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International Resources

Along with extensive U.S.-specific content, HeinOnline offers a wealth of Canadian, Australian, and European resources, as well as thousands of international government publications, materials relating to foreign and international law, world treaties and constitutions, documents regarding international relations, and more. Browse all of our international resources below.

Australian & Canadian Acts of the Parliament

Access the complete historical and current Acts of the Parliaments of Australia and Canada and the Revised Statutes of Canada.

Australian Law Reform Commission Library

Hundreds of Australian Law Reform Commission documents relating to civil procedure, discrimination, intellectual property, and more.

Brill Nijhoff Journal & Yearbook Collection

Complete archive and current content for more than 40 prestigious journals and nearly 20 yearbooks from Brill publishing.

Canada Supreme Court Reports

The official bilingual Supreme Court Reports of Canada, addressing nearly 10,000 cases and including background information, statutes and regulations, and more.

English Reports

Exact page images of the original bound reprint edition of The English Reports, along with the Statutes of the Realm (1235-1713), and pre-1865 law reports.

European Centre for Minority Issues

A database comprised of European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) documents, including working papers, reports, perspectives, and more.

Foreign & International Law Resources

An online archive of some of the world's most essential international law resources, including publications of the American Society of International Law.

Foreign Relations of the United States

The official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity, including Title 22 and more than 1,000 related works.

Hague Academy Collected Courses Online

The complete archive of the Hague Academy courses, dating back to their inception in 1923, and supplemented by other related works.

Harvard Research in International Law

Access to the reprint of The Harvard Research in International Law: Original Materials and Contemporary Analysis and Appraisal, as well as relevant law reviews.

History of International Law

More than 2,000 titles relating to the history of international law, with specialization in subjects such as war and peace, law of the sea, and more.

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

An interactive online version of AALL's Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, the preeminent multilingual legal journal index.

Israel Law Reports

Digital access to the complete run of the Israel Law Reports, including more than 220 cases, and the Israel Law Review from inception to current.

Kluwer Law International Journal Library

Access to an extensive back-volume collection from Wolters Kluwer, a leading global information services and publishing company.

Law in Eastern Europe

A fully digitized collection of books showcasing the development, enactment, and impact of the rule of law in Eastern Europe.

Law Library of Congress Reports

More than 3,500 reports from the Law Library of Congress on foreign, comparative, and international law—all in one easy-to-navigate collection.

Multinational Sources Compared

A subject and jurisdiction index designed to direct researchers to sources that compare multiple jurisdictions on focused legal subjects.

Nominative Reports (English, Irish, and American)

The most comprehensive collection of rare nominative reports available online from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States. Available individually or as a package.

Open Society Justice Initiative

Reports, handbooks, briefing papers, and more exploring and advocating on issues of human rights and justice.

Parker School Publications

More than 60 publications from the prestigious Parker School of Foreign & Comparative Law at Columbia Law School, as well as Szladit's Bibliography.

Philip C. Jessup Library

The most comprehensive published source for the materials of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.

Philippine Law Collection

Titles discussing subjects such as civil rights, criminal law and procedure, economic reform, trade regulation, and more.

Provincial Statutes of Canada

Containing the provincial statutes for all ten Canadian provinces, as well as public and private acts passed by provincial governments.

Revised Statutes of Canada

Complete coverage of all six revisions from the official printed volumes of the Revised Statutes of Canada in nearly 50,000 pages.

Scottish Legal History

Contains the Stair Society Main (Annual) Series consisting of all volumes from 1936 to present, volumes 1-3 of the Supplemental Series, and more.

Selden Society Publications

A database bringing early English manuscripts, yearbooks, and more to the forefront, providing access to English and American legal history.

UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online)

A partnership with Dandy Booksellers unlocking access to millions of pages of key UK Parliamentary materials, such as Command Papers and Hansard.

United Nations Law Collection

An online database offering researchers a complete digital international law archive of major United Nations legal publications.

U.S. International Trade

Current and historical content relating to U.S. international trade, including USITC publications, legislative histories, scholarly articles, and much more.

U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments

Edited by Ryan Scoville, this is a groundbreaking collection of more than 750 legal and political commitments between U.S. states and foreign governments. Most have never before been published.

U.S. Treaties and Agreements Library

A collection of all U.S. treaties in existence, including those in force and expired, as well as thousands of unpublished treaties and agreements.

World Constitutions Illustrated

Constitutional and government documents from every country currently in existence, as well as thousands of related classic books and articles.

World Treaty Library

A monumental database bringing together works from Rohn, Dumont, Wiktor, and Martens to create the richest collection of world treaties ever available, spanning from 1648 to the present.

World Trials Library

Containing trial transcripts and other critical court documents, as well as trial-related resources such as biographies of great trial lawyers and monographs analyzing the decisions of famous trials.

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