is for anyone involved in the study, practice, and administration of criminal law.
- Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, is an international, interdisciplinary journal for nonprofit sector research dedicated to enhancing our knowledge of nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, and voluntarism by providing cutting-edge research, discussion, and analysis of the field. NVSQ provides a forum for researchers from around the world to publish timely articles from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
- Police Journal reflects the constantly changing landscape within which policing operates. This includes diverse social, political, technological, and organizational activities that affect policing in many countries.
- Police Quarterly, peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is a scholarly journal that publishes theoretical contributions, empirical studies, essays, comparative analyses, critiques, innovative program descriptions, debates, and book reviews on issues related to policing. The only such journal published in North America, PQ seeks to publish both qualitative and quantitative police-related research that emphasizes policy-oriented research of interest to both practitioners and academics.
When HeinOnline was launched in May of 2000, the Law Journal Library was the only available resource and it contained just 25 titles. Today, the Law Journal Library is one of 75 powerful research databases housed under the HeinOnline umbrella, and it contains more than 2,400 titles. All content is available back to inception. HeinOnline will continue to reach out to all types of publishers to bring fresh, relevant content to researchers. For more information and SAGE package pricing, contact marketing@wshein.com. For help searching and navigating in HeinOnline, contact the dedicated support team at (800) 277-6995, email us, or chat with us!